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druncen-georn. Add :-- Ne mót nán preóst tó druncengeorn wurðan, Ll. Th. ii. 386, 9. Ne sceal mon beón druncengeorn ne oferæ-acute;te (non vinolentus, non multum edax), R. Ben. 17, 15. Næ-acute;fre druncengeorne (ebriosi) nágon Godes ríce, Hml. A. 145, 39. Besceáwigen ðá druncengeornan þ-bar; hí synt micele mæ-acute;ttran ðonne nýtenu, 26. Gif ðá druncengeornan men heora druncennyssa geswícan nellað, 33.
druncenig; adj. Drunken :-- Druncgnia &l-bar; þ-bar;te sé druncenig inebriari, Lk. L. 12, 45.
druncen-læt lentus, Cot. 12. This seems to be the gloss given as :-- Lent, ... dru ... dryncwírig, Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 9. v. druncen; adj.
druncennes. Add :-- Wínes druncennes and synlustas synt forbodene, næs meoloc ne cýse, Ll. Th. ii. 438, 17. Ðá ðe wódlíce drincað ... swá þ hí dwæ-acute;siað for heora druncennyssum. ... Úre Hæ-acute;lend forbeád þá druncennysse, Hml. A. 6, 148. Gif ðá druncengeornan men heora druncennyssa geswícan nellað, 145, 34. v. ofer-druncenness.
druncen-scipe. Substitute for 'Som. Ben. Lye' :-- Gif ðá druncengeornan men heora druncenscipes geswícan nellað, Hml. A. 145, 34. [v. N. E. D. drunken-ship.]
druncen-wille. Add :-- Hé drincð him mid ðæ-acute;m druncenwillum monnum, Past. 120, 13.
druncen-willen; adj. Drunken :-- Ne ðá giétseras, ne ðá druncenwillnan, Past. 401, 29.
drunc-mennen. Add: dunc-mennen (?). [v. O. L. Ger. (Gall.) dunc (-g, -ch) textrina: O. H. Ger. tunch textrinum (-a).]
druncnian. Add: I. to get or be drunk :-- Nelle gé druncnian wíne nolite inebriari vino, Scint. 105, 3. Lof ys micel druncan and ná druncnian (bibere et non inebriari), 107, 1. Níwum wíne druncnian musto madere, Hy. S. 94, 13. Wín, þ-bar; is æ-acute;lces cynnes drinc þe man mæg fore druncnigan vino, hoc est, omnis generis potu quo quis inebriari possit, Ll. Th. ii. 134, 21. Druncniga (druncgnia, L.) inebriari, Lk. R. 12, 45. II. to make drunk :-- Swá hwæt swá druncnað (inebriat) swá wín, Scint. 106, 7. [v. N. E. D. drunken; vb. O. H. Ger. trunkanén, -ón.]
druncning. For 'A drinking' read 'A making drunk.'
drút a friend, beloved one :-- Æ-acute;nlicu Godes drút ... Maria alma Dei genetrix, Maria, Dóm. L. 290. [v. N. E. D. drut. O. L. Ger. drút: O. H. Ger. trút (drút) amicas, sodalis, dilectus.]
drý. Add: gen. drýes, dat. drýe, dat. pl. drým :-- Þá Iudéas þone Hæ-acute;lend genámon ... and sæ-acute;don þ-bar; hé drý wæ-acute;re, Nic. 19, 40. Nectanebases þæs drýs, Ors. 3, 9; S. 126, 25. Hé wearð álýsed frám þæs drýes bendum ... and arn bysmrigende þæs drýes yfeldæ-acute;dum, Hml. Th. ii. 414, 24: 412, 30. Ánes drýes folgere, i. 468, 8. Þá deóflu gecyrdon tó ðám drýe ... Cwæð se apostol tó ðám drý, 416, 9-13. Drýas marsi, An. Ox. 4476. Drías, 2, 338. Dréas arioli, Kent. Gl. 868. Mon sægð þ-bar; drýas tó heora cræftum þysse wyrte (vervain) brúcen, Lch. i. 170, 20. Drýra magorum, An. Ox. 4019. Hí befæston þ-bar; wíf drýum (drým, v. l.) puellam maleficis tradiderunt, Gr. D. 73, 16. [O. Ir. drui.]
-drycnan. v. ge-drycnan,
drý-cræft. Add: I. sorcery, magic :-- Syxte mægen is þ-bar; drýcræft þám men ne dereþ þe hine (agate) mid him hæfð, Lch. ii. 298, 10. Ðín drýcræft ðe tó nánre freme ne becymð, Hml. Th. ii. 414, 14. Ágróf se mon on æ-acute;renum brede drýcræftæs word, Shrn. 141, 16. 'Miht þú ádwæ-acute;scan þæ-acute;ra crístenra drýcræft?' ... 'Beó ic scyldig gif ic his scýncræft ne mæg ádwæ-acute;scan mid mínum drýcræfte,' Hml. S. 14, 54-58. Gif wíf drýcræft begæ-acute;ð si mulier artem magicam exerceat, Ll. Th. ii. 130, 15. Drýcræft wyrcan, 154, 8. II. a magic art or practice :-- Drýcræftas necromantiae, An. Ox. 4, 29. Hé sæ-acute;de þ-bar; hé (Joseph) ðæ-acute;r (in Egypt) drýcræftas geleornode and of þæ-acute;m drýcræftum þ-bar; hé gewunode monige wundor tó wyrcenne, and þ-bar; hé mihte swá wel swefn reccan ... and hé sæ-acute;de þ-bar; hé of þæ-acute;m drýcræfte geleornode godcundne wísdóm. Ors. 1, 5; S. 34, 3-8. Se deófol geswutelað þæ-acute;re wiccan hwæt heó secge mannum, þ-bar; þá beón fordóne þe ðæne drýcræft sécað, Hml. S. 17, 113. Hé wæs fyrmest on þám drýcræftum in magicis operibus primus fuit, Gr. D. 27, 20: Hml. Th. ii. 414, 4. Soroaster cúðe manna æ-acute;rest drýcræftas (magicae artis repertor), Ors. 1, 2; S. 30, 11. III. magical apparatus :-- Se drý nam þone stæf and gewende hám, and genam ealne his drýcræft and bróhte tó ðám apostole, and began hí tó forbærnenne, Hml. Th. ii. 418, 3. [Orm. drí&yogh;crafft.] v. dreó-cræft in Dict.
drý-cræftig; adj. Add: drý-cræftiga, an; m. A sorcerer :-- On þám ylcan tíman þe þá drýcræftigan (malefici) wurdon árásode, Gr. D. 27, 15.
drýegge. v. drýicge.
drygan. l. drýgan, and add: I. to make dry. (1) of a person's action, (a) to dry by wiping, rubbing, &c. :-- Heó his fét mid hire loccum drýgde, Bl. H. 69, 2. Drégde, 73, 19. Hé geseah Godes engel drýgan mid sceátan S&c-tilde;i Laurentius limu, Shrn. 115, 23. Drégende tergens (os suum), Kent. Gl. 1067. (b) to dry by exposure to heat, air :-- Dríg hí on sceade swýþe þearle, Lch. i. 70, 10. Nim heortes sceallan, drýg, wyrc tó duste, 336, 16. Dríg tó duste, 20. (2) of the action of heat, air, &c. :-- Seó hæ-acute;tu drýgð, and seó beorhtnys onlýht, Hml. Th. ii. 284, 35. II. to become dry :-- Drýgeð &l-bar; wisneð aruit, Jn. L. 15, 6.
dryge. l. drýge. Take here the examples given under drige, and add :-- Sumor byð wearm and drígge, Angl. viii. 299, 29. Drége bite bucella sicca, Kent. Gl. 587. Dríg (corrected from driu) gewarð arefacta, Mt. p. 18, 18. Gangende swá swá on drígum, Hml. S. 23 b, 685, Of drýggium (drýgum, v. l.) felle, Past. 346, 5. Gítsung gedrinceð tó drýggum welan, Met. 7, 16. Hond drýgi manum aridam, Mk. L. 3, 1, 3. Drúgi, Lk. p. 5, 4. Drýi, Mt. L. 12, 10. Dríu, p. 16, 14. Druige, Mk. L. 11, 20. Ðerh stówa drýia per loca arida, Mt. L. 12, 43.
dryg-nes. l. drýg-nes, and add :-- Drígnes arida, Wrt. Voc. ii. 7. 25.
drýg-scód; adj. Dry-shod :-- Þæt folc fór betwux þám twám wæterum on þám grunde ealle drýgsceóde, Wlfst. 293, 17.
dryht. Take here last two passages given under driht-ealdor in Dict.
dryht-dóm, es; m. Noble judgement :-- Dryhten dryhtdómas dónde Dominus judicia faciens, Txts. 196, 17.
dryht-ealdor. For brýdguma l. dryhtguma, and add: v. driht-ealdor in Dict.
dryht-ealdormann, es; m. A bridesman :-- Brýdguman and brýde mid gebedum and mid ofringum mæssepreóst sceal bletsian ... and þá drihtealdormen hí healdon, Nap. 17.
dryhten. Add: I. a lord :-- Æþelstán cyning, eorla dryhten, Chr. 937; P. 106, 9. Drihtenna &l-bar; hláforda dominorum, Ps. L. 135, 3. II. the Deity :-- Æt ðæ-acute;m uferran ende Dryhten hlinode, Past. 101, 20. Dryhtna Dryhten Deus deorum Dominus, Ps. Th. 49, 1. Godes, éces Drihtnes, Chr. 937; P. 106, 24. Tó úres Drihtenes byrgene, 1058; P. 189, 19. Eall swá Iudas Scarioth dyde be úre Drihtene, 1087; P. 222, 35. Wé geleófað on Drihten þyses ælþeódigan mannes, Bl. H. 247, 4. [v. N. E. D. drightin.]
dryhten; adj. (?) Lordly, royal :-- Drihtenum Gode domino Deo, Wülck. Gl. 253, 8. Drihtnum Críste, sóðum cyninge domino Christo, vero regi, R. Ben. 1, 9. v. in-dryhten.
dryhten-hold; adj. loyal to one's lord :-- Wes drihtenhold, Gen. 2282. [Icel. dróttin-hollr.]
Dryhten-lic. Add: Of the Lord :-- Eálá þú drihtenlica cempa O tu herilis miles, Hpt. 31, 17, 473. Se drihtenlica æ-acute;rist anastasis dominica, An. Ox. 2753. Drihtenlic gebed, þæt is Pater noster, R. Ben. 41, 13. Þysses drihtenlican þeówdómes dominici servitii, 5, 11. Læ-acute;ran mid ðæ-acute;re drihtenlican láre, Hml. A. 12, 298. Dón æfter þæ-acute;re drihtenlican bisene, 160, 198. 'Þú eart Críst, þæs lifigendon Godes suna.' On ðæ-acute;re drihtenlican andetnysse (in that confession of the Lord), 156, 118. Drihten þé gebletsode on his drihtenlican mihte, 112, 334. Þurh his drihtenlican mihte, 4, 81: Hml. S. 29, 40: Ælfc. T. Grn. 10, 15: Hex. 10, 4. Críst on his godspelle cwæð ... understande he þisne drihtenlican cwyde, Hml. Th. i. 132, 29. Þ-bar; húsel ... þone drihtenlican hláf, Ll. Th. ii. 392, 6. Þa drihtenlican þénunge the Lord's supper, Hml. A. 151, 11. [O. H. Ger. truhtin-líh dominicus: Icel. dróttin-ligr.]
dryht-folc. Add: [Laym. driht-folk: O. Sax. druht-folk.]
dryht-guma. Add: A bridesman :-- Dryhtguma paranimphus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 116, 4, 45: 78, 33: 66, 16: i. 50, 42 (read dryhtguma for brýdguma). [O. H. Ger. truhti-goma paranymphus.] v. dryht-mann.
dryht-lic. Add: Of the Lord :-- Bútan þám drihtlican (drihtenlican, v. l.) gebede, þæt is Pater noster, R. Ben. 38, 15. [Laym. drihtlich.]
dryht-mann, es; m. I. a bridesman :-- Dryhtmon paranimphus, Wrt. Voc. i. 288, 79: An. Ox. 7, 94. II. a warrior, retainer. [Hengest mid his drihtmonnen. Laym. 14715.] v. dryht-guma.
dryht-scipe. Add: [O. Sax. druht-skepi.]
dryht-wémend, -wémere, es; m. A bridesman; paranymphus, An. Ox. 1774. Cf. dryht-guma, -mann.
dryht-weorþ; adj. -weorþa, an; m. Divine; a divine, theologian [as epithet of St. John (GREEK)] :-- Se drihtwurðe (Iohannes) theologe, Hy. S. 126, 14. Ióhannes se drihtwurða wrítere, Hml. S. 15, 200.
drýicge, an; f. A sorceress :-- Cwæ-acute;don Rómware þ-bar; heó wæ-acute;re drýegge, Shrn. 56, 13. Þá þe hér bióð þá mæ-acute;stan drýicgan, and gealdorcræftigan, Nap. 43.
drý-lác (?) sorcery, magic :-- Gif þíne æceras nellaþ wel wexan oþþe þæ-acute;r hwilc ungedéfe þing on gedón bið on drý ( = drýláce) oððe on lybláce, Lch. i. 398, 3.
drý-lic; adj. Of magic, magical :-- Mid drýlices fácnes galdre magicae fraudis necromantia, An. Ox. 2907. Mid drýlicum scínláce magica praestigia, 3261: 4699. Mambres ontýnde ðá drýlican béc (libros magicos) his bréðer, Nar. 50, 13.
drý-man[n], es; m. A magician, sorcerer :-- Hé eóde tó ánum drýmen ... þá gebróhte se drýman þone cnapan tó his deófle, Hml. S. 3, 367. Fela sæ-acute;don þá drýmen þurh deófles cræft, Iamnes and Mambres, 17, 114. Drýmen þe mid dydrunge farað, Hml. Th. ii. 330, 27. Þurh