on Schmeller and Professor Joseph Miiller, who told him all that had passed since
he was last there ; ' almost all, I regret to say, of a most discouraging nature ; especially
the arbitrary conduct of the king as respects the " Academic der Wissenschaften," in
arrogating to himself the appointment of the President, who had hitherto always been
chosen by the Society; and other acts of violence.' He called on his old friend, Minist-
Rath Holler, 'who almost shed tears at seeing me/ Accompanied by Schmeller he
then saw the new Library, and was shocked to find it built mostly of fir, and about
to be heated by hot air. On the 28th he left Munich for Ratisbon, ' pleased in the
extreme with his very hearty reception by his old friends,' and ' longing for the time
when the situation of his ' Scandinavian labours will allow of his ' transplanting his
head-quarters to Munich : though/ he adds, ' the clearness and intenseness of the light
of the Munich atmosphere has always struck me, yet I think I never remarked it
so strongly, compared with other places where I have resided, as during this visit/
Not for him clearly was Munich, even under the 'violent' Ludwig, what it was to
Gustavus Aclolphus—'a golden saddle on an ass's back.

On the 3Oth he reached Marienbad, just across the Austrian frontier. There
for a month he drinks the Kreutz-Brunn, and bathes in the Schlammbad, that is to
say, ' in a bath of turf or peat, of about hasty-pudding consistency, at a heat of from
twenty-eight to twenty-nine degrees, in which one remains half an hour; and then,
to cleanse oneself, enters a simple water-bath for about ten minutes/ In these
pursuits he remained till the 3Oth of June, when he left Marienbad, ' upon the whole
very well pleased with' his ' residence there/ During his stay he found time to think
of Icelandic, and to write the following letter to Pjeturson :

' 1842, June loth.—Jeg bad Gislason, i Tilfældet at han skulde komme til at reise at over-
levere Dem de Verb & Præposition-Register saa vcl som de to Lister af excerpirte Ord hvilke jeg
efterlod med ham, at bede Dem at fortsætte Læsning hvor hann skulde have ophört; ok Hensynet
med dette Brev er at forandre denne Bestemmelse og tilkjendegive Dem mit Onske at De saa
snart som De faae det skal begynde at læse de to Binde af Sturlunga og fortsætte denne Læsning
med Anvendelsen af saa megen Tid som De kann disponere over indtil min Tilbagekomst, hvilken
vill finde Sted i den förste Hælfte af næste Maaned. De ere allerede tilstrækkeligt i Besiddelsen
af min Plan med Hensyn til den Maade paa hvilken denne Læsning skal udföres og jeg bede
Dem at anvende stor Precision og ikke ovcrgaa Ord som er ikke endnu tagne: hvor de i de
trykte Bind finde stcder over deres Rigtighed de tvivle, kann De gjöre en liden Bemærkning,
og saa kann jeg sammenligne dem med Haandskriftene i Kjöbenhavn; i det Tilfælde Gislason er
bleven i Byen vaer saa god at sige ham, at jeg önskcr Sturlunga læst for (fra?) de Haandskrifter
om hvilke vi talte, jeg haaber siltigst mitte (sic) næsten Maaneds (sic) at træffe dem vel og munter
i Kjöbenhavn og forbliver imicllertid, dercs hengivne Ven


On leaving Marienbad he went to Leipzig, and thence to Berlin, which he reached
on the 2nd of July. He called immediately on Jacob Grimm, who gave him letters to
Kosegarten in Greifswald, and to Professor Hegel, son of the philosopher, in Rostock.
After a chat with Raumer, he called on his old instructor Schelling, who had been called
to Berlin by the king, ' whom/ Cleasby says, ' I found looking on the whole lively and
well. He said he had every reason to be satisfied here, but still I thought did not