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S&o-long;&d-bar;fæsto gionuældas folcum justi dominabuntur populis, 86, 36. Gean-wealdiaþ, Ps. L. 48, 15. Ne on sweorde heora geanwealdedan (possede-runt) eor&d-bar;an, 43, 4. Geonwældad (-ed. R.) bi&d-bar;on &l-bar; r&i-long;xa&d-bar; dominantu, Lk. L. 22, 25.

ge-&a-long;nwyrdan; p. de To be in agreement, conspire :-- Ge&a-long;nlæ-long;htan vel ge&a-long;nwyrdan conspiraverant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 134, II. [Cf. O. Sax. &e-long;n-wordi in agreement.]

ge-anwyrde. Substitute: ge-anwyrde in the phrase ge-anwyrde beón. (1) to profess, declare oneself to be :-- Ic eom geanwyrde monuc pro-fessus sum monachum, Coll. M. 18, 28. (2) to make confession of :-- Him man wearp on þ-bar; h&e-long; wæs þes cynges swica and ealra landleóda, and h&e-long; þæs geanwyrde wes (h&e-long; was þas gewyrde, v. l.), þeáh him þ-bar; word of scute his unnþances debuit esse delator patriae, quod ipse cognovit ita esse, licet verbum illud improviso exprimeret, Chr. 1055 ; P. 185, 7.

geap, geáp, geápes. Take all together under geáp, and add: I. curved, bent :-- Geáp curfa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 46. Geápum pandis, 116, 23 : curvis, 21, 16. (1)of a line :-- Geápum &l-bar; geb&i-long;gedum pando, curvo (arcu), Hpt. Gl. 405, 69. Geáp, Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 70. Geápe, 69, 4. On geápum galgan r&i-long;dan, Vy. 33. In &d-bar;&a-long; geápan linde, C. D. iii. 375, 5. On geápan g&a-long;ran westeweardne, v. 173, 6. (2) of a surface, (a) vaulted (of the roof of a house) :-- Ræced hlifade geáp and goldf&a-long;h the hall towered up with roof vaulted and gay with gold, B. 1800: Ruin. 11. Str&u-long;dende f&y-long;r steápes and geápes forswealh eall every roof was burnt, Gen. 2556. Under geápne hr&o-long;f, B. 836. Þ&a-long;s hofu dreórga&d-bar; and þæ-long;s teáfor geápu (these vaulted and red-tiled roofs ?), tigelum sceáde&d-bar; hr&o-long;st-beáges r&o-long;f, Ruin. 31. (b) curved (of a boat), v. sæ-long;-geáp. (c) rounded (of a mountain) :-- Munt is hine ymb&u-long;tan, geáp gylden weal (or under (1) ?), Sal. 256. (d) with convex surface :-- Gim sceal on hringe standan steáp and geáp, Gn. C. 23. II. crafty, clever, astute :-- Geáp callidus, Wrt. Voc. i. 85, 37. S&e-long; þe gehealt þreágincga geáp (astutus) h&e-long; wyr&d-bar;, Scint. 114, l. G&e-long;p (astutus) ealle d&e-long;&d-bar; mid geþeahte, 199, 10. Mann g&e-long;p (uersuttis) bed&i-long;gla&d-bar; ingeh&y-long;d, 94, 17. &A-long;n fox þe is geápest ealra deóra, Shrn. 14, 19. S&e-long; þinc&d-bar; n&u-long; wærrest and geápest þe &o-long;&d-bar;erne mæig besw&i-long;can, 17, 23. [Ne beo &yogh;e noht &yogh;epe (prudentes) to&yogh;ene &yogh;iu seluen. Ðe man is &yogh;iep to&yogh;enes him seluen þ-bar; is smegh o&d-bar;er man to bicharren . . . Estote prudentes sicut serpentes . . . beo&d-bar; giepe alse þe neddre, O. E. Hml. ii. 195, 4-16.]

geáp glosses cornas, Wrt. Voc. i. 287, 39 : ii. 16, 76. [Sievers, Angl. xiii. 325, would read coruas=curuas; but the list of words in which the first example occurs contains no other instance of an adjective, and the second example occurs among a group of words very similar to that in which the first is found: so that cornas seems meant for a noun. Perhaps geáp might be the same form as in earn-geáp; or could it be connected with Icel. gaupa a lynx ?]

geápan. Dele.

-geapl&i-long;ce. l. geápl&i-long;ce, and add: cleverly, cunningly :-- Geápl&i-long;ce collide, ingeniose, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127, 59 ; procaciter, Kent. Gl. 804. Þ&a-long; betealde h&e-long; (Herod) hine sw&i-long;&d-bar;e geápl&i-long;ce, sw&a-long; sw&a-long; h&e-long; wæs snotorwyrde, Hml. Th. i. 80, 9. Hig t&o-long;sceáda&d-bar; þ-bar; stæfgef&e-long;g on þr&y-long;m w&i-long;san geápl&i-long;ce sw&i-long;&d-bar;e, Angl. viii. 313, 17. [Wil he . . . &yogh;epliche speke, Piers P. 15, 183.]

geáp-ness, e; f. Cleverness, cunning, astuteness :-- Wær geápnes argumentum (cf. argumento or&d-bar;once, gleáwnesse, 2, ll), Wrt. Voc. ii. 125, I.

geáp-scipe. Add: cleverness, astuteness :-- G&e-long;pscipe stropha, An. Ox. 18 b, 80. H&e-long; r&i-long;xade ofer Englæland, and hit mid his geápscipe sw&a-long; þurhsmeáde, þ-bar; næs &a-long;n h&i-long;d landes innan Englælande þ-bar; h&e-long; nyste hw&a-long; heó hæfde, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 19. [Swich &yogh;epshipe forbede&d-bar; &d-bar;e apostel þere he sei&d-bar;; 'Nolite esse prudentes aput uosmetipsos' . . . Ðe man note&d-bar; wel his &yogh;iepshipe þe birge&d-bar; him seluen wi&d-bar; his agene soule unfreme . . . To swich &yogh;iepshipe mine&yogh;ede hure Helende his apostles, O. E. Hml. ii. 195, 2-10. Heo færden mid &yogh;eapscipe and mid wisdome, Laym. 2760.]

gear. v. mylen-gear.

geár. Add: (n.) and m. I. as a unit of time-measurement, (1) in the case of (approximately) exact measurement, the number of years being given :-- Þ&a-long; wæs syxte geár Constant&i-long;nes c&a-long;serd&o-long;mes, El. 7. &A-long;nes geáres cild o&d-bar;&d-bar;e lamb anniculus, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 287, 11. W&e-long; ealne þysne geár lifdon mid &u-long;res l&i-long;choman willan, Bl. H. 35, 37. &A-long;n com&e-long;ta ofer ealne geár sceán, Hml. ii. 300, 32. Se here þæ-long;r sæt .i. geár, Chr. 869; P. 70, 4. Þæ-long;r wæ-long;ron gehealdene heora l&i-long;c &a-long;n geár and seofan m&o-long;naþ, Bl. H. 193, 13. Þreó geár, 215, 36. Sume t&e-long;n geár, Bt. 38, 1; F. 194, 7. Ymb xiii geár, Gen. 2302. (2) of indefinite periods of time :-- H&e-long; feala geára lifde, Bl. H. 219, 2 : Bt. 18, 3; F. 66, 18. Wintra fela . . . geára mengeo. Gen. 1726. Geára gongum in the course of time, Cri. 1036: Jul. 693. Æfter feáwum geárum, Bl. H. 99, 8. Æfter geárum, El. 1265. Mænig g&e-long;r, Bt. 29, l; F. 102, 21 note. (2 a) the years of a person's life :-- Geáras m&i-long;ne anni mei, Ps. L. 30, II. Heora dagena t&i-long;d . . . and heora geára gancg, Ps. Th. 77, 32. II. as a chronological unit, (1) for the purposes of the calendar :-- Be &d-bar;æs geáres t&i-long;dum. Annus Solaris hæf&d-bar; . . . twelf m&o-long;n&d-bar;as, and þ-bar; g&e-long;r hæf&d-bar; nigon þ&u-long;send t&i-long;da and seofon hund t&i-long;da and syx and syxtig, Angl. viii. 320, 19. Ðæ-long;re sunnan geár is þ-bar; heó beyrne þone miclan circul zodiacum and gecume under æ-long;lc þæ-long;ra twelf t&a-long;cna, Lch. iii. 244, 20. Heóld þæt Ebreisce folc &d-bar;one forman geáres dægon lenctenlicere emnihte, Hml. Th. i. 100, I. T&o-long; geáres dæge on New Year's day, Chr. 1096 ; P. 232, 17. Þæs geáres during the year 871, 871 ; P. 72, 15. N&u-long; t&o-long; geáre this year, Angl. viii. 327, 10: 329, 36. On þæ-long;m geáre bi&d-bar; þreó hund daga and f&i-long;f and syxtig daga. Bl. H. 35, 22. Is se mæ-long;sta dæ-long;l &a-long;gangen, efne nigon hund wintra and .lxxi. on þ&y-long;s geáre, 119, 2. Wæs se winter þ&y-long; geáre grim, 213, 31. Perseus wæs ealne þone geár R&o-long;m&a-long;ne swencende, Ors. 4, ll; S. 208, 13 : 3, 5 ; S. 106, 10. Þ&a-long; sylfan t&i-long;d s&i-long;de herigeas habba&d-bar; foreweard geár. Men. 6. ¶ used of the time occupied by a revolution of the moon :-- Ðæs m&o-long;nan geár hæf&d-bar; seofon and tw&e-long;ntig daga and eahta t&i-long;da. On &d-bar;&a-long;m fyrste h&e-long; underyrn&d-bar; ealle &d-bar;&a-long; twelf t&a-long;cna þe seó sunne undergæ-long;&d-bar; twelf m&o-long;na&d-bar; . . . þis is þæs m&o-long;nan geár, ac his m&o-long;na&d-bar; is m&a-long;re, Lch. iii. 246, 24-248, 15. (2) for the purposes of calculation in dealing with that which recurs regularly :-- Æt g&a-long;res c&e-long;pinge annuis nundinis, C. D. iv. 209, 20. þ-bar; feoh þe mon &d-bar;&a-long;m ferdmonnum on geáre sellan sceolde. Bt. 27, 4; F. 100, 14. Him t&o-long; m&o-long;se sceal gegangan geára gehwylce . . . þriá þreót&e-long;no þ&u-long;send. Sal. 288. III. the year as made up of the seasons :-- Be þæs monnes mihtum sceal mon þ&a-long; læ-long;ced&o-long;mas sellan . . . and h&u-long; geáres hit sié (according to what time of year it may be), Lch. ii. 238, 22. God biddan þ-bar; h&e-long; him forg&e-long;fe &d-bar;one geár siblice t&i-long;d and smyltelico gewidra and genihtsume wæstmas and heora l&i-long;choman trymnysse, Shrn. 74, n. III a. especially with reference to the yearly renewal of vegetable life :-- His gesceafta weaxaþ and eft waniaþ . . . h&i-long; æ-long;lce geáre weorþaþ t&o-long; ædsceafte. Bt. 34, 10; F. 150, 16. Brengþ eorþe æ-long;lcne westm æ-long;lce geáre, 39, 13 ; F. 234, 14. Gif hit gebyra&d-bar; on geáre (if it happen some year) þæt n&a-long;&d-bar;er ne by&d-bar; . . . ne æceren , ne b&o-long;c ne o&d-bar;er mæsten, Nap. 10, 28. III b. the spring season :-- Þæt geár m&o-long;t brengan bl&o-long;sman, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 22. G&e-long;r by&d-bar; gumena hyht, þonne God læ-long;te&d-bar; hr&u-long;san syllan beorhte bl&e-long;da beornum, R&u-long;n. 12. Wæs folde gebl&o-long;wen, geácas geár budon, G&u-long;. 716. IV. with respect to productivity of the ground, a (good or bad) year :-- Æfter c&o-long;m g&o-long;d g&e-long;r (geár, v. l.) and wæstmberende, Bd. 4, 13 ; Sch. 419, 12. Hærfest hæle&d-bar;um bringe&d-bar; g&e-long;res wæstmas, Gn. C. 9. V. the name of the Runic letter g. See R&u-long;n. 12 above, v. gebann-geár.

geara; adv. v. gearwe.

geára. Take here geára, geáro in Dict. , and add :-- Geára oþþe geóg&a-long;ra jam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 11. Geára gewunan o&d-bar;&d-bar;e gewunede obtani, 65, 3. Þæ-long;m þa geára &a-long;bolgen wæs for manna synnum, Bl. H. 9, 6. Sw&a-long; sw&a-long; geára beboden wæs Godes folce, 35, 19 ; 93, 29. S&e-long; him wæs geára . . . geþeóded, Guth. 52, 6. S&e-long; wæs geára (g&a-long;ra, v. l.) and longe þæ-long;m Godes were in wæ-long;re ge&d-bar;eóded g&a-long;stlices freóndscipes iamdudum uiro Dei spiritales amicitiae foedere copulatus, Bd. 4, 29 ; Sch. 527, 16. N&a-long; ealles full geáre (geáro, v. l.) non ante longa tempora, Gr. D. 228, 5. Þæt wæs geára iú, Kr. 28. &U-long;s geára æ-long;r w&i-long;tgan þ&e-long; t&o-long;weardne sægdon, Bl. H. 87, 10: Met. 20, 52. Þ&a-long; þe æ-long;r wæ-long;ron Godes þ&a-long; gecorenan geára on helle, Bl. H. 103, 11 : Ps. Th. 147, 8. Þ&u-long; gegearwadest geára æ-long;rest þæt þ&u-long; rihte beeódest tu parasti aequitatem, 98, 4 : 121, 2.

geár-b&o-long;t, e; f. Penance extending over a year :-- Þ&a-long;r m&o-long;t t&o-long; b&o-long;te st&i-long;&d-bar;lic dæ-long;db&o-long;t. . . sumon geárb&o-long;te, sumon m&a-long; geára, sumon m&o-long;n&d-bar;b&o-long;te, sumon m&a-long; m&o-long;n&d-bar;a, Ll. Th. ii. 278, II.

gearc (?); adj. Ready, active, quick :-- On orde st&o-long;d Eádweard se langa, gearc (gearo? cf. þ&a-long; flotan st&o-long;don gearowe, w&i-long;ges georne, 72. But see yark ; adj. in D. D. ,

and gearcian) and geornful, By. 274.

gearcian. Add: I. to prepare, make ready :-- H&e-long; sceolde gearcian and dæftan his weig . . . H&e-long; gearca&d-bar; þone weig cumendum Gode, Hml. Th. i. 362, 7-11. Ealle m&i-long;ne &d-bar;ing ic gearcode (omnia parata); cuma&d-bar; t&o-long; þ&a-long;m giftum, 522, 8. Gearcode h&e-long; his fare and t&o-long; Englelande c&o-long;m, Chr. 1091 ; P. 226, 28. H&i-long; gearcodon h&i-long; sylfe t&o-long; w&i-long;ge, Hml. A. 104, 68, 75. Gearcia&d-bar; þ&a-long; þing þe eów gewunelice synd t&o-long; bebyrigunge, Hml. S. 3, 579. H&e-long; h&e-long;t gearcian t&o-long; heora gyftum mænigfealde mæ-long;r&d-bar;a, Hml. A. 95, 103. Þysum is t&o-long; gearcigenne þ&a-long; r&e-long;þestan w&i-long;ta, Hml. S. 24, 21. &E-long;ce brynas gearcigendum eterna incendia preparanti, Angl. xi. 116, 18. I a. to dress food, skins, &c. :-- Ic bicge h&y-long;da and fell and gearkie (praeparo) hig mid cræfte, Coll. M. 27, 29. Gearca &u-long;s gereord-unge, Hml. Th. i. 60, 18. Bere is sw&i-long;&d-bar;e earfo&d-bar;e t&o-long; gearcigenne, 188, 4. II. to present, furnish, supply :-- Gearcaþ wæfers&y-long;ne prestat spectaculum, An. Ox. 1225. Wala gearcode uibices exhibuit, 4488. W&e-long; ne gearcian nullatenus prebeamus, i. adhibeamus, 749. Þæt g&e-long; &a-long;n clæ-long;ne mæ-long;den gearcion Cr&i-long;ste virginem castam exhibere Christo, Hml. A. 30, 140. T&o-long; gearcygenne adhibenda, Wülck. Gl. 251, 19. Gearciende exibens, An. Ox. 4638.

gearcung. Take here gærcung in Dict. , and add :-- Gearkinge lustrationis, An. Ox. 7, 126. Gearc[inge] praeparatione, 3617. H&u-long;-meta dorstest &d-bar;&u-long; g&a-long;n t&o-long; m&i-long;nre gearcunge (the feast I have prepared. Cf. ealle m&i-long;ne &d-bar;ing ic gearcode; cuma&d-bar; t&o-long; þ&a-long;m giftum, 522, 8) b&u-long;ton gyftlicum reáfe?, Hml. Th. i. 530, 2.

gearcung-dæg. Add :-- &O-long;&d-bar;rum dæge þe wæs gearcungdæg (Para-sceuen), Mt. 27, 62. v. gegearcung-dæg; gearwung-dæg.

geár-cyning a king who holds authority only for a year. For Cot.