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mycelre cleopunge and þus cwæ-acute;don, Guth. 38, 16. III. an appellation, name:--Gecíednysse, clipunge vocabulo, i. nomine, An. Ox. 1503. Clypunge, naman vocabulo, 4847: 4737. Clypunga vocabulorum, i. nominum, 878. IV. articulation:--Þás syndon healfclypiende gecígede, for ðan ðe hí nabbað fulle clypunge, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 6, 3. Hí ne synd ná mid ealle dumbe, ac hí habbað lytle clypunge, 8. V. form of address (of pronouns). v. stefn, II:--Se ðridda hád (the (pronoun of the) third person) hæfð syx clypunga, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 93, 7.

clipur. Add: [v. N. E. D. clip to ring a bell.]

clíþa. l. cliþa, cleoþa, and add:--Cliþa cataplasma, medicamentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 38. Clyþa malagma, i. medicamentum, Hpt. 33, 239, 28. Lácnunge, cliþan cataplasma, An. Ox. 3050. Cleoþan, læ-acute;cedóm, 1973. Éhsealfe, þone hálwendan cleoþan malagma .i. colirium, 3051: malagma, i. unguentum &l-bar; medicina, 5359. Clyþan, 2078. Wyrcan æ-acute;nne clyþan (cliðan, v. l.) tó þæs cynincges dolge, Hml. S. 18, 430. Clám, cliþan tiriaca, An. Ox. 964. Cf. clíþan.

clíþan to stick, cleave. v. æt-clíþende.

cliþe, an; f. Burdock:--Cliþae lappa, Txts. 76, 613. [v. N. E. D. clithe, clithers. O. H. Ger. chleta lappa.] v. clife, and next word.

cliþ-wyrt, e; f. Clivers; rubea minor:--Genim ðá smalan cliðwyrt, Lch. iii. 50, 8. v. clif-wyrt, and preceding word.

cliwen, cleowen. Add: (? clíwen, cleówen; v. N. E. D. clew):--Cleowen glomer, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 72. Clywen (printed clywe; but see Angl. viii. 452), i. 59, 35. Swilce án byrnende cliwen, Hml. S. 31, 937. Cliwenes globi, An. Ox. 492. Cliwene glomere, 457: 3736. Gewint hé (the hedgehog) tó ánum cliewene (cliw-, v. l.), Past. 241, 11. On fýrenum cliwene (cleow-, clyw-, v. ll.), Gr. D. 171, 17. Cleowne (cliowene, v. l.), 272, 15. Suelce se láreów hæbbe án cliwen on his honda, Past. 241, 24. Hí gesáwon fýren cleowen (cleawen, Cockayne) gefeallan and óðre síðe gylden cleowen, Mart. H. 2, 13. Cleowena globos, An. Ox. 1658. v. cleówe.

cloccettan; p. te To palpitate, beat, throb:--Gif se drinca mára biþ, sóna biþ seó wamb gehefegod and cloccet swá swá hit on cylle (fylle ?) slecgete fluctuationes habeant, si id quod redundat, innatet, Lch. ii. 220, 18. [Cf. O. H. Ger. chlocchón palpare, pulsare.]

cloccian. Add: [v. N. E. D. clock.]: -clofa. v. ge-clofa.

clofe, an; f. A buckle:--Clofae, clouae mordacius, Txts. 78, 653.

clott a mass, lump:--Clotte (clottum, Hpt. Gl. 488, 76) massa (picis), An. Ox. 3514. Clot massas, 3846. [v. N. E. D. clot.]

clough. Dele.

clúd. Substitute for bracket at end: [v. N. E. D. cloud], and add:--Cluud scopulus, An. Ox. 8, 219. Clúdes collis, 1548. Fram þám heán clúde (clife, v. l., rupe), Gr. D. 52, 23. Se heort ástáh on ánneh eáhne clúd, Hml. S. 30, 38. Hí gemétton ðone clúd swæ-acute;tende, Hml. Th. ii. 162, 6. Cautes, i. aspera saxa in mari vel torres vel clúdas vel rupes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 129, 30. Clúdas praerupla, Germ. 394, 331. Scylpa, clúda scopulorum, i. saxorum, An. Ox, 642. Clúdum cautibus, i. saxis &l-bar; petris, 2039. Wæ-acute;ron ðreó mynstru ásette on heálicum muntum, and wæs ðám gebróðrum micel frecednys tó ástígenne of þám clúdum tó wæterscípe, Hml. Th. ii. 160, 30. Clúdas rupem, Ps. Spl. 113, 8.

clúdig. Add:--Betwyx clúdige heollstru inter recessus scrupeos, Germ. 399, 447. [v. N. E. D. cloudy.]

clufe. Substitute: clufu, e; f., and add:--Clufu capiclum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 128, 50. [v. N. E. D. clove. Cf. O. H. Ger. chlefo-louh allium.]

clufeht. Add:--Of þæ-acute;re clufihtan wenwyrte, Lch. ii. 128, 7. Þá clufihtan wenwyrt, 276, 5. Clifihtan (cluf-?), 266, 26.

cluf-þung. Add:--Clufþung batrachium, Wrt. Voc. i. 66, 70. Mid æ-acute;ttrigere clufþunge (clyf-, An. Ox. 896) letali toxa, Hpt. Gl. 427, 55. [v. N. E. D. cloffing.]

cluf-wyrt. Add:--Clufwyrt batracion, Wrt. Voc. i. 67, 29. [v. N. E. D. clovewort.]

clugge. Add: (clucggan, clucgan; bellan, v. ll.), Sch. 477, 13.

clumian. For 'Wanl. Catal. 30, 14' substitute: Wlfst. 176, 30: Ll. Th. ii. 308, 20, and add:--Clummiað, Wlfst. 177, 30: 190, 27. [v. N. E. D. clum.]

clúse. Add: I. a bar, bolt:--Tóforan ásete tungan þínre clúsan swígean (claustra silentii), Scint. 214, 9. II. a place that may be locked up, closet; prison:--Clúsan (intra animi) conclave, An. Ox. 3110. III. a narrow passage, pass, defile:--Hé búta þá clúsan on his gewealde hæfde angustias Thermopylarum ingreditur, easque occupatas emuniit, Ors. 3, 7; S. 114, 28, 23. v. mynster-clúse; clýse.

clústor-loc; pl. -locu (not -loca). Substitute for citations:--Clústor&dash-uncertain;loc (clústorlocae, clústerlocae, Ep. Erf. Gll.) clustella, Txts. 51, 481. Clústerloc, Wrt. Voc. ii. 14, 42: 131, 78. Clústerlocu crustra (ærea portarum clustra, Ald. 148, 30), 90, 57.

clút. Add:--Clút pittacium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 117, 32: commisura, 132, 10. Man ledde tó his breóstum bráde ísene clútas swíðe glówende, Hml. S. 37, 162.

clyccan; p. clyhte; pp. clyht To clitch (v. N. E. D. s. v.), to bend, incurve the fingers:--Clyce þíne fingras swilc þú blæchorn niman wille, Tech. ii. 128, 19. v. ge-clyccan.

clýfa. l. clyfa, and v. cleofa: clyfer-féte. v. clifer-féte: clyfian. v. clifian: -clyft. v. ge-clyft.

clympe (?) a lump. v. calwer-clympe. [v. N. E. D. clump.] v. next word.

clympre. Add:--Clympre metallum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 37. Climprum fornicis, Germ. 398, 243. [v. N. E. D. clumper.]

clynan. l. clynnan, clynian; p. ede. I. intrans. To sound, resound; El. 51. II. trans. To cause to sound, knock at a door:--Clyniga ðæt dor pulsare ostium, Lk. R. 15, 25.

clyne. Substitute: clyne, es; n. A mass, lump, ball:--Clyne massa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 66. Clyne globus (astrorum), An. Ox. 23, 40. Clynes globi (lunaris), 492. Trendles, clynes spere (clynes, trendies sphaerae, trendel, clyne sphaera, Hpt. Gl. 489, 22), 3527. Clyne, clotte (of clyne &l-bar; clottum, Hpt. Gl. 488, 76) wæ-acute;ran gecrammede massa (picis) farciuntur, 3514. Clyne massam (piceam), Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 22. God him fram þæt fýrene clyne ádyde þe ofer þá ceastre wæs on þám genipe hangiende, An. Ox. 492 note. Æ-acute;lces kynnes wecg vel óra oððe clyna metallum, Wrt. Voc. i. 34, 67. Leádes clynum mastigiis, ii. 54, 75. Clyno massas (caricarum), ii. 83, 56: 56, 38. Clyna, An. Ox. 2, 260. Clyne, clyna, Hpt. Gl. 496, 68. Cnynas, An. Ox. 3846. Clyna, clystru botros, 2639. [Sile hym þan fæstende etan feówur dayes æ-acute;lc dæ áne clyne, Lch. iii. 134, 33.]

clynian (?) to make into a ball (v. clyne), to enfold:--Clyniende inplicans, Germ. 401, 24.

clypian, clypol. v. clipian, clipol.

clypp, es; m. Embracing, embrace:--On clyppe ge on hleahtre ge on spræ-acute;ce, Angl. xi. 99, 76: 102, 61.

clyppan. Add:--Hé gelæhte hine be þám swuran and cyste and clypte, Hml. S. 30, 336. Þ-bar;te clioppende (cliopende, R.) wæs ut complexus esset, Mk. L. 9, 36.

clypping, e; f. Embracing, embrace:--Hé gefeóll on þæs ceorles clyppinge (hé þone ceorl beclypte, v. l.), Gr. D. 47, 1. v. be-, ymb-clypping.

clýse. v. munt-clýse; clúse.

clýsing. Add: I. closing, stopping; a bar:--Higlísta écer[e] clýsunga (cf. écum loce, R. Ben. 22, 5) wé fordémað scurilitates aeterna clausura dampnamus, R. Ben. I. 26, 14. II. an enclosed place, cloister, closet:--Út ágán mæ-acute;denes módor clýsinga egressus virginis matris clausula, Hy. S. 34, 34. Hé lét þá módor tó þám suna on synderlicre clýsincge, Hml. S. 4, 343. Clýsunga mynstres claustra monasterii, R. Ben. I. 23, 2: 114, 1. Binnon his mynstres clýsingum intra cellae suae claustra, Gr. D. 124, 24. Hé nolde beón gehæfd binnon clýsingum þæ-acute;re burge (binnan þæ-acute;re byrig, v. l.) teneri intra claustra noluit, 110, 14. Þæt hí his sáwle mid him tó hellicum clýsungum gegripon, Hml. Th. i. 414, 11. III. a clause, period, conclusion:--Clýsincg syllogismus, Hpt. Gl. 503, 58. Fulle cwydas, clýsincga periodos, An. Ox. 2849. Clýsinga syllogismos, 2, 291.

clyster. Add:--Clyster botrus, An. Ox. 7, 287. Clystri botrum, Txts. 45, 318. Clystre, Wrt. Voc. ii. 11, 30. Þá feáwa clystru þæ-acute;ra bergena, Gr. D. 57, 18. Clystrum racemis, An. Ox. 3850. Clystru botros, 2639: racemos, 5, 29. Clystra, 2641: butros, Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 83. Botros .i. uvarum globos .i. glyster, An. Ox. 2, 99. Clistro dactilos, 2, 10. Clystro, fingerappla clystra, 472. v. wín-clyster; ge-clystre.

clywe. Dele.

cnæp[p]. For third passage substitute:--Ofer scittisce cneppas trans [s]cotianorum juga, Germ. 397, 539, for bracket at end substitute: [v. N. E. D. knap, knop], and add: I. top of a hill:--On þorndúnes cnep; of ðane cneppe, C. D. iv. 8, 27. II. a button, brooch:--Cnæp fibula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 148, 57.

cnæpling. Add:--Cnæplingc puer .i. infans, An. Ox. 2579. Hé syfonwyntre wæs . . . þá wunode se cnæplingc on Cappadoniscre byrig fíf geár on láre, Hml. S. 3, 9. Cf. cnapa.

cnæ-acute;we. Add: v. eáþ-, on-cnæ-acute;we.

cnafa, an; m. A boy, lad, young man:--Gamenian mid cnafan jocari cum parvulo, Scint. 172, 19. Cnafan þínum puero tuo, Ps. Spl. C. 85, 15. Sýn twégen tó þám sylfan gescyfte cnafan (pueri), Angl. xiii. 410, 640. [v. N. E. D. knave. O. H. Ger. chnabo.] v. mæ-acute;g-cnafa. Cf. next word.

cnapa, cnafa. Dele cnafa (q. v.) and bracket at end, and add: I. a lad:--Cúðberht þá þá hé git cnapa wæs, Hml. S. 26, 279. Sende þone cnapan mid mé send the lad with me, Gen. 43, 8. Geonge cild and stíðe cnapan pueri vel adolescentiores aetate, R. Ben. 53, 21. Geongum cnapum pueris minore aetate, 64, 3. Of þám iungum cnihtum hí álæ-acute;ddon áweg . . . and of þám cnapum ys þæt kynn git gehwæ-acute;r, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 21. II. a (young) man in service, a servant (take here Coll. M. 19, 27: Gen. 22, 3, 5, 19 given under I in Dict.):--Mín cnapa líð on mínum húse lama, Mt. 8, 6: 12, 18. His cnapa wæs áwéd ðurh deófol . . . Se áwyrgeda gást gewát of ðám