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with phrase expressing scorn, to laugh to scorn :-- H&e-long; getæ-long;lde his fæder . . . and his to bismere hl&o-long;h, Angl. xi. 2, 53. Hl&o-long;gen men his worda on bysmer (cf. hl&o-long;gan men N&o-long;es worda . . . and bismerodan hine, 216, 28), Wlfst. 206, ii. III. with prep. :-- Ofer hine hig hlihcha&d-bar; (hlichait, Ps. Rdr., hlehha&d-bar;. Ps. Vos., hlæha&d-bar;, Ps. Srt.) super eum ride-bunt, Ps. L. 51, 8. Þeáh þ&e-long; monn hwelces yfeles on hlingc (cf. M. E. to laugh on a person) and þ&u-long; þ&e-long; unscyldigne wite though scorn is poured on you for some evil and you know yourself to be innocent (see Prov. Kmbl. 12 in Dict.), Prov. M. 12. IV. trans. To laugh at, deride, scorn :-- Hl&o-long;gun and t&e-long;ldun hine deridebant eum, Lk. R. 8, 53. v. ge-hlihhan.

hlinaþ. Dele, and see hleónaþ.

hlinc. Add: I. a bank separating strips of arable land on a slope (v. Seebohm, Vill. Comm. p. 5), a bank forming a boundary :-- Andlang &d-bar;æs hlinces on &d-bar;&a-long;ra þreóre acra ende, C. D. v. 71, 6. T&o-long; þæs niþærlangan hlincæs eástendæ; andlang hlincæs &u-long;t on eá, 243, 3. &U-long;p o&d-bar; landscare hlinc; fram &d-bar;&a-long;m hlinche, iii. 434, 3. Andlang mæ-long;rfyrh on &d-bar;ane w&o-long;n hlinc; of &d-bar;æ-long;m w&o-long;n hlince t&o-long; wege; andlang weges t&o-long; mæ-long;rhlince; andlang mæ-long;rhlinces . . . on &d-bar;one mæ-long;rhlinc; &d-bar;onne andlang mæ-long;rhlinces o&d-bar; &d-bar;&a-long;ra þreóra æcera heáfod; &d-bar;onne eft be &d-bar;&a-long;ra þreóra æcera heáfdum on &o-long;&d-bar;erne mæ-long;rhlinc, 414, 9-21. Of twelf ækeran &u-long;t for&d-bar; bufon scortan hlince æt &d-bar;æs f&u-long;rlanges ende, v. III, 6. T&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m hlince . . . t&o-long; mearc-hlince, vi. 33, 20. On bibban hlincg nor&d-bar;æweardnæ; &d-bar;onan be &d-bar;&a-long;ra æcere handheáfdum, v. 256, 14. On wyr&d-bar;hlinc; of wyr&d-bar;hlinc, iii. 76, 36. Andlang &d-bar;&e-long;re ealdan landsceare o&d-bar; þornhlinc; of þornhlinh on-dinnes hlinch; of dinnes hlince, vi. 36, 11-13. On þone hlinc bufan Friþelinga d&i-long;c to the lynk above Frythelyng dyche; ad marginem superius Frythelyng dyche (late versions), C. D. B. ii. 260, 34. I a. land separated by banks (?) :-- T&o-long; burchlinken, C. D. iii. 409, 29. On burh-hlincas; of burhhlincun, 396, 14. II. a rising ground, ridge :-- T&o-long; hæ-long;&d-bar;hylle; &d-bar;onon on st&a-long;nhlinces ende, C. D. iii. 82, 6. Andlang hlinces on þæt s&u-long;þheáfod; þonne &a-long;d&u-long;ne on þæt slæd, 414, 2. Of hlinces heáfod, 420, 27 : v. 217, 21. On &d-bar;æs hlincæs nor&d-bar;ændæ; &d-bar;æt andlang hlincæs s&u-long;&d-bar; on &d-bar;æs cumbæs heáfod ; &d-bar;onon on &d-bar;æs hlincæs wæstændæ, 242, 30-33. Be wirtrune on hlinches br&o-long;c, iii. 410, 5. On earnes hlingc; of earnes hlince, 412, 31. &U-long;p ofer deórhlinc; of &d-bar;&a-long;m hlince t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m beorge, 420, 24. Sw&a-long; seó Læfer scæ-long;t t&o-long; bealdan hlince (cf. scæ-long;t on Byrhtfer&d-bar;es hlæ-long;w, 15), 431, II. On steápan hlince; of steápan hlince, 82, 4. Andlang weges t&o-long; fearnhlince, v. 147, 29. On &d-bar;onæ miclan hlinc; of &d-bar;&a-long;m hlincæ on &d-bar;onæ ford, 256, 17. On clofenan hlinc (cf. o&d-bar; &d-bar;one t&o-long;brocenan beorg &d-bar;e &d-bar;æ-long;r is t&o-long;clofen, ii. 251, 6 : æt &d-bar;&a-long;m litlan t&o-long;clofenan beorge, iii. 421, 9), v. 179, 27. Ofer d&u-long;ne on meós-hlinc westeweardne; &d-bar;onne &a-long;d&u-long;ne on &d-bar;&a-long; &y-long;fre, ii. 172, 26. On cealdan hlinc westeweardne; þonne on wyrtrum oþ cealdan hlinc eásteweardne; on wyrtrum þonne g&i-long;t nor&d-bar;, C. D. B. iii. 682, 13. Of &d-bar;æ-long;re æ-long;c t&o-long; st&a-long;nhlincan, C. D. iii. 78, 36. [v. N. E. D. linch, link.] v. mæ-long;r-, st&a-long;n-hlinc.

hlinc-gel&a-long;d, es; n. A watercourse on a slope (?). The word occurs as a place-name :-- Ðis sind &d-bar;&a-long; landgemæ-long;ru t&o-long; Hlincgel&a-long;de (cf. quoddam ruris praediolum . . . eni solicolae antiquum indiderunt uocabulum æt Lhincgelade, 78, 21), C. D. vi. 79, 4.

hlinc-ræ-long;w, e ; f. The boundary line formed by a link or bank :-- Andlang hlingræ-long;we t&o-long; &d-bar;æs ni&d-bar;ærlangan hlincæs eástendæ; andlang hlincæs æft &u-long;t on eá, C. D. v. 243, 2. Andlang hlincræ-long;wæ . . . &d-bar;onne andlang hegær&e-long;wæ, 255, 35. Andlang &d-bar;&e-long;re ealdan hlinchr&e-long;we, vi. 36, 7. Of &d-bar;&a-long;m andheáfdum on &d-bar;&a-long; hlincræ-long;we (-r&e-long;we, iv. 66, 7) &u-long;p t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re d&i-long;c, iii. 408, 29. Of &d-bar;&a-long;m st&a-long;ne on &a-long;ne hlincræwe o&d-bar; hit cym&d-bar; t&o-long; gr&a-long;fum, 455. I.

hlinian. Add :-- On hlingo (-u, written over o) innitor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 73. I. to recline, lie on a couch for rest (or to eat; in translation of Latin -cumbere forms) :-- Se wulderfulla on godewebbenum beddum hlina&d-bar;, E. S. viii. 473, 18. W&i-long;f ongeat þ-bar;te hlionade (sæt, W. S., accubuit) in h&u-long;s, Lk. L. 7, 37. H&e-long; æt gereordum hlenode on þæs Hæ-long;lendes bearme, Shrn. 32, 18, Se ele gewæ-long;tte þone fl&o-long;r þæ-long;re st&o-long;we þe h&i-long; on hlinedon (incubuerant), Gr. D. 160, 14. Hlioniga (hlinig, L., site, W. S., recumbe) on &d-bar;&a-long; lætemestu st&o-long;wwe . . . bi&d-bar; &d-bar;&e-long; wuldor bifora &d-bar;æ-long;m hlingendum (sittendurn, W. S., discumbentibus), Lk. R. 14, 10, Hlengendes æt gereordum recumbentis, Mt. R. 26, 7. Ð&a-long; &d-bar;e hliongende woeron, Lk. L. 7, 49. II. to lean for support :-- Þ&a-long; stu&d-bar;u þe se bysceop on hleonigende for&d-bar;f&e-long;rde illa destina cui incumbens obiit, Bd. 3, 17; Sch. 269, 18. III. to incline in thought, be favourably disposed to :-- Eallra willa hlinede (hleonade, hleonodon, v. ll.) t&o-long; geh&y-long;ranne þ&a-long; gefeán þæs heofonlican r&i-long;ces omnium uota ad nuper audita caelestis regni gaudia penderent, Bd. 4, 2 ; Sch. 345, 8. v. wiþer-hlinian.

hliniend, es; m. One who reclines :-- Ðrihtenlices breóstes hliniend dominici pectoris accubitor, Hpt. Gl. 414, 57.

hlinung. Add :-- Hlynung (hnylung, MS.) accubitus, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 9. Þ&a-long; forman hlinunga primes recubitus (Mt. 23, 6), An. Ox. 61, 37. v. ge-hlinung.

hl&i-long;p, es; m. Take here hl&y-long;p, es; m., and add :-- Se forma hl&y-long;p, Cri. 720. Ymbe &d-bar;æne saltus lunae, þbæt ys ymbe þæs m&o-long;nan hl&y-long;p, wurdlian, Angl. viii. 308, 16. v. æ-long;, æt-, clif-, ofer-hl&i-long;p.

hl&i-long;p, e ; f. I. a leaping-place, a place to be jumped over (v. N. E. D. deer-leap a lower place in a hedge or fence where deer may leap) :-- On hinde-hl&y-long;p; of hinde-hl&y-long;pe, C. D. iv. 19, 24. ¶ Hindehl&i-long;p occurs as a local name :-- Landes snmne dæ-long;l, &d-bar;æt synd .iii. h&i-long;da &d-bar;e fram c&u-long;&d-bar;um mannum Hindehl&e-long;p is geh&a-long;ten, C. D. iii. 5, 7. II. a precipitous fall in a river (cf. stæþ-hl&i-long;pe), leap as in salmon leap :-- Of &d-bar;æ-long;re ealdan hæcce into pr&e-long;sta hl&y-long;pe, int&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m bece . . . t&o-long; Freóbearnes hlýpe . . . Of ðám æssce tó &d-bar;æ-long;re ældan hl&y-long;pe ; of &d-bar;&a-long;re hl&y-long;pe t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;re ealden wudehæcche . . . of &d-bar;&a-long;m br&o-long;ce t&o-long; &d-bar;an æssce . . . of Werdhæcce t&o-long; eácrofte . . . int&o-long; Æ&d-bar;er&i-long;ces hl&y-long;pe, of &d-bar;&a-long;re hl&y-long;pe int&o-long; wulfhl&y-long;pe, C. D. iv. 157, 4-35. v. hl&i-long;pe.

hl&i-long;p-cumb a valley with steep sides (? cf. stæþ-hl&i-long;pe) :-- Upp t&o-long; hl&y-long;p-cumbe; of hl&y-long;pcumbe, C. D. iii. 204, 19.

hl&i-long;pe, an; f. I. a place to leap from, a place to mount a horse from. v. hleápan; II a. Take here passage under hl&y-long;pa in Dict. II. a place to jump over :-- On hl&y-long;pan ; of hl&y-long;pan. Cht. Crw. 3, 14. T&o-long; hindehl&y-long;pan, C. D. iii. 385, 29. On &d-bar;one holan weg æt hindehl&y-long;pan; þonne of hindehl&y-long;pan, ii. 249, 35. Hyndehl&y-long;pan, 421, 19. III. a precipitous fall in a river (?) :-- Andlang slades t&o-long; Wull&a-long;fes hl&y-long;pan, C. D. iii. 431, 17. T&o-long; preóstan l&y-long;pan, C. D. B. ii. 310, 25. On swealewan hl&y-long;pan . . . t&o-long; swacan hl&y-long;pan, C. D. iv. 27, 13-21. v. hl&i-long;p; f.

-hl&i-long;pe. v. stæþ-hl&i-long;pe.

hlípe-burna, an; m. A brook with a fall in it (?v. hl&i-long;p; II: hl&i-long;pe; III) :-- Of þ&a-long;m cumbe on hl&y-long;peburnan, C. D. iii. 457, 4.

hl&i-long;p-geat (hl&i-long;pe-), es; n. A leap-gate, a low gate in a fence, which can be leaped by deer, while keeping sheep from straying (N. E. D.) :-- Ondlong geardes on &d-bar;æt hl&y-long;pgeat; of &d-bar;æ-long;m hl&y-long;pgeate, C. D. iii. 180, 28. T&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m hl&y-long;pgete; of &d-bar;&a-long;m hl&y-long;pgete &a-long; be wealle, 456, 8. T&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m wealle; of &d-bar;&a-long;m wealle int&o-long; hl&i-long;pgete; of &d-bar;&a-long;m hl&i-long;pgete int&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m hachan, 424, 20. T&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m hl&y-long;pgeate, 77, 16. On þ-bar; hl&i-long;piget; of th&a-long;m hl&y-long;pgete, C. D. B. iii. 44, 20. On &d-bar;æt ealde hl&y-long;peget, C. D. iii. 406, 31.

-hl&i-long;pl&i-long;ce. v. stæþ-hl&i-long;pl&i-long;ce : hl&i-long;rian. Take here hl&y-long;rian in Dict. : hl&i-long;s[e]. v. un-hl&i-long;s[e].

hl&i-long;sa. Add: I. in reference to persons. (l) where knowledge of a person's greatness is widespread, fame :-- His hl&i-long;sa &a-long;sprang t&o-long; Syrian lande, Hml. S. 16, 137. &A-long;sprang his hl&i-long;sa geond þ&a-long; land w&i-long;de, 26, 239. Gif hæle&d-bar;a hwone hl&i-long;san lyste, Met. 10, 1. S&e-long; þe wile w&i-long;sl&i-long;ce æfter þ&a-long;m hl&i-long;san spyrian, þonne ongit he sw&i-long;þe hraþe h&u-long; lytel h&e-long; bi&d-bar;, Bt. 18, I; F. 60, 28. Heora gemynd onweg gew&a-long;t mid þ&a-long;m myclan hl&i-long;san the memory of them passed away along with the great fame (? the Latin is: Periit memoria eorum cum sonitu), Ps. Th. 9, 7. G&e-long; þone hl&i-long;san habban tilia&d-bar; ofer &d-bar;ióda m&a-long; þonne eów þearf sié, Met. 10, 22. (2) where a certain character is attributed to a person, reputation, repute :-- Sint t&o-long; manienne &d-bar;&a-long; &d-bar;e yfel d&e-long;gell&i-long;ce d&o-long;&d-bar; and g&o-long;d openl&i-long;ce, &d-bar;æt h&i-long; ge&d-bar;encen h&u-long; hrædl&i-long;ce se eor&d-bar;lica hl&i-long;sa ofergæ-long;&d-bar; (humana judicia quanta velocitate evolant), Past. 447, 30. G&o-long;d word and g&o-long;d hl&i-long;sa æ-long;lces monnes biþ betera þonne æ-long;nig w&e-long;la, Bt. 13; F. 38, 23. I&o-long;hannes wæs wanigende on his hl&i-long;san, for &d-bar;an &d-bar;e h&e-long; wear&d-bar; oncn&a-long;wen w&i-long;tega, s&e-long; &d-bar;e wæs lytle æ-long;r Cr&i-long;st geteald, Hml. Th. i. 356, 35. Beó &a-long; getreówra &d-bar;onne &d-bar;&e-long; mon t&o-long; w&e-long;ne, &d-bar;&y-long; læ-long;s men w&e-long;nan &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&u-long; n&a-long;ne næbbe b&u-long;ton wi&d-bar; hl&i-long;san (unless you get credit for it), Prov. K. 76. Wilnigaþ monige men anwealdes &d-bar;e hié woldon habban g&o-long;dne hl&i-long;san, þeáh h&i-long; his unwyrþe sién, Bt. 18, I ; F. 60, 26. ¶ used of the Deity, glory :-- Næ-long;fre hl&i-long;san &a-long;h Meotud þan m&a-long;ran þonne h&e-long; wi&d-bar; monna bearn wyrce&d-bar; weldæ-long;dum no more glorious attribute has the Maker than his mercy to man, Az. 85. (2 a) where special characteristics are attributed, reputation (α) for something, the thing expressed (or implied) by a noun :-- Hl&i-long;sa rumusculus (speciali castimonia), An. Ox. 717. Hl&i-long;se singalre opinio crebra (lectionis assiduitate), II. 162. Wilnung ungemetlices hl&i-long;san g&o-long;dra weorca. Bt. 18, l ; F. 60, 24. H&i-long; willa&d-bar; habban &d-bar;one hl&i-long;san h&a-long;ligd&o-long;mes odorem de se extendere sanctae opinionis quaerunt, Past. 439, 34: G&u-long;. 31. (β) of being or doing something, with clause :-- His hl&i-long;sa weóx . . . þæt h&e-long; s&o-long;&d-bar; God wæs. Hml. Th. i. 356, 33. Ne h&e-long; ne scr&i-long;fe &d-bar;æs hl&i-long;san b&u-long;ton h&u-long; h&e-long; ryhtos&d-bar; wyrce, Past. 323, 17. For &d-bar;&a-long;m g&o-long;dan hl&i-long;san (&d-bar;æt hié gifule &d-bar;yncen), 339, 25. Monige menn noldan &d-bar;one hl&i-long;san habban &d-bar;æt hié unwiése sién, nonnulli aestimari hebetes nolunt, 67, 2. Monig mon d&e-long;&d-bar; micel fæsten, and hæf&d-bar; &d-bar;one hl&i-long;san &d-bar;æt h&e-long; hit d&o-long; for forhæfdnesse . . . monig bi&d-bar; &a-long;giéta his g&o-long;da, and wilna&d-bar; mid &d-bar;&y-long; geearnigan &d-bar;one hl&i-long;san &d-bar;æt h&e-long; sié r&u-long;mgiful saepe sub parsimoniae nomine se tenacia palliat, contraque se effusio sub appetta-tione largitatis occultat, 149, 4-8. H&e-long; wæs . . . beorn b&o-long;ca gleáw. Boitius se hæle h&a-long;tte, s&e-long; þone hl&i-long;san geþah, Met. I. 53. Þone eádegan hl&i-long;san faustam famam (Ald. 161, 12), Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 16: 37, 31. (3) report of those who no longer exist :-- Hwæt is hiora here b&u-long;ton se hl&i-long;sa &a-long;n ?, Met. 10, 54. (4) what is told about a person :-- Nis &u-long;s se hl&i-long;sa t&o-long; forswigianne þe be &d-bar;&a-long;m eádegan Gregorie &d-bar;urh ealdra manna sage t&o-long; &u-long;s bec&o-long;m nec silentio praetereunda opinio, quae de beato Gregorio traditione maiorum ad nos usque perlata est, Bd. 2, l; Sch. 108, 20. II. in reference to a thing. (l) fame of something admirable or remarkable :-- Se gesæ-long;liga hl&i-long;sa hire geornfulnesse felix industriae eius rumor, Bd. 4, 23 ; Sch. 472, 16. H&i-long; þancunge dydon