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BÍ-SPELL -- BLÆ-acute;C-ERN 95
Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 68. Þæt hit eáðe mihte beón, ðæt hit þurh bysmrunge (biosm-, beosm-, v. ll.) ætýwde ne forte inlusoria esset visio, Bd. 5, 9; Sch. 593, 17. Fúle bismerunga spurca ludibria (opprobria), Hpt. Gl. 507, 21. [O. H. Ger. bismarunga blasphemia.] v. ge-bismerung.
bí-spell. Add :-- Bíspel paradigma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 3. Þreó ðúsend bigspella Salomon gesette locutus est Salomon tria millia parabolas (1 Kings 4, 32), Hml. Th. ii. 578, 3. Ídele býspelln forbúh inanes fabulas devita, Scint. 213, 5. [v. N. E. D. by-spell.]
bissextus; gen. bissexte The intercalary day of leap-year; also leap-year :-- Sume preóstas secgað þ-bar; bissextus cume þurh þ-bar;,þ-bar; Iosue ábæd æt Gode þ-bar; seó sunne stód stille . . . Nis næ-acute;fre þurh þ-bar; bissextus . . . Bis is twuwa, sextus se syxta, bissextus twuwa syx, for þám wé cweðað on ðám geáre nú tódæg sexta kl. Martii, and eft on merigen sexta kl. Martii, Lch. iii. 262, 7-18. Be rihte bissexte (bisexte, v. l.) de ratione bissexti, Bd. 5, 23; Sch. 698, 1. Þá tída maciað æ-acute;fre ymbe þ-bar; feórðe geár þone dæg and þá niht þe wé hátað bissextum, Lch. iii. 246, 14. [v. N. E. D. bissext.] v. bises.
bísting, e; f. Beestings :-- Býstinc (v. Angl. viii. 451) colostrum, Wrt. Voc. i. 27, 31. Cúhyrde gebyreð, þ-bar; hé hæbbe ealdre cú meolc .vii. niht syððan heó níge cealfod hæfð, and frymetlinge býstinge .xiiii. niht, Ll. Th. i. 438, 19. v. býsting in Dict.
bí-swic (bi-), -swic-. v. be-swic, -swic-.
bita a bit. Add: bitu (-e) (?), e, an; f. :-- Bita frustum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 40. Drége bite bucella sicca, Kent. Gl. 587. Swá swá bita sicut buccellas, Ps. Spl. M. 147, 6. [O. Frs. kor-bita: O. H. Ger. bizzo (-a) buccella, offa : Icel. biti.]
bita a biter. Add: [O. H. Ger. wolf-bizo liciscus.] v. and-, hræd-, næ-acute;der-bita.
bítan. Add: I. to bite with the teeth :-- Ic bíte mandeo, bítende and slítende mordax, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 47, 56. Hé bítes and slítes hine adlidit eum, Mk. R. 9, 18. Bítende (bídtende, L.) &l-bar; bát hine discerpens eum, 1, 26. I a. to bite, gnash the eccen :-- Hí bíton heora téð him tógeánes, Hml. Th. i. 46, 27. II. of a pungent substance :-- Þone yfelan, bítendan wæ-acute;tan, Lch, ii. 60, 23. v. be-, for-bítan.
bíte. l. bite, and add: I. a bite :-- Wiþ næ-acute;dran bite, Lch. ii. 110, 19. Bite morsum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 60. Swá hwilcne swá þæt hors mihte, hit slát and wundode hiora lima mid bitum, Gr. D. 78, 5. I a. of the effect of cancer :-- Ealne þone bite þæs cancres heó áfeormað, Lch. i. 296, 22. I b. fig. :-- 'Eálá deáþ, ic beó þín deáþ, and ic beó þín bite on helle.' Mycelne bite Drihten dyde on helle þá hé þyder ástág, Bl. H. 67, 17. II. the bite, cut of a weapon, &c. :-- Ðæ-acute;r is benda bite and dynta dyne, Wlfst. 114, 23: 209, 17. Gif bánes bite weorð if the bone be cut, Ll. Th. i. 12, 5. (Cf. O. Frs. bénes biti.) [O. Frs. biti: O. Sax. biti (billes): O. H. Ger. biz morsus: Icel. bit; n.] v. grist-bite.
bítel, es; m. A beetle, hammer :-- Nán monn ne gehiérde æxe hlem ne biétles suég absque mallei sonitu, Past. 253, 17. Hé sceal habban æcse, . . . býtel, Angl. ix. 263, 7. Þá blacan bétlas nigro colore (the noun is unglossed), Wrt. Voc. ii. 61. 58. [O. H. Ger. stein-bózil latomus. ] v. býtl in Dict.
bítel a beetle. Substitute: bitela, an; m. A beetle, insect :-- Bitela mordiculus (in a list of insects), Wrt. Voc. i. 24, 18: ii. 58, 11. Bitelum blatis, 127, 10. Bitulum blattis, Txts. 45, 307. Cf. bita.
biter. Add: I. bitter to the taste :-- Biter wyrtdrenc picra, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 18. Ðonne se læ-acute;ce bietre wyrta déð tó hwelcum drence, . . . ðonne bið se deáðbæ-acute;ra wæ-acute;ta ofslægen mid ðæ-acute;m biteran drence, Past. 303, 12-17. Bitrum rancidis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 118, 62. II. bitter to the mind, painful :-- Þá geogoðlustas him swíþe bitere þencaþ, Bl. H. 59, 11. Biterra dirior, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 76. Hwæt is ðienga ðe bietere (biterre, v.l.) sié on ðæs láreówes móde?, Past. 165, 1. Þú mé ne syle on þone biterestan deáð, Bl. H. 229, 26. III. bitter (of feeling), acrimonious, ill-natured :-- Onbærnde mid þæ-acute;re biteran æfeste, Bl. H. 25, 7.
bitere. Add :-- Þú scealt þá sáwle bitere forgyldan, Wlfst. 177, 7: Bl. H. 195, 23. [O. Sax. bittro: O. H. Ger. bittaro.]
biterian. Substitute: To be or become bitter.
biter-lic (?); adj. Bitter :-- Áterlicum oððe biter[licum] gorgoneo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 41, 56. [Icel. bitr-ligr.]
biter-líce. Add :-- Swíþe bitterlíce (biter- v. l.) weópende, Gr. D. 140, 12. Ðæt réðe flód biterlíce (amare) bærnð ðá earman sáula, Dóm. L. 166. Wearð seó móder biterlíce gegremod, Hml. Th. ii. 30, 3.
biter-nes. Add: I. cf. biter, I :-- Ðá bieternesse ðæ-acute;re wyrte . . . se swæc ðæ-acute;re bieternesse, Past. 303, 14-15. II. cf. biter, II :-- Biternys acerbitas (poenarum), An. Ox. 4816. Ágyld þú mé mid biternesse leán, R. Ben. 22, 19. Þes middangeard flýhþ from ús mid mycelre biternesse, Bl. H. 115, 17. III. cf. biter, III :-- Biternes accedia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 9. Yfel biternesse anda, R. Ben. 131, 12. v. ofer-biterness.
biter-wyrde. Substitute: Bitter of speech, given to bitter words, and add :-- Þ-bar; gé ne beón tó biterwyrde, ne bealufulle on móde, Hml. A. 48, 576.
-bitian, -bitung. v. grist-bitian, -bitung.
bitol; m. A bit, bridle. Add :-- Biotul bagulum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 12, 51. On bytole in freno, Bl. Gl. [Icel. bitull (-ill); m. a bit.]
bitt. v. ge-bitt.
bíwan (eó, ý) to rub, polish. [Iesu Crist bæweþþ follc off sinness, Orm. 19719. To clennsenn and to bæwenn, 15153. O. H. Ger. fer-bouuit confectus; ge-beuuit tritus.] v. á-, ge-bíwan, and býwan in Dict.
bi-windla, an; m. ? :-- Onbútan ðone gáran on ðone biwindlan (pi-winðlan, 15), C. D. v. 148, 16.
bí-wist. Add: and es; m. (cf. dæg-, hús-, neáh-wist). Subsistence :-- Ðis is myngung manna bíwiste quorum hoc viaticum sit, Ll. Th. i. 440, 29. Gif hwá hwæt lytles æ-acute;niges bigwistes him sylfum gearcode, reáferas ðone mete him of ðám muðe ábrúdon, Hml. Th. i. 404, 3. On heora bíwiste and on hrægle gehealdene, Bl. H. 185, 16. Þearfum bigwiste syllan, Hml. S. 26, 276. Þá þe on gemæ-acute;num ðingum bigwiste habbað (the monastic orders), Hml. Th. i. 398, 13. Bíwiste stipendia, An. Ox. 4833.
bí-word. Dele: -wyrd, and second passage, and add: An adverb :-- Hig æ-acute;rest ápinsiað þá naman and þá bínaman, . . . syððan hig þá word (verbs) áginnad tó áweganne mid þám bíwordum, Angl. viii. 313, 7. v. bí-wyrde.
bi-wrítan. l. bí wrítan, and see be, C.
bí-wyrde, es; n. A proverb, saying :-- Bíwyrde proverbium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 56. Bíwyrda proverbiorum, An. Ox. 5232. [v. N. E. D. by-word. O. H. Ger. pí-wurti proverbium, parabola.]
bixen, blac. v. byxen, blæc.
blác. Add :-- Blác pallidus, An. Ox. 11, 145. Ðæt bleoh ðæs welhæ-acute;wnan iacintes bið betera ðonne ðæs blácan carbuncules coerulei coloris hyacinthus praefertur pallenti carbunculo, Past. 411, 29. (Cf. seó bláce blegen carbunculus. v. blegen. ) [v. N. E. D. blake. O. Sax. blék: O. H. Ger. bleih pallidus: Icel. bleikr.] v. flód-, heoru-, weder-, wíg-blác; blæ-acute;c, blæ-acute;ce.
blác-ern. Add :-- Blácern lichinus, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 31. Swá is án micel blácern sicut lucerna, Nar. 37, 18. Ðonne þú blácernes behófige, Tech. ii. 126, 1. Man sceal habban . . . leóhtfær, blácern, Angl. ix. 264, 22. v. blæ-acute;c-ern.
blácian. Add :-- Ðá ongan hé cwacian and blácian (pallescere) and swæ-acute;tan, Gr. D. 325, 31: Hml. Th. i. 414, 12. Blácigende pallens, Hy. S. 24, 9. [v. N. E. D. blake, bloke. O. H. Ger. bleihhén pallescere.]
blácung. Add :-- In blácunge (pallore) and on cwacunge þæs untruman mannes, Gr. D. 326, 5. Glædne andwlitan búton blácunge and forhtunge, Hml. Th. i. 72, 27. Se móna blácunge (pallorem) healdende, Hy. S. 35, 11.
bladesian (blat-) ; p. ode. I. to flame, blaze, be hot :-- Bryne &l-bar; bladesige on fíre sóþ lufu flammescat igne karitas, Hy. S. 10, 14. Bladesiendum (blat-, Hpt. Gl. 464, 51) coquentibus, i. assantibus, An. Ox. 2469. II. to emit an odour :-- Bladesiað redoleant, i. spirent, An. Ox. 554. v. next words.
bladesnung (blat-), e; f. Scent, odour :-- Blatesnung flagrantia (cf. Stincende flagrans, 35, 73), Wrt. Voc. ii. 36, 38. v. previous word.
bladesung, e; f. Flaming, blazing, sparkling :-- Blætesunge coruscationes, Ps. Spl. 76, 18.
blæc ink. Add: black matter :-- Deorces sótes blæc furvae fuliginis atramentum, An. Ox. 4159. [v. N. E. D. bleck. O. L. Ger. blac.] v. bóc-blæc; blæcce.
blæc, blac black. Dele last paragraph, and add :-- Blac niger, Wrt. Voc. i. 46, 31: 76, 83. Blac wíngeard brabasca, 30, 16. Blac purpur ferrugo, 40, 41. Hwæþer hé biþ ðe blac ðe hwít, Bt. 41, 4; F. 252, 11. Blacu rammes wul, Lch. i. 356, 11. Þ-bar; deór wæs blæces heówes (atri coloris), Nar. 15, 17. Ðú ne miht wyrcan án hæ-acute;r hwít oððe blacc, Hml. Th. i. 482, 20. Blace berian flavia vel mori, Wrt. Voc. ii. 38, 67. Blaco pulla, 118, 46. Þá blacan, 87, 62. Him wæ-acute;ron þá nebb and þá cleá ealle blace rostro pedibusque nigris, Nar. 16, 16. Hió an Ceóldrýþe hyre blacena tunecena swá þæ-acute;r[a?] hyre leófre beó, Cht. Th. 538, 5. Beátan mid blacum flintum, Hml. S. 11, 99.
blæ-acute;c. Add: I. bright :-- Lég onetteð blæ-acute;c, byrnende, Dóm. 56. Þæs deóres híw, blæ-acute;c brigda gehwæs, Pa. 26. II. pale :-- Blaec thrustfeil bitiligo, Txts. 45, 296. [v. N. E. D. bleach; adj. bleak.] v. blác.
blæ-acute;can. Add: [Icel. bleikja.]: blæc-berie. l. blæc berie. v. blæc.
blæcce, an; f. Black matter :-- Speccan blæccan gefýlede scoriae atramento foedatos, An. Ox. 652. [v. N. E. D. blatch.] v. blæc.
blæ-acute;ce, bléce, es; n. An itching skin-disease :-- Wiþ blæ-acute;ce on andwlitan, Lch. ii. 52, 15, 18, 20, 23. Wið dám micclan líce and wið óðrum giccendum bléce, iii. 70, 28. [Take here passages from Lchdms. given in Dict. under blæ-acute;co.] Bléci viti(li)ginem, Txts. 105, 2117: 114, 107: pruriginem, 111, 24. [v. N. E. D. bleach; sb.] v. blæ-acute;cþa, blác, blæ-acute;c.
blæc-ern. Dele.
blæ-acute;c-ern. Add: -- Blácern lucerna, Wrt. Voc. i. 284, 25: ii. 51, 74. Blæ-acute;cern æ-acute;lan, Past. 43, 2. Þæ-acute;ra eágan scínað nihtes swá leóhte swá blæ-acute;cern (lucernae), Nar. 34, 14. Blæ-acute;cernum lichinis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 51, 75.