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a-sworfan polished, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 142, 19; pp. of a-sweorfan.
a-swunan; p. -swan, pl. -swónon; pp. -swunen To swoon; deficere animo. v. a-swámian.
a-swunden weakened, slothful, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 26; Som. 11, 11; pp. of a-swindan.
a-swunden-lice; adv. Slothfully; segniter. v. a-swunden.
a-swundennes, -ness, -nys, -nyss, e; f. Slothfulness, idleness; inertia :-- His líf toscæ-acute;gde fram ussa tíðe aswundennysse vita illius a nostri temporis segnitia distabat, Bd. 3, 5 ; S. 526, 35. v. a-swindan.
a-swýðerian, -swýðrian; p. ade; pp. ad To make heavy or grievous, aggravate, increase, make stronger; gravare, aggravare, ingravare, augere. v. swíðrian.
a-syndran, -syndrian; íc asyndrige; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od [a from, syndrian to sunder, part] To put ASUNDER, to separate, disjoin, sever; separare :-- Ic com mann asyndrian ongén his fæder veni separare hominem adversus patrem suum, Mt. Bos. 10, 35: Ps. Spl. 67, 10. Se deáþ asyndreþ líc and sáwle death sunders body and soul, Soul Kmbl. 7 ; Seel. 4. v. a-sundrian.
a-syndrung, e; f. A division, separation, divorce; divortium, Cot. 68.
at- at; apud, ad; used in composition for æt-, as in at-ýwan, p. -ýwde ; at-áwian, p. -áwode ostendere, Ps. Spl. T. 77,14. v. at-áwian.
a-tæfran, -tiefran, -tifran ; p. ede ; pp. ed To depict, paint; depingere :-- Ic hæbbe atæfred I have depicted, Past. 65 ; Hat. MS.
at-áwian; p. ode; pp. od To shew; ostendere :-- He atáwode him ostendit eis, Ps. Spl. T. 77, 14. v. æt-eówian, æt-ýwan.
at-berstan; p. -bærst, pl. -burston ; pp. -borsten To break out, escape; erumpere, Chr. 607; Ing. 30, 9. v. æt-berstan.
ÁTE, æ-acute;te ; gen. átan ; pl. átan ; gen. átena ; f. OATS, tares, darnel, cockle; avena fatua, Lin. lolium :-- Nim átena grátan take groats of oats, Lchdm. iii. 292, 24. Genim mela æ-acute;tena take meal of oats, L. M. 1, 35 ; Lchdm.ii. 84, 5 : Chr. 1124; Th. 376, 6. Áte lolium, Cot. 126. Átan or lasor tares; zizania, Cot. 204. [Frs. áat: O. Nrs. át food.]
a-teáh drew out or away, went, came, Exon. 29 b; Th. 91, 19; Cri. 1494: Beo. Th. 1537; B. 766; p. of a-teón.
a-tefred painted, Solil. 4. v. a-tæfran.
ate-gár, es; m. A javelin; framea. v. æt-gár.
atel dire, terrible :-- Se atela gæ-acute;st the dire spirit, Exon. 34 a; Th. 109, 9; Gú. 87. v. atol, adj.
a-telan to reckon, Bt. 8 ; Fox 24, 21 ; for a-tellan.
atelic; adj. [ = atol, líc] Dire, terrible, horrid, foul, loathsome; dirus, terribilis, horridus, deformis, f&oelig-acute;dus :-- Norþ-Denum stód atelíc egesa over the North-Danes stood dire terror, Beo. Th. 1572; B. 784. Unwlitig swile and atelíc tumor deformis, Bd. 4, 32 ; S. 611, 17. v. atol.
a-tellan; p. -tealde, pl. -tealdon ; pp. -teald ; v. trans. [a, tellan] To tell out, enumerate, reckon, explain, interpret; dinumerare, numerare, interpretari :-- Hwylc wát ánweald yrres ðínes, and for ege ðínum graman ðínum atellan quis novit potestatem iræ tuæ, et pro timore tuo iram tuam dinumerare? Ps. Spl. C. 89, 13. Gif ðú nú atellan wilt ealle ða bliþnessa wið ðám unrótnessum if thou wilt now reckon all the enjoyments against the sorrows, Bt. 8 ; Fox 24, 21, note 6. Wit gesáwon swefen, ac wyt nyton hwá hyt unc atelle nos duo somnium vidimus, et non est qui interpretetur nobis duobus, Gen. 40, 8.
atelucost, R. Ben. 1 ; for atelícost ; sup. of atelíc foul.
a-temian; p. ede; pp. ed [a intensive, temian to tame] To tame thoroughly, make very tame or gentle, to subdue, tame; edomare :-- Atemiaþ hira líchoman edomant carnem, Past. 46, 2 ; Hat. MS. 66 a, 10. Sum sceal wildne fugel atemian one shall tame the wild bird, Exon. 88 b ; Th. 332, 15; Vy. 85: 89 b; Th. 336, 11; Gn. Ex. 46: Bt. Met. Fox 13, 38; Met. 13, 19: 13, 71; Met. 13, 36. DER. un-atemed.
a-tendan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. [a intensive, tendan to tind, set on fire] To set on fire, kindle, inflame; accendere, incendere, inflammare :-- Hí atendon hiora herebeácen they kindled their war-beacons, Chr. 1006; Th. 256, 24, col. 1. Hí mid fýre atendan woldan they wished to set it on fire, Chr. 994; Th. 241, 32, col. 2.
a-tendend, es; m. An incendiary, inflamer, inciter; incensor, inflammator, Scint. 78.
a-tendincg = atending, e; f. A fire-brand, an incentive, a provoking; incentivum, Scint. 81.
a-teón; ic -teó, ðú -týhst, he -týhþ, -tíhþ, -tíþ, pl. -teóþ; p. -teáh, pl. -tugon; pp. -togen [a from, out; teón to tow, draw]. I. v. trans. generally with a preposition : to draw out or away, pull out, lead out, pluck, draw; abstrahere, extrahere, ejicere, educere, trahere, ducere :-- For ðam ðe he wolde ateón ðé fram Drihtne quia voluit te abstrahere a Domino, Deut. 13, 10. Ðonne he atíþ hine, Ps. Surt. 9, 30. Ðonne he fram atíhþ [atýgþ MS. C.] hine dum abstrahet eum, Ps. Spl. second 9, 11. Seó mæg ateón æ-acute;lces cynnes áttor út of men which can draw poison of every kind out of man, Ors. 5, 13; Bos. 113, 33. Mid atogenum swurde evaginato gladio, Num. 22, 22. He ateáh rib of sídan he extracted a rib from his side, Cd. 9 ; Th. 11, 19 ; Gen. 177. Læ-acute;t, ðæt ic ateó ða egle of ðínum eágan sine ejiciam festucam de oculo tuo, Lk. Bos. 6, 42. Gif ðú up atýhst and awyrtwalast of gewitlocan leása gesæ-acute;lþa if thou pluckest up and rootest out of thy mind false felicities, Bt. Met. Fox 12, 49; Met. 12, 25. Ðá ic ðec from helle ateáh when I drew thee from hell, Exon. 29 b ; Th. 91, 19; Cri. 1494 : 124 b ; Th. 479, 4; Rä. 62, 2. Múþ mín ic ontýnde, and ic ateáh to [to geteáh MS. C.] gást os meum aperui, et attraxi spiritum, Ps. Spl. 118, 131. Hig ne mihton hit ateón non valebant illud trahere, Jn. Bos. 21, 6. II. to treat, use, dispose of, employ; tractare, uti, adhibere :-- Ðú ðín ágen móst mennen ateón swá ðín mód freóþ thou mayest treat thine own maidservant as thy mind inclines (liketh), Cd. 103; Th. 136, 14; Gen. 2258. Ðá his fýnd hine ne meahton ateón swá hý woldon when his enemies might not treat him as they would, Ps. Th. arg. 9. Ateóh hyne swylce bróðer tracta eum sicut fratrem, Scint. 60: Nicod. 14; Thw. 7, 7. Hú híg sceoldon ðæs Hæ-acute;lendes wurþ ateón how they should dispose of the Saviour's price, Mt. Bos. 27, 7. III. intrans. or with a cognate noun : to draw to any place, betake oneself anywhere, go, come, make a journey or expedition; se recipere, meare, proficisci, ire, venire, iter facere :-- Siððæt se hearmscaða to Heorute ateáh after the injurious scather came to Heorot, Beo. Th. 1537; B. 766. Wig-síþ ateáh went on a warlike expedition, Cd. 96; Th. 126, 13; Gen. 2094: 167; Th. 208, 28; Exod. 490: 208; Th. 256, 34; Dan. 650: Exon. 37 a ; Th. 120, 15; Gú. 272.
a-teorian, -teorigan; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od; v. intrans. To fail, become weary, cease, leave off; deficere, fatiscere, cessare, desistere : Geteorigende ateoraþ deficientes deficient, Ps. Spl. 36, 21. Ateorode hálig defecit sanctus, Ps. Spl. 11, 1. Ateorode on sáre líf mín. defecit in dolore vita mea, 30, 12. Hig ateoredon smeágende mid smeáunge defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio, Ps. Lamb. 63, 7. Ateorodun defecerunt, 9, 7 : Cot. 69: Greg. Dial. 1, 1 : R. Ben. interl. 53.
a-teorigendlíci; adj. [a-teorigende part. of a-teorigan to fail, líc] Failing, fleeting, perishable; caducus, fugax :-- Seó yld is geteald to æ-acute;fnunge ðises ateorigendlican middaneardes that age is considered as the evening of this fleeting world, Homl. Th. ii. 266, 6.
a-teorung, e; f. A failing, fainting, weariness; defectio, fatigatio. v. ge-teorung.
at-eówad, -eówed; part. Shewn, made known; ostensus. v. æt-eówian.
áter poison; venenum. v. átor.
áter-drinca, an; m. A poisonous potion or drink, poison; potio venenata, venenum, Cot. 24. v. átor, etc.
a-terian; p. ede; pp. ed To fail, become weary; deficere, fatigare :-- Atered fatigatus, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Wrt.Voc. 50, 20: R. Ben. interl. 53. v. a-teorian.
áter-láðe, an ; f. The plant cock's leg; panicum crus galli. Betonica ? Cot. 24. v. átter-láðe.
áter-líc; adj. Poison-like; veneno similis :-- Áterlíc vel biter gorgoneus, Cot. 98, = átor-líc.
áter-tán, es; m. A poisonous rod, twig; vimen venenosum :-- Ecg wæs íren, átertánum fáh the edge was iron, tainted with poisonous twigs, Beo. Th. 2923; B. 1459.
Áþ, es; m. I. an OATH, a swearing; juramentum :-- Ðú agyltst ðine áþes reddes juramenta tua, Mt. Bos. 5, 33. Ðá behét he mid áþe pollicitus est cum juramento, 14. 7. 9. He áþ swereþ þurh his selfes líf he sweareth an oath by his own life, Cd. 163; Th. 205, 5 ; Exod. 431 Ps. Th. 131, 11. Hí sealdon unwillum hálige áþas they gave unwillingly holy oaths, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 49; Met. 1, 25. Gif ðæt geswutelod wæ-acute;re, oððe him áþ burste, oððe ofercýðed wæ-acute;re if that were made evident, or an oath failed to them, or were out proven, L. Ed. 3 ; Th. i. 180, 20. Nú on worulde hér monnum ne deriaþ máne áþas now here in the world wicked [false] oaths do not inflict injury on men, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 96; Met. 4, 48. Mid unforedan áþe with an unbroken oath; pleno juramento, L. Wil. ii. 3 ; Th. i. 489, 25. Ðæt he ðonne áþ funde gif he mæhte ungecorenne that he bring forward the oath of persons unchosen if he could, L. Ed. 1 ; Th. i. 158, 18. II. every accusation must be verified by oath : the accused and his witness then replied also upon oath; thus, 1. Ðæs áþ ðe his æ-acute;hte bryideþ, ðæt he ne dæ-acute;þ ne for hete ne for hóle :-- On ðone Drihten, ne teó ic N. ne for hete ne for hóle ne for unrihtre feohgynesse; ne ic nán sóþre nát; búte swá mín secga me sæ-acute;de, and ic sylf to sóþe talige, ðæt he mines orfes þeóf wæ-acute;re' The oath of him, who takes his [own] property, that he does it neither for hatred nor for envy :-- ' By the Lord, I accuse not N. neither for hatred nor for envy, nor for unlawful lust of gain; nor know I anything soother; but as my informant to me said, and I myself in sooth think, that he was the thief of my property.' 2. Ðæs óðres áþ ðe he is unscyldig :-- ' On ðone Driliten, ic eom unscyldig, æ-acute;gþer ge dæ-acute;de ge dihtes æt ðære tíhtlan ðe N. me tíhþ ' The other's oath that he is guiltless :-- 'By the Lord, I am guiltless, both in deed and purpose, of the accusation of which N. accuses me.' 3. His geféran áþ ðe him mid standaþ :-- ' On ðone Drihten, se áþ is clæ-acute;ne and unmæ-acute;ne ðe N. swór' His companion's oath who stands with him :-- ' By the Lord, the oath is clean and unperjured which N. has sworn,' L. O. 4-6; Th. i. 180, 8-19. III. Ánfeald áþ [lád] a simple oath [exculpation]; simplex juramentum [purgatio] hoc est, accipiat duos, et sit ipse tertius, et sic jurando conquirat simplicem purgationem. Þrýfeald áþ a threefold oath; triplex juramentum, hoc est, accipiat quinque, et ipse sit sextus, L. C. S. 22 ; Th. i. 388, 11, 12, and note b. [Plat. éd : O. Sax. éð : O. Frs. eth, ed : Dut. eed : Ger. eid : M. H. Ger. eit ; gen. eides : O. H. Ger. eid : Goth. aiþs : Dan. eed : Swed. ed : O. Nrs. eiðr, m.] v. ánfeald áþ.