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bold-getæl, es; n. [bold a house, getæl a number, tribe, register] A dwelling-place, mansion, habitation, house; domicilium, mansio, vicus, domus :-- Gif mon wille of boldgetale [boldgetæle MS. B.] in óðer boldgetæl hláford sécan, dó ðæt mid ðæs ealdormonnes gewitnesse ðe he æ-acute;r in his scíre folgode if a man from one dwelling-place wish to seek a lord in another dwelling-place, let him do it with the knowledge of the alderman, whom he before followed in his shire, L. Alf. pol. 37; Th. i. 86, 2; that is, If a person who had commended himself, wished to take his name off the manor-roll of one lord, etc. Thorpe's Laws, vol. i. p. 86, note a.
bold-getimber; gen. -getimbres; pl. nom. acc. -getimbru; n. The timber of a house; ædificii tignum :-- Leóht [fýr] briceþ and bærneþ boldgetimbru light [fire] breaketh and burneth the timbers of the house, Salm. Kmbl. 826; Sal. 412.
bold-wéla, an; m. [bold a house, wéla wealth]. I. a dwelling of wealth or happiness; prædium, opes domesticæ :-- Ne mæg ðé adón ðínne boldwélan thou mayest not take thee thy dwelling of wealth or happiness, Soul Kmbl. 118; Seel. 59. II. paradise, heaven; paradisus = παρ&alpha-tonos;δεισos, cœlum :-- Ðé is neorxna wang boldwéla fægrost paradise is to thee the fairest dwelling of happiness, Andr. Kmbl. 206; An. 103. Adam and Æue anforléton beorhtne boldwélan Adam and Eve forsook bright paradisal happiness, Exon. 73 a; Th. 272, 22; Jul. 503. He gesóhte swegle dreámas, beorhtne boldwélan he sought the joys of heaven, the bright dwelling of happiness, Apstls. Kmbl. 65; Ap. 33. He [God] sceal ræ-acute;dan, se ðe ródor ahóf, wuldres fylde beorhtne boldwélan he [God] shall rule, who uplifted the firmament, with glory filled the bright dwelling of wealth, Andr. Kmbl. 1047; An. 524.
bolgen vexed, irritated, angry; pp. of belgan.
bolgen-mód; adj. Enraged in mind; iratus animo :-- Him bolgenmód yrre andswarode enraged in mind, answered them angrily, Cd. 183; Th. 228, 26; Dan. 209: Beo. Th. 1422; B. 709: Andr. Kmbl. 255; An. 128: Exon. 40 b; Th. 135, 25; Gú. 529.
BOLLA, an; m. Any round vessel, cup, pot, BOWL, a measure; vas, cyathus = κ&upsilon-tonos;αθos :-- Bolla cyathus, Glos. Epnl. Recd. 156, 16. Cærenes gódne bollan fulne meng togædere mingle together a good bowl full of boiled wine, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 24, 19. Ðæ-acute;r wæ-acute;ron bollan steápe boren æfter bencum there were carried deep bowls behind the benches, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 14; Jud. 17. [Piers P. Laym. bolle: O. Frs. bolla, m. in kne-bolla, strot-bolla: Dut. bol, m: Kil. bolle caput, globus: Ger. punch-bole, f. a punch-bowl: M. H. Ger. hirn-bolle: O. H. Ger. hirni-polla the brain-pan, skull: Dan. bolle, c: Swed. bål, n: O. Nrs. bolli, m. a bowl.] DER. beód-bolla, heáfod-, þrot-.
bollen bellowed, roared; pp. of bellan.
BOLSTER; gen. bolstres; m. A BOLSTER, a pillow for the head; cervical :-- He his heáfód onhylde to ðam bolstre, and medmycel fæc onslæ-acute;pte reclinavit caput ad cervical, modicumque obdormivit, Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 7. He wæs on scipe, ofer bolster slápende erat in puppi, super cervical dormiens, Mk. Bos. 4, 38. Hit geondbræ-acute;ded wearþ beddum and bolstrum it was overspread with beds and bolsters, Beo. Th. 2484; B. 1240. [Dut. bolster, m. a shell: Kil. bolster culcita: Ger. polster, m. cervical: M. H. Ger. bolster, m: O. H. Ger. bolstar, n: Swed. bolster, n. a mattress: O. Nrs. bólstr. m. a bolster.] DER. heáfod-bolster, hleór-.
BOLT, es; pl. boltas; m. A BOLT, a warlike engine to throw bolts, arrows; catapulta, Cot. 45. [Chauc. bolt: Dut. bout, m: Kil. bolt sagitta: Ger. M. H. Ger. bolz, m: O. H. Ger. bolz: Dan. bolt, c: O. Nrs. bolti, m.]
bón [bógan to boast] To boast; jactare :-- He bóþ his sylfes swíðor micle ðonne se sélla mon he boasts of himself much more than a better man, Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 9; Mód. 28.
bona, an; m. A killer; interfector :-- Se wites bona the destroyer of the mind [the devil], Exon. 11 b; Th. 17, 3; Cri. 264. Fugel-bona a bird killer, 79 b; Th. 298, 5; Crä. 80. v. bana.
bond bound; ligavit, Exon. 42 b; Th. 143, 29; Gú. 668; = band; p. of bindan.
bonda, an; m. A husband, an householder, a master of a family; maritus :-- Se bonda sæt the husband dwelt, L. C. S. 73; Th. i. 414, 21: 77; Th. i. 418, 24. v. bunda.
bonde-land, es; n. Bond or leased land, land held under restrictions, or on conditions expressed in writing; tributaria terra :-- Án abbot, Beonne geháten, lét Cúþbriht ealdorman x bonde-lande [x tributariorum terram, vel terram x manentium] æt Swinesheáfde, mid læswe and mid mæ-acute;dwe, and mid eal ðæt ðæ-acute;rto læi, and swá ðæt Cúþbriht geaf ðam abbote l punde ðæ-acute;rfore, and ilca geár ánes nihtes feorme, ouðer xxx scyllinge penega; swá eác ðæt eafter his dæi scolde ðæt land ongeán into ðam mynstre an abbot, called Beonna, let to the alderman Cuthbriht ten 'boude-lands' at Swineshead, with leasow and with meadow, and with all lying thereto, and so that Cuthbriht should give to the abbot fifty pounds for it, and every year one night's entertainment, or thirty shillings in pennies; and also that after his day the land should come again to the monastery, Chr. 777; Th. 92, note 1; Cod. Dipl. 165; A. D. 786-796; Kmbl. i. 201.
bon-gár, es; m. [bana, ban a killer, death? gár a spear] A death-spear; letifera hasta, Beo. Th. 4066; B. 2031.
bonnan; p. beónn, pl. beónnon; pp. bonnen To summon, call together; citare, convocare :-- Sió býman stefen and se beorhta segn bonnaþ sáwla gehwylce the voice of the trumpet and the bright sign shall summon every soul, Exon. 23 b; Th. 66, 6; Cri. 1067. v. bannan.
booc-hord a library, Ælfc. Gl. 109; Som. 79, 4; Wrt. Voc. 58, 47. v. bóc-hord.
BÓR. I. a borer, gimlet; terebra, Leo 121. II. a lancet, a surgeon's or barber's instrument, a burin, or graving tool; scalprum rasile, Cot. 63. [Plat. baar: Dut. boor, f: Dan. bor, n: Swed. borr, m: O. Nrs. bor, m. terebra, Rask Hald.]
bora, an; m. [boren; pp. of beran to bear] One who bears or sustains the charge of anything, a ruler; qui rem aliquam gerit, gestor :-- Ríces boran the rulers of the state, Cd. 224; Th. 296, 10; Sat. 500.
-bora, an; m. [from boren; pp. of beran] Often used as a termination to denote A bearer, bringer, supporter; is qui fert, gerit; as, Cæ-acute;g-bora, horn-, mund-, ræ-acute;d-, ræ-acute;s-, segen-, sweord-, tácn-, wæ-acute;g-, wæ-acute;pen-, wíg-, wóþ-, wróht-. v. -bæ-acute;re.
borcian; p. ade, ode To bark; latrare :-- Hió borcade: þancode willum it barked: thanked willingly, Exon. 129 a; Th. 495, 11; Rä. 84, 6. v. beorcan.
BORD, es; n. I. a BOARD, plank; tabula sectilis, tabula :-- Bord tabula, Wrt. Voc. 63, 80. Borda gefég a joining of boards; commissura, R. 6 2. Hwílum ic bordum sceal heáfodleás behlýðed licgan sometimes I must lie on boards deprived of head, Exon. 104 a; Th. 395, 18; Rä. 15, 9. Wirc ðé æ-acute;nne arc of aheáwenum bordum make thee an ark of planed planks, Gen. 6, 14; fac tibi arcam de lignis levigatis, Vulg. II. what is made of a board,-A table, shield; mensa, clypeus :-- Ic on wuda stonde, bordes on ende I stand upon wood, at the end of the table, Exon. 129 a; Th. 496, 15, 18; Rä. 85, 15, 16. Geweorþe bord oððe mése heora befóran him on grine fiat mensa eorum coram ipsis in laqueum, Ps. Spl. T. 68, 27. Scip sceal genægled, scyld gebunden, leóht bord a ship shall be nailed, a shield bound, the light shield [lit. board], Exon. 90 b; Th. 339, 16; Gn. Ex. 95: Byrht. Th. 134, 67; By. 110: Fins. Th. 58; Fin. 29. He fýsde forþ flán genehe: hwílon he on bord sceát, hwílon beorn tæ-acute;sde he poured forth his arrows abundantly: sometimes he shot on the shield, sometimes he pierced the warrior, Byrht. Th. 139, 46; By. 270: Beo. Th. 5041; B. 2524: Cd. 156; Th. 193, 28; Exod. 253. Ðæ-acute;r wæs borda gebrec there was clash of shields, Elen. Kmbl. 227; El. 114: Beo. Th. 4510; B. 2259. Beraþ bord fór breóstum bear shields before their breasts Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 16; Jud. 192: 12; Thw. 26, 9; Jud. 318. He mid bordum hét wyrcan ðone wíhagan he commanded to raise with the shields the fence of war, Byrht. Th. 134, 49; By 101; Andr. Kmbl. 2412; An. 1207. III. the board, covering or deck of a ship, the ship itself; tabulatum, stega = στ&epsilon-tonos;γη, constratum, navis :-- Hý twegen sceolon habban gomen on borde, in sídum ceóle they two shall have pastime on board, in the spacious ship, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 5; Gn. Ex. 183. He drugaþ his ár on borde he draws his oar on board, 92 a; Th. 345, 15; Gn. Ex. 188. Ofer ceóles bord from the vessel's deck, Exon. 20 b; Th. 54, 2; Cri. 862. Læ-acute;d under earce bord eaforan ðíne lead thy children under the covering of the ark, Cd. 67; Th. 80, 23; Gen. 1333: 67; Th. 82, 4; Gen. 1357. Bord oft onféng ýða swengas the ship often received the blows of the waves, Elen. Kmbl. 476; El. 238. Ic wille eall acwellan ða be-útan beóþ earce bordum I will destroy all who shall be without the boards of the ark or all who are not in the ark or ship, Cd. 67; Th. 81, 33; Gen. 1354. IV. with the prepositions innan and útan governing the genitive case, at home and abroad; domi et foris :-- Hie sibbe innan bordes gehióldon they preserved peace at home [lit. inside the boundary], Past. pref; Hat. MS. Man útan bordes wísdóm hieder on lond sóhte one from abroad [lit. outside the boundary] sought wisdom in this land, Past. pref; Hat. MS. [Wyc. boord: R. Brun. bord: R. Glouc. bord, borde: Laym. bord, beord, burd: Orm. bord, borde: O. Sax. bord, m: Frs. boerd, bord, m: O. Frs. bord, m: Dut. bord, boord, m: Ger. bord, m. and n: M. H. Ger. bort: O. H. Ger. bort, borti, borto, m: Goth. fotu-baurd, n. a foot-stool: Dan. bord, n: Swed. bord, m: Icel. borð, n: Fr. bord, m: Span. It. bordo, m: M. Lat. bordus: Wel. bwrdh, bord: Corn. bord, f: Ir. Gael. bord, m: Armor. bourz.] DER. bleó-bord, fámig-, gúþ-, hilde-, hleó-, nægled-, þryþ-, wæ-acute;g-, wíg-, ýþ-.
borde, an; f. A board, table; tabula, mensa :-- Fæ-acute;mne æt hyre bordan geríseþ it becomes a damsel to be at her board, Exon. 90 a; Th. 337, 14; Gn. Ex. 64.
bord-gelác, es; n. [lácan to play, sport, fly] What flies against a shield, hence,-A missile, dart; telum :-- Ðý-læs ingebúge biter bordgelác under bánlocan lest the bitter dart enter in under the skin, Exon. 19 a; Th. 48, 9; Cri. 769. v. bord II.
bord-hæbbende; part. [bord scutum, clypeus; habban habere, vel hebban, hæbban levare, tollere] Shield-bearing; scutum ferens, scutifer, Beo. Th. 5782; B. 2895.
bord-haga, an; m. [bord II. a shield, haga a hedge] The cover of shields; clypeorum sepimentum :-- Gefeallen under bordhagan fallen under the cover of shields, Elen. Kmbl. 1300; El. 652.