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arum :-- Nim lybcornes leáf, oððe arod take a leaf of saffron, or arod, L. M. 3, 42; Lchdm. ii. 336, 10. Gehwæde arodes wóses a little of the ooze of arum, Lchdm. iii. 2, 23.

arod; adj. Quick, swift, ready, prepared; celer, velox, promptus, paratus :-- Ðá wearþ sum to ðam arod, ðæt he in ðæt búrgeteld néþde then one became ready for this, that he ventured into the bower-tent, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 24; Jud. 275. [O. Nrs. ördugr, örðigr arduus, difficilis, acer, vehemens.] v. earu.

árod honoured, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 89; Met. 10, 45; pp. of árian, q. v.

árod, es; m? [árian to honour] A mark of honour, badge of office, the pallium given by the pope to a bishop or archbishop; honoris vel muneris signum :-- Hér Ælfríc arcebisceop férde to Róme æfter his árde [? arce, MS. q. v.] this year archbishop Ælfric went to Rome after his pallium, Chr. 997; Ing. 172, 7. v. arce-.

arodlíce, arudlíce, ardlíce; adv. Quickly, immediately; cito, sine mora :-- Hí hebbaþ swíðe arodlíce ða earce up arcam sine mora elevant, Past. 22, 2; Hat. MS. 33 b, 9.

arodscipe, es; m. Quickness, swiftness, readiness, dexterity; velocitas, dexteritas, promptitudo :-- Oft mon biþ swíðe rempende and ræ-acute;sþ swíðe dollíce on æ-acute;lc weorc and hrædlíce, and ðeáh wénaþ men ðæt hit síe for arodscipe and for hwætscipe sæpe præcipitata actio velocitatis efficacia putatur, Past. 20, 1; Hat. MS. 29 b, 5. DER. un-arodscipe.

aron estis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 11, = earon.

árra of favours, mercies, grace, Cd. 131; Th. 166, 20; Gen. 2750; gen. pl. of ár.

Arrian, es; m. Arius; Arrianus :-- Arrianes gedwola the heresy of Arius, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 80; Met. 1, 40. v. Aríus.

Arrianisc Arian, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 18, 27, 33. v. Arianisc.

Arrius, ii; m. Arius, L. Ælf. C. 3; Th. ii. 344, 3. v. Aríus.

ár-sápe, an; f. [ár ore, brass; sápe = sáp, p. of sípan stillare] Verdigris; ærugo :-- Nim ársápan take verdigris, Lchdm. iii. 14, 31.

ár-sceamu, e; f. Verecundia :-- Árscame, acc. Ps. Th. 68, 19.

Ár-scyldingas, a; pl. m. The honoured Skyldings, Danes, Beo. Th. 933; B. 464: 3425; B. 1710.

ars-gang, es; m. [ears anus, gang a passage] Ani foramen, anus. v. ears-gang.

ár-smiþ, es; m. [ár brass, smiþ a smith] A copper-smith, a brazier, a worker in brass; faber ærarius, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 1.

ár-stæf, gen. -stæfes; pl. nom. acc. -stafas; m. Favour, kindness, benefit, help; gratia, beneficium, auxilii latio :-- Fæder alwalda mid árstafum eówic gehealde síða gesunde may the all-ruling Father hold you with kindness safe on your ways, Beo. Th. 639; B. 317. For árstafum ðú usic sóhtest thou hast sought us for help, 920; B. 458: Exon. 107 a; Th. 409, 5; Rä. 27, 24. v. ár, stæf.

art art :-- Art vel arþ es, Jn. Lind. War. 1, 19. v. eom.

arþ art, Mk. Lind. Rush. War. 14, 70: Jn. Lind. Rush. War. 1, 19. v. eom.

ár-þegn, ár-þeng, es; m. [ár honour, þegen a servant] A servant or minister by his place or employment; servus, minister honorabilis :-- Cumena árþegn the servant of guests, Bd. 4, 31; Whel. 361, 14.

arudlíce quickly. v. arodlíce, ardlíce.

árung, e; f. I. an honouring, a reverence; honoratio. II. a regarding, sparing, pardoning; remissio. v. ár honour, árian.

Arwan :-- Into Arwan into the river Orwell, Chr. 1016; Laud. MS; Erl. 157, 1. v. Arewe.

arwe an arrow. v. arewe.

ár-wéla, an; m. [ár an oar, wéla] The wealth of oars, the sea; divitiæ remorum, mare, Andr. Kmbl. 1705; An. 855.

ár-weorþ; adj. [ár honour, weorþ worth, worthy] Honour-worth, honourable, venerable; honorabilis, venerabilis, venerandus. v. ár-wurþ, ár-wyrþ.

ár-weorþe; adv. Honourably; honorifice, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 1, MS. B. v. ár-wurþlíce.

ár-weorþian, -wurþian, -wyrþian; p. -ode; pp. -od [ár honour, weorþian to hold worthy] To hold worthy of honour, to give honour to, to honour, reverence, worship; honorare, honorificare, honorem referre, venerari :-- He ongan árweorþian ða þrówunge háligra martyra incepit honorem referre cædi sanctorum, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 1. Ðæt mynster seó cwén swýðe lufode and árwyrþode regina monasterium multum diligebat et venerabatur, 3, 11; S. 535, 15: Jn. Bos. 5, 23: Deut. 5, 16.

ár-weorþig; adj. Venerable, reverend; reverendus. v. árwurþig.

ár-weorþlíc; adj. Venerable; venerabilis. v. ár-wurþlíc.

ár-weorþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, solemnly, kindly; honorifice, reverenter, solemniter, clementer, R. Ben. 58, Lye: Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 8: 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 17: Gen. 45, 4. v. ár-weorþe, -wurþlíce, -wyrþlíce.

ár-weorþnes, ár-wyrþnes, -ness, e; f. [ár honour, weorþnes worthiness] Honour-worthiness, honour, dignity; honor, dignitas, reverentia :-- Æfter árwyrþnesse swá micles biscopes juxta venerationem tanto pontifice dignam, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 3, col. 2. Gif ðú nú gemunan wilt eallra ðara árwyrþnessa if thou now wilt be mindful of all the honours, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 20. Mid árweorþnesse with honour, honourably, R. Ben. 6, 61.

ár-weorþrung, e; f. Honour, reverence; honor, reverentia :-- On ár-weorþunge in honore, Ps. Lamb. 48, 21. v. ár-wurþung.

ár-wiððe, an; f? [ár an oar, wiððe withe] An oar-withe, a willow band to tie oars with; struppus :-- Árwiððe vel strop struppus, Ælfc. Gl. 103; Som. 77, 117; Wrt. Voc. 56, 37.

arwunga, arwunge; adv. Gratuitously; gratis :-- Arwunga ge onféngun, arwunge ge sellaþ gratis accepistis, gratis date, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 10, 8. v. earwunga.

ár-wurþ, -wyrþ; def. se árwurþa; seó, ðæt árwurþe; adj. [ár honour, weorþ worth] Honour-worth, honourable, venerable, reverend; honorabilis, honorandus, venerabilis, venerandus :-- Se árwurþa wer vir venerabilis, Bd. 4, 18; S. 586, 22: 5, 1; S. 613, 11. Se góda biþ simle árwyrþe the good is always honourable, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 23. Ár-wurþe wudewe [MS. wurdewe] or nunne nonna, Ælfc. Gl. 69; Som. 70, 21; Wrt. Voc. 42, 30. Se árwurþesta Godes andettere reverentissimus Dei confessor, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 20. Ða árwurþan bán honoranda ossa, 3, 11; S. 535, 16. Ðæt árwurþe bæþ lavacrum venerabile, 3, 11; S. 535, 34.

ár-wurþian, -wurþigean; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To give honour to, to honour, reverence, worship; honorare, honorificare, venerari :-- Onsægednys lófes árwurþaþ me sacrificium laudis honorificabit me, Ps. Spl. 49, 24. Ðæt ealle árwurþion [árwurþigeon, Jun.] ðone Sunu, swá swá híg árwurþiaþ [árwurþigeaþ, Jun.] ðone Fæder; se ðe ne árwurþaþ ðone Sunu, ne árwurþaþ he ðone Fæder ut omnes honorificent Filium, sicut honorificant Patrem; qui non honorificat Filium, non honorificat Patrem, Jn. Bos. 5, 23: Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 6. To árwurþianne [MS. tarwurþienne, v. weorþianne = wurþianne, in weorþian I] ðínne, ðone sóðan and ðone áncænnedan, Sunu to honour thy, the true and only begotten, Son, Te Dm. Thomson 35, 12. Geleáfa sóþlíce se geleáffulla ðes is; ðæt ánne God on Þrýnnesse and Þrýnnesse on Ánnesse we árwurþian fides autem catholica hæc est; ut unum Deum in Trinitate et Trinitatem in Unitate veneremur, Ps. Lamb. fol. 200 a, 15. Árwurþa ðínne fæder and ðíne módur honora patrem tuum et matrem, Deut. 5, 16. v. ár-weorþian.

ár-wurþig reverend. v. ár-weorþig, ár-weorþ.

ár-wurþigean to honour, reverence; honorificare, Jn. Jun. 5, 23. v. ár-wurþian.

ár-wurþlíc; adj. Venerable; venerabilis :-- Árwurþlíc on to seónne venerabilis aspectu, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 35. v. ár-weorþ, -wurþ.

ár--wurþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, kindly, solemnly, mildly; honorifice, solemniter, reverenter, clementer :-- Hí swíðe árwurþlíce onfangene wæ-acute;ron they were very honourably received, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 1: 3, 19; S. 547, 8: 5, 19; S. 637, 33. Fram cyricean ingonge árwurþlíce ahabban ab ingressu ecclesiæ reverenter abstinere, Bd. 1, 27, resp. 8; S. 495, 17. Ða grétte híg árwurþlíce quos ille clementer allocutus est, Gen. 45, 4. v. ár-weorþe, -weorþlíce.

ár-wurþung, e; f. Honour, reverence; honor, reverentia :-- Bryngaþ Drihtne árwurþunge afferte Domino honorem, Ps. Spl. T. 28, 2: Ps. Spl. 48, 12. v. ár-weorþung.

ár-wyrþ; adj. Honourable, venerable; honorabilis, venerandus, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 212, 23: Elen. Kmbl. 2256; El. 1129. v. ár-weorþ.

ár-wyrþian; p. ode; pp. od To honour, reverence, Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 15. v. ár-weorþian.

ár-wyrþlíce; adv. Honourably, reverently, solemnly, kindly, R. Ben. 58. v. ár-wurþlíce.

ár-wyrþnes, -ness, e; f. Dignity, Bd. 3, 17; S. 544, 3, col. 2. v. ár-weorþnes.

a-rýpan; p. de, te; pp. ed, d, t To tear off, to rip; evellere, abscindere :-- He me of hýd arýpeþ he tears off my hide from me, Exon. 127 a; Th. 488, 15; Rä. 76, 7. v. be-rýpan.

ár-ýþ, e; f. An oar-wave; unda remis pulsata :-- Hærn eft onwand, árýða geblond the tide turned back, the commotion of the oar-waves, Andr. Kmbl. 1063; An. 532.

a-sæcgan; p. -sægde, -sæ-acute;de; pp. -sægd, -sæ-acute;d To speak out, relate, tell, say, express, explain, announce, proclaim; edicere, effari, exprimere, referre, enarrare, annunciare :-- Ne mæ-acute;ge we næ-acute;fre asæcgan, hú ðú æðele eart, éce Drihten we may never express, how excellent thou art, everlasting Lord, Hy. 3, 13; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 13. v. a-secgan.

a-sæ-acute;d said out, related, told, Bd. 4, 22; S. 590, 32; pp. of a-secgan, q. v.

a-sæ-acute;don said out, related, told, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 33; p. of a-secgan.

a-sæ-acute;lan; p. -sæ-acute;lde; pp. -sæ-acute;led [a, sæ-acute;lan to bind] To bind fast, bind; astringere, ligare :-- Synnum asæ-acute;led bound fast by sins, Elen. Kmbl. 2485; El. 1244: Cd. 100; Th. 132, 18; Gen. 2195: 166; Th. 207, 21; Exod. 470.

a-sændan; p. -sænde; pp. -sænd To send forth, to send, Apol. Th. 6, 16: 13, 5. v. a-sendan.

a-sáh set, sank, Chr. 1012; Th. 268, 30, col. 1; 269, 28, col. 1; 26, col. 2; p. of a-sígan.

asal, asald an ass, Mt. Lind. Stv. 18, 6: 21, 2. v. esol.

a-sánian; p. ode; pp. od To languish, grow weak, diminish; langues&dash-uncertain;