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feoh-gitsere, es; m. A miser; p&e-short;c&u-long;niæ &a-short;v&a-long;rus :-- Eálá! hwæt se forma feohgítsere wæ-acute;re on worulde alas! that the first miser should have been in the world, Bt. Met. Fox 8, 110; Met. 8, 55. Ðæm feohgítsere to the miser, Bt. 7, 4; Fox 22, 26.

feoh-gyrnes, -ness, e; f. Money-desire, avarice; av&a-long;r&i-short;tia, L. Ath. Lye.

feoh-gýtsung desire of money, avarice. v. feó-gýtsung.

feoh-hof, es; n. A treasury; ær&a-long;rium, Som. Ben. Lye.

feoh-hord, es; m. A money-hoard; ær&a-long;rium, Cot. 212.

feoh-hús, es; n. A treasure-house; ær&a-long;rium, Ælfc. Gl. 108; Som. 78, 104; Wrt. Voc. 58, 19.

feoh-læ-acute;nung, e; f. Money-lending, mortgage; fen&e-short;r&a-long;tio :-- Feoh-læ-acute;nung bútan borge hypoth&e-long;ca [ = &upsilon-tonos;πoθ&eta-tonos;κη], Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 58, 14; Wrt. Voc. 21, 9.

feoh-leás; adj. Moneyless, priceless; p&e-short;c&u-long;niæ &i-short;nops, sine pr&e-short;tio :-- Ða ðe feohleáse wæ-acute;ron him scipu begéton they who were moneyless got themselves ships, Chr. 897; Erl. 94, 27. Ðæt wæs feohleás gefeoht that was a priceless fight, Beo. Th. 4873; B. 2441.

feóh-leásnes, -ness, e; f. Poverty; p&e-short;c&u-long;niæ in&o-short;pia, paupertas, Som. Ben. Lye.

feoh-sceat, -sceatt, es; n. Money-tribute, wages; tr&i-short;b&u-long;tum, merces :-- Nó ic wið feohsceattum ofer folc bere Drihtnes dómas I bear not the Lord's decrees among nations for wages, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 14; Dan. 744.

feoh-spillung, -spilling, e; f. Money-wasting, profusion; p&e-short;c&u-long;ni&a-long;rum eff&u-long;sio vel prof&u-long;sio :-- Man ðæ-acute;r ne gespæ-acute;dde bútan manmyrringe and feohspillinge man gained naught there except loss of men and waste of money, Chr. 1096; Erl. 233, 30.

feoh-strang; adj. Money-strong, possessing cattle or money; p&e-short;cu&a-long;rius, p&e-short;c&u-long;ni&o-long;sus :-- Feohstrang man p&e-short;cu&a-long;rius, Ælfc. Gl. 58; Som. 67, 112; Wrt. Voc. 38, 35. Feohstrang p&e-short;c&u-long;ni&o-long;sus, 88; Som. 74, 71; Wrt. Voc. 50, 51.

feoht, es; n. A FIGHT, battle; pugna, prœlium :-- Wæs he þencende ðæt he ðæt feoht forléte he was thinking that he would give up the fight, Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 39. God tæ-acute;ceþ handa míne to feohte Deus d&o-short;cet m&a-short;nus meas ad prælium, Ps. Spl. 143, 1. [Laym. fæht, faht: Scot. fecht, facht: O. Sax. fehta, f: Frs. fjuecht: O. Frs. fiucht: Dut. ge-vecht, n: Ger. ge-fecht, n: M. H. Ger. vëhte, f: O. H. Ger. fehta, f.] DER. ge-feoht, inge-, ofer-, útge-.

FEOHTAN; part. feohtende; ic feohte, ðú feohtest, he feohteþ, fiht, pl. feohtaþ; p. ic, he feaht, ðú fuhte, pl. fuhton; pp. fohten To FIGHT, contend, make war, combat, struggle; prœli&a-long;ri, pugn&a-long;re, bell&a-long;re, contend&e-short;re, decert&a-long;re, coll&i-long;d&e-short;re :-- Mec mín freá feohtan háteþ my lord commands me to fight, Exon. 102 b; Th. 389, 10; Rä. 7, 5: 104 b; Th. 398, 2; Rä. 17, 1. Gyf hwylc cyning wyle faran and feohtan agén óðerne cyning quis rex it&u-long;rus committ&e-short;re bellum adversus &a-short;lium regem, Lk. Bos. 14, 31. Ealle on ðone cining feohtende wæ-acute;ron all were fighting against the king, Chr. 755; Erl. 49, 35: 994; Erl. 133, 11. Ic feohte prœlior, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 7. Feohteþ se feónd the fiend fights, Salm. Kmbl. 995; Sal. 499: L. Eth. vii. 15; Th. i. 332, 14: L. C. S. 60; Th. i. 408, 12. Drihten fiht for éow D&o-short;m&i-short;nus pugn&a-long;bit pro v&o-long;bis, Ex. 14, 14: Wrt. Voc. 78, 1. Monige synd, ðe to me feohtaþ multi qui bellant me, Ps. Th. 55, 3: 58, 1. Cúþwulf feaht wið Bretwalas Cuthwulf fought against the Brito-Welsh, Chr. 571; Erl. 18, 12: 661; Erl. 35, 9: 871; Erl 75, 19. Ða litlingas fuhton on hire innoþe coll&i-long;d&e-long;bantur in &u-short;t&e-short;ro ejus parv&u-short;li, Gen. 25, 22. Stuf and Wihtgár fuhton [fuhtun, Erl. 14, 22] wið Bryttas Stuf and Wihtgar fought against the Britons, Chr. 514; Erl. 15, 23. Wítodlíce míne þegnas fuhton ministri mei utique decert&a-long;rent, Jn. Bos. 18, 36. Be ðon ðe mon on cynges healle feohte in case a man fight in the king's hall, L. Alf. pol. 7; Th. i. 66, 7: 39; Th. i. 88, 2. Ðeáh him feohtan on firas monige although many men fight against it, Runic pm. 26; Kmbl. 344. 27; Hick. Thes. i. 135, 52. [Piers P. fighten: Laym. fæhten, fahten: Orm. fihhtenn: Scot. fecht: O. Sax. fehtan: Frs. fjuechten: O. Frs. fiuchta: Dut. vechten: Ger. fechten: M. H. Ger. vehten: O. H. Ger. fehtan: Dan. fegte, fægte: Swed. fäkta.] DER. a-feohtan, æt-, be-, bi-, ge-, ofer-, on-, wið-.

feohte, an; f. A fight, combat; pugna :-- Wearþ him seó feohte tó grim the fight was too severe for them, Exon. 84 a; Th. 317, 16; Mód. 66. Nó ic gefrægn heardran feohtan I have not heard of a harder fight, Beo. Th. 1157; B. 576: Exon. 102 b; Th. 388, 7; Rä. 6, 4: Andr. Kmbl. 2045; An. 1025. We ðæ-acute;t ellenweorc feohtan fremedon we have achieved that valourous deed by fighting, Beo. Th. 1922; B. 959.

feohtere, es; m. A fighter, warrior; pugn&a-long;tor, bell&a-long;tor, Ben. Lye.

feoht-lác, es; n. A fighting, fight; pugna :-- Gif ciricgriþ abrocen beó, bétan man georne, sí hit þurh feohtlíc, sí hit þurh reáfác if church-peace be broken, be it through fighting, be it through robbery, let amends be strictly made, L. Eth. ix. 4; Th. i. 340, 20: L. C. E. 3; Th. i. 360, 11: L. C. S. 48; Th. i. 402, 28.

feoht-wite a fine for fighting. v. fyht-wíte.

feól fell, Beo. Th. 1549; B. 772; p. of feallan.

FEÓL, e; f A FILE; l&i-long;ma :-- Ic com láf fýres and feóle I am the leaving of fire and file, Exon. 126 a; Th. 484, 7; Rä. 70, 4. Mín heáfod is homere geþuren, sworfen feóle my head is beaten with a hammer, rubbed with a file, 129 b; Th. 497. 18; Rä. 87, 2. [Prompt. Parv. file: Dut. vijl, f: Ger. feile, f: M. H. Ger. víle, f: O. H. Ger. fíhala, fíla, f: Dan. fiil, m. f: Swed. fil, m: Icel. þél, f. a file.]

feola many, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 15. v. fela.

feolan, fiolan, felan; p. fæl, pl. fæ-acute;lon, félon; pp. folen, feolen. I. to cleave, stick, adhere; adhær&e-long;re :-- Ðæt ic in ne fele ut non inhæream, Ps. Surt. 68, 15. II. to reach, come, pass; proc&e-long;d&e-short;re, perv&e-short;nire :-- Ne meahton hí ofer mere feolan they could not pass over the sea, Exon. 106 a; Th. 404, 10; Rä 23, 5. DER. æt-feolan, be-, bi-, ge-, geond-.

feóld, pl. feóldon folded up, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 50: Exon. 107 a; Th. 408, 4; Rä. 27, 7; p. of fealdan.

feól-heard; adj. File-hard, hard like a file; instar, l&i-long;mæ d&u-long;rus :-- Hí léton of folman feólhearde speru they let the file-hard spears from their hands, Byrht. Th. 134, 63; By. 108.

feó-lif? [feó = feoh?] Munificence, bounty; mun&i-short;f&i-short;centia, D. Som. Ben. Lye.

feóll fell, Beo. Th. 5830; B. 2919; p. of feallan.

feóllon fell, Beo. Th. 2089; B. 1042; p. pl. of feallan.

feolo many, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 26; Sat. 421. v. fela.

feolu-fór, e; f? A field-fare; turdus p&i-short;l&a-long;ris?-Feolufór torax? Wrt. Voc. 289, 17. v. feala-fór.

feón, feonn, es; m. A fen; p&a-short;lus :-- Geond ða feonnas about the fens, Chr. 1010; Erl. 143, 29: 656; Erl. 31, 10, 26. v. fen.

feón, he feóþ; p. feóde, pl. feódon To hate; &o-long;disse :-- He feóþ sáwle his &o-long;dit &a-short;n&i-short;mam suam, Ps. Spl. C. 10, 6: Cd. 43; Th. 56, 13; Gen. 911: Exon. 31 a; Th. 97, 31; Cri. 1599. Ic unrihta gehwylc feóde in&i-long;qu&i-short;t&a-long;tem &o-short;dio h&a-short;bui, Ps. Th. 118, 163. Hie ðé feódon they hated thee, Elen. Kmbl. 711; El. 356. v. feógan.

feón to rejoice, be glad. v. feohan, ge-feón.

feónd, fiónd, fýnd, fiénd, es; pl. nom. acc. feóndas, fýnd, feónd; gen. feónda; dat. feóndum; m. [feógan, feón to hate] A FIEND, enemy, foe, the devil; &o-long;sor, in&i-short;m&i-long;cus, hostis, diab&o-short;lus = δι&alpha-tonos;βoλos :-- Seó ydelnes is ðære sáwle feónd idleness is the soul's enemy, L. E. I. 3; Th. ii 404, 9. Éhteþ feónd sáwle míne pers&e-short;qu&a-long;tur in&i-short;m&i-long;cus an&i-short;mam meam, Ps. Spl. 7, 5. Se feónd his diórlingas duguþum stépte the fiend decked his favourites with honours, Bt. Met. Fox 15, 14; Met. 15, 7; Beo. Th. 1455; B. 725: 1500; B. 748. Feónd hostis vel &o-long;sor, Wrt. Voc. 86, 45. Se feónd mid his geférum eallum feóllon of heofnum the devil with all his company fell from heaven, Cd. 16; Th. 20, 10; Gen. 306: Salm. Kmbl. 140; Sal. 69: 995; Sal. 499. Ná fægnian fýnd mín ofer me non gaud&e-long;bit in&i-short;m&i-long;cus meus s&u-short;per me, Ps. Spl. 40, 12. Stearcheort onfand feóndes fótlást the stout of heart found the foe's foot-trace, Beo. Th. 4567; B. 2289. Gif ðú geméte ðínes feóndes oxan oððe assan, læ-acute;d hine to him si occurr&e-short;ris b&o-short;vi in&i-short;m&i-long;ci tui aut as&i-short;no erranti, reduc ad eum, Ex. 23, 4: Lk. Bos. l0, 19. Se ðæm feónde ætwand he escaped from the fiend, Beo. Th. 289; B. 143: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 31; Met. 25, 16. Ðú feónd oferswiððest thou shalt overcome thy foe, Elen. Kmbl. 186; El. 93: Cd. 144; Th. 179, 21; Exod. 32. Ðú fiónd geflæ-acute;mdest thou didst put the enemy [the devil] to flight, Hy. 8, 25; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 25. Genámon me ðæ-acute;r strange feóndas strong enemies took me there, Rood Kmbl. 60; Kr. 30: 65; Kr. 33. Fýnd syndon eówere they are your enemies, Judth. 11; Thw. 24, 18; Jud. 195: 12; Thw. 26, 10; Jud. 320. Eówre fýnd feallaþ befóran eów c&a-short;dent in&i-short;m&i-long;ci vestri in conspectu vestro, Lev. 26, 8, 16: Deut. 32, 31. Ðíne feónd fæ-acute;cne forwurdan in&i-short;m&i-long;ci tui son&a-long;v&e-long;runt, Ps. Th. 82, 2: 91, 8. Hý fæder ageaf on feónda geweald her father delivered her up into her foes power, Exon. 68 a; Th. 252, 7; Jul. 159: Elen. Kmbl. 135; El. 68. Ic agilde wrace mínum feóndum reddam ulti&o-long;nem host&i-short;bus meis, Deut, 32, 41, 43: Jos. 10, 25. Ealle ic mihie feóndas gefyllan I might have felled all his foes, Rood Kmbl. 75; Kr. 38. Ðú swutole mihtest tocnáwan ðíne frínd and ðíne fýnd [fiénd Cot.] thou mightest clearly distinguish thy friends and thy foes, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 21. Lufiaþ eówre fýgd dil&i-short;g&i-short;te in&i-short;m&i-long;cos vestros, Mt. Bos. 5, 44, Lk. Bos. 6, 27, 35. Hió ofer heora feónd fæste getrymede confirm&a-long;vit eum s&u-short;per in&i-short;m&i-long;cos ejus, Ps. Th. 104, 20: 107 12. Ne murnþ náuðer ne friénd ne fiénd he regards neither friend nor foe, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 8. Wæs wera éðelland geondsended feóndum the people's native land was overspread with enemies, Cd. 92; Th. 118, 22; Gen. 1969. [Piers P. fend: Wyc. fend, feend: Chauc. feend: Laym. feond, ueond, m: Orm. fend: Plat. fijend, fijnd, m: O. Sax. fíond, fíund, fíunt, fíand: Frs. fynne: O. Frs. fiand, fiund, m: Dut. vijand, m: Ger. feind, m: M. H. Ger. víant, víent, vínt, m: O. H. Ger. fíant, fíent, m: Goth. fiyands, m: Dan. Swed. fiende, m: Icel. fjándi, m.] DER. eald-feónd, þeóð-: ge-fýnd.

feónd-æ-acute;t, es; m. Eating of the sacrifice to an idol; diab&o-short;l&i-short;ca mand&u-long;c&a-long;tio :-- Hí ðæs feondæ-acute;tes Finces awerede Phinehas restrained them from eating of the sacrifice to an idol, Ps. Th. 105, 24, notes, p. 445.