Ixiv RICHARD CLEASBY. 1827-29.

at Cambridge, and also a letter as to his mother's health, which induced him to return
at once to England. With all his generosity, of which these Diaries contain many
proofs, he was not the man to submit to imposition, and in this journey at Dijon he
makes the following entry:

' Had the clerk of the diligence up before the Judge de Paix, and, for insolence relative to the
mistake with my portmanteau, made him pay the expenses of my detention here, 24 francs; got
my portmanteau and went to Paris by diligence.'

On arriving in London he found that his return had been caused by a false alarm.
After spending two months in London, and seeing in particular the Stafford and
Grosvenor galleries, Cleasby took ' a very feeling parting from his parents, and left
London for Liverpool and Dublin.' Passengers who now cross from Liverpool to
Dublin and find the voyage long, may be consoled at finding that it then took 56 hours
to make the passage. On the 15th of August he left Dublin for Bordeaux, where he
arrived on the igth. On the morning of the 2Oth he notes :

' The moment I went out I felt enamoured with the fine Southern climate. Oh, such a change
from Albion's and Erin's shores !'

From Bordeaux he made his way back to Italy, visiting Naples ancl the South,
returning to Rome for the winter. There he stayed till the i8th of March, 1828, on
which day he notes :

' I left Rome with Dr. Bromfield in the carriage of a vetturino, in which were an actress, a
dancer, a Bolognese mezzo-litterato, two canaries, a parcel, and at times a poodle-dog, though he
was in general outside; and proceeded to Ronciglione, where we slept, and ought to have supped,
if there had been anything to eat'

He was now on his way to Vienna, via Trieste, seeing Pola and its amphitheatre
on the road. On the I2th of April he was in Vienna, and on the 22nd he left it for
Dresden, where he arrived on the 24th, and went immediately to his old quarters with
the clergyman at Tharandt; but after staying there not quite a month, he was seized
with a complicated attack of liver and rheumatism, which reduced him ' to an almost
total privation of the use of his limbs, being unable to walk without a stick, in much
pain and scarcely able to stand upright/ In this condition it was not wonderful that
' Carlsbad was considered essential to his recovery,' and that we find him there again
on the ist of June. On the yth of July he left that bath, and after staying till the
3Oth of July in Dresden, diligently learning German, in which he now became proficient,
he started for home on that day, reaching London on the 12th of October.

The object of this visit to England was to pass the winter in Edinburgh in the
study of Scotch metaphysics. There he attended Sir William Hamilton's lectures, as
well as those of Professor Wilson, Dr. Chalmers, and Professors Pillans, Leslie, and
Ritchie. The first he considered not a very pleasing lecturer, though a man of great
erudition and information. Dr. Chalmers reminded him of the pictures of Luther, and
his vast powers of eloquence and argument quite enchanted him. With all these, as well
as with Jeffrey, Cleasby became intimate. On the ist of April, 1829, his work in Edin-*
burgh was at an end, and he thus sums up his experiences: