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for-lög, n. pl. fate, vide forlag II.

FORM, n. [Lat. forma], form, shape, 655 xxxii. 17, 18, xxv. 1, Rb. 360, Fms. xi. 436, (rare.)

for-maðr, m. a 'fore-man,' captain, Fms. vii. 246. ix. 348, xi. 243, 402, Nj. 43, Magn. 486 :-- a master, ruler, Edda (pref.); formaðr konunga, the foremost among kings, Fms. ii. 292; f. annars fólks, the foremost man of other folk, vi. 38. COMPDS: formanns-lauss, adj. without a leader, H. E. i. 562. formanns-skapr, m. leadership, Stj. 50. II. mod. the foreman or captain in a fishing vessel or boat; in many compds, e.g. formanns-hlutr, m. the captains share (of the fish caught).

formann-ligr, adj. leader-like, Fms. vii. 63, Valla L. 203.

for-mál, n. a preface, preamble, 625. 90.

for-máli, a, m. a preamble, Eg. 389, 390, 552; konungr skipaðisk eigi við slíkan formála; Fms. vii. 65; á hverjum gistingar-stað hafði hann (the bishop) formála sjálfr, i.e. saying grace, prayers, or the like, Bs. i. 140: a stipulation, condition, með þvílíkum formála sem ..., Fms. i. 90, Str. 55: a preface, rendering of the mid. Lat. praefatio; in mod. usage, the preface to a book = Germ. vorwort, vorrede.

for-megan, f. [Germ. vermögen], means, wealth, (mod.)

for-meistari, a, m. a head-master, Edda (pref.)

for-menntr, part. well-trained, highly skilled, Finnb. 290; f. á járnsmíð, Fms. xi. 427, Bs. i. 681, 850, ii. 32.

formera, að, mod. forma, vide áforma, (Lat. word), to form, Stj. 14, 20, Bs. ii. and Mar. passim, Magn. 478, Dipl. iii. 5.

formeran, f. form, shape, Stj. 5, 12.

for-merking, f. a symbol, Stj. 281.

for-merkja, t, [Germ. vermerken], to perceive, N. T., Pass. 12.

for-messa, u, f. 'fore-mass,' matins, Fms. vii. 145, viii. 174, ix. 48, Dipl. iii. 4, v. 18.

formi a, m. (Lat. word), the case in which the chalice is kept, Vm. 29, Pm. 71. forma-dúkr, m. id., Pm. 40.

for-mikill, adj. exceeding great, Bs. ii. UNCERTAIN.

for-móðir, f. a 'fore-mother,' ancestress, Stj. 141.

for-myndari, a, m. [Germ. vormund], a ward, of a minor.

for-myrkvast, að, dep. to be eclipsed, for-myrkvan, f. an eclipse.

for-mæla, t, to appoint, El. 21. II. to curse, with dat., N. T.

for-mælandi, part. a spokesman, Hm. 24, 62, Stj. 157, Fms. ii. 45.

for-mælari, a, m. id., Fms. v. 241.

for-mæli, n. pleading, Stj. 603, Fms. vii. 39, Sd. 155, Bs. i. 168: a prescribed form, formula, Grág. ii. 249, Stj. 342 :-- eccl. saying pravers, tíðir ok f., Bs. i. 167; in Vm. 6 it seems to mean the mass or liturgy, = formæla-bók, f. a book of f., Vm. 21.

for-mæling, f. an imprecation; f. íllan finnr stað, Pass. 28. 9.

FORN, adj. [Ulf. fairnis = GREEK; A. S. fyrn; Hel. furn; Swed. forn; lost in Engl.] :-- old; forn vinátta, Eg. 729; forn fjándskapr, old enmity, Nj. 49; forn rök, Ls. 25; fornt vín, old wine, Pr. 472; en forna fold, the old earth, Hým. 24; forn timbr, the old timbers, Akv. 42: inn forni fjándi, the old fiend, Satan, 686 C. 2; forn jötunn, the old giant, Hým. 13; fornar tóptir, old abodes. Gm. 11: stores preserved from the past year are called forn, forn mjöðr, old mead, Skm. 37; fornari hey, K. Þ. K. 163. 2. with the notion of old, worn, rotten, or the like; byrðings-segl várt hið forna, Fms. iv. 259; forn mörr, Bjarn. 29 (in a verse). 3. old, in temp, sense; in the Icel. Commonwealth the old priesthoods were called forn goðorð and forn goðorðsmaðr, an old priest, opp. to the priesthoods instituted along with the Fifth Court, which were termed 'new.' 4. time-honoured, old; forn lög, forn lands-siðr, Bs. i. 682. 5. at fornu, formerly, in times past, Eg. 767, K. Á. 152, D. I. i. 635; til forna, id., cp. Dan. til forn. 6. in old writers forn is often used of the heathen times with the old mythical lore; forn siðr, the old (heathen) rite, Fb. i. 215; fornir menn, the men of old, Eb. 132; á fornum skjöldum, on shields of old, Edda 87; fornar frásagnir, old tales, Hkr. pref.; forn-menn, forn-tíðindi, forn-sögur, the men, lore, or saws of the olden age, (forn-fræði, id.; forn-spjöll); forn átrúnaðr, forn trúa, the old creed, heathenism; forn-kveðit mál or hið forn-kveðna is a standing phrase for an 'old saw,' proverb, the Sagas passim, and vide below. β. metaph. old, i.e. versed in old lore or witchcraft; hann var forn mjök (he was a great wizard) ok hafði jafnan úti setið, Orkn. 234; fróð ok forn í skapi, Ísl. ii. 332, Fb. i. 250 (forneskja).

fornaðr, m., in the phrase, at fornaði, furthermore, Fms. ix. 27, Grág. (Kb.) ii. 85, 145, where Sb. umfram.

fornaðr, part. worn; f. búnaðr, Hkr. i. 90.

for-nafn, n., gramm. a pronoun, Skálda 178, 180, Edda 108, 121.

for-nám, n. an obstacle, Bs. ii. 106, 179 :-- the haft on the hilt (nema fyrir), Stj. 383. Judges iii. 16, 22.

forn-bréf, n. an old deed.

for-nema, nam, to perceive, (the Germ. vernehmen), scarcely in use.

for-nes, n. a promontory, (cp. Furness in Lancashire), Orkn. 442.

forneskja, u, f. the old heathen time, 'heathenesse;' ágætis-mönnum þeim er verit hafa í forneskju, Fms. viii. 6; f. klæða-búnaðr, old-fashioned gear, vii. 321. forneskju-legr, adj. antique looking. II. old lore, witchcraft, Grett. 144, Ísl. ii. 391, Nj. 273; f. ok fjölkyngi, Fms. ii. 134; fremja forneskju, Grett. 150; fara með f., Orkn. 136. forneskju-maðr, m. a sorcerer, Orkn. 136.

forn-fáguligr, mod. forn-fáligr, adj. old and worn out, Fms. iii. 166.

forn-fróðr, adj. skilled in old lore, in a bad sense, of sorcery, Fbr. 163: mod. learned in old things.

forn-fræði, f. old lore (of witchcraft), Fms. iii. 90. β. archæology, (mod.)

forn-fræðingr, m. an antiquarian, a scholar in old lore, (mod.)

forn-gildr, adj. of old standard value, Dipl. v. 20, Ann. 1392.

forn-gripr, m. pl. antiquities. forngripa-safn, n. a collection of antiquities, (mod.)

forn-haldinn, part. time-honoured, Hallfred.

for-njósn, f. looking ahead, Sdm. 27.

forn-konungr, m. an ancient king, Fms. ii. 138, ix. 455, Fs. 21, Skálda 194.

forn-kveðit, n. part. said of old, epithet of old saws, Eg. 520; satt er hit fornkveðna, svá ergisk hverr sem eldisk, Fær. 218, passim; það finnst á mér sem fornkveðit er, að fátt segir af einum, a ditty.

forn-kvæði, n. an old poem, Edda 135. β. a ballad, vide danz.

forn-leifar, f. pl. old relics, antiquities, (mod.)

forn-ligr, adj. old, with the notion of worn out, decayed, Fær. 186, Pm., Fms. ii. 142, Fas. ii. 300; fræði f., old lore, Fms. iii. 90.

forn-maðr, m. a man of the olden time: forn-menn, m. pl. the ancients, in many compds: the old biographies of the kings of Norway edited 1825 sqq. are by the editors (less correctly) called Fornmanna-sögur, instead of the true old name Konunga-sögur or Konunga-æfi.

forn-menjar, f. pl. old relics, antiquities, (mod.)

forn-menni, n. a man of the olden time, Fms. ii. 59.

forn-mæli, n. an old saw, Fas. iii. 365.

forn-mæltr, part. = fornkveðit, Fms. vi. 4.

forn-orðr, adj. using old phrases, (mod.) II. swearing, Bs. i. 712.

forn-ortr, part. composed in olden time, Þiðr. 2.

forn-rit, n. pl. old writings, (mod.)

forn-saga, u, f. an old tale, esp. of the mythical age, Fas. i. 417 (v.l.), Eg. 698: mod. forn-sögur, old legends.

forn-skáld, n. an ancient scald or poët, Edda 124, 135, Al. 48.

forn-skrá, f. an old scroll, Vm. 122.

forn-skræða, u, f. = fornskrá, Fas. iii. 237, v.l.

forn-spekingr, m. an old wise-man, Stj. 377.

forn-spjöll, n. pl. old spells, old lore, Vsp. 1.

forn-spurðr, part., in the phrase, göra e-n fornspurðan at e-u, or göra e-t at e-m fornspurðum, to do a thing without asking one's leave, Fas. i. 48.

forn-söngr, m. an old song, Þiðr. 181.

forn-tíðindi, n. pl. old tales, Hkr. i. 269, Fms. vii. 97, Ht. R. 2.

forn-troðinn, part.; stígr f., an old trodden path, Fas. iii. 279.

forn-vinr, m. an old friend, Fas. ii. 422.

forn-yrði, n. old words or saws: fornyrðis-lag or fornyrða-lag, n. a kind of old metre: this word is an GREEK in Edda lit., whence it has spread into mod. use, but it is better called kviðu-háttr: mod. an archaism.

forn-yrtr, part. archaizing.

for-næmi, n. a law phrase, plundering another's properly; the law distinguishes between rán (by personal violence) and fornæmi, plunder before the owner's eyes, but without the use of force, Jb. 426, cp. also Gþl. 402, 416, N. G. L. i. 227.

forn-öld, f. the olden time, mythical age: Fornaldar-sögur, f. pl. mythical stories, (mod.)

for-prís, m. (for. word), great praise, honour, Mar. (Fr.), Pass. 35. 3.

for-prísa, að, to praise, H. E. i. 404, Stj. 9.

for-prísan, f. glory, Stj. 7, 109, 161.

FORR, adj. forward; of sljór eðr of forr, too slow or too forward, Thom. 279 :-- haughty, forr ok framhvass, 180; harðla forr, ef nökkut reis við, id. :-- as adv. quickly, vinna fort, to work eagerly, Bs. ii. 93; snúast fort, to whirl (as a wheel or a spindle), 443 (in a verse): the mod. phrase, fara fort (of fort) í e-t, to go too far (too keenly) into a thing.

for-ráð, n. management, superintendance; með forráði ok umsýslu e-s, Rb. 400: the phrase, kunna ekki fótum sínum forráð, Stj. 558 :-- administration, stewardship, hann hafði f. með Auði, Landn. 109; hann tók þar við forráðum öllum, Eg. 36, 84; staðar-forráð, the management of church domain-land, Bs. i. 479; til eignar ok forráða, Ld. 14; forráð sakar, the leading of a suit, Grág. i. 489 :-- as a law term, the holding a goðorð (q.v.) of the heathen time, manna-forráð, Hrafn. 14, Nj. 149, v.l.; hence rule, sway, Fms. vii. 209, xi. 201, Eg. 50, 401. COMPD: forráða-maðr and forráðs-maðr, m. a manager, warden, Grág. ii. 405, Vm. 108; f. kristninnar, the leaders of the church, 656 C. 17, Hom. 95; f. ok höfðingi, Ver. 18, Hkr. i. 83; f. á skipi, the captain of a ship, Landn. 56.

for-ráða, réð, [Germ. verrathen], to betray, Bev. 10 (Fr.), N. T., Pass. 5. 1.

for-ráðandi, part. an overseer, manager, Fms. x. 330; f. skips, Bjarn. 15, Fms. ii. 63 :-- a law term, a guardian, réttr f. fjár hennar, Grág. i. 377; frænda eðr f., 343.

for-rennari, a, m. a forerunner, Stj. 204: a predecessor, 118.

for-ríkr, adj. exceeding rich, Bs. i. 852, Fb. ii. 187.

for-ræða, u, f, .[Germ. vorrede], a preface, Str. 1, (rare.)