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-GILL(E) -- GÍMAN 467

cæ-long;;seres t&o-long; seallanne temtantes de tributo Caesaris dando, Mt. p. 19, 5. v. gild; I. 3a.

-gill(e). v. w&i-long;d-gil(l), -gille: gillister, gillistre. v. geolstor.

gilm. Take here gelm in Dict., and add: a wk. pl. occurs :-- Genim þæ-long;re ilcan wyrte g&o-long;dne gelm, Lch. ii. 30, 23 : 60, 5. Gylma manipu-lorum, An. Ox. 5252. Gilmum fasciculi's, 7, 270. Gylmas manipulos, i. fasces, 3431. Gilman, 2366.

gilp powder. For Cot. 181 substitute :-- Gilp scobem (the passage is : Cuspide vexilli scrobem sulcare, Ald. 153, 31), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 23.

gilp. Add: n. (l) pride, arrogance, vainglory :-- Fastus, elatio vel geþungennes vel gelp vel arrogantia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 41. þ-bar; mycele gylp and seó unrihtg&i-long;tsung . . . þ-bar; is eal mycel synn beforan Gode, Bl. H. 53, 21. H&i-long; flugon forhtigende . . . gylp wear&d-bar; gnornra, Exod. 454. Hié gylp besw&a-long;c, w&i-long;ndruncen gewit, Dan. 752. Þ&y-long; læ-long;s him gilp sced&d-bar;e, o&d-bar;&d-bar;e fore þæ-long;re mæ-long;r&d-bar;e m&o-long;d &a-long;st&i-long;ge, Crä. 100: Cri. 684. Gylpes ostenta-tionis (indicium), Wrt. Voc. ii. 87, 22 : 64, 38. Gilpes arrogantiae. 2, 9. T&o-long;þundenes gylpes tumentis iactanti&e-hook;, An. Ox. 5374. Gesticced mid &d-bar;æ-long;re scylde gielpes (gilpes, v. l.) arrogantiae culpa tratisfixus, Past. 217, 6. H&e-long; monna cynne gielpes st&y-long;re&d-bar;, Crä. 105. H&e-long; in gylpe wæs, Dan. 636. Se &a-long;wiergda gæ-acute;st hit læ-long;r&d-bar; &d-bar;one gielp, Past. 463, 30. H&e-long; &a-long;geát gylp wera, Exod. 514. Gylp forb&e-long;gan, An. 1335. Hæfdon hié gielp micel, Gen. 25. H&e-long; on gylp &a-long;st&a-long;g he became proud, Met. 9, 46. Gyddigan þurh gylp micel, Dan. 599 : 695. (v. &i-long;del; III.) (2) action that shows pride, ostentation :-- Ne sylþ h&e-long; hit &u-long;s t&o-long; þon þ-bar; w&e-long; hit h&y-long;don oþþe t&o-long; gylpe syllan, Bl. H. 53, 17. N&o-long; þæt þ&i-long;n aldor æ-long;fre wolde Godes goldfatu in gylp beran, ne þ&y-long; hra&d-bar;or hr&e-long;mde, Dan. 755. Þaelig;t h&e-long; ne &a-long;gæ-long;le gæ-long;stes þearfe ne on gylp geóte, Cri. 818. (3) where pride finds expression in words, boasting :-- Hwæ-long;r beóþ þ&a-long; ungemetlican hleahtras and se leása gylp and ealle þ&a-long; &i-long;dlan word, Bl. H. 53, 18. Ic geh&y-long;re ealog&a-long;lra gylp, yfele spræ-long;ce werod habban, Gen. 2408. Ic com on m&o-long;de from, þæt ic wi&d-bar; þone g&u-long;&d-bar;flogan gylp ofersitte, B. 2528. (3 a) a par-ticular instance of boasting, a boast, vaunt, promise to do great things :-- Ic w&a-long;t hwæt se R&o-long;m&a-long;na gelp sw&i-long;þost is, for þon þe hió monega folc oferwunnan, and monege cyningas beforan hiera triumphan drifon, Ors. 5, l; S. 214, l. ' Þ&u-long; (Babylon) eart m&i-long;n seó mæ-long;re burh þe ic geworhte . . . ´ For þ&a-long;m gylpe h&e-long; forfangen wear&d-bar;, Dan. 613. Hæfde h&e-long; Eást-denum gilp gelæ-long;sted, B. 829. Þ&a-long; hleahtras and þ&a-long; &a-long;rleásan gylpas, Bl. H. 195, 16. (4) glory, applause, fame, name, renown :-- Hwæt r&u-long;medlices o&d-bar;&d-bar;e micellices hæfþ se eówer gilp quid habet amplum magnificumque gloria?. Bt. 18, l ; F. 62, 22 : 19; F. 70, 17. Is þ&e-long; geeówad þ&a-long;ra leásena gesæ-long;lþa anl&i-long;cnes, þ-bar; is æ-long;hta and weor&d-bar;scipe and anweald and gelp (gielp , v. l. Cf. þæt mon seó foremæ-long;re and hæbbe g&o-long;dne hl&i-long;san, 24, I ; F. 82, 10.) habes ante oculos propositam formam felicitatis humanae, opes, honores, potentiam, gloriam, 24, 3 ; F. 84, 20. Bi&d-bar; w&e-long;n l&a-long;&d-bar;licre scome . . . geótende gielp there will be chance of foul shame, good fame will befalling, Fä. 41. G&i-long;tsung gilpes, Met. 7, 15. Gelpes, 10, 13. Gif ic wiste h&u-long; wi&d-bar; þ&a-long;m &a-long;glæ-long;can elles meahte gylpe (with glory) wi&d-bar;gr&i-long;pan, B. 2521. S&e-long; &d-bar;e bi&d-bar; &u-long;p&a-long;hafen mid &d-bar;&y-long; gefeán and mid &d-bar;&y-long; gielpe (gilpe, v. l.) &d-bar;isse worulde quos consolatio gloriae temporalis extollit. Past. 183, 4. Ðonne se mon n&o-long; his &a-long;genne gielp (gloriam) mid ne s&e-long;c&d-bar;, ac &d-bar;æs &u-long;plican Fæder . . . h&e-long; hæf&d-bar; gewitnesse. . . &d-bar;æt h&e-long; hit for Gode dyde, næs for gielpe, 451, 15-18. M&a-long; manna hæfþ m&i-long;celne gilp (gielp, v. l.) . . . for dysiges folces w&e-long;nan, þonne h&e-long; hæbbe for his gewyrhtum plures magnum nomen falsis vulgi opinionibus abstulerunt, Bt. 30, I ; F. 108, 3. Þ&u-long; goda &u-long;ssa gilp gehnæ-long;gdest, An. 1321. H&e-long; nallas on gylp sele&d-bar; beágas he gives not rings to gain glory, B. 1749. v. dol-, &i-long;del-, leás-, unribt-, weorold-gilp.

gilpan. Add: I. to boast. (l) absolute :-- Gelp&d-bar; jactat, Kent. Gl. 1051. Gylpa&d-bar; gramh&y-long;dige, þ&a-long; þ&i-long;n &e-long;htan gloriati sunt qui oderunt te, Ps. Th. 73, 4. Ne m&o-long;t n&a-long;n preóst beón t&o-long; m&o-long;dig ne t&o-long; gilpende, Ll. Th. ii. 386, 10. (2) to boast of (gen), :-- Gif þ&u-long; þæs gilpst, h&u-long; ne gilpst þ&u-long; heora g&o-long;des, næs þ&i-long;nes?, Bt. 14, l; F. 42, 26. Geþenc be &d-bar;æ-long;m ge-byrdum, gif hw&a-long; þæs gilpþ (gelp&d-bar;, v. l.), 30, l ; F. 108, 19. H&e-long; mor&d-bar;res gylpe&d-bar;, B. 2055. Þ&a-long; gealp h&e-long; and fægnode Godes fultumes, Ps. Th. 4, arg. Ð&a-long; h&e-long; ongeat &d-bar;æt hié gulpun hiera fæstenes dum de abstinentiae virtute gloriantium praecepta perstringeret, Past. 313, l. (3) to glory in (inst.) :-- L&i-long;fe ne gielpe&d-bar;, hl&a-long;fordes gifum, Rä. 59, 12. Þ&a-long; hine w&i-long;g begeat, nealles folccyning fyrdgesteallum gylpan þorfte, B. 2874. H&e-long; cwæ&d-bar; þ-bar; h&y-long; gielpan ne þorftan dæ-long;dum wi&d-bar; Dryhtnes meahtum, G&u-long;. 210. (4) with prep. :-- Ðonne &d-bar;æt m&o-long;d for his cræfta geearnunga gilp&d-bar; and orsorgl&i-long;ce fægna&d-bar; on him selfum UNCERTAINUNCERTAINm animus de virtutum meritis laeta apud se securitate gloriatur, Past. 463, 27. T&o-long; þæ-long;m t&i-long;dun þe &u-long;s R&o-long;m&a-long;ne oþw&i-long;ta&d-bar; and t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re genihtsumnisse þe hié &u-long;s ealneg fore giel-pa&d-bar;, þ-bar; &u-long;re ne sién &d-bar;æ-long;m gel&i-long;can, Ors. 4, 7 ; S. 182, 16. Þæt sindon þ&a-long; g&o-long;dan t&i-long;da þe hié ealneg fore gielpa&d-bar;, 5, I; S. 214, 4. T&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;m g&o-long;dan t&i-long;dan þe R&o-long;m&a-long;ne fore gulpon, S. 4, 18. O&d-bar;&d-bar;e h&e-long; for his g&o-long;da mierringe gielpe (glorietur), Past. 149, 20. (5) with clause giving the boast :-- Þ&a-long; w&e-long;nde h&e-long; þæt hit Godes &a-long;gen wæ-long;re; and se deófles man gealp þæt h&e-long; eác sw&a-long; wæ-long;re, Wlfst. 99, 18. Hwæþer &d-bar;&u-long; durre gilpan þ-bar; heora fægernes þ&i-long;n sié? num audes alicujus talium splendore gloriari? Bt. 14, I ; F. 40, 22. Gylpan þ-bar; þ&u-long; mæge Cr&i-long;stes þegnas ofersw&i-long;þan, Bl. H. 175, 32. (6) uncertain construction :-- Ne gilp &d-bar;&u-long; ne innitaris (v. ? Prov. 3, 5), Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 2. (7) with acc.? :-- Sw&a-long; [ne] gylpan þearf Grendles m&a-long;ga [æ-long;nig] &u-long;hthlem þone [the MS. is defective, but as Thorkelin's transcript gives b after sw&a-long; perhaps begylpan may have been the original form : it is not found elsewhere however], B. 2006. II. to speak highly of (gen.), praise, applaud :-- Ic gilpe subplaudo, Wrt. Voc. i. 22, 29. Þ&a-long; gylpaþ applaudunt, An. Ox. 4196. Gulpan, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 5 (this , and the preceding are glosses to Ald. 59, 5) : 3, 38 : 5, 33. Ð&a-long; welwillen-dan sint t&o-long; manianne &d-bar;æt hié su&a-long; gielpan (gilpan, v. l.) hiera niéhstena dæ-long;da sic proximorum facta diligendo laudent, Past. 229, 14. Gelpende subplaudans, Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 46. v. for-gilpan.

gilpen. Take here gilpna in Dict., and add :-- O&d-bar;&d-bar;e se gielpna (gilpna, v. l.) and se &a-long;g&i-long;ta for his g&o-long;da mierringe gielpe, and w&e-long;ne &d-bar;æt h&e-long; sié kystig and mildheort aut cum effuse quid perditur, largum se quasi miserando glorietur, Past. 149, 19. Ðæ-long;m gielpnan (gilpnan, v. l.) bi&d-bar; leófre &d-bar;æt h&e-long; secge on hine selfne gif h&e-long; hwæt g&o-long;des w&a-long;t eligit arrogans bona de se jactari, 217, 14. [The Latin original of Past. 216, 9 is : Bona, si qua sibi occulta sunt, ostentare conatur, atque sic per impatientiam usque ad arrogantiam ducitur.]

gilp-georn. Add: (1) in a favourable sense, v. Dict. (2) in an un-favourable sense, vainglorious, arrogant, proud, boastful. Cf. lof-georn :-- Men beó&d-bar; ofergræ-long;dige woruldgestreóna and t&o-long; manege weor&d-bar;aþ t&o-long; wlance and ealles t&o-long; rance and t&o-long; gylpgeorne erunt homines cupidi, elati, superbi; men shall be covetous, boasters, proud (2 Tim. 3, 2), Wlfst. 81, 15. Ne beón g&e-long; t&o-long; rance ne t&o-long; gylpgeorne, 40, 19. See next word.

gilpgeorn-ness, e ; f. Vainglory, arrogance, pride, boastfullness; jactantia, superbia :-- Þ&a-long; deóflican eahta leahtras. . . &d-bar;æt is. . . gylpgeornys (cf. se seofo&d-bar;a leahter is jactantia gecweden, Hml. S. 16, 300), Wlfst. 68, 16. Hohfulnes and gylpgeornes (cf. se eahteo&d-bar;a leahter is superbia geh&a-long;ten, Hml. S. 16, 306), 188, 37.

gilping, e; f. Boasting, arrogance, vainglory :-- For &i-long;delre gylpincge pro vana gloria, Scint. 144, ll.

gilp-lic. Add : arrogant :-- Pharao him filigde æt &d-bar;&a-long;m h&o-long;n mid his gilplicum riddum, Hml. Th. ii. 194, 23.

gilp-l&i-long;ce. Add: arrogantly :-- Gilpl&i-long;ce arroganter, Wrt. Voc. ii. l, 21. Gylpl&i-long;ce jactanter, Scint. 35, 4, 5 : An. Ox. 954.

gilpna. v. gilpen.

gilp-ness, e; f. Boastfulness, pride :-- Þurh gelpnesse heortan per jac-tantiam cordis, Ps. L. fol. 182 b.

gilp-plega. Add: play that is glorious with pomp, pride and circumstance: gilp-sceaba. After Gen. 96 add: cf. Hæfdon gielp micel, Gen. 25: gilp-spræc. l. -spræ-long;c.

gilte. Add: -- Sw&i-long;nes blæ-long;dran unt&y-long;drendes,; þ-bar; is gylte, Lch. ii. 88, 24.

gim. Add: I. a precious stone :-- Gim þe bi&d-bar; on coches micga flestria, Wrt. Voc. i. 38, 32. Gim gemma, Kent. Gl. 597. Se giem (gim, v. l.) jacintus, Past. 85, 5. Ne mæg hit steorra ne st&a-long;n ne se steápa gim be-sw&i-long;can, Sal. 284, Is seó eággebyrd h&i-long;we gel&i-long;cast gladum gimme, þonne in goldfate smi&d-bar;a orþoncum biseted weor&d-bar;e&d-bar;, Ph. 303. Ð&a-long; giemmas, Past. 135, 3, 4, 16. Gimmas, 7. Gimmas hæfdon bewrigene weor&d-bar;l&i-long;ce wealdes treów, Kr. 16. Sum bi&d-bar; searocræftig goldes and gimma, þonne him gumena weard h&a-long;te&d-bar; t&o-long; mæ-long;r&d-bar;um m&a-long;&d-bar;&d-bar;um r&e-long;nian, Crä. 59. H&e-long; hit gihr&i-long;nade mi&d-bar; golde and mi&d-bar; gimmum, Jn. p. 188, 5. W&i-long;ntreówa bl&o-long;stman beó&d-bar; gimman gel&i-long;ce, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 295, 12. &I-long;s glisna&d-bar; glæs-hl&u-long;ttur gimmum gel&i-long;cast, R&u-long;n. 11. Mon sceal s&e-long;can be sæ-long;waro&d-bar;e and be eá &o-long;frum æþele gimmas, hw&i-long;te and reáde and h&i-long;wa gehwæs, Met. 19, 22 : Bt. 32, 3; F. 118, 17. Gymmas, Coll. M. 27, 7. II. used of the heavenly bodies :-- H&a-long;lge gimmas, sunne and m&o-long;na, Cri. 692. Swegles leóht, gimma gladost, æ&d-bar;eltungla wyn the sun, Ph. 289. II a. where a person is spoken of as a sun :-- Cyning þryml&i-long;ce of his heáhsetle sc&i-long;ne&d-bar;, wlitig wuldres gim, Ph. 516. v. god-, heáfod-, searo-, sine-, tungol-, wæl-, wuldor-gim.

g&i-long;man. Take here g&y-long;man in Dict., and add: I. to take care of (gen.) (l) to treat so as not to injure :-- Hit is f&u-long;llic þingc . . . þæt h&i-long; ne g&y-long;ma&d-bar; heora sylfra æt þ&a-long;m unþeáwe. . . , þæt h&i-long; ne g&y-long;ma&d-bar; heora sylfra, sw&a-long; h&i-long; beþorfton, ac bef&y-long;la&d-bar; h&i-long; selfe, Wlfst. 305, 7-11. (2) to treat so as to restore. (a) to cure. v. g&i-long;m-ness; I :-- Ðone blindo g&e-long;me&d-bar; caecum curat, Mk. p. 3, 20 : Lk. p. 5, 10. From crypelnise g&e-long;me&d-bar; &l-bar; gehæ-long;le&d-bar;, l. G&e-long;mde unhæ-long;lo, Mt. L. 9, 35. G&e-long;mde &l-bar; hæ-long;lde hiá curUNCERTAINvit, 19, 2. L&e-long;c- nade &l-bar; g&e-long;mde, Mk. L. 1, 34. G&e-long;mes curate, Mt. L. 10, 8. G&e-long;ma&d-bar;, Lk. 10, l 9. G&e-long;me &l-bar; gel&e-long;cnia curare, Mt. L. 12, 10. (b) to correct :-- W&e-long; g&e-long;mes &l-bar; boetas corrigimus, Mt. p. 2, 2. G&e-long;mendum correctis, 17, (c) to reprove, v. g&i-long;m-ness ; I. 2 :-- Gife synngiga in &d-bar;ec br&o-long;&d-bar;er, geong and g&e-long;m (corripe) hine; gif &d-bar;ec geh&e-long;res boetend &d-bar;&u-long; bist br&o-long;&d-bar;eres &d-bar;&i-long;nes, Mt. L. 18, 15. (3) to provide for the wants of a person :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e ne g&i-long;m&d-bar; &d-bar;&a-long;ra &d-bar;e his beó&d-bar; dui suorum curam non habet; if any provide not for his own (1 Tim. 5, 8), Past. 139, l. (4) to see after the proper condition of things, attend to :-- H&e-long; su&i-long;&d-bar;e wel giéme&d-bar; &d-bar;&a-long;ra &u-long;terra &d-bar;inga provide exteriora subministrat, Past. 141, 16. G&y-long;me h&e-long; æ-long;g&d-bar;er ge &d-bar;æs s&e-long;lran ge þæs sæ-long;mran, þ-bar; n&a-long;&d-bar;or ne misfare, Angl. ix. 260, 9. Ð&a-long; hæ-long;&d-bar;engylclan &d-bar;&a-long; &d-bar;e þæt templ and þæ-long;ra goda g&y-long;mdon, ii. 482, 33. (4 a) with gen. and acc. :-- H&e-long; g&y-long;m&d-bar; græ-long;del&i-long;ce his teolunge, his gafoles, his gebytlu, Hml. Th.