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bégian; p. ode; pp. od [bég a crown] To crown; coronare :-- Ðú bégodest us coronasti nos, Ps. Spl. C. 5, 15. v. beágian.
be-gietan to get, obtain, Exon. 65 b ; Th. 242, 6 ; Ph. 669. v. be-gitan.
be-gíman to guard; custodire, Gen. 2, 15. v. be-gýman.
be-gímen observation, care; observatio, Wanl. Catal. 78, 24, v. begýmen.
be-gíming, e; f. An invention, a device; adinventio, Ps. Spl. 105, 36.
be-gínan; p. -gán, pl. -ginon ; pp. -ginen To open the mouth wide, gape, yawn? oscitare in aliquem? - Ic begíne I yawn, Exon. 129 b; Th. 497, 19; Rä. 87, 3.
be-ginnan, ic -ginne, ðú -ginnest, -ginst, he -ginneþ, -gineþ, -ginþ, pl. -ginnaþ, -ginaþ ; p. -gan, pl. -gunnon; pp. -gunnen; v. a. [be, ginnan, q. v.] To BEGIN; incipere :-- Nóe ðá began to wircenne ðæt land Noe tunc cæpit exercere terram, Gen. 9, 20 : 18, 27 : Hy. 10, 36; Hy. Grn. ii. 293, 36. v. on-ginnan.
be-giondan beyond, Past. Pref. MS. Hat. v. be-geondan.
be-girdan; p. -girde; pp. -girded To begird, Apol. Th. 12, 17. v. be-gyrdan.
be-gitan, -gietan, -gytan; part. -gitende; ic -gite, ðú -gytst, he -gyteþ, pl. -gytaþ ; p. -geat, pl. -geáton; pp. -geten ; v. a. [be, gitan to get] To get, obtain, take, acquire, to seek out, receive, gain, seize, lay hold of, catch; sumere, obtinere, assequi, acquirere, nancisci, capere, comprehendere, arripere :-- Æ-acute;lc mód wilnaþ sóþes gódes to begitanne every mind wishes to get the true good, Bt. 24, 2 ; Fox 82, 1. Hí ða burh mihton eáðe begitan they might easily have taken the city, Ors. 3, 4; Bos. 56, 10. He begeat ealle ða eást land he obtained all the east country, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 6. Hwæt begytst ðú of ðínum cræfte quid acquiris de tua arte? Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 3 : Ps. Th. 83, 3 : 68, 37. Ðe hý under Alexandre begeáton which [riches] they had gained under Alexander, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 73, 27 : Beo. Th. 4490; B. 2249.
Fin sweord-bealo begeat misery from the sword seized Fin, Beo. Th. 2297; B. 1146.
be-gleddian, ic -gleddige ; p. ode; pp. od To dye, stain; inficere :-- Ic begleddige inficio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 37. And begleddod is eorþe on blódum et infecta est terra in sanguinibus, Ps. Spl. 105, 36.
be-glídan; p. -gláð, pl. -glidon ; pp. -gliden To glide or disappear from any one, to desert any one; evanescere ab aliquo, derelinquere :-- Unriht me eall beglíde iniquitas a me omnis transeat, Ps. Th. 56, 1.
be-gnagan; p. -gnóg, pl. -gnógon; pp. -gnagen To BEGNAW, gnaw; corrodere, Martyrol. 9, Jul.
begne, an; f. An ulcer, a carbuncle; carbunculus :-- Seó blace begne the black ulcer; carbunculus, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 21; Wrt. Voc. 40, 52.
be-gnornian; p. ode; pp. od To deplore; lugere :-- Begnornodon deplored, Beo. Th. 6338; B. 3179.
be-gong, es; m. A course :-- Under swegles begong under the course of heaven, Beo. Th. 1724; B. 860. v. be-gang.
be-gongan to exercise, Exon. 32 b; Tb. 103, 24; Cri. 1693 [MS. bi-gongan]. v. be-gangan.
be-goten covered, Rood Kmbl. 13; Kr. 7; pp. of be-geótan.
begra of both :-- He is heora begra lufu he is the love of them both, Hexam. 2; Norm. 4, 22. v. begen.
be-grafan, bi-grafan ; p. -gróf, pl. -grófon; pp. -grafen [be, grafan to dig] To bury; defodere, sepelire :-- Róda greóte begrafene [MS. be-grauene] crosses buried in the sand, Elen. Kmbd. 1666; El. 835.
be-grauen buried, = begrafen ; pp. of be-grafan.
be-greósan; p. -greás, pl. -gruron; pp. -groren To overwhelm fearfully; horrore afficere, formidolose obruere? - Atole gástas súsle begrorene [MS. begrorenne] the horrid spirits fearfully overwhelmed with torment, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 9.
be-grétan, -græ-acute;tan; p. -grét, pl. -gréton; pp. -gréten, -græ-acute;ten To lament, bewail; lamentare, deplorare :-- Fæmnan ne wæ-acute;ran geonge begrétte virgines eorum non sunt lamentatæ, Ps. Th. 77, 63. v. grétan.
be-grindan; p. -grand, pl. -grundon; pp. -grunden. I. to grind, polish; perfricare, polire, exacuere :-- Sindrum begrunden ground with cinders, Exon. 107 a ; Th. 408, 3; Rä. 27, 6. II. to deprive; privare :-- Æ-acute;lc hine selfa begrindeþ gástes dugeþum each deprives himself of his soul's happiness, Cd. 75; Th. 91, 33; Gen. 1521. DER. grindan.
be-grípan; p. -gráp, pl. -gripon ; pp. -gripen ; v. trans. [be, grípan to gripe] To BEGRIPE, chasten, chide; increpare, Ps. Spl. T. 15, 7.
begrorene [MS. begrorenne] fearfully overwhelmed, Cd. 214; Th. 268, 9 ; pp. of be-greósan.
be-grornian to lament, to grieve for; mœrere, Cd. 13; Th. 16, 14; Gen. 243. v. gnornian.
be-grynian; p. ode; pp. od To ensnare, entrap; illaqueare, irretire :-- Ðæt híg swá beón begrynode ut sic irretientur, Coll. Monast. Th. 21, 17. v. grinian.
be-gunnon, be-gunnen began, begun, C. R. Ben. 22. v. be-ginnan.
be-gyldan; p. -gylde; pp. -gylded To gild; inaurare, deaurare :-- Begylded fatu vasa deaurata, Lye. v. gyldan, gildan.
be-gýman, be-gíman; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To take care of, to keep, govern, regard, serve, attend; custodire, curare, servare, observare, attendere :-- Godes þeówum ðe ðære cyrcan begýmaþ to God's servants who serve the church, L. Ælf. C. 24; Th. ii. 352, 11 : Ps. Spl. 77, 63 : Lk. Bos. 10, 35 : Mt. Bos. 6, 1 : Ps. Spl. 5, 2.
be-gýmen, be-gímen, e; f. Care, regard, observation, shew, pomp; observatio :-- Mid begýmene = μετ&alpha-tonos; παρατηρ&eta-tonos;σεωs, with shew or that it can be observed, Lk. Bos. 17, 20.
be-gyrdan, -girdan ; p. de; pp. ed, or be-gyrd; v. trans. [be, gyrdan to gird]. I. to BEGIRD, surround; cingere, præcingere, accingere :-- Begyrdaþ eówer lendenu renes vestros accingetis, Ex. 12, 11. He ðæt eálond begyrde and gefæstnade mid díce he begirt and secured the island with a dike, Bd. 1, 5; S. 476, 10. God se begyrde me of mihte Deus qui præcinxit me virtute, Ps. Spl. 17, 34 : Ps. Th. 17, 37. He wæs begyrded mid wæ-acute;pnum ðæs gástlícan camphádes accinctus erat armis militiæ spiritalis, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 24. II. to clothe; amicire :-- Begyrded oððe bewæ-acute;fed leóhte swá swá mid hrægle amictus lumine sicut vestimento, Ps. Lamb. 103, 2.
be-gytan to obtain, Mt. Bos. 5, 7. v. be-gitan.
be-gytst obtainest, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 3. v. be-gitan.
béh a crown. :-- On ðone béh in coronam, Bd. 5, 21; S. 643, 28. v. bég.
be-habban, he -hæfeþ; p. -hæfde; pp. -hæfed, -hæft; v. a. [be by, near, habban to have]. I. to compass, encompass, surround; cingere, circumdare :-- Ðíne fýnd behabbaþ ðé inimici tui circumdabunt te Lk. Bos. 19 43 : Jos. 6, 20. Behæfde heápa wyn Hæ-acute;lendes burg the joy of bands surrounded the Saviour's tomb, Exon. 120 a ; Th. 460, 16; Hö. 18 : Cd. 112; Th. 148, 9 ; Gen. 2454. II. to comprehend; comprehendere, continere :-- Behabban hreðre or on hreðre to comprehend in the mind, Andr. Kmbl. 1633; An. 818 : Exon. 92 b; Th. 347, 9; Sch. 10 : Ps. Spl. 76, 9. III. to restrain, detain, stay; detinere :-- Hí behæfdon hine detinebant illum, Lk. Bos. 4, 42.
be-hæfednes, -ness, e; f. A detention, care; conservatio :-- Behæfednes fæsten sparingness, parsimony, Cot. 191. v. fæst-hafolnes.
be-hæftan; p. -hæfte; pp. -hæfted, contr. -hæftd, -hæft To betake, take, bind; captare, vincire :-- Be-hæft held; captus = gehæft, q. v. Gen. 22, 13. v. pp. of hæftan. v. ge-hæftan.
be-hæ-acute;s, e; f. [be by, near, hæ-acute;s command] A self-command, vow, promise. Hence our behest; votum :-- He fela behæ-acute;sa behét he promised many vows, Chr. 1093; Th. 359, 33. v. hæ-acute;s, behát.
be-hæ-acute;tst vowest, Gen. 38, 17. v. be-hátan.
be-hangen hung round; pp. of be-hón.
behát, es ; n. A promise, vow; promissum, votum :-- Ic sende on eów mínes fæder behát ego mitto promissum Parris mei in vos, Lk. Bos. 24, 49. Ðonne ðú behát behæ-acute;tst Drihtene cum votum voveris Domino, Deut. 23, 21. DER. be-hátan, ge-hát.
be-hátan, ic -háte, ðú -hátest, -hæ-acute;tst, he -háteþ, pl. -hátaþ; p. -hét, pl. -héton; pp. -háten [be, hátan to call, promise, vide II] To promise, vow, threaten; spondere, pollicere, vovere, comminari :-- Ðæt ðú me behæ-acute;tst quod polliceris, Gen. 38, 17. Behét he mid áþe cum juramento pollicitus est, Mt. Bos. 14, 7. Ðonne ðú behát behæ-acute;tst Drihtene cum votum voveris Domino, Deut. 23, 21. Drihten God behét us wedd Dominus Deus pepigit nobiscum fædus, 5, 2. Æ-acute;lc yfel man him behét they threatened him every evil, Chr. 1036; Ing. 209, 12; Ælf Tod. 11.
be-háwian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To see, see clearly; videre :-- Beháwa ðonne ðæt ðú útadó ðæt mot see then clearly [τ&omicron-tonos;τε διαβλ&epsilon-tonos;ψειs] that thou take out the mote, Mt. Bos. 7, 5.
be-heáfdian; p. ode; pp. od ; v. trans. [be, heáfod head] To BEHEAD; decollare :-- He beheáfdode Iohannem decollavit Iohannem, Mt. Bos. 14, 10 : Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 32; Jud. 290.
be-heáfdung, e; f. A BEHEADING; decollatio, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 194, 21.
be-healdan, bi-healdan, ic -healde, ðú -healdest, -hylst, he -healdeþ, -hylt, -hilt, pl. -healdaþ; p. ic, he -heóld, ðú -heólde, pl. -heóldon ; pp. -healden; v.trans. [be near, healdan to hold, observe]. I. to hold by or near, possess, observe, consider, beware, regard, mind, take heed, behave, to mean, signify; tenere, inhabitare, servare, curare, gerere :-- Heora æ-acute; to behealdenne to observe their laws, Ors. 3, 5 ; Bos. 57, 21. Adam sceal mínne stronglícan stól behealdan Adam shall possess my strong seat, Cd. 19; Th. 23, 28; Gen. 366. He gemetfæstlíce and ymbsceáwiendlíce hine sylfne on eallum þingum beheóld se modeste et circumspecte in omnibus gereret, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 5. Hwæt ðæt swefen beheóld what the dream signified, Gen. 41, 8. II. to BEHOLD, see, look on; observare, aspicere, videre :-- Beheald ða tunglu behold the stars, Bt. 39,13; Fox 232, 25. Loth ðá beheóld geond eall, and geseah elevatis itaque Lot oculis, vidit, Gen. 13, 10.
be-heáwan, bi-heáwan ; p. -heów; pp. -heáwen To beat, bruise, hew or cut off, to separate from, deprive of; tundere, cædendo privare, amputare :-- Beheáwene mid swingellan tunsi per flagella, Past. 36, 5; Hat. MS. 47 b, 15. Heáfde beheáwan to behead, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 85; Met. 1, 43. Hwonne me wráþra sum aldre beheówe when some enemy might deprive me of life, Cd. 128; Th. 163, 21; Gen. 2701.