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usque ad David, gen&e-short;r&a-long;ti&o-long;nes quatuord&e-short;cim, Mt. Bos. 1, 17. Beóþ eornustlíce gleáwe est&o-long;te ergo [GREEK pr&u-long;dentes, Mt. Bos. 10, 16, 26: 2, 1: 13, 40.
eornust earnest, earnestness, Mt. Bos. 13, 17. v. eornost.
eornustlice therefore, but. Mt. Bos. 2, 1: 10, 16, 26: 13, 40. v. eornostlíce.
eórod, es; a. A band, legion, troop; turma, légio :-- Wíse men tealdon án eórod to six þúsendum, and twelf eórod sind twá and hundseofontig þúsend wise men have reckoned a legion at six thousand, and twelve legions are seventy-two thousand, Homl. Th. ii. 246, 28, 29, 25 : Jud. Thw. 161, 36. v. eóred.
eórod-man, -mann, es; m. A horseman; &e-short;ques :-- Líhte se eórod-man des&i-short;luit &e-short;ques, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 33.
eorp, earp; adj. Dark, dusky, brown, swarthy; fuscus, badius :-- Eorp werod the swarthy host [the Egyptians], Cd. 151; Th. 190, 4; Exod. 194 : Exon. 113 a; Th. 433, 21; Rä. 50, 11. [Icel. jarpr brown.]
eorre, es; n. Anger, wrath; &i-long;ra :-- Warniaþ eów ðæs Drihtenes eorres and mínes beware of the Lord's anger and of mine, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 196, 33: Ps. Lamb. 101, 11. v. yrre.
eorre; adj. Angry, enraged, fierce; &i-long;r&a-long;tus, &i-long;r&a-long;cundus :-- He us eorre gewearþ he has become angry with us. Cd. 219; Th. 280, 27; Sat. 261: Elen. Kmbl. 801; El. 401. Þurh eorne hyge through angry mind, 1367; El. 685. Nalæs late wæ-acute;ron eorre æscberend to ðam orlege the fierce spear-bearers were not slow to the onset, Andr. Kmbl. 93; An. 47: 2153; An. 1078. v. yrre; adj.
eorringa; adv. Angrily; &i-long;rate :-- Hine eorringa geséceþ bócstafa brego the prince of letters shall angrily seek him, Salm. Kmbl. 198; Sal. 96. v. yrringa.
eorsian to be angry, Ps. Spl. 4, 5 : Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 22. v. yrsian.
eorsung anger, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 8; Thw. 29, 8. v. yrsung.
eorþ, e; f. The earth; terra :-- Seó [MS. sie] eorþ is dryge and ceald, and ðæt wæter wæ-acute;t and ceald the earth is dry and cold, and the water vice and cold, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 34. v. eorþe.
eorþ-æppel, es; m: nom, acc. pl. n. -æppla An earth-apple, a cucumber; c&u-short;c&u-short;mis :-- Cúciíméres, ðæt synd eorþæppla cucumbers, which are earth-apples, Num. 11, 5. Eorþæppel mandr&a-short;g&o-short;ra, Ælfc. Gl. 44; Som. 64, 79; Wrt. Voc. 32, 15.
eorþ-ærn, es; n. An earth-place, a tomb, sepulchre; sp&e-long;lunca, sep&u-short;lcrum :-- Open wæs ðæt eorþærn the sepulchre was open, Exon. 120a; Th. 460, 18; Hö. 19. In ðæt eorþærn in the sepulchre, 119b; Th. 460, 4; Hö. 12: Exon. 119b; Th. 459, 22; Hö. 3.
eorþ-beofung, e; f. An earthquake; terræ m&o-long;tus :-- Seó eorþbeofung tácnade ða miclan blód-dryncas the earthquake betokened the great blood-sheddings, Ors. 4, 2 ; Bos. 79, 28. v. eorþ-bifung.
eorþ-bifung, -beofung, e; f. [bifung a trembling, shaking] An earthquake; terræ m&o-long;tus :-- Ðæ-acute;r wearþ geworden micel eorþbifung terræ m&o-long;tus factus est magnus, Mt. Bos. 28, 2. Híg gesáwon ða eorþbifunge v&i-long;d&e-long;runt terræ m&o-long;tum, 27, 54.
eorþ-bigegnys, -bigennys, -nyss, e; f. Earth-cultivation, attention to agriculture; terræ cult&u-long;ra, agricult&u-long;ræ st&u-short;dium:-- Elelændra eorþ-bigennys c&o-short;l&o-long;nia, id est peregr&i-long;n&o-long;rum cult&u-long;ra, Ælfc. Gl. 54; Som. 66, 103; Wrt. Voc. 36, 25. v. eard-begengnes, el-þeódignes.
eorþ-bigenga, an; m. [bigenga an inhabitant, dweller] An inhabitant of the earth; terr&i-short;c&o-short;la, terr&i-short;g&e-short;na :-- Ðæt he eorþbigengan awecce hine to ondræ-acute;danne ut terr&i-short;g&e-short;nas ad t&i-short;mendum se susc&i-short;tet, Bd. 4, 3; S. 569, 22.
eorþ-búend, es; m. An earth dweller, inhabitant; terric&o-short;la :-- Eorþ-búend. Ps. Th. 65, 1: 101, 13 : 118, 4. v. búend, búende.
eorþ-burh; gen. -burge; dat. -byrig; f. An earth mound or burying place; agger, h&u-short;m&a-long;tio :-- To ðare eorþ-byrig to the earth mound, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 335 ; A. D. 903 ; Kmbl. iii. 403, 31.
eorf-byrig, e; f. An earth mound; agger :-- Eorþ-byrig [MS. -byre], Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 45; Wrt. Voc. 37, 33.
eorþ-cafer, es; m. An earth-chafer, a cock-chafer; taurus :-- Eorþ-caferas tauri, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 23; Wrt. Voc. 24, 26. v. ceafer.
eorþ-cend; pp. [cend=cenned born] Earth-born; terr&i-short;g&e-short;na :-- Eorþ-cende terr&i-short;g&e-short;næ, Ps. Spl. C. 48, 2.
eorþ-crypel, -cryppel; gen. -crypeles, -cryples, -crypples; m. A creeper on the earth, one having the palsy, a paralytic person; p&a-short;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;cus = GREEK :-- In ðære ðe eorþcrypel [se eorþcryppel, Lind.] læg in quo p&a-short;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;cus j&a-short;c&e-long;bat, Mk. Skt. Rush. 2, 4: Lk. Skt. Lind. 5, 18. Se Hæ-acute;lend cwæþ to ðæm eorþcrypele [eorþcrypple, Lind.] I&e-long;sus ait p&a-short;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;co, Mk. Skt. Rush. 2, 5. To cweðanne ðæm eorþcryple d&i-long;cere p&a-short;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;co. Mk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 2, 9. Brengende to him ðone eorþcrypel f&e-short;rentes ad eum p&a-short;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;cum, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 3: Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 2. Gebrohtun him eorþcryplas obt&u-short;l&e-long;runt ei p&a-short;;r&a-short;lyt&i-short;cos, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 4, 24.
eorþ-cund; adj. Earthly, terrestrial; terrestris :-- Se rinc ageaf eorþ-cunde eád the prince gave up earthly happiness. Cd. 79; Th. 98, 8; Gen. 1627.
eorÞ-cyn, -cynn, es; a. The earth-kind, terrestrial species; g&e-short;nus terric&o-short;l&a-long;rum :-- Eallum eorþcynne for each terrestrial species, Cd. 161; Th. 201, 10; Exod. 370.
eorp-cyning, es; m. [cyning a king] An earthly king, king of the land; terræ rex :-- Sceótend Scyldinga to scypum feredon eal ingesteald eorþcyninges the Scyldings' warriors conveyed all the house chattels of the king of the land to their ships. Beo. Th. 2315: B. 1155. Ðam æðelestan eorþcyninga for the noblest of earthly kings. Elen. Kmbl. 2346; El. 1174: Cd. 162; Th. 202, 23; Exod. 392: 189; Th. 235, 14; Dan. 306. Eorþcyningum [MS. -cynincgum] se ege standeþ terr&i-short;b&i-short;li &a-short;pud r&e-long;ges terræ, Ps. Th. 75, 9. He eorþcyningas yrmde and cwelmde he oppressed and slew the kings of the earth, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 93; Met. 9, 47: Ps. Th. 88, 24.
eorþ-draca, an; m. An earth-dragon; dr&a-short;co in antro d&e-long;gens :-- Sió wund ongon, ðe him se eorþdraca geworhte, swelan and swellan the wound, which the earth-dragon had made in him, began to burn and swell, Beo. Th. 5417; B. 2712: 5642; B. 2825.
eorþ-dyne, es; m. Earth din, an earthquake; terræ m&o-long;tus :-- On ðisan gére wæs micel eorþdyne in this year [A. D. 1060] was a great earthquake, Chr. 1060; Erl. 193, 31; 1122; Erl. 249, 14.
EOBÞE, an; f; eorþ, e; f. I. the EARTH in opposition to the sea, the ground, soil; terra, h&u-short;mus, s&o-short;lum :-- God gecígde ða drignisse eorþan, and ðæra wætera gegaderunga he hét sæ-acute;s v&o-short;c&a-long;vit Deus &a-long;r&i-short;dam terram, congreg&a-long;ti&o-long;nesque &a-short;qu&a-long;rum appell&a-long;vit m&a-short;ria, Gen. 1, 10. Spritte seó eorþe grówende gærs and sæ-acute;d wircende and æppelbæ-acute;re treów wæstm wircende æfter his cinne, ðæs sæ-acute;d sig on him silfum ofer eorþan geem&i-short;net terra herbam v&i-short;rentem et f&a-short;cientem s&e-long;men et lignum p&o-long;m&i-short;f&e-short;rum f&a-short;ciens fructum juxta g&e-short;nus suum, cujus s&e-long;men in s&e-long;metipso sit s&u-short;per terram, Gen. 1, 11, 12, 24, 25, 28, 29: Cd. 57; Th. 69, 32; Gen. 1144: Exon. 62b; Th. 231, 11; Ph. 487: Beo. Th. 3069; B. 1532: Elen. Kmbl. 1655; El. 829 : Bt. Met. Fox 8, 118 ; Met. 8, 59. Ic ðec ofer eorþan geworhte, on ðære ðú scealt yrmþum lifgan and to ðære ilcan scealt eft geweorþan I made thee on earth, on which thou shalt live in misery and shalt become the same again, Exon. 16 b; Th. 39, 12-19; Cri. 621-624: 38 a; Th. 125, 10; Gú. 352. Cain wæs eorþan tilia fuit Cain agr&i-short;c&o-short;la [lit. a tiller of the earth], Gen. 4, 2. II. the EARTH, terrestrial globe; tellus :-- On anginne gesceóp God heofenan and eorþan in the beginning God created heaven and earth, Gen. 1, 1, 2, 17, 20, 26: 2, 1, 4: Cd. 98; Th. 129, 9; Gen. 2141: Exon. 16b; Th. 38, 18; Cri. 608. Se Ælmihtiga eorþan worhte the Almighty made the earth, Beo. Th. 185; B. 92. Drihtnes is eorþe and fulnysse oððe gefyllednes hyre the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof, Ps. Lamb. 23, 1: Ex. 9, 29: Deut. 10, 14. Ðæt gé ne swerion þurh eorþan, forðamðe heó ys Godes fótscamul that ye swear not by the earth, because it is God's foot-stool, Mt. Bos. 5, 35. [Piers P. Wyc. erthe: Laym. eorðe, eorðen, earþe, erþe: Orm. eorþe, erþé: Plat, eerde , f: O. Sax. erða , f: Frs. yerd: O. Frs. irthe, erthe, erde, f: Dut. aarde, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. erde, f: O. H. Ger. erda, erada, f: Goth. airþa, f: Dan. jord, m. f: Swed, jord, f: Icel. jörð, f. earth, land, estate.]
eorþ-fæst, -fest; adj. Earth-fast, fixed in the earth; in terra firmus :-- To ánum [MS. ane] eorþfestum treówe to a tree firm in the earth. Th. Anlct. 122, 10.
eorþ-fæt, es; n. An earthen vessel, the body; vas terrâ factum, corpus :-- Se gæ-acute;st nimeþ swá wíte swá wuldor, swá him in worulde ðæt eorþfæt æ-acute;r geworhte the spirit receives either punishment or glory, as the body has worked for him before in the world, Exon. 98 a; Th. 367, 15 ; Seel. 8.
eorþ-gealla, an; m. [gealla gall] The herb EARTH-GALL, the lesser centaury; fel terræ, erythræa centaurium. Lin :-- Eorþgealla [MS. -gealle] fel terræ vel centauria, Wrt. Voc. 79, 50; Ælfc. Gl. 41; Som. 64, 5; Wrt. Voc. 31, 17. Eorþgealla centauria, Mone A. 373. Nim centaurian, ðæt is fel terræ, sume hátaþ eorþgeallan take centaury, that is fel terræ, some call it earth-gall, L. M. 2, 8; Lchdm. ii. 186, 27.
eorþ-gemet, es; a. Earth-measure, geometry; geometria = GREEK, Cot. 95.
eorþ-gesceaft, e; f. [gesceaft a creature] An earthly creature; terrestris creatura :-- Men habbaþ [MS. habbæþ] geond middangeard eorþ-gesceafta ealle oferþungen men have all surpassed earthly creatures throughout the middle earth, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 387; Met. 20, 194.
eorþ-græf, es; n. A hole dug in the earth, a ditch, well; fossa, p&u-short;teus :-- Isernes dæ-acute;l eorþgræf pæðeþ a part of iron passes the well, Exon. 114 b; Th. 439, 26; Ru. 59, 9.
eorþ-gráp, e; f. Earth's grasp, the hold of the grave; terræ compr&e-short;hensio :-- Eorþgráp hataþ waldend wyrhtan earth's grasp [i. e. the grave holdeth its mighty workmen, Exon. 124 a; Th. 476, 12; Ruin. 6.
eorþ-hele, es; m. A heap; t&u-short;m&u-short;lus :-- Wæs ðæt deáw abútan ða fyrdwíc, swilce hit hagoles eorþhele wæ-acute;re the dew was about the camp, as it were a heap of hail, Ex. 10, 14.
eorþ-hnutu, -nutu, e; f. An earth-nut; b&u-long;nium flexu&o-long;sum :-- Of ðam cumbe in eorþnutena þorn from the combe to the earth-nut thorn, Cod. Dipl. Apndx. 308; A. D. 875; Kmbl. iii. 399, 7.
eorþ-hús, es; n. An earth-house, den, cave; hyp&o-short;gæum = GREEK,