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all the body. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 360; Met. 20, 180. Eallum heora eaforum to all their offspring, Cd. 26; Th. 35, 5; Gen. 550. Eal wæs ðæt mearcland the border-land was all, Andr. Kmbl. 37; An. 19. Ealles ðú ðæs wíte awunne for all this thou hast obtained suffering, Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 18; Gú. 440. Ealra we healdaþ sancta symbel we keep the feast of all the saints, Menol. Fox 396; Men. 199. Ealle wyrd forsweóp míne mágas fate has swept away all my kinsmen. Beo. Th. 5621; B. 2814. Ðeáh hit wið ealle sié eft gemenged weoruld-gesceafta though it is still mixed with all worldly creatures. Bt. Met. Fox 20, 255; Met. 20, 128. Þreó eal on án all three in one. Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 16; Cri. 970. Ðæs ealles nówíht nothing of all that; nil omn&i-short;m&o-short;dis, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 21. Fram him eallum by them all, 2, 2; S. 502, 32. On woruld ealle through the whole world, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 16; Gen. 674. His earfoðo ealle ætsomne all his woes at once, 216; Th. 272, 30; Sat. 127. We ealle we all, Exon. 120 b; Th. 463, 12; Hö. 69. Feówer eallum to all four, 113 b; Th. 434, 28; Rä. 52, 7. Me ealne, Ps. C. 50, 98. Hit eal it all, Beo. Th. 3220; B. 1608. Iob sæt ðá sárlice eal on ánre wúnde Job sat there doleful all [covered with] a wound, Job Thw. 166, 32. Wæs ðæt bold tobrocen swíðe eal inneweard all the dwelling was much shattered within. Beo. Th. 2000; B. 998. He lífes gesteald in ðam écan hám eal sceáwode he saw all the dwelling-place of life in the eternal home, Exon. 12 a; Th. 19, 24; Cd. 305. Ðæs we ealles sculon secgan þonc for all that we ought to give thanks, 16 b; Th. 38, 24; Cri. 611. Sió his rices wæs ealles éðel-stól it was the metropolis of his whole empire. Bt. Met. Fox 9, 21; Met. 9, 11. Hie ðá ánmóde ealle cwæ-acute;don they all said then unanimously, Andr. Kmbl. 3201; An. 1603. Niðða bearna æ-acute;rest ealra first of all the children of men, Cd. 56; Th. 69, 15; Gen. 1136. Us is eallum neód to us all it is needful. Exon. 11 b; Th. 15. 33; Cri. 245. II. without substantive, and sometimes governing the genitive :-- Eal [acc. n.] ic recce I govern all, Exon. 110 b; Th. 424, 2; Rä. 41, 33. We oncnáwaþ eal [acc. n.] ðæt we geworhton we acknowledge all that we have done, Hy. 7, 91. Hæfde unlifgendes eal gefeormod he had devoured all the lifeless. Beo. Th. 1493; B. 744. Him ealles þonc æ-acute;ghwá secge let each give thanks to him for all, Exon. 88 b; Th. 333, 4; Vy. 97. Ðé sié ealles þonc meorda and miltsa thanks be to thee far all, for the rewards and mercies, 118b; Th. 456, 14; Hy. 4, 66. Sindon ealle nyt all are useful, 114 a; Th. 437, 20; Rä. 56, 10. Ealle ætsomne omnes par&i-short;ter. Bd. 2, 13; S. 515, 38. Ofer ealle over all, Elen. Grm. 386. Ealra aldor chief of all, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 14; Sat. 664: Elen. Grm. 372. Ána wið eallum alone against all, Beo. Th. 292; B. 145: Cd. 218; Th. 279, 28; Sat. 245. Metod eallum weóld gumena cynnes the Creator ruled over the whole of the race of men, Beo. Th. 2119; B. 1057. III. ealles, ealle, ealra are sometimes used, almost adverbially :-- Ealles gelícost most like of all, Cd. 188; Th. 233, 13; Dan. 275. Ealles mæ-acute;st max&i-short;me, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 7: Ps. Th. 119, 3. Ealles edgiong quite young again, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 28; Ph. 581: Ps. Th. 138, 14. Ealles tó swíðe all too readily, L. C. S. 3; Th. i. 376, 22: Nicod. 17; Thw. 8, 18: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 59; Met. 5, 30. Ealles swá swíðe all so readily, 4, 70; Met. 4, 35: 12, 64; Met. 12, 32. Sille ic ðé ealle xxx púnda I will give thee thirty pounds in all, Salm. Kmbl. 25; Sal. 13. Mid ealle altogether; p&e-short;n&i-short;tus, Bd. 1, 12; S. 480, 38: Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 21: Chr. 893; Th. 162, 24: Exon. 22 a; Th. 60, 28; Cri. 976. Ealra swíðost max&i-short;me [Ger. aller-meist], Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 22: Cd. 18; Th. 22, 8, 36; Gen. 337, 351. Ealra wæ-acute;ron fífe in all they were five, Exon. 112 b; Th. 432, 1; Rä. 47, 6. [Wyc. Piers P. al, pl. alle: Chauc. all: Laym. al: Orm. all, alle: O. Sax. al: Frs. O. Frs. al, ol: Dut. al, alle, alles: Ger. all, aller, alle, alles: M. H. Ger. al, inflected aller, alliu, alle&yogh;, elliu, elle, alle: O. H. Ger. al, all: Goth. alls: Dan. Swed. al: Icel. allr, öll, allt, ale: Grk. GREEK.]
eal, e; f. An awl; sub&u-short;la :-- Þurhþyrlige his eáre mid eale [mid áne eale, Roff.] perf&o-short;ret aurem ill&i-long;us sub&u-short;la, L. Alf. 11; Wilk. 29, 12. v. al.
eala ale :-- Eala cerv&i-short;sia, celia, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 106; Wrt. Voc. 27, 35. v. ealu.
eálá, æálá, æ-acute;lá, hélá; interj. 0! alas! Oh! eheu! euge! proh :-- Eálá ge næddran O! ye serpents. Mt. Bos. 23, 33: 23, 37. Eálá, eálá euge, euge. Ps. Spl. 69, 4. Eálá eálá! oððe wel wel! ahah ahah! or well well! euge euge! vel bene bene! Ps. Lamb. 34, 25. Æ-acute;lá, ðú Scippend O, thou Creator, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 1; Met. 4, 1. Æ-acute;lá Drihten leóf. Hy. 1, 1: 2, 1. Eálá! gif he wolde O that he would, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 105; Met. 9, 53. Eálá hwæt se forma wæ-acute;re alas! that the first should have been, 8, 109; Met. 8, 55. Eálá! ðæt hit wurde O! that it might be, 8, 77; Met. 8, 39. Eálá! ðæ-acute;r we mágon geseón alas! there we may see, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 27; Cri. 1313. v. eáw.
eá-lád, e; f. A water-way; aqu&o-long;sa via :-- Frécne þuhton egle eáláda the fearful water-ways appeared terrible, Andr. Kmbl. 881; An. 441.
eala-hús, eal-hús, es; n. An ale-house; taberna :-- On eala-húse in an ale-house, L. Eth. iii. 1; Th. i. 292, 9.
eá-land, -lond, es; n. Water-land, an island; ins&u-short;la [eás land island, lit. water's land, land of water, v. gen. eás in eá] :-- Ne geseah nán cépa eáland no merchant visited the island, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 13. Ðæs fægerne gefeán habbaþ eálanda mænig latentur ins&u-short;læ multæ, Ps. Th. 96, 1. Cumaþ hí of eálandum útan they shall come forth from the islands, 71, 10. Swylce he eác Orcadas ða eálond to Rómwara ríce geþeódde Orc&a-short;das &e-short;tiam ins&u-short;las R&o-long;m&a-long;no adj&e-long;cit imp&e-short;rio, Bd. 1. 3; S. 475, 13: Beo. Th. 4657; B. 2334: Exon. 52a; Th. 181, 27; Gú. 1299: 96 b; Th. 360, 27; Wal. 12: 361, 17; Wal. 21: 60a; Th. 217, 28; Ph. 287. v. íg-land.
eala-scóp, es; m. An ale-poet, L. N. P. L. 41; Th. ii. 296, 12. v. ealu-scóp.
ealaþ, ealoþ, alaþ, alþ, aloþ, eoloþ; n; indecl. in s. but gen. alþes, Rtl. 116, 42, Ale; cerv&i-short;sia :-- Twelf ambra Wilisces ealaþ [MS. B. ealoþ] twelve ambers of Welsh ale, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 17: Ors. 5, 3; Bos. 103. 33. v. ealu.
ealaþ-wyrt, e; f. Ale-wort; cerv&i-short;sia mustea, nova, Som. Ben. Lye.
eal-beorht all-bright, v. eall-beorht.
ealc each :-- He ofslóh ða hæ-acute;ðenan on ealcum gefeohte he slew the heathen in every fight, Ælfc. T. 13, 18. v. æ-acute;lc.
eal-ceald all-cold, v. æl-ceald.
eal-cræftig all-powerful, all-mighty, v. æl-cræftig.
eal-cyn of every kind, universal, v. eall-cyn.
EALD, ald; adj. comp. yldra, eldra, eoldra; sup. yldest. I. old, ancient; v&e-short;tus, æt&a-long;te provectus, priscus, ant&i-long;quus :-- Ic com nú eald I am now old. Lk. Bos. 1, 18. Eald æ-acute;fensceóp an old evening-bard, Exon. 103a; Th. 390, 21; Rä. 9, 5: Beo. Th. 4426; B. 2210. Ealde ýþ-mearas old horses of the waves, Exon. 20b; Th. 54, 5; Cri. 864. Geongum and ealdum to young and old, Beo. Th. 144; B. 72. Hwæt niwes oððe ealdes what of new or old, Exon. 115a; Th. 441, 24; Kl. 4. Se ealda the old one [Satan], Frag. Kmbl. 61; Leás. 32. Eald enta geweorc the old work of giants, Exon. 77b; Th. 291, 24; Wand. 87: 60b; Th. 220, 16; Ph. 321: 86b; Th. 326, 1; Wíd. 122. Of ðære ealdan moldan hátaþ hý upp-astandan he bids them to arise up from the old mould, 21a; Th. 55, 25; Cri. 889. Ða ealdan wúnde the old wounds, 24a; Th. 68, 23; Cri. 1108. Mid ðý ealdan líge with the ancient fame, 30b; Th. 94, 28; Cri. 1547. Ða ealdan race the old story, 28a; Th. 85, 26; Cri. 1397. Wrecaþ ealdne níþ avenge your ancient grudge, 74b; Th. 280, 3; Jul. 623. II. eminent, great, exalted; em&i-short;nens, præstans, excelsus: it has the same meaning in compounds, v. eald-wíta :-- Ná ðæt æ-acute;lc eald sý, ac ðæt he eald sý on wísdóme not that every one is old, but that he is old in wisdom, L. Ælf. C. 17; Th. ii. 348, 21. [Wyc. eld, elde, olde: Chauc. elde, olde: Laym. æld, alde, olde: Orm. ald: O. Sax. ald: Frs. aod, aud, oad: O. Frs. ald: Dut. oud: Ger. M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. alt: Goth. alþeis old.] DER. efen-eald, ofer-, or-.
eald-a-wered worn, wasted with age; vetustus, R. Ben. 51, Lye. v. eald-wérig.
eald-cwén, e; f. An old wife, an old crone; v&e-short;t&u-short;la :-- Ealdra cwéna spell v&e-short;t&u-short;l&a-long;rum f&a-long;b&u-short;la, R. 100.
eald-cýþ, eald-cýððu, e; f. The old country; prisca patria :-- Ðæt he his ealdcýððu sécan móte that he may seek its old country, Exon. 62a; Th. 228, 9; Ph. 435: 61a: Th. 222. 19; Ph. 351: 18b; Th. 46, 16; Cri. 738.
eald-dagas; pl. m. Ancient days, days of old; prisci dies :-- In eald-dagum, Exon. 12a; Th. 19, 19; Cri. 303: Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 44: Bd. 4, 27; S. 604, 41, MS. B.
eald-dóm, es; m. Age; v&e-short;tustas :-- Hyre ánweald is hreósende for ealddóme her power is decreasing from age, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 4.
ealde men; homines. Ps. Th. 93, 9. v. ylde.
eald-ealdfæder a great-grandfather; pro&a-short;vus, Som. Ben. Lye.
ealder an elder, R. Ben. 4. v. ealdor.
ealdermen aldermen. Jud. Thw. 157, 32. v. ealdorman.
eald-fæder, ealde-fæder; indecl. in s. but sometimes gen. -fæderes and dat. -fædere are found; pl. nom. acc. -fæderas; gen. a; dat. um; m. A grandfather, ancestor; &a-short;vus, antecessor :-- Ealdefæder &a-short;vus, Ælfc. Gl. 91; Som. 75, 6; Wrt. Voc. 51, 51. Ðú forþfærst to ðínum ealdfæderum tu &i-long;bis ad patres tuos, Gen. 15, 15 : Beo. Th. 751; B. 373. v. fæder 2.
eald-feónd, eald-fínd, es; m. An ancient foe, arch-fiend, Satan; ant&i-long;quus in&i-short;m&i-long;cus, di&a-short;b&o-short;lus :-- Ealdfeónda cyn the tribe of ancient foes, Cd. 174; Th. 219, 20; Dan. 57: 196; Th. 244, 26; Dan. 454: Exon. 16a; Th. 35, 32; Cri. 567. Ðæt he ne léte him ealdfeónd oncyrran mód from his Meotude that he did not let the ancient fiend turn his mind from his Creator, 37b; Th. 124, 7; Gú. 336: 62a; Th. 229, 2; Ph. 449: 121a; Th. 464, 18; Hö. 89. v. eald-geníþla, eald-gewinna, eald-hettende.
eald-gecynd, es; n. Old or original nature; ant&i-long;qua n&a-long;t&u-long;ra vel ind&o-long;les :-- Wudu-fuglas on treówum ealdgecynde wuniaþ the wood-birds live in the trees in their old nature. Bt. Met. Fox 13, 79; Met. 13, 40: 25, 114; Met. 25, 57: Exon. 54b; Th. 193, 26; Az. 127.
eald-geneát, es; m. An old companion; v&e-short;tus c&o-short;mes :-- Se wæs eald-geneát he was an old companion, Byrht. Th. 140, 58; By. 310. v. eald-gesíþ.
eald-geníþla, an; m. An ancient foe, arch-fiend, Satan; ant&i-long;quus in&i-short;m&i-long;cus, di&a-short;b&o-short;lus :-- Ðe-læs him ealdgeníþlan scyððan cómon lest the old