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clivus, rupes, promontorium :-- Ða ludéi læ-acute;ddon Crist to ánum clife, and woldon hine niðerascúfan the Jews led Christ to a cliff, and would cast him down, Homl. Th. ii. 236, 33. Æt Eádwines clife at Edwin's cliff, Chr. 761; Th. 89, 24, col. 1. Ðæt hí ne hlipen on ðæt scorene clif that they leap not down the abrupt cliff, Past. 33, 1; Hat. MS. 41a. 9. Be clifum on the cliffs, Exon. 81b; Th. 306, 15; Secf. UNCERTAIN 8. Ðæt hie Geáta clifu ongitan meahton that they might perceive the cliffs of the Gauts, Beo. Th. 3826; B. 1911. Ofer cald cleofu over the cold cliffs, Andr. Kmbl. 619; An. 310: Exon. 101b; Th. 384, 15; Rä. 4, 28. Ðú hluttor læ-acute;test wæter of clife clæ-acute;num thou lettest forth clear waters from the pure rock, Exon. 55a; Th. 194, 11; Az. 137: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 25; Met. 5, 13. Se ðe gecyrde clyf on wyllan wætera qui convertit rupem in fontes aquarum, Ps. Spl. M. C. 113, 8. God clifu cyrreþ on wæteres wellan God turneth rocks into wells of water, Ps. Th. 113, 8. Clif promontorium, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 117; Wrt. Voc. 41, 67. Nílus seó eá, hyre æ-acute;wylme, is neáh ðæm clife ðære Reádan Sæ-acute;s the spring of the river Nile is near the promontory of the Red Sea, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 17, 19, 29. [O. Sax. klif, n. a rock; Dut. klip, f. a rock, cliff: Kil. kleppe, klippe rupes, petra; Ger. klippe, f. rupes: O. H. Ger. clep promontorium: Dan. klippe, m. f. a rock, cliff: Swed. klippa, f: Icel. klif, n. a cliff] DER. brim-clif, ég-, heáh-, holm-, stán-, weal-.
clífa, an; m. A den, cave; cubile, spelunca, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 22. v. clýfa.
CLÍFAN, ic clífe, ðú clífest, clífst, he clífeþ, clífþ, pl. clifaþ; p. cláf, pl. clifon; pp. clifen To CLEAVE, adhere; adhærere. [Piers P. clyven: Plat. kleeven; O. Sax. bi-klíban: UNCERTAIN Frs. be-klieuwen: O. Frs. bi-kliva: M. H. Ger. klíben: O. H. Ger. klíban: Dan. kläbe: Swed. klibba.] DER. óþ-clífan; clifian, cleofian, cliofian.
clife, an; f. I. the greater burdock; arctium lappa :-- Dó clifan use burdock, L. M. 1, 67; Lchdm. ii. 142, 16. II. the small burdock :-- Seó smæle clife the small burdock, CLIVERS; galium aparine, L. M. 1, 50; Lchdm. ii. 124, 2. DER.
clifer; gen. clifres; m. A claw, talon; ungula :-- Clifras [MS. cifras] ungulas, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 150, 37. Clifra ungularum, 149, 7. DER. clifrian.
clif-hlép, clif-hlýp right down, under foot; pessum, Cot. 155, Som. Ben. Lye.
cliflan, cleofian, cliofian, clyfian; p. ode; pp. od To cleave, adhere; adhærere :-- Hí willaþ clifian on ðæ-acute;m monnum they will cleave to the men, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 19. Woldon hí on ðam clifian they would cleave to him, 16, 3; Fox 56, 10: L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm. ii. 38, 20. His flæ-acute;sces lima clifaþ æ-acute;lc on óðrum each of the limbs of his flesh cleaves to another, Past. 47; Hat. MS. Ðín tunge clifaþ to ðínum goman thy tongue cleaveth to thy gums, Homl. Th. ii. 530, 28. To ðære lifre clifiaþ adhærent jecori, Lev. 1, 8. Ðæt dust, ðæt of eówre ceastre on úrum fótum clifode, we drígeaþ on eów pulverem, qui adhæsit nobis de civitate vestra, extergimus in vos, Lk. Bos. 10, 11. [Wyc. cleuyde cleaved: Laym. cleouieþ cleaveth: O. Sax. klibón: UNCERTAIN Dut. kleeven: Ger. kleben, kleiben: O. H. Ger. klebén, klebjan.] DER. æt-clifian, ge-, on-, to-, to-ge-.
clifig, clifiht; adj. CLIFFY, steep; clivosus, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 120; Wrt. Voc. 19, 4: Cot. 34: 209.
clifon cleaved, adhered; adhæserunt; p. pl. of clífan.
clifrian, ic clifrige; p. ode; pp. od [clifer a claw] To claw, scratch; scabere :-- Ic clifrige scabo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 25. DER. to-clifrian.
clif-stán, es; m. A rough stone, rock; cautes :-- Clifstánas cautes, Cot. 44.
clif-wyrt, e; f. Maiden-hair, water-wort, fox-glove; agrimonia :-- Clifwyrt, sume men hataþ foxes clife, sume eá-wyrt cliff-wort, some men call fox-glove, some water-wort, L. M. l, 15; Lchdm. ii. 58, 3.
climan, ðú climst, he climþ; p. clomm to climb, v. climban and ofer-clomm.
CLIMBAN, ic climbe, ðú climst, he climþ, pl. climbaþ; p. clamb, pl. clumbon; pp. clumben; v. a. To CLIMB; scandere, ascendere :-- Clumbon [MS. Clumben] upp to ðe stépel climbed up to the steeple, Chr. 1070; Erl. 209, 9. Clumbon [MS. Clumben] upp to ðe hálge róde climbed up to the holy cross, Erl. 209, 6. [Laym. climben to climb, he climbeth; p. cluombe, pl. clumben; pp. iclumben: Orm. climbenn to climb: Dut. klimmen scandere: O. H. Ger. klimban: M. H. Ger. klimmen, klam, klummen, geklummen: Sansk. kram incedere, ascendere.] DER. ofer-climan, ofer-climban: climan, clymmian.
climmian to climb. v. clymmian, climan, climban.
climst, he climþ climbest, climbs; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of climan, climban.
CLINGAN, ic clinge, ðú clingst, he clingþ, pl. clingaþ; p. clang, pl. clungon; pp. clungen, geclungen. I. to wither, pine, to CLING [in this sense, rarely used in English] or shrink up; se contrahere, marcescere :-- Clang wæteres þrym ofer eástreámas: ís brycgade blæ-acute;ce brimráde the glory of water shrank over river streams: ice bridged a pale water&dash-uncertain;road, Andr. Kmbl. 2522; An. 1262. Ic clinge marcesco, Ælfc. Gr. 35; Som. 38, 7. [Piers P. clyngen to shrink, wither, pine.] v. for-clingan, ge-clungen. II. to CLING, stick close; circumcludere, includere. v. be-clingan.
cliof a cliff, rock, pointed rock, crag; cautes, Cot. 30. v. clif.
cliófa a den, chamber, Ps. Th. 35, 3. v. cleófa.
cliofian, he cliofaþ, pl. cliofiaþ; p. ode; pp. od To cleave; adhærere :-- Hí willaþ cliofian on ðæ-acute;m monnum they will cleave to the men, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 19, note 9. v. clifian.
cliofung, e; f. A CLEAVING; sectio :-- Cliofung sectio, Ælfc. Gl. 62; Som. 68, 83; Wrt. Voc. 39, 66.
cliopian; part. clioppende; p. ode; pp. od To cry, call; clamare :-- Se Hæ-acute;land ongann cliopian [MS. cliopia] the Saviour began to cry, Mk. Skt. Lind. 10, 47. Clioppende, 9, 36: 15, 39: Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 14, 26. v. clypian, clipian.
cliowen a clew, ball, Mone B. 1662. v. cliwen.
clipian, clipigan, pl. clipiaþ; p. ode; pp. od To make a vocal sound, call, address, invoke; vocare, alloqui :-- We clipiaþ to æ-acute;lcum þinge we address everything, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 25. v. clypian, clipigendlíc.
clipigendlíc; adj. I. calling, vocative; vocativus :-- Vocativus is clipigendlíc oððe gecígendlíc: mid ðam casu we clipiaþ to ælcum þinge, Eálá ðú man cum hider O! homo veni huc: Eálá ðú man sprec to me O! homo loquere ad me: Eálá ðú láreów tæ-acute;ce me sum þing O! magister doce me aliquid: vocative is calling or invoking: with this case we address everything, as -- O! thou man come nither: 0! thou man speak to me: O! thou master teach me something, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 24-27. II. making a vocal sound; vocalis. v. clypiendlíc, clypigendlíc.
clipur, es; m. A CLAPPER of a bell; tintinnabuli vel campanæ malleus :-- Se bend ðe se clipur ys mid gewriðen, ys swylce hyt sý sum gemetegung ðæt ðære tungan clipur mæ-acute;ge styrian, and ða lippan æt-hwega beátan. Sóþlíce mid ðæs rápes æt-hríne se bend styraþ ðone [MS. ðæne] clipur the band with which the clapper is tied, is as it were a method for moving the clapper of the tongue, and beating more or less the lips. So with the touch of the rope the band moves the clapper, Wanl. Catal. 109, col. 2, 16-20. [Dut. klepel, f: M. H. Ger. klepfel, m. tubillus; klepfer, m. clapper.]
cliroc, es; m. A clerk, priest; clericus :-- Cliroc hine clæ-acute;nsie let a clerk clear himself, L. Wih. 19; Th. i. 40, 17. v. clerc.
Clistún, es; m. CLIST or CLYST, near Exeter, Devon, Chr. 1001; Gib. 132, 16; Ing. 175, 7. v. Glistún.
clite, an; f. The herb colt's foot; tussilago :-- Genim ða langan clitan [MS. lancge cliton] take the long colt's foot, Lchdm. iii. 22, 16.
clíða, clýða, an; m. A plaster, salve, poultice; emplastrum, malagma = GREEK :-- Se wítega Isaias worhte ðam cyninge Ezechie clíðan to his dolge the prophet Isaiah made for king Hezekiah a plaster for his sore, Homl. Th. i. 476, 1. Clíða malagma, Wrt. Voc. 74, 9: Ælfc. Gr. 9, 1; Som. 8, 22. Man sceal him wyrcean clíðan tofóran his heáfde one must make him a poultice for his forehead, Lchdm. iii. 8, 13, 16. Swylce ðæ-acute;r clýða togelæ-acute;d wæ-acute;re as if a poultice were laid there, Herb. 51, 2; Lchdm. i. 154, 18. Ðyssa wyrta genim ða læssan, wyrc to clýðan take the lesser of these herbs, make it into a poultice, 143, 5; Lchdm. i. 266, 15: 173, 4; Lchdm. i. 304, 15. Genim ðyssa wyrta wyrtruman, gecnucude mid ele, and mid hwæ-acute;tenan meluwe, and mid sápan, ðam gemete ðe ðú clýðan wyrce take roots of these herbs, pounded with oil, and with wheaten meal, and with soap, in the manner in which thou wouldst make a poultice, 184, 4; Lchdm. i. 322, 14: 130, 1; Lchdm. i. 240, 21: 125; Lchdm. i. 236, 21.
cliwen, clywen, cleowen, cliowen, es; n. [cliwe = clywe] A clew, anything that is globular, a ball of thread, ball; glomus, globus :-- Cliwen glomus, Wrt. Voc. 66, 18: 82, 8: 282, 1. Clywen glomus, Ælfc. Gl. 28; Som. 61, 5; Wrt. Voc. 26, 4. Cleowen glomer, globellum, Ælfc. Gl. 111; Som. 79, 68; Wrt. Voc. 59, 37. Án cliwen gódes nettgernes one ball of good net-yarn, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 461; A. D. 956; Kmbl. iii. 451, 7. Cliwenes globi, Mone B. 560. Mintan wel getrifulade meng wið hunig, wyrc to lytlum cliwene mingle mint, well triturated, with honey, make it into a little ball, L. M. 1, 48; Lchdm. ii. 122, 11. Ða ýslan onginnaþ lúcan togædere geclungne to cleowenne the ashes begin to combine together shrunk up into a ball, Exon. 59a; Th. 213, 17; Ph. 226. Aráfaþ ðæt cliwen ðære twífaldan heortan unravels the clew of the double heart, Past. 35, 5; Hat. MS. 46b, 2. Men gesáwon scínan æt his hnolle swilce fýren clywen men saw shining on his crown as it were a fiery circlet, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 2. Cliwene glomere, Mone B. 3713. Cleóne [= cleowene] glomere, 526. Cliowena globos, 1662.
CLOCCIAN; p. ode; pp. od To CLUCK, sigh; glocire, glocitare, singultire, bombum sive sonitum edere :-- Ðeáh seó bródige henn sárlíce cloccige though the brooding hen sorely cluck, Bridf. 76. [Scot, clock: Plat. klukken: Dut. klokken: Kil. klocken: Ger. M. H. Ger. klucken, glucken: Dan. klukke: Swed. klokka, klukka: Icel. klókkva: Lat. glocíre: Grk. GREEK ]
clod-hamer, es; m? A field-fare? turdus pil&a-long;ris ?-- Clodhamer vel feldefare a field-fare; scorellus? [turdus pil&a-long;ris? Lin.], Wrt. Voc. 63, 27.
Clod-hangra, an; m. [clod, hangra a meadow] Clodhanger :-- Þurh