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ælcum &d-bar;æ-long;ra gerihta &d-bar;e t&o-long; heora hl&a-long;fordd&o-long;me gebyra&d-bar;, v. 142, 33. H&e-long; hæfde þone ræcendd&o-long;m and hl&a-long;fordd&o-long;m þæs mynstres monasterii regimen tenebat, Gr. D. 20, 21. v. riht-hl&a-long;fordd&o-long;m.

hl&a-long;ford-gift. Substitute: hl&a-long;ford-gift, es; m. or n. Grant by a lord (? cf. hl&a-long;ford ; II. 4 a), appointment by a lord to a command(?) :-- Ræ-long;dgiftes &l-bar; hl&a-long;fordd&o-long;mes, hl&a-long;fordgiftes consulatus, i. principatus (the passage is: Si cogente peregrinandi necessitate ilia, cui consulatus vice regimen caeterarum commissum est, externa quaerere regna maluerit, Ald. 5, 26), Hpt. Gl. 412, 65.

hl&a-long;ford-hold; adj. Loyal to a lord :-- Yfele þegnas beóþ heora hl&a-long;fordes fiénd. Gif h&i-long; g&o-long;de beóþ and hl&a-long;fordholde, Bt. 14, l ; F. 42, 24. See next word.

hl&a-long;ford-hyldo. Add: v. rihthl&a-long;ford-hyldu.

hl&a-long;fording, es; m. I. a prince, sovereign :-- Nis n&a-long; m&a-long; hl&a-long;fordinga on worulde þonne tw&e-long;gen, God Ælmihtig and deófol, Wlfst. 298, 7. II. a prince, noble, lord spiritual or temporal :-- Hit wes gesitolad þ&a-long;m hl&a-long;fordingan þ&a-long; þæ-long;ron w&e-long;ron, þæt wes Adelwold bisceof and Ælfst&a-long;n bisceop and Æþelg&a-long;r abbod and Ælfr&i-long;c cild . . . and sw&i-long;&d-bar;æ manega &o-long;&d-bar;ra &d-bar;egenas, C. D. B. iii. 547, 9. [v. N. E. D. lording.]

hl&a-long;ford-lic ; adj. Lordly, heroic, noble :-- Hl&a-long;fordlic heroicus, id est nobile, An. Ox. 18 b, 46.

hl&a-long;ford-scipe. Add :-- Gange &d-bar;æt land t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m &d-bar;e s&e-long; wylle &d-bar;e &d-bar;onne bisceopr&i-long;ces wealde on Wigeraceastre; and hig s&y-long;n æ-long;fre under-þeódde and &d-bar;&a-long;m hl&a-long;fordscipe folhgien &d-bar;e &d-bar;onne bisceop beó, C. D. iv. 137, 22. Ð&a-long; forl&e-long;t se deófoll &d-bar;one ælmihtigan . . . and nolde habban his hl&a-long;fordscipe, Hex. 16, 29 : Hml. A. 2, 42. Þ&a-long; munecas æ-long;fre hefdan þone hl&a-long;fordscipe ofer &d-bar;&a-long; preóstas, Chr. 870 ; P. 284, ll.

hl&a-long;ford-swica. Add :-- Hl&a-long;fordswican losia&d-bar; on ende mid þ&a-long;m getreówleásan deófle þe h&i-long; tihte t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m swicd&o-long;me, Hml. S. 19, 231: 194. T&o-long; helle scylon hl&a-long;fordswican, Wlfst. 203, 25.

hl&a-long;ford-sw&i-long;cung, e; f. Treachery to a lord :-- &U-long;s mon þanne n&e-long;nigre d&e-long;da griml&i-long;cor ne mengaþ, þanne þæs saternesdeges weorces . . . b&u-long;ton manslihte and ciricbryca and hl&a-long;fordsw&i-long;cunga, Wlfst. 225, 28. Uton forlæ-long;tan . . . hl&a-long;fordsw&i-long;cunga, Verc. Först. 167.

hl&a-long;ford-þrymm. es; m. Lordly greatness, majesty :-- For heora woroldwuldre and for hl&a-long;fordbryrnrne, Chrd. 66, 20.

hl&a-long;f-ræce (-u), an; f. An instrument for stirring a fire for cooking :-- Hl&a-long;br&e-hook;cæ rotabulum (rotabulum furca vel illud lignum quo ignis movetur in fornace causa coquendi, Migne), An. Ox. 53, 43. Cf. ofen-raca.

hl&a-long;f-weard, es; m. A steward, major-domo, v. hl&a-long;ford; I 2 d :-- H&e-long; sette hine on his h&u-long;se t&o-long; hl&a-long;fwearde (printed h&a-long;lf-) constituit eum dominum domus suae, Ps. Th. 104, 17.

hlagol For, 'Lye' substitute :-- Ne æ-long;nig man t&o-long; hlagol s&y-long; ne fæ-long;ringa t&o-long; fægen ne eft ne beó t&o-long; orm&o-long;d, Wlfst. 70, 13. Ne beón g&e-long; t&o-long; felawyrde ne ealles t&o-long; hlagole ne eft t&o-long; &a-long;solcene ne t&o-long; unr&o-long;te, 40, 13.

hlanc. Add: loose from emptiness, not filled out.

hland. Substitute: Lant(v. N. E. D., s. v.), urine :-- Hlond lotium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 9. Hlom (hlond?) vel micga, i. 21, 63. Hland, ii. 71, 9. Mid þ&a-long;m f&u-long;lestum hlondes (micgan) stengcum putentissimis lotii nidoribus, An. Ox. 3264: 3274. Hlande lotio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 5. Nim wulle and wæ-long;t mid biccean blonde, Lch. i. 362, 18. Genim hlond, gehæ-long;t mid st&a-long;num, þweah mid þ&y-long; hlonde, ii. 156, 14. Hr&y-long;þeres geallan wiþ gæ-long;ten hland gemenged, 40, 20. Hlond lotia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 9.

hleahtor. Add: I. the action of laughing. (l) as an expression of joy, merriment :-- Plega and hleahtor . . . þæ-long;r wigan sitta&d-bar; on beórsele bl&i-long;&d-bar;e ætsomne, R&u-long;n. 14. Hlehter (risus) eówer on heófunge byþ gehworfen and bliss on gnornunge, Scint. 171, 6. Hlehter s&a-long;re by&d-bar; gemincged, II. Be hlehtre and be w&o-long;pe, I. Hwelce cehhettunge g&e-long; woldon þæs habban and mid hwelcre hleahtre g&e-long; woldon beón &a-long;styred quanta moveris cachinno, Bt. 16, 2 ; F. 52, 5. Dyde ic m&e-long; t&o-long; gomene ganetes hleó&d-bar;or and huilpan sw&e-long;g fore hleahtor wera, Seef. 21. Leahter risum, Scint. 171, 12. (l a) attributed to other than human beings :-- Wæs engla þreát hleahtre bl&i-long;&d-bar;e, Cri. 739. Ic (the devil) þ&a-long; r&o-long;de ne þearf hleahtre herigean, El. 920: An. 1705. (2) as an expression of contempt, scorn :-- Gif þ&u-long; mid þan þeáwe tæ-long;lendra m&e-long; hleahtrige, warna þ&e-long; sylfne þæ-long;r þ&u-long; þ&e-long; hleahtres (leóhtes ?) w&e-long;ne þæt þ&u-long; þæ-long;r ne wur&d-bar;e mid dymnysse þ&y-long;stro &a-long;blend if you after the manner of critics laugh at me, loot to yourself lest where you expect laughter (light f) you can see nothing for the darkness (the Latin is: si more obtrectatoris succensueris, cave, ut ubi lucem putaveris, ne a tenebris obcaeceris), Guth. Gr. 101, 23. Bysmredon of hleahtre deriserunt derisu, Ps. Rdr. 34, 16. Bysmrodon m&e-long; mid hleahtre (printed mildhleahtre) subsannaverunt me subsannatione, Ps. Spl. 34, 19. Þ æt w&i-long;f &a-long;hl&o-long;h wereda drihtnes nalles glædl&i-long;ce, ac heó þone hleó&d-bar;orcwide husce belegde on sefan sw&i-long;&d-bar;e . . . on b&u-long;re &a-long;h&o-long;f hihtleásne hleahtor, Gen. 2387. II. a laugh, a burst or peal of laughter :-- Þ&a-long; higeleáslican ceahhetunga, hlehtras ineffrenatos cachinnos, An. Ox. 3171: Wlfst. 233, 18. v. tæ-long;l-, ungemet-hleahtor.

hleahtor vice. v. leahtor.

hleahtor-bæ-long;re. Substitute: Productive of laughter: :--Ne sceal h&e-long; fela sprecan, ne &i-long;dele word ne hleahtorbæ-long;re (leahtor-, v. l.) multum loqui non amare, verba vana aut risui apta non loqui, R. Ben. 18, 8.

hleahtor-lic. Dele the passage given, for which see leahtor-lic, and add; -- Hlehterlic hit ys wanh&a-long;lnysse t&o-long;brocenre ealles l&i-long;chaman wunda feáwa geswutelian ridiculum est debilitate fracta totius corporis uulnera pauca monstrare, Scint. 38, 7.

hleahtrian; p. ode To laugh to scorn, deride :-- Ealle geseónde m&e-long; hlehtredon &l-bar; tæ-long;ldun [m&e-long;] omnes uidentes me deriserunt me, Ps. L. 21, 8. Gif þ&u-long; mid þan þeáwe tæ-long;lendra m&e-long; hleahtrige, Guth. Gr. 101, 23. (v. hleahtor ; I. 2.)

hleáp a leap, run. [O. H. Ger. hlouf cursus: Icel. hlaup leap.] v. &u-long;t-hleáp.

hleápan. In the last passage for 452 read 482, and add: I. to run, go hastily or with violence, rush :-- H&i-long; gebundon þone bysceop be þ&a-long;m f&o-long;tum on sumne fearr, and þone gegremedon þ-bar; h&e-long; hleóp on unsm&e-long;&d-bar;e eor&d-bar;an, Shrn. 152, l. H&e-long;r R&o-long;dbert þæs cynges sunu hleóp fram his fæder, Chr. 1079; P. 213, 32. Hleópon (so in the [facsimile of the] MS. , not hleówon) hornboran, hreópan friccan, El. 54. Gif h&e-long; &u-long;t hleápe . . . And gif mon þone hl&a-long;ford teó þ-bar; h&e-long; be his ræ-long;de &u-long;t hleópe, Ll. Th. i. 282, 2-5. II. to jump, spring :-- Hé &a-long;wearp his hrægl him of and hleóp on &d-bar;one mere (cf. h&e-long; unscr&y-long;dde hine sylfne and scæ-long;t int&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m mere, Hml. S. II. 211), Shrn. 62, 9. II a. to leap on to a horse; hleápan &u-long;p to mount: v. hleápere; II :-- Hleóp ascendit (equum), An. Ox. 2142. Þ&a-long; h&e-long;t ic þ&a-long; hors gerwan and eóredmen hleápan &u-long;p imperaui equitibus ut ascen-derent equos, Nar. 21, 22. III. to spring up and down, jump about. v. hleápettan :-- H&e-long; gef&e-long;ng his sw&i-long;&d-bar;ran, &a-long;ræ-long;rde hine upp, and h&e-long; hleóp s&o-long;na cunnigende his f&e-long;&d-bar;es hwe&d-bar;er h&e-long; c&u-long;&d-bar;e g&a-long;n (apprehensa manu ejus dextera, allevavit eum . . . Et exsiliens stetit, et ambulabat, Acts 3, 8), Hml. S. 10, 32. IV. of non-material things, where there is rapid extension, to mount up at a bound :-- M&i-long;n unriht m&e-long; hl&y-long;p&d-bar; n&u-long; ofer heáfod iniquitates meae superposuerunt caput meum, Ps. Th. 37, 4. v. oþ-hleápan.

hleápend. v. ofer-hleápend.

hleápere. Add: I. one who runs about the country, a landleaper (v. N. E. D.), vagrant :-- F&i-long;fte cyn is w&i-long;dscriþelra hleápera (circum-cellionum), R. Ben. 135, 20. II. one who mounts a horse, a horse-man, v. hleápan ; II a :-- Hleáperas (-es, MS.), ræ-long;dehere, cerethi, An. Ox. 775. Ineóde ræ-long;dehere mid f&y-long;rhweonlodum crætum and hleáprum on sæ-long;introiuit equitatus Pharaonis cum quadrigis et ascensoribus in mare, Pt. Rdr. 282, 19.

hleápettan; p. te To jump about, skip: -- Cwi&d-bar; seó b&o-long;c þæt h&e-long; &u-long;p &a-long;st&o-long;de and ongunne hleápettan (hleáppettan, v. l.). . . and &a-long; wæs gangende and hleápende (hleappetende, v. l.) and Dryhten herigende, Bd. 5, 2 ; Sch. 560, 5-10. v. hleápan; III.

hleápe-wince. Add :-- Hleápewince cucu, Wrt. Voc. ii. 16, 17: cucurata, Hpt. 33, 240, 26. [With wince, describing the peculiar flight of the bird, compare wancol.] v. læpe-wince.

hleáppettan. v. hleápettan.

hlec. Add: leaky: :-- Hlec (hlecen, MS., but hlec, 2, 480: Hpt. Gl. 529, II), t&o-long;cinen b&a-long;t rimosa, scissurosa barca, An. Ox. 5456. Lecum rimos&e-hook;, Germ. 400, 69. [v. N. E. D. leak; adj. Icel. lekr, leaky.]

hlecan to join. Add: v. t&o-long;-hlecan.

hl&e-long;can ? :-- Grunnian, hl&e-long;can (hl&e-long;tan. Hpt. Gl. 507, 54) grunnire, An. Ox. 4337.

hl&e-long;da. Substitute: hl&e-long;da, an: hl&e-long;de, es; m. A seat, bench :-- Þes hl&e-long;da (hl&y-long;da, hl&e-long;de, v. ll.) hoc sedile, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 34, 3. Man sceal habban . . . hl&y-long;dan, sceamelas, Angl. ix. 264, 20.

hl&e-long;fan. v. &a-long;-hl&e-long;fan.

hleglende. Substitute: hlegelende, hlaegulendi; adj. (ptcpl.) Deep-sounding :-- Hlaegulendi bombosa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 13. Hleglende, 11, 29. (Cf. ? vocibus humanis fantem testantur asellam, garrula quae pridem bombosa fauce rudebat, Ald. 137, 37.)

hlehhan. v. hlihhan: hlemman. Add: v. be-hlemman: hlennan. v. ymb-hlennan : hlenor-teár. For 508, l. 50, 9 : hleó-hræscness. v. hleów-hræscness.

hleomoc. Substitute: hleomoc, es; m. : hleomoce, an; f. Brook-lime :-- Hleomoc fafida, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 3. Hleomoce h&a-long;tte wyrt, seó we&a-long;xe&d-bar; on br&o-long;ce . . . gecn&u-long;wa þ&a-long; hleomocan, Lch. ii. 92, 13-16. Nim lilian and hleomoc, 324, 13: 320, 14: 330, 5, 14, 3. Genim w&a-long;d and hleomocan . . . wyl hleomoc and gearwan, 36, 23-25. Niman leomucan, iii. 38, 17. Genim lemocan, 46, 13. [Leomoc fafida, Lch. iii. 302, col. 2. Leomene favida. Wrt. Voc. i. 139, 37. v. N. E. D. lemeke and brook-lime.]

hleonaþ. Substitute: hleónaþ, es; m. A shelter :-- Ic m&e-long; &a-long;num h&e-long;r e&a-long;&d-bar;e getimbre h&u-long;s and hleónaþ, G&u-long;. 222. v. hleów, and cf. f&o-long;dnoþ for form.

hleónian; p. ode To shelter, protect, take care (hleów) of :-- Ic hæ-long;le and hleónie curam, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 41.

hleór. Add: I. a cheek :-- Lege þ&i-long;ne hand br&a-long;linga t&o-long; þ&i-long;num hleóre, Tech. ii. 121, 3. Leóre 120, 27. Lege þ&u-long; þ&i-long;ne sw&y-long;&d-bar;ran hand under