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his ágenum cyre why was the man [Adam] committed to his own free will? Boutr. Scrd. 17, 25. Mid cyre arbitrio, Mone B. 1344: 2616. [Laym. cure, m. choice: Plat. köre election: Dut. keur, f. choice; Kil. keur, kore optio, electio, arbitrium: Ger. kür, kur, chur, f. election: M. H. Ger. kúr, kúre, f. examination, election: O. H. Ger. churi, f. deliberatio, electio: Dan. kaar, n. choice: Swed. kor electio: Icel. kjörr, keyr, n. choice, decision]

cyre-áþ, es; m. [cyre a choice, áþ an oath] The select oath, the oath sworn by the accused, together with a certain number of consacramentals selected by him out of a fixed number of persons named to him by the judge; juramentum electum, quod quis præstabat cum aliquot coujura-toribus ab ipso selectis e quibusdam a judice nominatis [Schmd. 566] :-- Nemne him man x men and begite ðara twegen and sylle ðone áþ . . . and stande ðæs cyre-áþ ofer xx peninga let there be named ten men to him and let him get two of them and give the oath . . . and let his select oath stand for over twenty pence, L. Ath. i. 9; Th. i. 204, 15. v. un&dash-uncertain;gecoren áþ.

cyre-bald bold in decision; arbltrii strenuus. v. cire-bald.

cyre-líf, es; n. A choice of life, where on decease of a lord, the cultivators choose a lord for themselves; optio vitæ, ubi, mortuo domino, villani sibi dominum eligunt :-- Ic bidde, on Codes naman, and on his háligra, ðæt mínra maga nán ne yrfewearda ne geswence nán næ-acute;nig cyrelíf ðara ðe ic foregeald, and me West-Seaxena wítan to rihte gerehton, ðæt ic hí mót læ-acute;tan swá freó swá þeówe, swáðer ic wille; ac ic, for Godes lufan and for mínre sáwle þearfe, wylle ðæt hý sýn heora freólses wyrðe and hyra cyres; and ic, on Godes lifiendes naman, beóde ðæt hý nán man ne brócie, ne mid feós manunge, ne mid næ-acute;nigum þingum, ðæt hý ne mótan ceósan swylcne mann swylce hý wyllan I pray in the name of God, and his saints, that no one of my kinsmen nor heirs molest any choice of life of those for whom I have paid, and the witan of the West Saxons have rightly confirmed to me, that I might leave them either free or servile, as I will; but I, for love of God and for my soul's need, will that they be entitled to their freedom and their choice; and I, in the name of the living God, command that no man oppress them, either by exaction of money, or in any other way, so that they may not choose whatever lord they will, Cod. Dipl. 314; A. D. 880-885; Kmbl. ii. 116, 24-33.

cyren must, wine boiled down; dulcisapa :-- Awilled wín vel cyren dulcisapa, Cot. 62. v. a-willan, ceren.

Cyren-ceaster, Cyrn-ceaster Cirencester, Cicester, Gloucestershire :-- Æt Cyrenceastre at Cirencester, Chr. 1020; Th. 286, 12, col. 2: Ors. 5, 12; Bos. 110, 22. v. Ciren-ceaster.

cyrf, e; f? A cutting off, an instrument to cut with; abscissio, ferrum abscissionis :-- Cyrf abscissio, R. Ben. 28. Be ðisum cyrfe of this cutting, Homl. Th. ii. 406. 33. Cyrf ferrum abscissionis, C. R. Ben. 40. DER. æ-cyrf, of-.

CYRFÆT, cyrfet, es; m? A gourd; cucurbita :-- Cyrfæt cucurbita, Ælfc. Gl. 43; Som. 64, 38; Wrt. Voc. 31, 48. Hwerhwettan oððe cyrfet gesihþ on swefnum untrumnysse getácnaþ to see in dreams a cucumber or a gourd betokens ailment, Somn. 43; Lchdm. iii. 200, 16. Wylde cyrfet wild gourd, colocynthis = GREEK , Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 58; Wrt. Voc. 30, 12. Wild cyrfet vel hwit wíngeard bryonia = GREEK , 44; Som. 64, 81; Wrt. Voc. 32, 17. [Plat. körbs, körwitz, kürwes, m: Dut. kauwoerde, f. a gourd: Kil. kauwoorde, kouworde: Ger. kürbiss, m: M. H. Ger. kürbez, m: O. H. Ger. kurbiz, m: Fr. gourde, f: O. Fr. gougourde: Lat. cucurbita.]

cyrfel, es; m. [cyrf a cutting off] A little stake, a peg; paxillus :-- Cyrfel vel litel stigul [ = sticel?] paxillus, Ælfc. Gl. 29; Som. 61, 46; Wrt. Voc. 26, 45.

cyrfille, an; f. Chervil; cærefolium :-- Nim cyrfillan take chervil, Lchdm. iii. 12, 13: 46, 25. v. cerfille.

cyrfst, he cyrfþ carvest, carves; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of ceorfan.

cyric a church. v. in the compounds cyric-æ-acute;we, -belle, -bóc, -bót, -bryce, -burh, -dór, -friþ, -fultum, -georn, -geriht, -griþ, etc.

cyric-æ-acute;we, ciric-æ-acute;we, es; n. An ecclesiastical marriage; ecclesiasticum matrimonium :-- Hí, þurh heálícne hád, ciricæ-acute;we underféngan they, through holy orders, have entered into an ecclesiastical marriage, L. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 334, 14. v. cyric; æ-acute;w, æ-acute;we.

cyric-belle a church-bell; ecclesiæ campana. v. ciric-belle.

cyric-bóc, e; f. A church-book; liber continens ritus et ceremonias ecclesiæ :-- To æ-acute;ghwælcre neóde man hæfþ on cyricbócum mæssan gesette masses for every necessity have been placed in church-books, Lupi Serm. 2, 3; Hick. Thes. ii. 107, 32.

cyric-bót, ciric-bót, e; f. Church-repair; ecclesiæ reparatio :-- To cyricbóte for church-repair, L. Eth. vi. 51; Th. i. 328, 6. To ciricbóte sceal eall folc fylstan mid rihte all people must lawfully give assistance to church-repair, L. C. S. 66; Th. i. 410, 12: L. Eth. ix. 6; Th. i. 342, 8.

cyric-bryce church-breach, a breaking into a church, L. Ath. i. 5; Th. i. 202, 6, MSS. B. L. v. ciric-bryce.

Cyric-burh; gen. -burge; dat. -byrig; f. [Hunt. Cereburih: Brom.

Cyrebury: the church city] Chirbury, Shropshire; loci nomen in agro Salopiensi :-- Æðelflæ-acute;d ða burh getimbrede æt Cyricbyrig Æthelfled built the fortress at Chirbury, Chr. 913; Th. 186, 35, col. 2; 187, 35, col. 1.

cyric-dór a church-door; ecclesiæ porta. v. ciric-dor.

CYRICE, cirice, cyrce, circe; gen. an, ean; f: cyric, ciric, in the compound cyric-æ-acute;we, etc. q. v. cyrc, e; f. circ, in the compound circ-líc, etc. q. v. I. the CHURCH as a temporal and spiritual body; ecclesia = GREEK :-- Seó cyrice on Breotone hwæt hwugu fæc sibbe hæfde the church in Britain for some time had peace, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 17. Seó Godes circe, seó circe æ-acute;fyllendra the church of God, the church of the faithful, Exon. 18a; Th. 44, 8, 16; Cri. 699, 703. To ðære ánnesse ðære hálgan Cristes cyrican to the unity of Christ's holy church, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 13. Agustinus on Cent ðære frymþelícan cyrican líf and láre wæs onhýrigende Augustine in Kent imitated the life and lore of the early church, 1, 26; S. 487, 27. Gregorius féng to biscopháde ðære Rómániscan cyrican Gregory succeeded to the bishopric of the Roman church, 1, 23; S. 485, 23; 1, 4; S. 475, 29. Ongunnon hí ðæt apostolíce líf ðære frymþelícan cyricean onhýrigean they began to imitate the apostolic life of the early church, Bd. 1, 26; S. 487, 32. Fram ðam biscope ðære Rómániscan cyricean by the bishop of the Roman church, 1, 13; S. 481, 38. On Norþanhymbra þeóde and cyrican in the nation and church of the Northumbrians, 2, 20; S. 521, 19. On ðære hálgan Rómánisce cyricean in the holy Roman church, 1, 27; S. 489, 33, 38. Hæ-acute;lend Crist is se grundweall ðære gástlícan cyrcan Jesus Christ is the foundation of the spiritual church, Homl. Th. ii. 588, 22. Ealle Godes cyrcan sind getealde to ánre cyrcan, and seó is geháten gelaðung all God's churches are accounted as one church, and that is called a congregation, ii. 580, 22. On ciricean Grist Drihten God bletsige in ecclesiis benedicite Dominum Deum, Ps. Th. 67, 24. Hí hýndon and hergedon Godes cyrican they oppressed and harried God's church, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 21. Crist getimbrode ða gástlícan cyrcan, ná mid deádum stánum ac mid lybbendum sáwlum Christ built the spiritual [lit. ghostly] church, not with dead stones but with living souls, Homl. Th. ii. 580, 12. II. a church, the material structure; ecclesia :-- Ðæ-acute;r wæs cyrice geworht a church was built there, Bd. 1, 7; S. 479, 6: 1, 26; S. 487, 42. Wæs cirice gehálgod a church was consecrated, Andr. Kmbl. 3291; An. 1648. Ðæt seó cyrce afealle that the church may f all down, Homl. Th. i. 70, 27. Godes cyrce is úre gebédhús God's church is our prayer-house, ii. 584, 3. Circe ecclesia, Ælfc. Gl. 107; Som. 78, 82; Wrt. Voc. 57, 58. Awriten mid ðám bródrum ðære cyricean æt Lindesfarena written by the brethren of the church at Lindesfarne, Bd. pref; S. 472, 39. Nim úre cyrcan máðmas take our church's treasures, Homl. Th. i. 418, 14, 17. Nis ná alýfed ðæt ðæs mynstres hláford sylle ðære cyrcean land to óðre cyrcean non licet monasterii domino terram ecclesiæ alii assignare ecclesiæ, L. Ecg. P. A. 25; Th. ii. 236, 15, 16. Ceadwala cining wæs gebyrged innan S&c-tilde;e Petres cyrican king Ceadwalla was buried in St. Peter's church [at Rome], Chr. 688; Erl. 43, 7. Hí on cyrican in Eoferwícceastre bebyrigde wæ-acute;ron they were buried in the church at York, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 2. Æðelbyrht cyning on cyricean ðara eádigra apostola Petrus and Paulus bebyriged wæs king Æthelbert was buried in the church of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, 2, 5; S. 506, 22. On eorþlícere cyrcan líþ stán ofer stáne in an earthly church stone lies over stone, Homl. Th. ii. 582, 17: i. 453, 2: 504, 8: 506, 11, 18. Se Cénwalh hét atimbrian ða cyrican on Wintan-ceastre Cenwalh commanded the church at Winchester to be built, Chr. 641; Erl. 27, 13. Eádwine cyning wæs gefullod fram Pauline ðam bisceope on Eoferwícceastre, ðý hálgestan Eásterdæge, on sancti Petres cyricean ðæs apostoles, ðá he ðæ-acute;r hræde geweorce of treówe cyricean getimbrede, syððan he gecristnad wæs . . . and sóna ðæs ðe he gefullad wæs, he ongan, mid ðæs bisceopes láre, máran cyrican and hýhran stæ-acute;nene timbrian, and wyrcean ymb ða cyrican útan ðe he æ-acute;r worhte king Edwin was baptized by bishop Paulinus on the most holy Easter day, in the church of St. Peter the apostle at Fork, when he had there built a church of wood, with hasty work, after he was christened. . . and soon after he was baptized, he began, by the bishop's advice, to build a larger and higher church of stone, and to construct it about the church which he had formerly wrought, Bd. 2, 14; S. 517, 22-30: Chr. 626; Erl. 23, 40; 25, 2: Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 23, 27: 2, 14; S. 518, 18: 2, 16; S. 519, 22. Hió cirican getimbrede, tempel Drihtnes, on Caluarie she built a church, a temple of the Lord, on Calvary, Elen. Kmbl. 2014; El. 1008. Se hét ciricean getimbran, Godes tempel he commanded a church to be built, a temple of God, Andr. Kmbl. 3265; An. 1635. Hí ðæ-acute;rofer cyrcan aræ-acute;rdon and weofod they raised a church and altar thereover, Homl. Th. i. 506, 15, 19, 25, 35. Ne wæ-acute;ron cyrican getimbrede churches were not built, Bd. 2, 14; S. 518, 16. Ða menigfealdan cyrcan ateoriaþ the manifold churches will decay, Homl. Th. ii. 582, 6. Ða cyrcean, ðe beóþ fram ðám bisceopum gehálgode, sceolon mid hálig wætere beón geondstrédde ecclesiæ, ab episcopis illis consecratæ, aqua benedicta debent aspergi, L. Ecg. P. A. 5; Th. 232, 20. On éhtnysse Godes cyrcena in the persecution of God's churches, Bd. l, 6; S. 476, 22. On ðám lácum geleáfsumra ðe hí to