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224 EÁCA -- EÁDIG.

gewíteþ, and eác swá some, ðe hire on wurdon atydrede so all this world goes away, and even so those who were born upon it, Elen. Grm. 1278. Se is eác wealdend ealra ðara ðe ðæ-acute;r in wuniaþ ungesewenlícra, and eác swá same ðara ðe we eágum on lóciaþ he is also the ruler of all those creatures which therein dwell invisible, and even so of those that we behold with our eyes, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 10; Met. 11, 5: 11, 19; Met. 11, 10: 11, 171; Met. 11, 86. Sió gesceádwísnes sceal ðære wilnunge waldan and irsunge eác swá the reason ought to govern the will and the anger likewise, 20, 398; Met. 20, 199: 20, 384; Met. 20, 192. [Wyc. eke: Chauc. eek, eke: R. Glouc. ek: Laym. æc, ac, ec, eke, æke: Plat. ook: O. Sax. ók etiam, quoque: Frs. ak, eak: O. Frs. ak, oke also, and: Dut. ook: Ger. auch etiam, quoque: M. H. Ger. ouch: O. H. Ger. ouh etiam: Goth. auk because: Dan. og and: Swed. och and; ock also: Icel. og atque, et: O. Nrs. auk, ók etiam.] v. éc, æ-acute;c.

EÁCA, an; m. An addition, EEKING, increase, usury, advantage; addit&a-long;mentum :-- Ðeáh mín bán and blód bútú geweorþen eorþan to eácan though my bones and blood both become an increase to the earth, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 10; Gú. 352. Þincþ ðé lytel eáca ðínra gesæ-acute;lþa does it seem to thee little addition to thy felicities? Bt. 20; Fox 72, 12. Is witena gehwám wópes eáca there is increase of weeping to every man, Salm. Kmbl. 922; Sal. 460. Ic [Ælfríc Abbod] geset hæbbe feówertig lárspella, and sumne eácan ðæ-acute;rto I [Abbot Ælfric] have composed forty sermons, and some addition thereto, Æ-acute;lfc. T. 27, 18. Gif he hæfþ sumne eácan yfeles if he has some addition of evil, Bt. 38, 3; Fox 200, 19. For dæs yfles eácan for the addition of evil, 200, 21. Ne gehéne ðú hine mid ðý eácan oppress him not with the usury, L. Alf. 35; Th. i. 52, 23; neque hum&i-short;lia ilium &u-long;s&u-long;ra tua, Wilk. 31, 45. ¶ To eácan besides, moreover :-- Ðæt wæs to eácan óðrum unar&i-long;medum yflum that was besides other innumerable evils: literally, in or for, addition to, etc. Bt. 1; Fox 2, 11. To eácan himselfum besides himself: literally, in addition to, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 20. Óðer is to eácan andgete the second is moreover manifest, Exon. 26 a; Th. 76, 21; Cri. 1243. DER. mægen-eáca, ofer-.

EÁCAN; p. eóc, pl. eócon; pp. eácen, écen To be increased, augmented, enlarged, indued; aug&e-long;ri, incresc&e-short;re :-- Adam wearþ gáste eácen Adam was with spirit indued, Cd. 48; Th. 61, 23; Gen. 1001: Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 26; Rä. 6, 13. Eácen feoh increased cattle, Cd. 74; Th. 91, 25; Gen. 1517. Heó wæs mago-timbre be Abrahame eácen worden she had been increased with offspring by Abraham, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 2; Gen. 2236: 123; Th. 157, 14; Gen. 2606: 132; Th. 167, 15; Gen. 2766. Ðæt þurh bearnes gebyrd brýd eácen wearþ that through child-bearing the bride was increased, Exon. 8 b; Th. 3, 19; Cri. 38. Heó ongieten hæfde ðæt heó eácen wæs she had discovered that she was pregnant, Exon. 100 a; Th. 378, 4; Deór. 11. Ælmihtig eácenne gást in sefan sende the Almighty sent an enlarged spirit into his soul, Cd. 198; Th. 246, 27; Dan. 485. Is dóhtor mín eácen, upliden my daughter is magnified, exalted, Exon. 109 a; Th. 416, 13; Rä. 34, 11. [Wyc. echen, eche, eeche: Chauc. eche: R. Glouc. eche: Orm. ekenn: Scot. eik: O. Sax. ókian, ócón: O. Frs. aka: O. H. Ger. auhón: Goth. aukan: Dan. öge: Swed. öka: Icel. auka: Lat. aug-eo: Grk. GREEK: Lith. aug-u to increase.]

eácen; adj. [pp. of eácan] Increased, great, vast, powerful; auctus, magnus, p&o-short;tens, gr&a-short;v&i-short;dus :-- Eácne fuglas the teeming fowls, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 12; Gen. 2158. Se wæs æðele and eácen who was noble and vigorous, Beo. Th. 398; B. 198: Exon. 10 b; Th. 13, 20; Cri. 205. Eald sweord eácen an old, powerful sword, Beo. Th. 3330; B. 1663: 4286; B. 2140. Eácne eardas the vast dwellings, 3246; B. 1621. Insende eácne egesan he sent in mighty terror, Salm. Kmbl. 947; Sal. 473. Cræfte eácen great in skill, Exon. 128 a; Th. 492, 26; Rä. 81, 21: 14; Rä. 81, 15: 103 a; Th. 391, 21; Rä. 10, 8. Næ-acute;ron ge swá eácne mód-geþances ye were not so powerful in mental thought, Cd. 179; Th. 224, 14; Dan. 136. DER. feorh-eácen, mægen-. v. écen,

eácen-cræftig; adj. Exceedingly strong; v&a-short;l&i-short;dus, pollens, ingens :-- Wæs ðæt yrfe eácencræftig that heritage was exceedingly strong, Beo. Th. 6095; B. 3051: 4549; B. 2280.

eá-cerse, an; f. Water-CRESS; nasturtium aqu&a-long;t&i-short;cum :-- Eácersan getrifula oððe geseóþ on buteran bruise or seethe water-cress in butter, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 94, 4.

eácnian, eácnigan, eánían; part. -iende, -igende; p. ode, ade To increase, to be augmented, to become pregnant, to bring forth; aug&e-long;ri, concip&e-short;re, partur&i-long;re :-- Ellen eácnade the fortitude increased, Exon. 94 b; Th. 353, 51; Reim. 31: Ps. Spl. 7, 15. Eácniende wíf muli&e-short;rem prægnantem, Ex. 21, 22. DER. ge-eácnian, to-ge-. v. eánian.

eácnigende; part. Bringing forth; part&u-short;riens :-- Ðæ-acute;r sárnessa swá swá eácnigendes wífes ibi dol&o-long;res ut part&u-short;rientis, Ps. Lamb. 47, 8; part. of eácnigan. v. eácnian.

eácnung, e; f. Increase, a conception; conceptio :-- Hú ðú eácnunge onfénge bearnes burh gebyrde how thou didst receive increase through child-bearing, Exon. 9 a; Th. 5, 26; Cri. 75. DER. bearn-eácnung, ge-.

EÁD, es; n. A possession, riches, prosperity, happiness, bliss; possessio, &o-short;pes, d&i-long;v&i-short;tiæ, prosp&e-short;r&i-short;tas, fel&i-long;c&i-short;tas, beat&i-short;t&u-long;do :-- Se him ðæt eád geféþ who gives the happiness to it, Exon. 60 b: Th. 220, 13; Ph. 319. Se rinc ageaf eorþcunde eád the prince gave up earthly happiness, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 8; Gen. 1627. Niótan ðæs eádes to have enjoyment of the bliss, Cd. 21; Th. 26, 5; Gen. 402. [O. Sax. ód, n. estate, wealth: O. H. Ger. ót, n. prædium: Icel. auðr, m. riches, wealth.]

eád; adj. Rich. wealthy, blessed, happy; d&i-long;ves, op&u-short;lentus, be&a-long;tus :-- Ic ðé eád mæ-acute;g gecýde I will shew thee the blessed virgin, Exon. 70 b; Th. 263, 19; Jul. 352: Cd. 151; Th. 189, 17; Exod. 186.

eádan; p. eód, pl. eódon; pp. eáden To give, concede, grant; d&a-short;re, conc&e-long;d&e-short;re :-- Swá him eáden wæs as was granted to them, Bt. Met. Fox 31, 18; Met. 31, 9. Is æfestum eáden it [the soul] is given to envy, Exon. 118 b; Th. 455, 7; Hy. 4, 46. Ac me eáden wearþ but it was granted to me, 10 b; Th. 13, 10; Cri. 200.

Eádbald, -bold, es; m. [eád happy, bald bold] Eadbald, son of Ethelbert, king of Kent. He succeeded his father to the kingdom of Kent in A.D. 616, and died in A.D. 640 :-- Hér Æðelbryht Contwara cyning forþférde, and Eádbald his sunu féng to ríce, se forlét his fulluht and leofode on hæ-acute;ðenum þeáwe, swá ðæt he hæfde his fæder láfe to wife in this year [A.D. 616] Ethelbert, king of the Kentish people, died, and Eadbald his son succeeded to the kingdom, who disregarded his baptism, and lived in heathen manner, so that he had his father's widow to wife, Chr. 616; Th. 40, 2-9: Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 36. Hér Eádbald [Eádbold, col. 2] Cantwara cining forþférde, se wæs cining xxiv wintra in this year [A.D. 640] Eadbald, king of the Kentish people, died, who was king twenty-four years, Chr. 640; Th. 47, 20, col. 1: Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 6.

eádeg happy. Cd. 72; Th. 89, 6; Gen. 1476. v. eádig.

eadesa an adze, Ps. Surt. 73, 6. v. adesa.

Eádes burh; gen. burge; dat. byrig; f. [Hunt. Edesbirh: Brom. Edesbury] EDDESBURY, Cheshire; loci nomen in agro Cestriensi :-- Æðelflæ-acute;d Myrcna hlæ-acute;fdige ða burh getimbrede æt Eádes byrig Æthelfled, lady of the Mercians, built the fortress at Eddesbury, Chr. 913; Th. 186, 30, col. 2.

eád-fruma, an; m. Author of happiness; beatit&u-long;d&i-short;nis auctor :-- Éce eádfruma the eternal author of happiness, Exon. 15 b; Th. 33, 27; Cri. 532: Andr. Kmbl. 2585; An. 1294.

eádga, eádge happy, Cd. 90; Th. 113, 10; Gen. 1885: Exon. 67 a; Th. 249, 1; Jul. 105. v. eádig.

Eádgár, es; m. [eád happy, gár spear] Edgar, second son of Edmund, and grandson of Alfred the Great. Edgar, in A.D. 955, succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia; and, at the death of his brother Eadwig, in A.D. 959, to the kingdoms of Wessex and Northumbria, over which he reigned sixteen years. He was, therefore, king for twenty years, from A.D. 955-975 :-- Hér, A.D. 955, Eádgár féng to Myrcena ríce here Edgar succeeded to the kingdom of Mercia, Chr. 955; Erl. 119, 32. Hér, A.D. 959, forþférde Eádwíg cing, and Eádgár his bróðor féng to ríce, æ-acute;gðer ge on West-Seaxum, ge on Myrcum, ge on Norþhymbrum here king Eadwig died, and Edgar his brother succeeded to the kingdom, as well of the West-Saxons as of the Mercians, and of the Northumbrians, Chr. 959; Th. 216, 10-15, col. 2. Hér, A.D. 975, Eádgár cing forþférde here king Edgar died, Chr. 975; Th. 227, 19, col. 3.

eádgian; p. ode; pp. od [eád bliss] To bless, enrich; beat&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;re, Exon. 8 a; Th. 2, 16; Cri. 20.

eád-giefu, e; f. Gift of blessedness; beatit&u-long;d&i-short;nis d&o-long;num :-- Ðæt hí éce eádgiefe ánforléton that they forsook the eternal gift of blessedness, Exon. 73 a; Th. 272, 20; Jul. 502: 74 a; Th. 276, 8; Jul. 563. v. eád-gifu.

eád-gifa, -giefa, an; m. Giver of prosperity or happiness; prosper&i-short;t&a-long;tis vel beatit&u-long;d&i-short;nis d&a-short;tor :-- Engla eádgifa bliss-giver of angels, Andr. Kmbl. 147; An. 74: 901; An. 451: Exon. 15 b; Th. 34, 22; Cri. 546.

eád-gifu, -giefu, e; f. Blessed grace, gift of blessedness; be&a-long;ta gr&a-long;tia, beatit&u-long;d&i-short;nis d&o-long;num :-- Ðæt ðú me ne læ-acute;te of lofe hweorfan ðínre eádgife that thou let me not turn from the praise of thy blessed grace, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 2; Jul. 276.

eád-hréðig; adj. Happy, blessed; be&a-long;tus :-- Eádhréðig mæ-acute;g O blessed maiden! Exon. 69 b; Th. 257, 34; Jul. 257. Eádhréðige mæ-acute;gþ the blessed maidens, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 22; Jud. 135. v. eáþ-hréðig.

eádi- happy, v. Ps. Th. 64, 14, in eádig-líc, eádi-líc.

eádig, eádeg; adj. [eád happiness, prosperity; ig] Happy, blessed, prosperous, fortunate, rich, perfect; be&a-long;tus, f&e-long;lix, gaudii pl&e-long;nus, faustus, abundans, op&u-short;lentus, d&i-long;ves :-- Se eádega wer the happy man, Cd. 72; Th. 89, 6; Gen. 1476. Se eádga the blessed [man], 90; Th. 113, 10; Gen. 1885. Seó eádige the blessed [maid], Elen. Grm. 618. Seó eádge the blessed [maid], Exon. 67 a; Th. 249, 1; Jul. 105. Forðon se biþ eádig therefore he shall be blessed, Cd. 220; Th. 283, 13; Sat. 304. Eádig on eorþan rich on earth, 98; Th. 129, 21; Gen. 2147: Exon. 22 b; Th. 63, 3; Cri. 1014. Óðer biþ unlæ-acute;de on eorþan, óðer biþ eádig the one is miserable on earth, the other fortunate, Salm. Kmbl. 732; Sal. 365. Earm ic wæs on éðle ðínum ðæt ðú wurde eádig on mínum I was poor in thy residence that thou mightest be rich in mine, Exon. 29 b; Th. 91, 25; Cri. 1497: 30 b; Th. 95, 8; Cri. 1554. Æðeling eádig a prosperous noble, Beo. Th. 2454; B. 1225. Eádig and ánmód blessed and steadfast, Andr. Kmbl. 107; An. 54: Exon. 43b; Th. 146, 29;