This is page 770 of An Icelandic-English Dictionary by Cleasby/Vigfusson (1874)

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Page vii: Björn Halldórsson, the lexicographer,

was born 1724, and died 1787.

p. xviii, col. i, 1. 29, for 'nom. sing.' read 'gen. sing.'

p. xix, 1. 22 from bottom, for 'acc. sing, tíma- na' read 'tima-nn'

p. xxii, in the paradigm, dele ' vaktr vökt'

p. xxiii, 1. 5 from bottom, for ' skyldi-t mundi-t'

read 'skyldi-g-a mundi-g-a'

p. xxv, col. 2, 1. 7 from bottom, for 'urerem'

read 'arderem'

p. xxxiv, col. i, 1. 2i from bottom, for 'leaky'

read 'stretched'

p. 5, col. I, VI. 2, for 'K. þ. K. 42' read

'K. þ. K. 142'

afbrýði, for 'n.' read 'f.'

af-siða, for 'Grúg. i. 138' read 'Grág. i. 338'

arin-dómr, for 'Hom.' read 'Greg. IO'

á-gauð for 'n.' read 'f.'

ár-fljótr, for 'Fms. vii. 382' read 'Fms. viii., 382'

árofi, 1. 7, for ' fara ' read ' færa'

báðir, 1. i, for ' b;sði rarely (Norse); báði. ' read

'bæði; rarely báði'

biblía, /o r ' Am. ' read ' Ann. '

bíta, I. 4, for ' best sail' read ' best sailer '

bolu, for ' bod y ' read ' bole'

brauð, 1. 7, for ' hliîfvord' read ' hl/î/b rd'

búð, p. 88, col. 2, 1. 6, for ' Rb. ' re a d ' Rd. '

dóttir, I. 6, for ' dat/ghtar, dogbtor, ' read

'danbtar, dohtor'

drag, 1. I, for 'in drag' read 'ör-drag'

drák, 1. 4, for ' kinnis' re a d ' ennis'

edda, 1. 7 from bottom, for ' Edda' re a d ' Eddu'

eld-sto, 1. 2, for ' Mork. 9' re a d ' Mork. 91'

engi, n., 1. 3, for ' Konn. 4' re a d ' Korm. 40'

erja, 1. 2, for 'a rar' read 'a r a re'

eyrir, 1. 2, for ' aurum ' read ' aureus '

fá-staðar, /o r ' Fms. vii. 90' read ' Fms. vii. 70'

forða, 1. 2, dele ' Orkn. 556'

for-gildra, for ' að, to l a y, ' read ' u, f. laying a trap for] the word being a noun,

freð-stertr, 1. -j, for ' gleiðar-má!' read ' gleiðar- niát'

frelsi, /o r ' f. ' read ' n. ' (the word is neuter),

fríða, að, better d (?)

fyrva, /o r ' Grág. ii. 180' re a d ' Gnlg. ii. 187 '

gala, II, 1. 5, for 'á staðnum' re a d ' í staðinn'

goði, B, 1. 4, for ' Jb. ch. 4' re a d ' Ib. ch. 4'

gretta, ~/b r ' Fas. iii. 355 ' re a d ' Fb. i. 530'

grúfa, dele ' to lie ' bis

heimili, p. 250, col. 2, insert the word ' heimilis-maðr,

m. an inmate;' to which word belong the references, -- ' Grág. i. 145, Fas. i. 380' (wrongly given under heimilis-kviðr).

heldr, B. Ill, I. 3, for ' holzti nær oss! Eb. 133, ' read ' h. n. oss! 133, ' running on from the preceding reference,

hestr, 1. 23, for ' Landn. 2, ch. 5, ' read ' Landn. 2, ch. 10'

hvirfla, /o r ' Fb. iii. 522 ' read ' Fb. i. 522 '

höfn, 4, 11. 3, 4, the references ' Gnig. i. 504, ' etc., ought to be transposed and placed after the words ' sold in trade'

jaur, towards the end, for ' Valv. 8. 126' read ' Art. 126'

kópa, /o r ' Hom. 81' read ' Hm. 81'

líka, adv., Str. 72; the word is here a verb, an not an adverb, and means to please; ' at lika

konungi' = in order to please the king.

loka, u, f., 1. 5, for ' Lv. 30' read ' Lv. 60'

meyla, for ' mawila ' read ' mawilo '

mikill, C, 1. 2, for ' O. H. L. 23' read ' O. H. L. 33'

mikilsti, /o r ' Hom. 66' read ' Hm. 66'

mund-riði, 1. 3, for 'þrár' read 'þn'r'

næfra-stúka, /o r 'Fms. ii. 287' read ' Fas. ii. 281'

ryra, 1. 2, for ' rýnandi' read ' rýrandi'

(the pronoun), A, 1. 4, for 'ájs sveinn' re a d ' sjá sveinn'

sátt, 1. 3, dele ' [setja];' see sætt.

skora (the verb), III, 1. 3, in the references, for 'viii. 416' re a d 'Orkn. 416;' and 1. 4, for ' skorat, 320, ' read ' skorat, Fms. viii. 320;' this and the following references refer to the Sverris Saga.

snafðr, 1. 2, /o r ' aðr ' read ' eðr'

spella, 1. 3, for ' úspellaðr mál' read ' úspellað mál'

stauple, re a d ' staupla'

stæra, 1. 5, for ' vegn ' re a d ' regn '

sundrung, 1. i, for ' Fms. vi. ' re a d ' Fms. viii. '

svelgr, 1. I, dele the word ' svelga'

tak-setning, for ' bail-setting^ read 'bail-setting'

tigr, p. 630, col. I, 1. 9, for ' Fb. 7' re a d' Ib. 7 '

tjá, p. 635, col. 2, 1. I, for ' tjáðr' re a d ' téðr'

To the Classification of Works and Authors, pp. ix-xi, are noiv to le added New Texts published since 1869.

To A. III. add, -- Skíða Bíma (a mock-heroic lay). Edited by Konrad Maurer. Miinchen, 1869.

E. I. add, -- Codex Frisianus, or Frissbok. Edited by C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1871.

Codex Eir-spennill (in Norske Oldskrift Selsk. Saml. xiii, xv, xviii). Edited by C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1870-1873.

E. II. add, -- Thomas Saga Erkibiskups (Becket). Edited by C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1869.

F. III. add, -- Mariu Saga (Virgin Mary). Edited by C. R. Unger. Christiania, 1871.

Postula Sögur (Lives of the Apostles, including Clemens S.) By C. R. Unger, in the Press.

G. II. add, -- Hiddara Sögur (including Parcevals, Ivents, Valvers S., Mirmäns S.) Edited by E. Kolbing. Strasburg, 1872, cited by the name of Art.

During the printing of this Dictionary, sheets of these works have, by the kindness of the Editors, been forwarded to me, so that í have been able to refer to the printed pages long before they were published, as e. g. under kitla (p. 340) and matvælar. Prof. Unger has also communicated some highly interesting extracts from an old Norse version of ' Vitae Patrum ' (cited yitae Patrum, Unger), given in the Addenda (kaka, kaza, etc.), for which kindness í hereby tender him my hearty thanks: a few minor errors and corrections have been pointed out to me by Mr. Thorkelsson of Reykjavik.

G. V.