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árde; dat. [ = arce MS?] A mark of honour, badge of office, the pallium, Chr. 997; Ing. 172, 7. v. árod.
ardlíce ; adv. [arod quick, líce] Quickly, immediately; prompte, cito :-- Éfstaþ nú ardlíce persequimini cito, Jos. 2, 5: Gen. 14, 14: 22, 11.
are, es ; m. A court yard; area, Alb. resp. 48.
áre, an; f. Honour, honesty, favour, benefit, pity, mercy; honor, ho&dash-uncertain;nestas, gratia, beneficium, misericordia :-- Áre [MS. aare] cyninges dóm æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r lufade honor regis judicium diligit, Ps. Th. 98, 3. Mid áran with honours, Cd. 155 ; Th. 193, 12 ; Exod. 245. Árna ne gýmden they had no regard of honour, 113; Th. 148, 20; Gen. 2459. Us is ðínra árna þearf to us is need of thy mercies, Exon. 11 b ; Th. 16, 19; Cri. 255. Árna gemyndig mindful of benefits, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 22; Gen. 2163: Beo. Th. 2379; B. 1187. We ðec árena biddaþ we pray thee for thy mercies, Exon. 53 a ; Th. 186, 6 ; Az. 15. v. ár honour.
a-reáfian; p. ode; pp. od [a from, reáfian to tear] To tear from, tear asunder, separate; diripere :-- Brim [MS. bring] is areáfod the sea is separated, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 12; Exod. 290.
a-reaht, -reht put forth, spoken, explained, Exon. 24 a ; Th. 69, 23 ; Cri. 1125: Bt. 36, 2 ; Fox 174, 3 ; pp. of a-reccan.
a-recan to recount :-- Hit nis nánum men aléfed, ðæt he mæ-acute;ge arecan ðæt ðæt God geworht hæfþ it is not permitted to any man, that he may recount that which God has wrought, Bt. 39, 12; Fox 232, 10. v. a-reccan.
a-reccan, -recan, -reccean ; ic -recce, ðú -reccest, -recest, he -receþ, -recþ; p. -reahte, -rehte; impert. -rece; pp. -reaht, -reht; v. trans. I. to put forth, stretch out, strain, raise up; extendere, expandere, erigere :-- &dash-uncertain;Hondum slógun, folmum areahtum and fýstum eác they struck with their hands, with outstretched palms and fists also, Exon. 24 a ; Th. 69, 23 ; Cri. 1125. Areahtum eágum attonitis oculis, Prov. 16, Lye. He mæg of woruf-torde ðone þearfendan areccan de stercore erigens pauperem, Ps. Th. 112, 6 : 144, 15. II. to put forth, relate, recount, speak out, express, explain, interpret, translate; proponere, exponere, enarrare, eloqui, exprimere, disserere, interpretari, reddere :-- Ðara sume we areccan wyllaþ some of which we will relate, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 7 : Menol. Fox 138; Men. 69. Ðá se Wísdóm ðá ðis spell areht [MS. Cot. areaht] hæfde when Wisdom then had spoken this speech; Bt. 36, 2 ; Fox 174, 3 : 39, 3 ; Fox 214, 14 : Bt. Met. Fox 8, 3 ; Met. 8, 2. Wordum gereccan [MS. Cot. areccan] to express in words, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 28. Arece us ðæt bigspell edissere nobis parabolam, Mt. Bos. 13, 36: 15, 15. Arece us ðæt gerýne explain to us the mystery, Exon. 9 a ; Th. 5, 24; Cri. 74: 49 a; Th. 169, 16; Gú. 1095: Cd. 202; Th. 250, 5 ; Dan. 542. Án æ-acute;rendgewrit of Læ-acute;dene on Englisc areccean to translate an epistle from Latin into English, Past. pref. Hat. MS. III. to set in order, adorn, deck? expedire, expolire, comere? - Areaht síe expoliatur, Cot. 77, Lye: Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 9; Reim. 10.
a-reccean; p. -reahte. -rehte ; pp. -reaht, -reht ; v. trans. To tell out, relate, recount, express, translate ; enarrare, eloqui, exprimere, reddere :&dash-uncertain; Hwá is ðæt ðe eall ða yfel, ðe hí dónde wæ-acute;ron, mæ-acute;ge areccean who is there that can relate all the evils which they did? Ors. 1, 8 ; Bos. 31, 24: Hy. 3, 17; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 17. Án æ-acute;rendgewrit of Læ-acute;dene on Englisc areccean to translate an epistle from Latin into English, Past. pref. v. a-reccan.
a-reccende; part. Explaining; exponens, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 494, 35. v. a-reccan.
a-receþ, -recþ raises up; erigit, Ps. Th. 144, 15: Ps. Spl. 145, 7. &dash-uncertain;v. a-reccan.
a-réd counsel, L. Edm. E. pref; Th. i. 244, 6, MS. B. v. a-ræ-acute;d.
a-rédad discovered, R. Ben. 61 ; pp. of a-rédian.
a-reddan to liberate. v. a-hreddan.
a-réde cared for, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 25, = a-rédde = a-ræ-acute;dde; p. of a-ræ-acute;dan, q. v.
a-rédian ; p. ode; pp. od, ad To make ready, provide, furnish, execute, find, to find the way to any place, reach; parare, præparare, exsequi, in&dash-uncertain;venire, pervenire aliquo :-- Us ís þearf ðæt we arédian ðæt úre hláford wille it behoves us that we provide that which our lord wants, L. Ath. v. § 8; 9; Th. i. 238, 25. Smeáge man hú man mæ-acute;ge ræ-acute;d arédian þeóde to þearfe let it be considered how advantage may be provided for the behoof of the nation, L. Eth. vi. 40; Th. i. 324, 28: L. C. S. 11, Th. i. 382, 6. Arédod furnished, Som. Woruld-gerihta mon arédian mæ-acute;ge Gode to gecwémnysse secular rights may be executed to the pleasure of God, L. Edg. S. 2 ; Th. i. 272, 24. Hí arédian ne mágon, ðæt hí aslépen they cannot find out that they may slip, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 16; Met. 13, 8. Arédad beón inveniri, R. Ben. 61. Ðæt ðú ne mæ-acute;ge ðíne wegas arédian ut non dirigas vias tuas, Deut. 28, 29. Ðú ne mihtest gyt fulrihtne weg arédian thou hast not yet been able to find the most direct way, Bt. 22, 2 ; Fox 78, 8 : 40, 5 ; Fox 240, 22 : Bt. Met. Fox 23,19; Met. 23, 10. Oferdruncen man ne mæg to his húse arédian a drunken man is not able to find the way to his house, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 84, 31. Ic ne mæg út arédian I cannot find the way out, 35, 5 ; Fox 164,14. Ðú eart cumen innon ða ceastre, ðe ðú æ-acute;r ne mihtest arédian thou art come into the city, which thou couldest not reach before, 35, 3 ; Fox 158, 11.
a-rédnes, -ræ-acute;dnis, -ness, e; f. A degree, condition, covenant; consul&dash-uncertain;tum, conditio :-- Ðá geþafedon hí ðære arédnesse ea conditione consense&dash-uncertain;runt, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 20. Ðæt wíf he onféng ðære arédnesse uxorem ea conditione acceperat, 1, 25; S. 486, 33.
a-rédod furnished, Som. v. a-rédian.
a-réfnan to endure :-- Ic aréfnde sustinui, Ps. Spl. C. 68, 25. v. a-ræ-acute;fnan.
a-reht spoken, Bt. 36, 2 ; Fox 174, 3 ; pp. of a-reccan.
árena of mercies, Exon. 53 a ; Th. 186, 6 ; Az. 15, = árna ; gen. pl. of áre, q. v.
a-reódian; p. ode ; pp. od [a, reódian to redden] To become red, to redden, blush; erubescere :-- His andwlita eal areódode all his counte&dash-uncertain;nance became red, Apol. Th. 21, 26.
a-reósan; p. -reás, pl. -ruron ; pp. -roren To fall down, perish ; deci&dash-uncertain;dere, corruere :-- Ic areóse [MS. areófe] be gewyrhtum fram feóndum mínum on ídel decidam merito ab.inimicis meis inanis, Ps. Spl.7, 4. v. a-hreósan.
a-rétan; ic -réte, he -réteþ, -rét; p. -rétte; pp. -réted, -rét; v. trans. [a, rétan to comfort] To exhilarate, comfort, delight, restore, refresh, set right; exhilarare, lætificare, reficere :-- Ic monigra mód aréte I exhilarate the mind of many, Exon. 102 b ; Th. 389, 12; Rä. 7, 6. Seó hwætnes ðæs líchoman geblissaþ ðone mon and arét the vigour of the body rejoices and delights the man, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 8. Ðæt ge bróðor míne wel arétten that ye should well cherish my brethren, Exon. 30 a; Th. 91, 33; Cri. 1501. Æ-acute;ghwylcum wearþ mód aréted every one's mind was de&dash-uncertain;lighted, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 2; Jud. 167. Hí hæfdon ðæt mód arét they had restored or refreshed the mind, Bt. titl. xxii; Fox xiv, 5. Ðú me hæfst arétne on ðam tweóne thou host set me right in the doubt, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 12: 22, 1; Fox 76, 12, MS. Cot.
arewe, an; f. An arrow; sagitta :-- Sume scotedon adúnweard mid arewan some shot downward with arrows, Chr. 1083 ; Erl. 217, 19.
Arewe, Arwe, an; f. [arewe arrow] ARROW, the name of a river in several counties, called so either from its swiftness or straightness, also the Orwell ; fluvii nomen :-- Se here gewende ðá fram Lundene, mid hyra scypum, into Arewan [MS. Laud. Arwan] the army [of the Danes] went then from London, with their ships, into the river Orwell [in Suffolk], Chr. 1016; Erl. 157, 14. Gibson says of Orwell, - Hunc suspicor anti&dash-uncertain;quitus fuisse pronunciatum Arwel, tum quod Saxonicum A sequentibus sæculis transiit in O, tum etiam quod oppidum est ad ejus ripam situm, Arwerton dictum; accedit quod Harewich ad oram hujus fluminis, olim Arwic, non ut conjectat Camd. Herewic, dici posset, Gib. Chr. Explicatio 13, col. 1.
áre-weorþ honourable, venerable; honore dignus, honorabilis, venera&dash-uncertain;bilis, Lye. v. ár-weorþ.
ár-fæst, æ-acute;r-fæst ; adj. [ár honour, fæst fast] Honourable, honest, up&dash-uncertain;right, virtuous, good, pious, dutiful, gracious, kind, merciful; honestus, probus, bonus, pius, propitius, clemens, misericors :-- Árfæste rincas honourable chieftains, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 29; Gen. 1894: 136; Th. 171, 9; Gen. 2825. Wæs he se mon æ-acute;fæst and árfæst he was the religious and pious man; vir pietatis et religionis, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 33. Wes ðú ðínum yldrum árfæst simle be thou always dutiful to thy parents, Exon. 80 a ; Th. 300, 25; Fä 11. Ongan ðá ródera wealdend árfæst wið Abraham sprecan then began the gracious Ruler of the skies to speak with Abraham, 109 ; Th. 145, 13; Gen. 2405. Drihten biþ árfæst his folces lande Dominus propitius erit terræ populi sui, Deut. 32, 43: Exon. 11 b; Th. 15, 32; Cri. 245. Ðæt Drihten him árfæst and milde wæ-acute;re that the Lord might be to him merciful and mild, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 31.
ár-fæstlíce; adv. Honestly, piously; honeste, pie. DER. árfæst, líce.
ár-fæstnes, ár-fæstnys, æ-acute;r-fæstnys, -ness, e ; f. Honourableness, honesty, goodness, piety, clemency, mercifulness; honestas, probitas, pietas, cle&dash-uncertain;mentia, misericordia :-- Ðæt he wæs mycelre árfæstnesse and æ-acute;fæstnesse wer quod vir esset multæ pietatis ac religionis, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 7. Seó godcunde árfæstnys pietas divina, 2, 12; S. 512, 24: 3, 13; S.539. 1. Mid ða upplícan árfæstnesse apud supernam clementiam, 5, 23; S. 649, 8: Jos. 6, 17. For ðínre árfestnesse of thy clemency, Hy. 8, 24; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 24.
ár-fæt, es ; n. A brazen vessel ; æramentum, labrum :-- Fyrmþa árfata baptismata æramentorum, Mk. Bos. 7, 4. Hálgode ðæt árfæt labrum sanctificavit, Lev. 8, 11.
ar-faran To go away, depart; abire :-- Ar-faraþ, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 25 : Met. 20, 13 suggests an-faraþ, taking an as an adv. away, without refer&dash-uncertain;ring to any authority.
ár-fest merciful, Ps. Spl. 102, 3. v. ár-fæst.
ár-ful, ár-full; adj. Venerable, respectful, favourable, merciful, mild; honorabilis, venerabilis, propitius, reverens :-- Ic Æðelbald wæs beden from ðæm árfullan bisceope Milrede I Æthelbald have been solicited by the venerable bishop Milred, Th. Diplm. A. D. 743-745; 28, 22. Se ðe árfull biþ eallum unrihtwísum ðínum qui propitiatur omnibus iniqui&dash-uncertain;tatibus tuis, Ps. Spl. M. 102, 3. Cristenra manna gehwilc beó árful fæder and méder Christianorum quivis reverenter habeat patrem et matrem, Wulfst. paræn. 7.