1840. RICHARD CLEASBY. Ixxxiii

orthographical points relating to the old Scandinavian language, and found him most amiably
communicative. In the afternoon I returned and took a walk with him, and enjoyed from an
eminence on the brink of the town a beautiful prospect.'

On the 28th he says :

5 Passed the forenoon again with Jacob Grimm, and dined with, I suppose I must say, William
Grimm, as he is the married man with the family to whom the menage more especially belongs,
though Jacob lives with them.'

And on the 2Qth :

c I had again the satisfaction of passing my forenoon with J. Grimm, and witnessing his acute-
ness, his fulness of candour, and voidncss of all pedantry and pretentiousness. I shewed him what
I had done at Upsala touching the Codex Argenteus, with which he seemed much pleased, and
noted some points. ... I took tea with the Grimms in the evening, and, after a couple of hours'
chat, left them reluctantly at 9 o'clock. Nothing can be more delightful than the truly
fraternal relation in which these brothers live to one another; one soul seems to animate them
both, although their individual characters appear to me not a little subjectively different. All
their concerns seem to be mutual, one can scarcely perceive to which of them the menage, the wife,
the children, belong; indeed s/ic, when speaking of them both, makes use of the expression " mcine
which in truth, in a circle where there could be a shadow of doubt as to its purity, would
sound somewhat equivocal. Jacob seems to have got over the Göttingen affair better than his
brother; he is more hasty, but once fairly expectorated, is more easily reconciled again; it seems
to prey more on William, who altogether seems to me to have less elasticity, less vigour of
character; he broods more over it; indeed, though doubtless an excellently sterling man, yet there
seems to me a little more sarcasm and more form about him than about his brother, in whom there
is really something of infantine simplicity of manner. I do not know that I ever passed three or
four days more to my mind than those at Cassell, where so much of the instructive was mixed with
the agreeable.'

On the 6th of October he was back at Copenhagen, returning by Hanover, Ham-
burg, and Kiel; and the day after his return there is the usual entry :
' Paid K. Gislason 40 dollars as remuneration for the month of September.'

On the 14th of October we find the following entry :

'A meeting took place this evening at Etatsraad Rafn's rooms, at 7 o'clock, and ended at
IO o'clock, where himself, Etatsraad Finn Magnusen, Registrator Petersen, the two Arna Magnæan
stipendiaries Sivertsen and Gislason, and myself were present, to discuss the orthographical rules to
be observed in the edition of the Islcndinga Sögur about to be published by the Old Nordisk
Selskabet, wherein it was agreed to adhere to the orthography observed by Rask in the /th vol.
of the Fornmanna Sögur, excepting that,—ist, that the circumflex A over the class of words hanum,
vapn, varum, sva, etc., should be exchanged for an acute accent, the same as that used for the
long a in general; 2nd, that the two diphthongs a and œ should be distinguished from one another;
3rd, that where the root has a double consonant this should always be written, even where a third
consonant follows—as " brennda " from at brenna, not " brenda," and " allt" from allr, not " alt,"
etc.; 4th, that the acute accent shall be discontinued over the a, i, and u in -ang, -ing, and -ung.'

On the 16th of the same month he writes in Danish to Finn Magnusen, as head of
the Arna Magnæan Commission :

' Jeg liar alrede opholdt mig i nogen Tid i Kjöbenhavn og have i Sind at blive her endnu i længere
Tid, for at kunne affatte en Ordbog i det gamle islandske Sprog. For ret at kunne udföre dette Arbed,
er det mig magtpaaliggende med Hensyn især til Retskrivning at have Membraner ved Haanden
til fornödent Eftersyn. Jeg tager mig derfor den ærbodige Frihed at bede den Kongelige Com-