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aldor-leás deprived of parents; orphanus. Jn. Lind. War. 14, 18. Aldorleás [MS. aldoras], Beo. Th. 30; B. 15.
aldor-leg=-læg, es; n. Life-law, fate :-- Ðæt ge cúðon míne aldorlege that ye know my life's destiny. Cd. 179; Th. 224, 20; Dan. 139. v. ealdor-leg = -læg.
aldor-líc principal; principalis. v. ealdor-líc.
aldor-líce; adv. [aldor = ealdor, -líce] Principally, excellently; princi-paliter, magnificenter, Ps. C. 50, 103; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 103.
alclor-mon, -monn, es; m. [aldor = ealdor an elder; mon] An elder-man, alderman, nobleman, chief; major natu, princeps. Th. Diplm. A. D. 804-829; 459, 3: Chr. 851; Th. 120, 19, col. 1: Lk. Jun. 19, 2. v. ealdor-man.
aldor-ner, es; n. A life's safety, refuge; vitæ servatio, asylum :-- Ne mæg ic aldor-nere míne gesécan I cannot seek my life's safety, Cd. 117; Th. 151, 22; Gen. 2512. Ðæt we aldor-nere sécan móten that we may seek an asylum, Cd. 117; Th. 152, 13; Gen. 2519. v. ealdor-ner.
aldornes, ness, e ; f. Authority; auctoritas :-- Se bisceop mid biscoplícre aldornesse [ealdorlicnysse, S. 553, 35] wæs cýðende episcopus pontificali auctoritate protestatus, Bd. 3, 22; Whel. 224, 22.
aldor-þægn, aldor-þegn, es; m. A principal thane, chief, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 36; Sat. 66: Beo. Th. 2620; B. 1308. v. ealdor-þegn.
aldor-wísa, an; m. A chief ruler, chief; principalis dux, princeps :-- Æðelinga aldor-wísa the chief ruler of men, Cd. 63; Th. 75, 9; Gen. 1237. v. eald-wíta.
Ald-Seaxe the Old-Saxons, Chr. 780; Th. 92, 29, col. 1: 885; Th. 154, 20, col. 1. v. Eald-Seaxe.
a-leáh, -leág falsified, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7; p. of a-leógan.
a-leát bent down :-- Aleát wið ðæs engles bent down before the angel, Num. 22, 31; p. of a-lútan.
a-lecgan, -lecgean; he -legeþ, -legþ, -lehþ, pl. -lecgaþ; p. -legde, -léde , pl. -legdon, -lédon; pp. -legd, -léd; v. trans. [a from, lecgan to lay]. I. to place, lay down, throw down, suppress, lay aside, cease from; ponere, collocare, prosternere, deponere, abjicere, relinquere, omittere :-- Alecgan hine to lay him down, Lk. Bos. 5, 19: Ors. 6, 30; Bos. 126, 25. He mec on þeóstre alegde he laid me in darkness, Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 11; Cri. 1423: Beo. Th. 4395; B. 2194: 67; B. 34: 6273; B. 3141. He hond alegde he laid down the hand, 1673; B. 834. Hie alédon hine they laid him down, Rood Kmbl. 125; Kr. 63: Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 31. Híg gemetton ðæt cild on binne aléd invenerunt infantem positum in præsepio. Lk. Bos. 2, 16: 19, 20. Hý hleahtor alegdon they laid laughter aside, Exon. 35a; Th. 116, 1; Gú. 200: Beo. Th. 6033; B. 3020: 1707; B. 851. Híg alédon ða to hys fótum projecerunt eos adpedes ejus, Mt. Bos. 15, 30. Híg alédon heora fýnd they threw down their enemies, Jos. 10, 13. Unriht alecgan to suppress injustice, L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 8. Alecgende word ðæt is deponens verbum, for ðan ðe he legþ him fram ða áne getácnunge, and hylt ða óðre. Ða alecgendlícan word getácniaþ dæ-acute;de deponentia verba significant actum, swá swá activa; ac hí ge-endiaþ on or, swá swá passiva, -- ic wraxlige luctor, ic sprece loquor, hér is dæ-acute;d a deponent verb is so called in Latin, because while it keeps its passive inflections it has deposed or laid aside its passive signification, and has only an active meaning; as the Latin luctor = ic wraxlige I wrestle; loquor=ic sprece I speak, here is action, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 54-57. II. to impose, inflict upon; imponere, immittere :-- Ðú woldest on me wrohte alecgean thou wouldest inflict calamity upon me, Cd. 127; Th. 162, 21; Gen. 2684. III. to diminish, take away, refuse; imminuere, deprimere, reprimere :-- Godes lof alecgan to diminish God's glory, Ælfc. T. 22, 20. He næ-acute;fre ða leán alegeþ he never refuseth the reward, Exon. 33b; Th. 107, 23; Gú. 63.
alecgende word, alecgendlíc word a deponent verb; deponens verbum; part. of a-lecgan I, q. v.
a-léd put, laid, Lk. Bos. 2, 16; pp. of a-lecgan.
a-lédon laid, posnerunt, Rood Kmbl. 125; Kr. 63; p. of a-lecgan.
a-lefan; pp. ed [a, lef weak, feeble] To become weak, feeble; langues-cere :-- Ðæt we fæston mid geráde, swá ðæt úre líchama alefed ne wurþe ut cum ratione jejunemus, ita ut corpus nostrum languidius nefiat, Bd. 3, 23; Whel. 228, 45.
a-léfan; p. de; pp. ed To permit, grant; permittere, concedere :-- Ðæt he us æ-acute;fre wille eard aléfan that he will ever grant us a dwelling, Cd. 115; Th. 272, 8; Sat. 116: 219; Th. 281, 27; Sat. 278. Aléfed permitted. Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 7. v. a-lýfan.
a-legde should lay, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 31; p. of a-lecgan.
a-lege lay down; depone :-- Alege oððe ahwelf híg, eálá ðú Drihten cast down [or cover over] them, O Lord! depone eos, Domine! Ps. Lamb. 58, 12; impert. of a-lecgan.
a-legen confined, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 31; pp. of a-licgan.
a-léh belied, Beo. Th. 160; B. 80; p. of a-leógan.
a-lénian [a, læ-acute;nian to be lean] To make lean, to soak; macerare, Ælf. pref. Hom. p. 4.
a-leódan; p. -leád, pl. -ludon; pp. -loden [a, leódan to spring] To grow ; germinare, crescere :-- Ðe under lyfte a-loden wurde what was grown up under heaven, Exon. 128a; Th. 493, 5; Rä. 81, 25: Ps. Th. 106, 36.
a-leógan; p. -leág, -leáh, -léh, pl. -lugon; pp. -logen [a, leógan to lie, lig] To lie, tell lies, belie, deceive; mentiri, confutare, non præstare :-- He aleág he belied, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 78; Met. 1, 39. Heó hyre gehát aleáh she belied her vow, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 7. He beót ne aléh he belied not his promise, Beo. Th. 160; B. 80. Hí aleógaþ him they tell lies to him, Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 18: L. In. 13; Th. i. 110, 12.
a-leoðian; p. ode; pp. od [lið a limb, to-liðian to dissolve, Grn.] To dismember; avellere, abstrahere, sejungere. -- He ðæt andweorc of Adames líce aleoðode he dismembered the substance from Adam's body, Cd. 9; Th. 11, 18; Gen. 177.
aler, es; m. The alder; alnus :-- Aleres rinde seóþ boil bark of alder, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm, ii. 248, 17. v. alor.
aler-holt, es; m. [aler the alder; holt a grove, wood] An alder wood; alnetum. v. alor.
a-lesan; p. -læs, pl. -læ-acute;son; pp. -lesen [a, lesan to choose] To choose; eligere, seligere :-- þeóden holde hæfde him alesen the prince had faithful ones chosen to him, Cd. 151; Th. 189, 11; Exod. 183: 154; Th. 192, 7; Exod. 228: Elen. Kmbl. 571; El. 286: 759; El. 380.
a-lésan; p. de; pp. ed To redeem; solvere, liberare, Hy. 8, 33; Hy. Grn. ii. p. 290, 33. v. a-lýsan.
a-lésend, es; m. A redeemer; redemptor, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 14. v: a-lýsend.
a-lésenis redemption, Mt. Lind. Stv. 20, 28. v. a-lýsnes.
alet, es; m. [alet=æled, pp. of ælan to kindle] Fire; ignis, Cd. 186; Th. 232, 3; Dan. 254.
a-lét, -léton left, gave up, Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 10; p. of a-læ-acute;tan.
a-létan to leave, let go; dimittere :-- Ic ðæt alétan ne sceal I will not let that go, Solil. 8: Ors. 4, 7; Bos. 87, 19. v. a-læ-acute;tan.
a-leðran; p. ede; pp. ed To lather; saponem illinere :-- Smire mid on niht and on morgen aleðre smear therewith at night and in the morning lather it, L. M. 1, 54; Lchdm, ii. 126, 11.
alét-líc; adj. Pardonable; remissibilis. v. algé gave up; líc like.
alewe, aluwe, alwe, an; f. The aloe, bitter spice, in the plural aloes; aloe :-- He brohte wyrt-gemang and alewan tulit herbarum commixtionem et aloes, Jn. Bos. 19, 39. Murre and alwe myrrh, and aloe, L. M. 2, 65 ; Lchdm, ii. 296, 20. Alwan wid untrymnessum aloes for infirmities, L. M. cont. 2, 64; Lchdm, ii. 174, 6. Gedó alwan gódne dæ-acute;l ðæ-acute;ron put a good deal of aloes therein, L. M. 12, 14; Lchdm, ii. 192, 5: 194, 25. Aluwan gegníd rub up aloes, Lchdm, iii. 2, 15. Nim alewan [MS. alewen] take aloes, 104, 26: 134, 9. [HEBREW ahalim. pl. m; HEBREW ahaloth. pl. f. the aloe-trees, the perfumes: Grk. GREEK; f. the aloe: Lat. aloé, és; f. the aloe, a small tree in the east, which has juicy leaves, from which the bitter gum called aloes is extracted]
AlfriÞ, es; m. [al = all = eal, eall all; friþ peace] Alfred the wise, king of Northumbria :-- A. D. 705, Hér Alfriþ, Norþhymbra cing, forþférde here, A. D. 705, Alfred, king of the Northumbrians, died, Chr. 705; Th. 69, 7, col. 3. v. Ælfred king of Northumbria.
al-geweorc, es; n. Tinder, touchwood, a fire-steel; igniarium, Recd. 40, 34; Wrt. Voc. 66, 42: Cot. 107: 164.
algian; p. ode; pp. od To defend; defendere. DER. ge-algian. v. ealgian.
alh, alhn, es; m. A sheltering-place, temple, fane; asylum, templum :-- Tempel Gode, alhn háligne a temple for God, a holy fane. Cd. 162; Th. 202, 22; Exod. 392. [O. Sax. O. H. Ger. alah: Goth. alhs.] v. healh, hearh.
alh-stede, es; m. A sheltering-place, city; arx, urbs, Cd. 209; Th. 259, 11; Dan. 690. v. ealh-stede.
a-libban, -lybban; p. -lifde, -lyfde; pp. -lifd, -lyfd To live, live after, survive; vivere, superesse :-- Ðæt heó wolde hyre líf on fæmnanháde alibban that she would live out her life in maidenhood, Ors. 3, 6; Bos. 58, 5. Hwá unclæ-acute;nnisse líf alifde who lived a life of uncleanness, Exon, 116 b; Th. 448, 32; Dóm. 63: Hý. 4, 115. Hy on bilwitnesse hyra líf alyfdon they lived a harmless life, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 27, 5: Ex. 21, 22.
alibbend, es; m. A survivor, one who lives after; superstes; part. of a-libban.
a-licgan, -licgean; p. -læg, pl. -læ-acute;gon; pp. -legen To lie, fail, confine, perish; jacere, conquiescere, deficere, aboleri :-- Nú sceal eall éðelwyn alicgean now all joy of country shall fail, Beo. Th. 5764; B. 2886. His dóm alæg its power failed, Beo. Th. 3061; B. 1528.
a-liéfan, a-lífan to permit; permittere :-- Alífe me permitte mihi, Deut. 3, 25. Aliéfþ, Past. 50, 4. v. a-lyfan.
alieaan to redeem; part, aliésend. v. a-lýsan.
a-lifian; p. ode; pp. od To live; vivere :-- He geþohte ðæt he wolde on fellenum gegyrelan ealle his dagas his lífes alifian he resolved that he would live all the days of his life in clothing of skins, Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 13. v. a-libban.
alíhtan; p. -líhte, pl. -líhton; pp. -líhted; v. a. [a, líhtan to light] To enlighten; illuminare :-- Híg alíhton ða eorþan illuminent terram, Gen. 1, 15. v. lýhtan.
a-líhtan; p. -líhte To ALIGHT ; desilire :-- Ic of alíhte desilio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 3; Som. 34, 44. v. líhtan.
a-líhting, e; f. Enlightening; illuminatio :-- On alihtinge [MS. alíh-