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[MS. crauleac] take the wort attium vineale ... that is in our language the great crow-garlic, Lchdm. i. 376, 3. Cráwan leác hermodactylus, Ælfc. Gl. 44; Som. 64, 84; Wrt. Voc. 32, 20.
Creacan ford Crayford, Chr. 456; Th. 22, 5, col. 2, 3. v. Crecgan ford.
Creácas; gen. Creáca; pl. m. The Greek; Græci :-- Mid eallan Creáca cræftum with all the arts of the Greeks, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 29, 31: Bos. 34, 6. v. Grécas.
Creacc-gelád Cricklade, Chr. 905; Th. 181, 21, col. l. v. Crecca-gelád.
Creácisc; adj. Greek, Grecian; Græcus, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 12. v. Grécisc.
creád pressed, Chr. 937; Th. 204, 14, col. 1; Æðelst. 35; p. of creódan.
creáp, pl. crupon crept, crawled, Glostr. Frag. 6, 7: Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 29. 33; p. of creópan.
Creca-lád Cricklade, Chr. 1016; Erl. 153, 38. v. Crecca-gelád.
Crécas; gen. Créca; pl. m. The Greeks; Græci :-- Fór on Crécas he went against the Greeks, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 15, 31. Ymbe Créca land about the land of the Greeks, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 23, 11: 23, 12, 13, 17, 22: 1. 6; Bos. 29, 6. Perseus of Créca lande in Asiam fór Perseus went from the land of the Greeks into Asia, 1. 8; Bos. 31, 14. v. Grécas.
crecca, an; m. A CREEK, bay, wharf; crepido, Som. Ben. Lye.
Crecca-gelád, Cre-gelád, e; f. [gelád a road, way: Flor. Criccelade: Hunt. Crikelade: Sim. Dun. Criccelad: Brom. Criklade] CRICKLADE, Wiltshire; oppidi nomen in agro Wiltoniensi :-- Hie hergodon ofer Mercna land óþ hie cómon to Creccageláde, and fóron ðæ-acute;r ofer Temese they harried over the Mercians' land until they came to Cricklade, and there they went over the Thames, Chr. 905; Erl. 98, 15. On ðissum geáre com Cnut mid his here ofer Temese into Myrcum æt Cregeláde in this year [A. D. 1016] Cnut came with his army over the Thames into Mercia at Cricklade, 1016; Erl. 153, 23.
Creccan ford Crayford, Chr. 456; Th. 23, 4, col. 2. v. Crecgan ford.
Créce; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m. The Greeks; Græci :-- He belytegade ealle Créce on his geweald he allured all the Greeks into his power, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 59, 39, 40. Philippus alýfde eallum Crécum Philip gave leave to all the Greeks, 3, 7; Bos. 61, 42. v. Crécas, Grécas.
Crecgan ford, Creccan ford, es; m. [Hunt. Creganford: the ford of the river Cray] CRAYFORD, Kent; loci nomen in agro Cantiano :-- Hér Hengest and Æsc fuhton wið Brettas in ðære stówe ðe is gecweden Crecgan ford in this year [A. D. 457] Hengest and Æsc fought against the Britons at the place which is called Crayford, Chr. 457; Erl. 12, 18.
Crecisc Grecian, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 55; Met. 26, 28. v. Grécisc.
créda, an; m. [Lat. cr&e-long;do I believe] The creed, belief; symbolum fidei :-- Se læssa créda the less or Apostles' creed, Homl. Th. ii. 596, 11. We andettaþ on úrum crédan ðæt Drihten sitt æt his Fæder swiðran we confess in our creed that the Lord sits at the right hand of his Father, i. 48, 28: 274, 23. Æ-acute;lc cristen man sceal æfter rihte cunnan his crédan ... mid ðam crédan he sceal his geleáfan getrymman every Christian man by right ought to know his creed ... with the creed he ought to confirm his faith, 274, 20, 21. DER. mæsse-créda.
Cre-gelád Cricklade, Chr. 1016; Erl. 153, 23. v. Crecca-gelád.
crencestre, crencistre, an; f. A female weaver, a spinster; textrix, Cod. Dipl. 1290; A. D. 995; Kmbl. vi. 131, 32.
Creocc-gelád Cricklade, Chr. 905; Erl. 99, 20. v. Crecca-gelád.
CREÓDAN, ic creóde, ðú creódest, crýtst, crýst, he creódeþ, crýdeþ, crýt, pl. creódaþ; p. ic, he creád, ðu crude, pl. crudon; pp. croden To CROWD, press, drive; premere, premi, pellere, pelli :-- Ðonne heáh geþring on cleofu crýdeþ when the towering mass on the cliffs presses, Exon. 101b; Th. 384, 15; Rä. 4, 28. Creád cnear on flot the bark drove afloat, Chr. 937; Th. 204, 14; col. 1; Æðelst. 35. [Prompt. crowdyñ' UNCERTAIN impello: Chauc. croude, crowde push: Kil. kruyen, kruyden trudere, propellere.]
CREÓPAN; part. creópende; ic creópe, ðú crýpest, crýpst, creópest, creópst, he crýpeþ, crýpþ, creópeþ, creópþ, pl. creópaþ; p. creáp, pl. crupon; pp. cropen To CREEP, crawl; repere, serpere :-- He næfþ hjs fóta geweald and onginþ creópan he has not the use of his feet and begins to creep, Bt. 36, 4; Fox 178, 14, Cote. MS. Him cómon to creópende fela næddran many serpents came creeping to them, Homl. Th. ii. 488, 21. Mægen creópendra wyrma biþ on heora fótum the power of reptiles [lit. creeping worms] is in their feet. Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84, 44: Gen. 7, 21. Nán wilde deór, ne on fyðerfótum ne on creópendum, nis to wiðmetenne yfelum wífe no wild beast, neither among the four-footed nor the creeping, is to be compared with an evil woman, Homl. Th. i. 486, 29. Læ-acute;de seó eorþe forþ creópende cinn æfter heora hiwum producat terra reptilia secundum species suas, Gen. 1, 24, 25, 26. Ic creópe repo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 23. Se biþ mihtigra se ðe gæ-acute;þ ðonne se ðe crýpþ he is more powerful who goes than he who creeps, Bt. 36, 4; Fox 178, 16. Hí creópaþ and snícaþ they creep and crawl, Bt. Met. Fox 31, 12; Met. 31, 6. Heó creáp betwux ðám mannum she crept among the men, Homl. Th. ii. 394, ii: Glostr. Frag. 6, 7. Ða munecas crupon under ðam weofode the monks crept under the altar, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 22: Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 29, 33. [Piers P. crepen: Chauc. R. Glouc. crepe: Laym. crepen: Plat. krupen: O. Sax. criepan: Frs. krippen: O. Frs. kriapa: Dut. kruipen: Kil. kruypen; Ger. kriechen: M. H. Ger. kriuchen: O. H. Ger. kriuchan: Dan. krybe : Swed. krypa : Icel. krjupa.] DER. be-creopan, þurh-, under-.
creópere, es; m. A CREEPER, cripple; serpens, clinicus :-- Seó ealde cyrce wæs eall behangen mid criccum and mid creópera sceamelum the old church was all hung around with crutches and with cripples' stools, Glostr. Frag. 12, 17.
creópung, e; f. A CREEPING, stealing; obreptio, Cot. 144.
creów, pl. creówon crew. Jn. Bos. 18, 27; p. of cráwan.
crépel, es; m. A burrow; cuniculum, Mone B. 2774.
cresse cress, Glos. Epnl. Reed. 162, 61. v. cærse.
CRICC, crycc, e; f. A CRUTCH, staff baculus :-- Gird din and cricc ðín me fréfredon virga tua et baculus tuus me consolata sunt, Ps. Spl. C. 22, 5. He, mid his cricce wreðiende, on cyricean eóde baculo sustentans intravit ecclesiam, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 28. He, mid his crycce hine awreðiende, hám becom baculo innitens domum pervenit, 4, 31; S. 610, 17, He mid criccum his féðunge underwreðode he supported his gait with crutches, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 24. [Laym, crucche, dat: Plat. krukke, krükke: Dut. kruk, f: Kil. krucke: Ger. krücke, f: M. H. Ger. krücke, krucke, f; O. H. Ger. krucka, f: Dan. krykke, m. f: Swed. krycka. f.]
Cric-gelád Cricklade, Chr. 1016; Th. 276, 29, col. 2. v. Crecca-gelád.
Cridian tun, es; m. [tún a town: Flor. Cridiatun] CREDITON, Devonshire, formerly the seat of the bishops of Devonshire, so called because it is situated on the banks of the river Creedy; oppidi nomen in agro Devoniensi :-- Hér æt Kyrtlingtúne forþférde Sideman bisceop, on hrædlícan deáþe: se wæs Defnascíre bisceop, and he wilnode ðæt his lícræst sceolde beón æt Cridian túne, æt his bisceopstóle in this year [A. D. 977] bishop Sideman died at Kirtlinglon, by sudden death: he was bishop of Devonshire, and he desired that his body's resting-place might be at Crediton, at his episcopal see, Chr. 977; Erl. 127, 35-38: Cod. Dipl. 1334; A. D. 1046; Kmbl. vi. 196, 15.
crimman; p. cramm, cram, pl. crummon; pp. crummen To crumb, crumble, mingle; friare, inserere :-- Homes sceafoðan crim on ðæt dolh crumble shavings of horn on the wound, L. M. 1. 61; Lchdm. ii. 132, 12. Cram inseruit, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 151, 33. DER. a-crimman.
crincan, ic crince, ðú crincst, he crincþ, pl. crincaþ; p. cranc, pl. cruncon; pp. cruncen To yield; occumbere :-- Wígend cruncon, wundum wérige the fighters yielded, oppressed with wounds, Byrht. Th. 140, 43; By. 302. DER. ge-crincan.
crincgan to fall. Byrht. Th. 140, 23; By. 292. v. cringan.
cringan, crincgan; ic cringe, crincge, ðú cringest, cringst, he cringeþ, cringþ, pl. cringaþ, crincgaþ; p. crang, crong, pl. crungon; pp. crungen To yield, CRINGE, fall, perish, die; occumbere, mori :-- Sume on wæl crungon some had fallen in the slaughter, Beo. Th. 2231; B. 1113. Hí sceoldon begen crincgan on wælstówe they should both fall on the battle-field, Byrht. Th. 140, 23; By. 292 : Andr. Kmbl. 2062; An. 1033: Chr. 937; Th. 202, 6; col. 2; Æðelst. 10. Crungon they perished, Exon. 124a; Th. 477, 17; Ruin. 26: 124a; Th. 477, 24; Ruin. 29. Fæ-acute;ge crungon the fated died. Cd. 167; Th. 208, 11; Exod. 481: Beo. Th. 1275; B. 635. DER. ge-cringan. v. gringan.
crisma, an; m. [chrisma, &a-short;tis, n. = GREEK; n. an unction, from GREEK [fut. GREEK] I touch the surface of a body, I rub or anoint], I. the chrism, unction or holy oil, used for anointing by the Roman Catholic church after baptism; oleum chrismatis :-- Eálá ge mæsse-preóstas, míne gebróðra, we secgaþ eów nú ðæt we æ-acute;r ne sæ-acute;don, forðonðe we to-dæg sceolan dæ-acute;lan úrne ele, on þreó wísan gehálgodne, swá swá us gewissaþ seó bóc; i. e. oleum sanctum, et oleum chrismatis, et oleum infirmorum, ðæt is on Englisc, hálig ele, óðer is crisma, and seóccra manna ele: and ge sceolan habban þreó ampullan gearuwe to ðam þrým elum; forðanðe we ne durran dón hí togædere on ánum elefate, forðanðe hyra æ-acute;lc biþ gehálgod on sundron to synderlícre þénunge. Mid ðam háligan ele, ge scylan ða hæ-acute;ðenan cild mearcian on ðam breóste, and betwux ða gesculdru, on middeweardan, mid róde tácne, æ-acute;rðanðe ge hit fullian on ðam fantwætere; and ðonne hit of ðæm wætere cymþ, ge scylan wyrcan róde tácen uppon ðæm heáfde mid ðam háligan crisman. On ðam háligan fante, æ-acute;rðanðe ge hý fullian, ge scylon dón crisman on Cristes róde tácne; and man ne mót besprengan men mid ðæm fantwætere, syððan se crisma biþ ðæ-acute;ron gedón O ye mass-priests, my brethren, we will now say to you what we have not before said, because to-day we are to divide our oil, hallowed in three ways, as the book points out to us; i. e. oleum sanctum, et oleum chrismatis, et oleum infirmorum, that is, in English, holy oil, the second is chrism, and sick men's oil: and ye ought to have three flasks ready for the three oils; for we dare not put them together in one oil vessel, because each of them is hallowed apart for a particular service. With holy oil, ye shall mark heathen children on