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the year 694, which mentions the payment made to Ine by the men of Kent in atonement for the burning of Mul.]

cyne-gird. Take here exs. under cyne-gyrd in Dict., and add:--Swíðe ryht is seó cynegyrd þínes ríces virga recta est virga regni tui, Ps. Th. 44, 8. Hé bícnode hire tó mid his cynegyrde extendit contra eam virgam auream, Hml. A. 97, 181. [Orm. kine&yogh;errde.]

cyne-gold. Add:--Kynegold mid deórwyrþum gimmum ástæ-acute;ned coronam de lapide pretioso, Ps. Th. 20, 3.

cyne-hád. In first passage for '[MS. cyneháde]' read] cynelica hád, v. l.] and add:--Hé nolde beón cyning . . . Ðá weorðmynde cynehádes (kyne-, v. l.) hé fleáh rex fieri noluit; . . . oblatam gloriam culminis fugit, Past. 33, 20.

cyne-helm. Add: I. a crown:--Cynehelme palma, i. corona, An. Ox. 3093. Þ-bar; Vashti cóme tó him mid hire cynehelme, swá swá heora seodu wæs þ-bar; seó cwén werode cynehelm on heáfode, Hml. A. 93, 37. Þriwa hé bær his cynehelm æ-acute;lce geáre, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 32. Ðone écean cynehelm underfón, Hml. S. 23, 209. Cinehelm coronam, R. Ben. I. 31, 14. II. the crown, royal power:--Ealle ðá gyltes ðá belimpeð tó míne kinehelme (ad regiam coronam meam), C. D. iv. 209, 16. [Laym. kine-helm. Cf. O. H. Ger. chuninc-helm diadema.]

cynehelmian; p. ode To crown:--Se geleáfa cynehelmode (coronat) þá mægnu, Prud. 10 a.

cyne-hláford. Add:--Þ-bar; him nán leófre hláford næ-acute;re þonne heora cynehláuord, Chr. 1014; P. 145, 3 note. Se cyning . . . cwæð þ-bar; hé sylf wolde geseón ðá stówe. . . . Férde Florus tó ðám mynstre and his kyne&dash-uncertain;hláford cóm swá swá hí cwæ-acute;don, Hml. S. 6, 230. God hine áwende of Godes dreáme sé ðe ðis áwende, bútan hit mín áne cynehláford sý, C. D. vi. 149, 31. Ærest his cynehláforde æ-acute;nne beáh . . . and ðæ-acute;re hlæ-acute;digan æ-acute;nne beáh, ii. 380, 25. Him láð næ-acute;re þ-bar; hí ongeán heora cynehláford standan sceoldan, Chr. 1048; P. 174, 16. Se Pontisca Pilatus grét his cynehláford Claudium, Nic. 19, 36. [Laym. kine-louerd.]

cyne-hof, es; n. A royal residence, palace:--Cynehof regiam, palatium, Germ. 391, 5.

cyne-lic. Add:--Cynelic toll fiscale tributum, mid cynelicere lage fiscali jure (cf. cyne-dóm, IV), An. Ox. 1454: 4844. Þes weg is kynelic (but v. cyn-lic) this is the king's highway, Angl. viii. 322, 44. Gé sint kynelices preósthádes vos regale sacerdotium, Past. 85, 19. Cynelicere tyrannicae (potestatis), An. Ox. 673. Cynelicere gesettnesse augusto (i. regali) textu, 3447. Wið cynelice ádle, Lch. i. 370, 5. Þá cynelican puplica (strata), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 68. Tó cynelicon geseton ad palatinas (i. regales) zetas, An. Ox. 2996. [Laym. kine&dash-uncertain;lich.]

cynelíce. Add:--Hé wel cynelíce gefeaht he fought right royally, Ors. 5, 13; S. 244, 25. Se cyng him cynelíce gifode, Chr. 994; P. 129, 19.

cynelic-nys. Substitute:--Royalty, kingliness, royal excellence:--Fore his cynelicnesse ge módes ge onsýnes and his geearnuncge wyrþnesse ob regiam ejus et animi et vultus et meritorum dignitatem, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 256, 9.

cyne-mann, es; m. A royal person, a king:--Gelíc geworden wæs ríc heofnæ cynemenn (cyninge, R. homini regi), Mt. L. 22, 2.

cyne-ren. v. cyn-ren.

cyne-ríce. Add: royal power or authority:--Óswoldes cyneríce wearð gerýmed swá þ-bar; feówer þeóda hine underféngon tó hláforde, Hml. S. 26, 104. Næs nán eorðlic cynincg ofer hí cyneríce underféncg, 18, 7. [Laws for a haill country and kinrick, Rob Roy i. 216. v. N. E. D. kin-rick. O. H. Ger. chuni-ríchi regnum, res publica.] Cf. cyning-ríce.

cyne-riht, es; n. A royal right, right belonging to the crown:--Myrce gecuran Eádgár tó cynge, and him anweald gesealden ealra cyne&dash-uncertain;rihta, Cht. E. 202, 18.

cyne-sácerdlic of a royal priest. v. cyne.

cyne-scipe. Dele 'honour,' and add: royal dignity:--Feala óðra cásera ríxodon on heora cynescipes wuldre and on heora anwealdes myrhþe, Hml S. 23, 350. Hí hine on cwearterne bescufon tó sceame his kynescipe, 18, 440. For his micclan cynescipe, Hml. A. 101, 300. Heó hiræ cinehláford bitt for cynescypæ þæt heó móte beón hyre cwydes wyrðe, Cht. Th. 552, 30. Ic (Cnut) beóde þ-bar; hý fylstan þám biscopum tó Godes gerihtum and tó mínum kynescype . . . Gif hwá swá dyrstig sý . . . þ-bar; ongeán Godes lage gá and ongeán mínne cynescype, Cht. E. 230, 16-21. ¶ as a form of address, majesty, royal highness:--Stópon in tó ðám cásere ðá yldestan . . . and þus spræ-acute;con: 'Ealra manna hláford, wé biddað þínne cynescipe þ-bar; þú ne beó dreórig . . . Gyf ðín cynescipe swá cwyð, hit geworden bið sóna þ-bar; . . ., Hml. S. 23, 281-292. Ic gréte þé, leóf, and ic bidde þínne þrymfullan cynescype, 794.

cyne-setl. Add:--Cynesetl solium, Kent. Gl. 557. Ne cóm hé (Christ) tó ðý þæt hé wæ-acute;re on mæ-acute;rlicum cynesetle áhafen, Hml. Th. i. 82, 24. Seó sáwul is þæs líchoman hlæ-acute;fdige, and heó gewissað þá fíf andgitu swá swá of cynesætle, Hml. S. 1, 196. [He set o kineseotle, Kath. 45.]

cyne-stól. Add: I. a throne:--Hé eall mid reádum golde his cynestól geworhte, H. R. 101, 2. II. a seat of government, capital:--Hierusalem, Iudéa cynestól, Hml. Th. ii. 300, 26. Babilon ðe ic self átimbrede tó kynestóle Babilon quam ego aedificavi in domum regni, Past. 39, 17. [Laym. kine-stol a throne. Cf. O. Sax. kuning-stól: O. H. Ger. chuning-stuol.]

cyne-stræ-acute;t. Substitute: The king's highway, a high road:--Cyne&dash-uncertain;stræ-acute;te puplicum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 16.

cyne-þrym. Add: I. royal power:--Ðú áðenes bogan ðínne ofer cyneðrym (super sceptra), Ps. Srt. ii. p. 190, 5. II. royal glory, great glory:--Eádweard kingc wunode þráge on kyneþrymme (kine-, v. l.), Chr. 1065; P. 192, 30. Sancta Hyldan gást wæs gelæ-acute;ded on heofenes cyneþrym, Mart. H. 206, 32.

cyneþrym-lic; adj. Very glorious:--Swíðe cyneþrymlica tácen him beforan samod síðedon, Nap. 15.

cyne-wáden (?); adj. Purple:--Hyre cinewaðenan (-wád-?) cyrtel, Cht. Th. 538, 10. [Cf. O. H. Ger. weitín purpureus.]

cyne-wirþe; adj. Royal, noble:--Kynewyrðe ræ-acute;d hyt ys geþúht and trumlic, Angl. viii. 308, 33. [His kineworþe (kineliche, 1st MS.) lond, Laym. 11026. Of kinewurðe cunne, al of kingen icume, 20768. Swiþe kinewurðe (worþlich, 2nd MS.) hom, 19455. Kineworþe king, C. L. 14. Wið kinewurðe &yogh;eoues &yogh;elden hehliche altis muneribus donare, Kath. 568.]

cyne-wíse. Substitute for translation of first passage 'nihil omnino in re militari ausus est,' and add:--Sum eorðlic æ-acute; is in þæ-acute;re Rómániscan cynewísan (cynne-, v. l.) quaedam terrena lex in Romana republica, Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 68, 24. Ðeós cwén on þám lande manege nytwyrðe dæ-acute;da gefremede Gode tó lofe, and eác on þá kynewísan wel geþéh (she proved too of great advantage to the state), Chr. 1067; P. 202, 17.

cyne-wiþþe. Substitute for references:--Cynewiððan, cyniuuithan ridimiculae, Txts. 93, 1743. Wræ-acute;das, cyaewiþþan redimicula (habent mitrae), An. Ox. 5241: Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 44. Cynewiððan, Hpt. 33, 239, 16.

cyning. Add: , cynig (-eg):--Cynig (kining, R.) rex, Mt. L. 2, 2. Cynig (king, R.), 3. Ðone cining regem . . . cinig rex, 1, 6. Salomones móder ðæs cyniges, 1, 6, margin. Cyningces regnatoris, An. Ox. 4472. Ðæs cyninges tácen is þæt þú wende þíne hande ádúne, and befóh þín heófod ufeweard eallum fingrum on cynehelmes tácne. Cyninges wífes tácen is þæt þú strece onbútan heófod, and sete syððan þíne hand bufon þín heófod, Tech. ii. 128, 23-27. Ne mæg nán man hine sylfne tó cynge gedón, ac þæt folc hæfð cyre tó ceósenne þone tó cyninge þe him sylfum lícað; ac siþþan hé tó cyninge gehálgod bið, þonne hæfð hé anweald ofer þæt folc, Hml. Th. i. 212, 6-9. Tó cynige ad regem, Mk. L. R. 6, 25. Cynegas (-ingas, v. l.) hine wurðodon, Hml. S. 25, 729. v. æfter-, eást-, under-cyning, and cyneg in Dict.

cyning-æ-acute;þe; adj. Entitled to make a king's thane's oath(?):--Sé þe onsacan wille þæs sleges mid áðe, þonne sceal bión on þæ-acute;re hyndenne án kyningæ-acute;ðe (-æ-acute;de, v. l.) (cf. ládige hé hine mid .xi. his gelícena and mid ánum cyninges þægne, 154, 9), Ll. Th. i. 136, 12. [For -æ-acute;þe cf. Goth. uf-aiþjai; pt. Or cyning-æ-acute;þe might be a neuter noun (ja-stem): the old Latin version has 'unum regium jusjurandum.']

cyning-cyn. Add:--Of Francena cyningcynne de gente Francorum regia, Bd. 1, 25; Sch. 53, 8.

cyning-dóm. Dele 'a kingdom,' substitute 'kingship,' 'sovereignty' for 'thy, the kingdom' in extracts, and add: [O. Sax. kuning-dóm: Icel. konung-dómr.]

cyninge, an; f. A queen:--Æfter þæ-acute;re bysne þæ-acute;re hálgan Godes cyningan, Bl. H. 13, 1.

cyninges wyrt. Add:--Cyninges wyrt samsuhthon, Wrt. Voc. i. 69, 7. Cinges wyrt samsuchon, Lch. iii. 305, col. 1.

cyning-gereord(e). Substitute:--Cyninggereordo fercula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 4.

cyning-gierela. Substitute: Royal apparel:--Tenia, honore vel cyninggierela, Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 68. Cf. cyne-gerela.

cyning-ríce, es; n. A kingdom:--For ælre ðére kynga sáwle ðe æfter mé ðyses kynyngríches wældeð, C. D. iv. 229, 26. [v. N. E. D. king-rick. O. H. Ger. chuning-ríchi sceptrum, res publica: Icel. konung&dash-uncertain;ríki.] Cf. cyne-ríce.

cyn-lic convenient. Add:--Þ-bar; ne beó behýddþæs cynlica weg, Angl. viii. 302, 40 (cf. 322, 44). Suá cenlic (cendlic, Ep. Erf) percommode, Txts. 85, 1534. v. un-cynlic, and cine-lic in Dict.

cynlíce. Add:--Forlæ-acute;tan þá gebróðru þe hé æ-acute;r cynlíce underféng fratres deserere quos semel suscepit, Gr. D. 108, 29.

cynnestre, cynning. v. cennestre, cenning.

cynnig; adj. Of good family, noble:--Of cynnigum generosis (natalibus), An. Ox. 7, 299: 8, 230. Cynningum, æþelum, 4149. Cynnegum, Angl. xiii. 36, 240. [All are glosses on Ald. 58, 23.]

cynn-recceniss. Add:--Crístes cynnreccenise (generatio) suæ-acute; wæs, Mt. L. 1, 18. Bóc cynnrecenisse liber generationis, p. 9, 13.

cyn-recen. Dele.

cyn-ren. Add: I. a family, stock, race:--Mid cynrene, mæ-acute;gþe