work; and all persons turned towards me to thank me.' Then come entries of business
letters till the 3ist of March, when Cleasby wrote to his sister to say that he should
be home between the 8th and the 2Oth of April. Accordingly he paid up his amanu-
enses and his doctor, and to Professor Rafn 100 dollars more in addition to the 150
he had already paid towards Egilsson's Dictionary. On the 8th of April he writes :
' Before leaving ordered my box of slips and that containing the two "control books"
to be sent to Captain Röder's, and left 20 dollars with Fridriksson for this month,
and left him a variety of things to be done in my absence.' On the 15th he returned
to England, and was soon as much occupied as ever with business. He had, however,
taken a specimen of his Dictionary with him ; and on the loth of May he writes : ' Took
back to-day to Taylor's the proof of the first four pages of my Icelandic Prose Dic-
tionary, which I had set up on trial *. There was, unluckily, a great deal to correct,
their not understanding the language making it impossible to know where words ought
to be divided at the end of a line ; and not being used to my writing also no cloubt
does something.' On the i2th he went down to consult his friend Kemble at his cottage
near Rickmansworth, who ' expressed himself highly pleased at the appearance of the
proof/ On the loth he was off to Germany, to try a new bath. This time it was
towards Homburg, then only a rising watering-place, that he turned his steps. He
had better have returned to Carlsbad or Marienbad, for his cure at Homburg did
him little good, though he left it delighted with the scenery. On the loth of June
he returned to England for his last visit. On the lyth he wrote to Copenhagen, to
announce his speedy return, and in particular to Fridriksson, stating that he should
be back at the end of the month, and that he hoped he would have got a good deal
of the work ready which he left him in April, and be ready ' til videre Anvendelse
af Flid;' and to tell Gislason of the time of his return, and to greet him and
Pjeturson heartily. On the igth he paid Messrs. Taylor ^5 iSs. for the six sides
of the Icelandic Dictionary printed as an 'ensample.' During the few next days he
packed up his deeds and effects, and left them in safe custody till his return—which
was never to happen ; and on the 23rd set off in the steamer ' Wilberforce' for Hamburg.
On the 20th he reached Copenhagen, and drove at once to No. 40 B, Gamle Kongens
Gade, 2 Sal., which he had taken in April for the three months ending October ist,
paying for them 75 dollars in advance. He came out as usual bringing presents
to his friends, and, amongst others, to Mr. Ellis, the British Chaplain, with whom
he was very intimate. In stopping at Hamburg he had enclosed proofs of the
specimen of the Dictionary both to Jacob Grimm and Schmeller; but he now found
on reaching Copenhagen that he had brought none of the second and third sheets for
himself. He therefore wrote on the 27th of June to Grimm, begging him to be good
enough to send him the two sheets ' containing the end of af and at—bragd, óúa, and ok?
Cleasby seems to have spent the month of July hopefully enough, in riding and walking
with his friends in the beautiful neighbourhood of the Danish capital; and on the 7th

* A specimen of these is printed at the end of this Memoir.