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big-swíc, es; m. Deceit, guile; fraus :-- Bútan brede and bigswíce without fraud and guile, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 160, 7. v. be-swíc.

big-wist, bí-wist, e; f. [wist subsistence, victuals, food; wesan to be, exist] Food, nourishment, provision; pabulum, alimentum, commeatus :-- Bigwist alimentum, pabulum, Abus. 4. We læ-acute;raþ, ðæt hí habban þreóra daga bíwiste we enjoin, that they have provision for three days, L. Edg. C. 3; Th. ii. 244, 12. He habban sceal ðám þrím geférscipum bíwiste he must have provisions for the three classes, Bt. 17; Fox 60, 3, 4.

bí-gyrdel a girdle, purse, Mt. Bos. 10, 9. v. big-gyrdel.

bi-gytan to get, obtain, seize; assequi, acquirere, arripere, corripere, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 19; Cri. 1690. v. be-gitan.

bi-healden; p. -heóld, pl. -heóldon; pp. -healden. I. to hold by or near, guard, observe, preserve; tenere, inhabitare, custodire, servare, præservare :-- Ðæ-acute;r se ánhaga eard bihealdeþ there the lonely [bird] holds its dwelling, Exon. 57 a; Th. 203, 21; Ph. 87. Mec sáwelcund hyrde bihealdeþ a spiritual shepherd guardeth me, Exon. 37 a; Th. 121, 15; Gú. 289. Hine weard biheóld of heofonum a guardian from heaven guarded him, Exon. 34 a; Th. 108, 22; Gú. 76: 54 b; Th. 193, 22; Az. 125. Se sceal ðære sunnan síþ bihealdan he shall observe the sun's course, Exon. 57 a; Th. 203, 27; Ph. 90: 57 b; Th. 205, 17; Ph. 114. Háteþ mec heáh-cyning bihealdan the high king commands [them] to preserve me, Exon. 1l0 b; Th. 424, 15; Rä. 41, 39. II. to see, look on, behold; videre, intueri, aspicere :-- Freó ðæt bihealdeþ hú me of hrife fleógaþ hylde pílas my master beholds how the shafts of battle fly from my belly, Exon. 105 a; Th. 399, 3; Rä. 18, 5. v. be-healdan.

bi-heáwan; p. -heów; pp. -heáwen To hew or cut off, to deprive of; cædendo privare :-- Iohannes bibeád heáfde biheáwan commanded to cut off John's head, Exon. 70 a; Th. 260, 10; Jul. 295. v. be-heáwan.

bi-helan; p. -hæl, pl. -hæ-acute;lon; pp. -holen To conceal; occultare, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 23; Cri. 1311. v. be-helan.

bi-helian to hide, conceal, Exon. 52 b; Th. 183, 14; Gú. 1327. v. be-helian.

bi-helmian; p. ade; pp. ad To cover over, to cover, shroud; cooperire :-- Heolstre bihelmad shrouded with darkness, Exon. 69 a; Th. 257, 2; Jul. 241. v. be-helman.

bi-heonan on this side. v. be-heonan.

bi-hlæ-acute;man to overwhelm with noise, to fall upon; strepitu obruere :-- Ðonne foldbúende se micla dæg meahtan Dryhtnes mægne bihlæ-acute;meþ then the great day of the mighty Lord will fall with might upon the earth's inhabitants, Exon, 20 b; Th. 54, 18; Cri. 870. [O. Sax. O. H. Ger. hlamón crepitare.]

bi-hlæ-acute;nan; p. de; pp. ed To surround or beset by leaning anything against another; acclinando circumdare :-- Læ-acute;men fæt wudu-beámum, holte bihlæ-acute;nan [bilænan MS.] an earthen vessel with forest trees, with wood beset, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 7; Jul. 577.

bi-hlemman; v. a. [be, hlemman to dash together] To dash together; collidere cum strepitu :-- He ða grimman goman bihlemmeþ fæste togædre he dashes the grim jaws [gums] fast together, Exon. 97 b; Th. 364, 26; Wal. 76.

bi-hlyhhan; p. -hlóh, pl. -hlógon; pp. -hlahen, -hleahen To laugh at, deride; ridere aliquid, exultare de aliqua re, Exon.73 b; Th. 274, 1; Jul. 526. v. be-hlehhan.

bi-hófian; p. ode; pp. od To have need of, to need, require; egere, indigere, Exon. 37 b; Th. 123, 33; Gú. 332. v. be-hófian.

bi-hongen behung, hung round, Exon. 81 b; Th. 307, 1; Seef. 17; pp. of bi-hón. v. be-hón.

bi-hreósan; p. -hreás, pl. -hruron; pp. -hroren To rush down, cover; ruere, obruere, incidere :-- Hríme bihrorene covered with rime, Exon. 77 b; Th. 291, 4; Wand. 77.

bi-hroren rushed, Exon. 77 b; Th. 291, 4; Wand. 77. v. bi-hreósan.

bi-hýdan; p. -hýdde; pp. -hýded To hide, conceal, cover; abscondere, occultare, operire, Exon. 61 b; Th. 227, 4; Ph. 418. v. be-hýdan.

bí-hydig careful, Bd. 4, 7; S. 574, 33. v. be-hydig, big-hydig.

bii; prep. dat. [ = big = bí = be] By, near to; juxta, prope :-- Se eádiga ærcebiscop Sanctus Laurentius bii his fóregengan Sancte Agustine bebyrged wæs beatus archiepiscopus Laurentius juxta prædecessorem suum Augustinum sepultus est, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 6. v. be 1.

BIL, bill, es; n. An old military weapon, with a hooked point, and an edge on the back, as well as within the curve, a BILL or a broad two-edged sword, a falchion. Whatever its shape, it must have had two edges; as, in the earliest poem, an envoy is attacked, billes ecgum, with the edges of a bill; falx, marra, falcastrum, ensis curvus. Hitherto this word has only been found in poetry :-- Ðá ic, on morgne, gefrægn mæ-acute;g óðerne billes ecgum on bonan stælan then on the morrow, I have heard of the other kinsman setting on the slayer with the edges of a bill, Beo. Th. 4963; B. 2485. Geseah ðá sige-eádig bil, eald sweord eótenisc then he saw a victorious bill, an old giant sword, Beo. Th. 3119; B. 1557. Abrægd mid ðý bille he brandished with his sword, Cd. 142; Th. 177, 17; Gen. 2931. Billa ecgum with the edges of swords, Cd. 210; Th. 260, 14; Dan. 709. Billum abreótan to destroy with swords, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 14; Exod. 199. [Laym. bil a falchion: O. Sax. bil, n: Dut. bijl, f: Ger. beil, beihel, n: M. H. Ger. bíle, bíl, n: O. H. Ger. bihal, bial, n: Sansk. bil to divide; findere.] DER. gúþ-bil, hilde-, stán-, twí-, wíg-, wudu-.

bí-lage [bí by, near, lagu a law] A BYE-LAW; lex privata, Chr. W. Thorn. an. 1303.

bile, es; m? A BILL, beak of a bird, a proboscis, the fore part of a ship; rostrum, proboscis = πρoβoσκ&iota-tonos;s :-- Bile rostrum, Wrt. Voc. 77, 26. Ylpes bile vel wrót an elephant's proboscis, Ælfc. Gl. 18; Som. 58, 128; Wrt. Voc. 22, 42.

bíle a bile, carbuncle, sore; ulcus, Som. Lye. v. býl.

bi-leác locked up, shut up, Exon. 124 b; Th. 479, 1; Rä. 62, 1, = be-leác; p. of be-lúcan.

bi-lecgan; p. -legde, -léde; pp. -legd, -léd To lay or impose upon, to lay round, cover, load, afflict, charge; imponere, afficere, onerare, accusare, Exon. 107 a; Th. 409, 6; Rä. 27, 25. v. be-lecgan.

bi-légan; p. -légde; pp. -légd To surround with flame; circumflagrare flamma :-- Lége bilégde surrounded with flame [Ger. umlodert mit lohe], Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 7; Az. 16. v. be-légan.

bile-hwít; adj. [bile the beak, hwít white, referring to the beaks of young birds, then to their nature, Junius] Simple, sincere, honest, without fraud or deceit, meek, mild, gentle; simplex, mitis :-- Arnwi munec wæs swíðe gód man and swíðe bilehwít monk Arnwi was a very good man and very meek, Chr. 1041; Erl. 169, 12. v. bilewit.

bile-hwítlíce; adv. Honestly, simply; honeste, simpliciter :-- Andswarede Dryhthelm bilehwítlíce, forðon he wæs bylehwítre gleáwnesse and gemetfæstre gecynde man Drycthelme respondebat simpliciter, erat namque homo simplicis ingenii ac moderatæ naturæ, Bd. 5, 12; S. 631, 30.

bí-leofa food, C. R. Ben. 49. v. big-leofa.

bí-leofen, -lifen, e; f. [bí, leofen living, livelihood] Food, provisions; annona, pulmentum :-- Bí-leofene [MS. bileouene] annona, C. R. Ben. 43. Bílifen pulmentum, Cot. 171. v. big-leofa.

bi-leóran; p. de, ade; pp. ed To pass by or over; transire, præterire :-- Gif bileórade fram [MS. from] him seó [MS. ðio] tíd si transiret ab eo hora, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 35, 36. Se bileórde qui præterivit, Ps. Surt. 89, 4. v. leóran.

bi-leósan; p. -leás, pl. -luron; pp. -loren To bereave, deprive; orbare, privare :-- Ðá afyrhted wearþ ár, elnes biloren then the messenger was affrighted, bereft of courage, Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, 30; Gú. 1301. v. be-leósan.

bile-wit, bele-wit, bil-wit; adj. [bile, wit mind, wit] Merciful, mild, gentle, simple, honest; æquanimus, mansuetus, mitis, simplex, honestus :-- Bilewit Dryhten merciful Lord, Ps. C. 50, 99; Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 99: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 138; Met. 20, 69: 20, 510; Met. 20, 255: 20, 538; Met. 20, 269. We bletsiaþ bilewitne feder we bless the merciful father, Hy. 8, 8; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 8. Gehýran ða bilewitan [MS. bylewitan] audiant mansueti, Ps. Spl. 33, 2. Beóþ eornustlíce gleáwe swá nædran, and bilwite [MS. bilwyte] swá culfran estote ergo prudentes sicut serpentes, et simplices sicut columbæ, Mt. Bos. 10, 16: 11, 29.

bile-witness, bil-witness, e; f. Mildness, simplicity, innocence; simplicitas :-- Se God wunaþ simle on ðære heán ceastre his ánfealdnesse and bilewitnesse God dwells always in the high city of his unity and simplicity, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 19. Hý on bilwitnesse hyra líf alyfdon they passed their lives in simplicity, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 27, 5.

bil-gesleht, bill-gesliht, -geslyht, es; n. [bil, bill a sword, gesleht a clashing, conflict, slaughter; from sleán to slay, kill] A clashing of swords, battle; ensium concutio, pugna :-- Gelpan ne þorfte beorn blandenfeax bilgeslehtes [billgeslyhtes, Cott. Tiber. A. vi; billgeslihtes, Cott. Tiber. B. i: Cott. Tiber. B. iv] the grizzly-haired warrior needed not boast of the clashing of swords, Chr. 937; Th. 204, 35, col. 1; Æðelst. 45.

bilgst, bilhst, he bilgþ, bilhþ art angry, is angry; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of belgan to be angry.

bil-hete, bill-hete, es; m. [bil, bill ensis, hete odium] The hate of swords; odium ope ensium manifestatum :-- Æfer billhete after the hate of swords, Andr. Kmbl. 156; An. 78.

bí-libban; p. -lifde; pp. -lifed, -lifd [bí 1. by, upon, libban to live] To live by or upon, to be sustained or supported; vesci, sustentari :-- Sciððium wearþ emleóf, ðæt hý gesáwon mannes blód agoten, swá him wæs ðara nýtena meolc, ðe by mæ-acute;st bílibbaþ it was as agreeable to the Scythians to see [lit. that they saw] man's blood shed, as it was [to see] the milk of their cattle, upon which they mostly live, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 26, 31-33. God ðás eorþan, ðe ealle cwice wihta bílibbaþ, ealle hire wæstmbæ-acute;ro gelytlade God lessened this earth, all its fruitfulness, by which all living creatures are supported, 2, 1; Bos. 38, 8.

bi-liden left, departed, Exon. 52 a; Th. 182, 18, = be-liden; pp. of be-líðan, q. v.

bí-lifen food, Cot. 171. v. bí-leofen.

bilig a bag, bottle, skin; uter, Ps. Spl. M. 118, 83. v. belg.