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wyrsan ðonne æ-acute;nig óðer gesceaft he and all his companions became more wicked and worse than any other creature, i. 10, 35. Hí habbaþ ðæs mennisces ðone betstan dæ-acute;l forloren, and ðone forncúþestan [forcúþeran MS. Bod.] gehealden they have lost the best part of humanity, and kept the worst [worse], Bt. 37, 3; Fox 192, 4. Oft ða eallra forcúþestan men cumaþ to ðam ánwealde and to ðam weorþscipe the most wicked men of all often come to power and dignity, 16, 3; Fox 54, 21. Hwæðer he wolde ðám forcúþestum mannum folgian would it follow the most wicked men? 16, 3; Fox 54, 10, 27. Ða Sodomitiscan menn wæ-acute;ron ða forcúþostan h&o-short;m&i-short;nes S&o-short;d&o-short;m&i-long;tæ pess&i-short;mi &e-short;rant, Gen. 13, 13. [Goth. frakunþs despised.] DER. unforcúþ.

for-cúþlíce; adv. Perversely, across; perverse, transverse :-- Ðæra cynega swuran forcúþlíce træ-acute;don colla r&e-long;gum p&e-short;d&i-short;bus calc&a-long;rent, Jos. 10, 24.

for-cweðan; p. -cwæþ, pl. -cwæ-acute;don; pp. -cweden To rebuke, censure, revile, refuse, reject; incr&e-short;p&a-long;re, maled&i-long;c&e-short;re, rec&u-long;s&a-long;re, rej&i-short;c&e-short;re :-- Ne sceal hine mon cildgeong ne forcweðan one must not while a young child rebuke him, Exon. 89 b; Th. 336, 14; Gn. Ex. 49. Ða fortrúwodan forsióþ óðre menn and eác forcweðaþ [MS. forcueðaþ] the presumptuous despise and also revile other men, Past. 32, 1; Hat. MS. 39 b, 27. Se wísa Catulus forcwaeþ Nonium ðone rícan the wise Catulus censured Nonius the rich, Bt. 27, 1; Fox 94, 32. Drihten forcwæþ swelce ælmessan the Lord rejected such alms, Past. 45, 4; Hat. MS. 65 a. 26.

for-cwolstan; p. te; pp. ed To swallow down; haur&i-long;re :-- Fífleáfan seáwes þrý bollan fulle lytle sceal forcwolstan he shall swallow down three little bowls of the juice of cinque-foil, L. M. 1, 4; Lchdm. ii. 48, 18.

for-cwom, pl. -cwómon came upon; s&u-short;perv&e-long;nit, s&u-short;perv&e-long;n&e-long;runt :-- Egsa me and fyrhtu ealne forcwómon t&i-short;mor et tr&e-short;mor v&e-long;n&e-long;runt s&u-short;per me, Ps. Th. 54, 5. v. for-com, -cómon; p. of for-cuman.

for-cwysan; p. de; pp. ed To shake violently; conquass&a-long;re :-- He for-cwysde heáfda on eorþan manigra he shook violently the heads of many in the earth, Ps. Spl. 109, 7.

for-cymen overcome, harassed, worn out. Exon. 10a; Th. 10, 13; Cri. 151; pp. of for-cuman.

for-cyrfst, he -cyrfþ cuttest down, he cuts down. Homl. Th. ii. 408, 8: Ps. Lamb. 128, 4; 2nd and 3rd sing. pres. of for-ceorfan.

for-cyrran; p. de; pp. ed To turn again, subvert, avoid; pervert&e-short;re, subvert&e-short;re, ev&i-short;t&a-long;re :-- Búton deáþ hí ne mágon forcyrran except they cannot avoid death. Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 8.

for-cýðan; p. de; pp. ed To surpass or excel in knowledge; scientia excell&e-short;re vel sup&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- Hæfde se snotra sunu Davides forcumen and forcýðed Caldéa eorl the wise son of David had overcome and surpassed in knowledge the leader of the Chaldeans, Salm. Kmbl. 353; Sal. 176: 411; Sal. 206.

FORD; gen. fordes; dat. forde, forda; m. A FORD; v&a-short;dum :-- Ford v&a-short;dum, Ælfc. Gl. 97; Som. 76, 66; Wrt. Voc. 54, 10: 80, 51. Hie flugon ofer Temese búton æ-acute;lcum forda they fled over the Thames without any ford, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 28. Neáh ðam forda, ðe man hæ-acute;t Welinga ford near the ford which is called Wallingford, Ors. 5, 12; Bos. 110, 20. Æt ðam forda [Th. forde] at the ford, Byrht. Th. 134, 8; By. 81. Ða Walas adrifon sumre eá ford ealne mid scearpum pílum greátum the Welsh staked the ford of a river all with great sharp piles, Chr. Erl. 5, 9, 12. Ofer ðone ford trans v&a-short;dum, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 47, 38: Byrht. Th. 134, 22; By. 88: Beo. Th. 1140; B. 568. He oferfór ðone ford trans&i-long;vit v&a-short;dum, Gen. 32, 22. He mihte fordas oferrídan, ðonne he to hwylcere eá cóme he might ride over the fords, when he came to any river, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 17. [Laym, uord, ford: Scot. firth, frith a bay: O. Frs. forda: Dut. Kil. voord v&a-short;dum: Ger. furt. f: M. H. Ger. vurt, m: O. H. Ger. furt, n: Dan. fjord, m. f. a bay, gulf: Swed. fjärd, m. a bay: Icel. fjörðr, m: Grk. GREEK, m. a ford, ferry.]

for-dæ-acute;dla a destroyer, v. mán-fordæ-acute;dla.

for-dæ-acute;lan; p. de; pp. ed To deal out, expend; dispens&a-long;re, er&o-short;g&a-long;re :-- Seó fordæ-acute;lde on læ-acute;cas eall ðæt heó áhte quæ in m&e-short;d&i-short;cos erog&a-long;v&e-short;rat omnem substantiam suam, Lk. Bos. 8, 43. [Goth. fradailjan to give away: Dut. ver-deelen to divide, distribute: Ger. ver-theilen to distribute.]

for-deáþ destroys, does for, Wanl. Catal. 112, 65, col. 2, = for-déþ; 3rd sing. pres. of for-dón.

for-déman, to for-démanne; p. de: pp. ed To condemn, damn; dijud&i-short;c&a-long;re, damn&a-long;re, condemn&a-long;re :-- Ðæt hig hine gesealdon ðam ealdron to dóme, and to ðæs déman ánwalde to fordémanne ut trad&e-short;rent illum princ&i-short;p&a-long;tui, et potest&a-long;ti præs&i-short;dis, Lk. Bos. 20, 20. On middele sóþlíce godas he fordémþ in m&e-short;dio autem deos dij&u-long;d&i-short;cat, Ps. Spl. 81, 1. Ðá geseah Iudas ðe hyne belæ-acute;wde, ðæt he fordémed wæs, ðá ongan he hreówsian tunc v&i-short;dens Iudas, qui eum trad&i-short;dit, quod damn&a-long;tus esset, pæn&i-short;tentia ductus, Mt. Bos. 27, 3. Nellen gé déman, ðæt gé ne sýn fordémede judge not, that ye be not condemned, 7, 1. Ðæt man cristene men, for ealles tó lytlum, to deáþe ne fordéme that christian men, for all too little, be not condemned to death, L. Eth. v. 3,; Th. i. 304, 17. [O. Sax. fardómjan: O. H. Ger. firtuoman: Dut. verdoemen to condemn.]

for-démednes, -ness, e; f. Condemnation, proscription; condemn&a-long;tio, proscriptio :-- Þurh tyn winter full Godes cyricena bærnesse, and unsceað&dash-uncertain;ðiendra fordémednesse, and slege háligra martyra unblinnendlíce dón wæs per décem annos, incendiis eccl&e-long;si&a-long;rum, proscripti&o-long;n&i-short;bus inn&o-short;centum, cædibus mart&y-short;rum incess&a-long;b&i-short;l&i-short;ter acta est. Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 25.

for-demman; part, -demmende; p. de; pp. ed To shut or dam up; obt&u-long;r&a-long;re :-- Swá swá nædran deáfe, and fordemmende eáran heora s&i-long;cut asp&i-short;dis surdæ, et obt&u-long;rantis aures suas, Ps. Spl. T. 57, 4. [Goth. faurdammjan to stop up: Ger. verdammen to embank, dam up.]

for-dén done for, destroyed, defiled, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 15; Cri. 1207; pp. of for-dón.

for-déþ does for, destroys, L. Edg. S. 14; Th. i. 278, i; 3rd pres. sing, of for-dón.

for-dettan to shut up; obt&u-long;r&a-long;re, Prov. 21. v. for-dyttan.

for-dician; p. ode; pp. od To obstruct, shut, or fence off with a ditch; fossâ obstru&e-short;re, Som. Ben. Lye.

for-dilgian, -diligian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To blot out, destroy; d&e-long;l&e-long;re, obn&u-long;b&i-short;l&a-long;re, obl&i-long;t&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- He wolde ealle his þeóde fram ðam gingrum óþ ða yldran fordón and fordilgian he would do for and blot out all his nation from the younger to the elder, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 13: 5, 21; S. 643, 26. He ðá óðer werod ðære [MS. ðara] mánfullan þeóde fornam and fordilgade sic c&e-long;t&e-short;ras nefandæ m&i-long;l&i-short;tiæ c&o-long;pias del&e-long;vit, 2, 2; S. 504, 7: 5, 13; S. 633, 34. Ðæt hí óþ forwyrd æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r fordiligade ne wæ-acute;ron ne usque ad intern&e-short;ci&o-long;nem usquequaque del&e-long;rentur, Bd. 1, 16; S. 484, 17. [Orm. foirdill&yogh;enn: Dut. ver-delgen: Ger. ver-tilgen to extirpate, destroy.]

for-dimmian; p. ode; pp. od To make very dim, darken, obscure; obn&u-long;b&i-short;l&a-long;re, obfusc&a-long;re, obsc&u-long;r&a-long;re, R. Conc. 1.

for-dón, to for-dónne; he -déþ; p. ic, he -dyde, ðú -dydest, pl. -dydon; subj. pres. -dó, pl. -dón; p. -dyde, pl. -dyden; pp. -dón, -dén. I. to do for, destroy, kill; perd&e-short;re, destru&e-short;re, d&e-long;l&e-long;re, cont&e-short;r&e-short;re, interf&i-short;c&e-short;re, occ&i-long;d&e-short;re :-- Ondræ-acute;daþ ðone, ðe mæg sáwle and líchaman fordón on helle t&i-short;m&e-long;te eum, qui p&o-short;test et &a-short;n&i-short;mam et corpus perd&e-short;re in gehennam, Mt. Bos. 10, 28: Mk. Bos. 3, 6: Gen. 18, 23: Chr. 1013; Erl. 149, 2, 24: L. Ath. iv. 1; Th. i. 220, 23. He wolde ealle his þeóde fordón and fordilgian t&o-long;tam ejus gentem d&e-long;l&e-long;re et exterm&i-short;n&a-long;re decr&e-long;v&e-short;rat, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 13: Deut. 9, 19. He wolde Aaron fordón v&o-short;luit Aaron cont&e-short;r&e-short;re, Deut. 9, 20. Ðæt he mæ-acute;ge fordón ða unsceððendan ut interf&i-short;ciat inn&o-short;centem, Ps. Th. 9, 28. He sécþ hine to fordónne quærit perd&e-short;re eum, Ps. Th. 36, 32. Ic fordó hig ego disperdam eos, Gen. 6, 13. Ðe ðæne scyldigan rihtlíce fordéþ who lawfully does for the guilty, L. Edg. S. 14; Th. i. 278, 1. Be ðam wífmen ðe hire bearn fordéþ de m&u-short;li&e-short;re quæ infantem suum occ&i-long;dit, L. Ecg. P. cont. ii. 2; Th. ii. 180, 3. Se bisceop towearp and fordyde ða wigbed pont&i-short;fex ipse polluit ac destruxit eas &a-long;ras, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 18: Chr. 986; Erl. 130, 11: 1075; Erl. 214, 15: Deut. 9, 4. Ðú fordydest æ-acute;lcne man perd&i-short;disti omnem, Ps. Lamb. 72, 27. Se here fordydon eall ðæt he oferferde the army destroyed all that it passed over, Chr. 1016; Erl. 157, 12. Hí fordydon me consumm&a-long;v&e-long;runt me, Ps. Lamb. 118, 87. Ðæt ic hig fordó ut cont&e-short;ram eum, Deut. 9, 14. Ðæt he fordó ut perdat, Jn. Bos. 10, 10: Bt. Met. Fox 20, 260; Met. 20, 130. Ðæt we hig fordón ut perd&a-long;mus illos, Gen. 19, 13. Ðý-læs hí fordón óðra gesceafta lest they destroy other creatures, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 9. Ðæt he eów ne fordyde ne d&e-long;l&e-long;ret vos, Deut. 9, 25. Ðý-læs hí óðra fordyden æðela gesceafta lest they should destroy other noble creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 91; Met. 29, 45. Hú oft ic hæbbe fordón ða Egiptiscan quotiens contr&i-long;v&e-short;rim Ægyptios, Ex. 10, 2. II. to seduce, defile, corrupt; sed&u-long;c&e-short;re, sc&e-short;l&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- Ðeáh heó dearnenga fordón wurde mid ligenum though she [Eve] was secretly seduced with lies, Cd. 30; Th. 39, 22; Gen. 629. Deáþfirenum fordén defiled by deadly sins, Exon. 25 b; Th. 74, 15; Cri. 1207. On ða firenum fordóne sorgum wlítaþ on which the defiled by sins shall sorrowfully look, Exon. 24 a; Th. 68, 16; Cri. 1104. Ðæ-acute;r wæs cirm micel, fordénera gedræg there was a great noise, a tumult of the defiled, Andr. Kmbl. 85; An. 43. Seóðeþ swearta lég synne on fordónum the swart flame of sin shall seethe on the corrupted, Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 2; Cri. 995. [O. Sax. fardón: Dut. ver-doen to destroy, kill: Ger. ver-thun to waste.] Used by Shakespeare.

for-drencan; p. -drencte; pp. -drenced, -drenct To make drunk, inebriate, intoxicate; madef&a-short;c&e-short;re, inebri&a-long;re :-- Uton fordrencan úrne fæder mid wíne let us make our father drunk with wine, Gen. 19, 32, 33. Nis ðæs mannes fæsten náht, ðe hine sylfne on forhæfednysse dagum fordrencþ the man's fasting is naught who inebriates himself on days of abstinence, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 24. Ðás men sindon mid muste fordrencte these men are drunken with new wine, i. 314, 22, 23.

for-drífan; p. -draf, pl. -drifon; pp. -drifen To drive away, force, compel, drive out, eject, banish; pell&e-short;re, pr&o-long;pell&e-short;re, compell&e-short;re, c&o-long;g&e-short;re, expell&e-short;re :-- Sumne sceal hreóh fordrífan the tempest shall drive one away, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 10; Vy. 15. Hine se streám fordráf the stream drove him, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 3: Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 25; Jud. 277: Andr. Kmbl. 538; An. 269. Norþhymbra fordrifon heora cining Alhréd of Eoferwíc the Northumbrians drove their king Alhred from York, Chr. 774; Erl. 53, 33: 954; Erl. 119, 6. Fordríf hí expelle eos, Ps. Th. 5, 11. Sió wunode on ðam íglande ðe se cyning on fordrifen wearþ she dwelt in the island on which the king was driven, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 21. Hió geseah ðone fordrifenan cyning she saw the driven king, 194, 23.