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feáwera of a few, Cd. 100; Th. 132, 30; gen. pl. of feáwa.
feáwnes, feánes, -ness, e; f. FEWNESS; pauc&i-short;tas :-- Ða feáwnesse oððe gehwæ-acute;dnesse dagena mínra cýþ me pauc&i-short;t&a-long;tem di&e-long;rum mem&o-long;rum nuntia mihi, Ps. Lamb. 101, 24.
FEAX, fex, es; n. Hair of the head, the locks; cæs&a-short;ries, c&o-short;ma, c&a-short;pillus :-- Nimeþ ðæt feax to the hair holdeth on, Med. ex Quadr. 4, 11; Lchdm. i. 344, 20: L. M. 1, 87; Lchdm. ii. 156, 7. Ne feax ne fel neither hair nor skin, Exon. 74 a; Th. 278, 1; Jul. 591: Cd. 195; Th. 243, 18; Dan. 438. Feax cæs&a-short;ries, Ælfc. Gr. 12; Som. 15, 53. Licgaþ æfter lande loccas todrifene, fex on foldan throughout the land lie my driven locks, hair upon the ground, Andr. Kmbl. 2853; An. 1429. God tofylleþ feaxes scadan, ðe hér on scyldtim swæ-acute;rum eódon Deus conquass&a-long;bit vert&i-short;cem c&a-short;pilli perambulantium in delictis suis, Ps. Th. 67, 21: 68, 4. Bócstafa brego bregdeþ feónd be ðam feaxe the prince of letters shall draw the fiend by his hair, Salm. Kmbl. 201; Sal. l00: Beo. Th. 3298; B. 1647. Wið feallendum feaxe for falling hair, Med. ex Quadr. 4, 11; Lchdm. i. 344, 18. Mid hyre heáfdes feaxe c&a-short;pillis c&a-short;p&i-short;tis sui, Lk. Bos. 7, 38. Swát æ-acute;drum sprong forþ under fexe blood sprang forth from the veins under his hair, Beo. Th. 5926; B. 2967. Æled læ-acute;taþ on ðæs feóndes feax they shall let fire upon the fiend's hair, Salm. Kmbl. 261; Sal. 130: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 27; Jud. 281. He hæfde blæc feax he had black hair, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 34. [Laym. uæx: O. Sax. fahs, n: O. Frs. fax: M. H. Ger. vahs, m: O. H. Ger. fahs, n. cæs&a-short;ries, c&o-short;ma: Icel. fax, n. a mane.] DER. blanden-feax, blonden-, gamol-, un-, up-, won-, wunden-.
feax-cláþ, es; m. A head-cloth, hair-band, fillet; fascia cr&i-long;n&a-long;lis, Cot. 93.
feaxe; adj. Having hair; c&o-short;m&a-long;tus. DER. ge-feaxe.
feax-eacas, -eacon? Hair hanging down the forehead, forelocks; antiæ frontis, sive a fronte dependentes, Cot. 6, Som. Ben. Lye.
feaxede, fexede; adj. Having long hair, long-haired; c&o-short;m&a-long;tus :-- Sume men cweðaþ ðæt cométa síe feaxede [fexede, Th. 162, 9, col. 2, 3; 163, 10] steorra, forðæm ðæ-acute;r stent lang leóma of, hwílum on áne healfe, hwílum on æ-acute;lce healfe some men say that a comet is a long-haired star, because there stands a long ray from it, sometimes on one side, sometimes on each side; Chr. 891; Th. 162, 9-14, col. 1. DER. ge-feaxode, -fexede, síd-fexede.
feax-fang, es; m. A taking hold by the hair; c&o-short;mæ prehensio :-- Gif feax-fang geweorþ if there be a taking hold of the hair, L. Ethb. 33; Th. i. 12, 3; Wilk. 5, 1.
feax-feallung, e; f. Falling off or loss of the hair, the mange; cr&i-long;nium amissio, al&o-long;p&e-short;cia = &alpha-tonos;λωπεκ&iota-tonos;α :-- Feaxfeallung al&o-long;p&e-short;cia, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 56; Wrt. Voc. 19, 58.
feax-geræ-acute;dian; p. ode; pp. od [geræ-acute;dian to make ready] To dress or trim the hair; cr&i-long;nes comp&o-long;n&e-short;re, Som. Ben. Lye.
feax-hár; adj. Hoary-haired; c&o-short;mam c&a-long;nam h&a-short;bens :-- Ic wæs feaxhár I was hoary-haired, Exon. 126 b; Th. 487, 13; Rä. 73, 1.
feax-næ-acute;del, e; f. A hair-needle, curling-iron, crisping-pin; c&a-short;l&a-short;mistrum, &a-short;cus cr&i-long;n&i-short;bus intorquendis sive crispandis adh&i-short;b&i-short;ta :-- Feaxnæ-acute;del c&a-short;l&a-short;mistrum, Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 101; Wrt. Voc. 17, 4.
feax-net, -nett, es; n. A hair-net, net-work cap for confining the hair; r&e-long;t&i-short;c&u-short;lum c&a-short;pillis cont&i-short;nendis, r&i-long;c&u-short;la :-- Feaxnet r&e-long;t&i-short;c&u-short;lum, Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 89; Wrt. Voc. 66, 59: r&i-long;g&u-short;la [ = r&i-long;c&u-short;la, Car. Ains.], Som. 55, 96; Wrt. Voc. 16, 66.
feax-preón, es; m. A hair-pin; discr&i-long;m&i-short;n&a-long;le :-- Uplegene vel feax-preónas discr&i-long;m&i-short;n&a-long;lia, Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 99; Wrt. Voc. 17, 2.
feax-sceacga, an; m. A bush of hair; cæs&a-short;ries, cr&i-long;nium fasc&i-short;c&u-short;lus, Som. Ben. Lye.
feax-sceacged; part. Having hair, hairy; c&o-short;m&a-long;tus, Cot. 54.
feber-ádl, e; f. A fever-disease, fever; febris :-- Forleórt ða of feberádlum dim&i-long;sit eam febris, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 15. v. fefer-ádl.
febrig; adj. Feverish; febr&i-short;c&u-short;l&o-long;sus :-- Gif he sý febrig if he be feverish, Herb. 1, 28; Lchdm. i. 78, 26.
Februarius, i; m. Lat. February; n&o-long;men mensis :-- Sígeþ Februarius February approaches, Menol. Fox 35; Men. 18. v. Sol-mónaþ.
fec, es; n. A space, portion of time; sp&a-short;tium, temp&o-short;ris intervallum :-- Æfter litlum fece after a little time, Chr. 1015; Erl. 152, 4. v. fæc.
FECCAN, feccean, fæccan; p. feahte, fehte; pp. feaht, feht To FETCH, bring to, draw; add&u-long;c&e-short;re, toll&e-short;re, afferre, haur&i-long;re :-- Ðæt he sceolde hine feccan that he should fetch him; Bd, 4, 1; S. 564, 43: Chr. 1017; Erl. 161, 10: Gen. 27, 42, 45: Ex, 2, 5. Com án wíf wæter feccan v&e-long;nit m&u-short;lier haur&i-long;re &a-short;quam; Jn. Bos.4. 7, 15. He his dóhter lét feccean he caused his daughter to be fetched, Chr. 1121; Erl. 248, 35. Ic fecce wæter aff&e-short;ram pauxillum &a-short;quæ, Gen. 18, 4. Hig feccaþ ðíne sáwle fram ðé they will fetch away thy soul from thee, Lk. Bos. 12, 20. Ðás menn ðé feccaþ these men fetch thee, Num. 22, 20. Gif preóst crisman ne fecce [fæcce MS. B.] if a priest fetch not the chrism, L. E. G. 3; Th. i. 168, 11. Se ðe ys uppan hys húse, ne gá he nyðer ðæt hé æ-acute;nig þing on his húse fecce qui in tecto, non descendat toll&e-short;re al&i-short;quid de d&o-short;mo sua, Mt. Bos. 24, 17: L. Edg. C. 67; Th. ii. 258, 20. Ðæt gé ðisne eówerne bróður feccon that ye fetch this your brother, Gen, 42, 34. [Laym. fæchen: Orm. fecchenn: O. Frs. faka to prepare, make ready.] DER. a-feccan, ge-.
fecele a torch, Som. Ben. Lye. v. fæcele, þæcele.
fecgan; p. feah To seize; r&a-short;p&e-short;re. DER. æt-fecgan, ge-.
FÉDAN; part. fédende; he fédeþ, fét, fétt; p. ic, he fédde, ðú féddest, pl. féddon; pp. féded, fédd. I. to FEED, nourish, support, sustain, bring up, educate; pasc&e-short;re, c&i-short;b&a-long;re, nutr&i-long;re, engtr&i-long;re, sustent&a-long;re, ed&u-short;c&a-long;re :-- Mægen mon sceal mid mete fédan a man must feed strength with meat, Exon. 90 b; Th. 340, 22; Gn. Ex. 115. Wá eácniendum and fédendum on ðám dagum væ autem prægnant&i-short;bus, et nutrient&i-short;bus in illis di&a-long;bus, Mt. Bos. 24, 19: Lk. Bos. 21, 23. Ðú us fédest teára hláfe c&i-short;b&a-long;bis nos p&a-long;ne lacr&y-short;m&a-long;rum, Ps. Th. 79, 5, Se deópa seáþ dreórge fédeþ the deep pit feedeth the dreary, Exon. 30 b; Th. 94, 25; Cri. 1545: 36 b; Th. 118, 26; Gú. 245. He ðé fédeþ ipse te enutriet, Ps. Th. 54, 22. Eówer heofonlíca fæder híg fét p&a-short;ter vester cœlestis pascit illa, Mt. Bos. 6, 26. Se milda Metod fét eall ðætte gróweþ wæstmas on weorolde the merciful Creator nourishes all fruits which grow in the world, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 139; Met. 29, 70. He fétt ða ðe þurh dæ-acute;dbóte him to búgaþ he feeds those who turn to him by repentance, Homl. Th. ii. 396, 29. He me well fétt me b&e-short;ne pascit, Coll. Monast. Th. 22, 33: 30, 27. Mægeþ and mæcgas fédaþ hine fægre lasses and lads feed him kindly, Exon. 113 a; Th. 434, 9; Rä. 51, 8. God, ðú ðe me féddest fram cildháde óþ ðisne dæg Deus, qui pascit me ab adolescentia mea in præsentem diem, Gen. 48, 15. Mec seó friþe mæ-acute;g fédde the kind woman fed me, Exon. 103 a; Th. 391, 23; Rä, 10, 9. He fédde híg sustent&a-long;vit eos, Gen. 47, 17. He fédde me ed&u-short;c&a-long;vit me, Ps. Spl. 22, 2. We ðé féddon p&a-long;v&i-short;mus te, Mt. Bos. 25, 37. Féd freólíce feora wócre feed freely the living progeny, Cd. 67; Th. 81, 8; Gen. 1342. Gif he nát hwá hine cwicne féde if he knows not who may feed him living, Exon. 90 b; Th. 340, 21; Gn. Ex. 114. Ðú bist féded on wélum his pasc&e-long;ris in d&i-long;v&i-short;tiis ejus, Ps. Spl. 36, 3: Ps. Th. 130, 4. Fédd beón pastus esse, pasci, R. Conc. 10. II. to bring forth, produce; gign&e-short;re, prod&u-long;c&e-short;re :-- Wæstmas fédan to bring forth fruits, Cd. 46; Th. 59, 8; Gen. 960. Cucra wuhta, ðara ðe lyft and flód læ-acute;daþ and fédaþ of living things, which air and flood train and bring forth, 65; Th. 78, 25; Gen. 1298. Ides eaforan fédde a female brought forth offspring, 50; Th. 64, 23; Gen. 1054, Ðá wearþ eafora féded then was an heir brought forth, 58; Th. 70, 27; Gen. 1159: 82; Th. 103, 3; Gen. 1712. [Wyc. Chauc. fede: Piers P. feden: Laym. feden, ueden: Orm. fedenn: Scot. fede: Plat. voden, vöden, föden, füden: O. Sax. fódjan, fuodjan: Frs. fieden: O. Frs. foda, feda: Dut. voeden: Ger. füttern: M. H. Ger. vuoten, vüeten: O. H. Ger. fuotjan: Goth. fodyan: Dan. föde: Swed. föda: Icel. fæða: Lat. pasc&e-short;re: Grk. πατ&epsilon-tonos;oμαι to eat: Sansk. pitu, m. nourishing food.] DER. a-fédan, ge-.
fédels, es; m. A fatling; alt&i-short;lis :-- Fédels alt&i-short;le, Ælfc. Gl. 22; Som. 59, 95; Wrt. Voc. 23, 51: alt&i-short;lis, 114; Som. 80, 7; Wrt. Voc. 60, 43.
feder a father, Chr. 1052; Th. 319, 17: Hy. 8, 8; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 8: 8, 43; Hy. Grn. ii. 291, 43. v. fæder.
federa, fedra. an; m. An uncle, a father's brother; patruus :-- Se wæs Ælfríces sunn Æ-acute;dwines federan he was the son of Ælfric, Edwin's uncle. Chr. 634; Erl. 25, 25: 737; Erl. 47, 24, Édwines fedran suna Edwin's uncle's son, Chr. 643; Erl. 27, 19. v. fædera.
fédesl, es; m? e; f? A feeder, provider; obs&o-long;n&a-long;tor :-- Cyninges fédesl xx scillinga forgelde let the king's feeder be paid for with twenty shillings, L. Ethb. 12; Th. i. 6, 8.
féding, e; f. A feeding; pastio :-- Seó féding ðara sceápa the feeding of the sheep, Past. 5, 2; Hat. MS. 10 b, 11. v. fédan to feed.
fédnes, -ness, e; f. Nourishment; nutr&i-long;mentum :-- On lustfullnysse ðær bíþ synne fédnes in delect&a-long;ti&o-long;ne fit pecc&a-long;ti nutr&i-long;mentum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 25.
FEFER, fefor, es; m. A FEVER; febris :-- Se fefer hine forlét rel&i-long;quit eum febris, Jn. Bos. 4, 52. Gif him fefer derige if fever vex him, Herb. 46, 2; Lchdm. i. 148, 19. Se fefor the fever, Mt. Bos. 8, 15. Æ-acute;r hym ðæs feferes wéne before he expects the fever, Herb. 2, 12; Lchdm. i. 84, 7. Wið fefre for fever, L. M. 1, 62; Lchdm. ii. 134. 14, 27. Wið ðone cólan fefor against cold fever, Herb. 138, 2; Lchdm. i. 256, l0. Ða feforas beóþ fram anýdde the fevers will be forced away, 143, 4; Lchdm. i. 266, 13. On mycelum feferum magnis febr&i-short;bus, Lk. Bos. 4, 38. Wið ða stíðustan feferas, genim ðas sylfan wyrte and gedrige hý for the strongest fevers, take this same herb and dry it, Herb. 20, 3; Lchdm. i. 114, 16: 38, 2; Lchdm. i. 138, 3. Æ-acute;lces dæges fefer an every day or quotidian fever, L. M. 1, 62; Lchdm. ii. 134, 24. Þriddan dæges fefer a tertian fever, i, 62; Lchdm. ii. 134, 21. Feórþan dæges fefer a quartan fever, Herb. 2, 12; Lchdm. i. 84, 5. [Piers P. feveres, pl: Chauc. fevere: Plat. fever, n: Ger. fieber, n: M. H. Ger. vieber, n: O. H. Ger. fiebar, n: Dan. feber, m. f: Swed. feber, m: Lat. febris, f.]
fefer-ádl, fefor-ádl, e; f. [ádl a disease] Fever-disease, fever; febris :-- Heó wæs swenced mid hæ-acute;to and mid bryne feferádle she had been afflicted with the heat and burning of a fever, Bd. 5, 4; S. 617, 28. Wið fefer-ádle for fever disease, L. M. 1, 62; Lchdm. ii, 134, 13. Sleá ðé Drihten mid feforádle and mid cíle perc&u-short;tiat te D&o-short;m&i-short;nus febri et fr&i-long;g&o-short;re, Deut. 28, 22.