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Lufiaþ fordrifene, forðamðe gé sylfe wæ-acute;ron fordrifene and útancymene on Egipta lande vos &a-short;m&a-long;te p&e-short;r&e-short;gr&i-long;nos, qui et ipsi fuistis adv&e-short;næ in terra Ægypti, Deut. 10, 19, 18. [Laym. men al for-dreuen: O. Sax. for-drí&b-bar;an: Dut. ver-drijven: Ger. ver-treiben to drive away, banish.]
for-drincan; p. -dranc, pl. -druncon; pp. -druncen To make drunk, inebriate; madef&a-short;c&e-short;re, ebri&a-long;re :-- Gedréfde hí syndon and astyrede syndon swá swá fordruncen [MS. fordruncon] man turb&a-long;ti sunt et m&o-long;ti sunt s&i-long;cut ebrius, Ps. Lamb. 106, 27. Abigail forswígode ðæt dysig hiere fordruncnan hláfordes Abigail concealed the folly of her drunken lord, Past. 40, 4; Hat. MS. 55 a. 13. [Laym. for-drunkene cnihtes.]
for-drugian, -druwian; p. ode; pp. od To dry up, parch, wither; aresc&e-short;re, sicc&a-long;ri :-- He forheardaþ and fordrugaþ ind&u-long;ret et arescat, Ps. Lamb. 89, 6. Hió wæ-acute;re fordrugod to duste it would be dried to dust, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 207; Met. 20, 104. [Dut. ver-droogen: Ger. ver-trocknen to dry up.]
for-druncen, -druncn drunken, Past. 40, 4; Hat. MS. 55 a. 13; pp. of for-drincan.
for-druwian; p. ode; pp. od To dry up, wither; aresc&e-short;re :-- He byþ aworpen út swá twíg, and fordruwaþ mitt&e-long;tur f&o-short;ras s&i-long;cut palmes, et arescet, Jn. Bos. 15, 6. [A. R. vor-druwede, pp. pl.] v. for-drugian.
for-dwilman; p. de; pp. ed To confound; confund&e-short;re :-- Ða mistas fordwilmaþ ða sóþan gesiehþe the mists confound the true sight. Bt. 5, 3; Fox 14, 17.
for-dwínan, he -dwíneþ, -dwínþ; p. -dwán, pl. -dwinon; pp. -dwinen To dwindle away, vanish; ev&a-long;nesc&e-short;re :-- Fordwíneþ heó sona it soon will dwindle away, Herb. 2, 2; Lchdm. i. 80, 17. Mannes ege hrædlíce fordwínþ awe of man quickly vanishes, Homl. Th. i. 592, 12. Se sceocca fordwán of his gesihþe Satan vanished from his sight, ii. 504, 4. [Chauc. hondes for-dwíned: Dut. ver-dwijnen to vanish.]
for-dyde, pl. -dydon did for, destroyed, Deut. 9, 1: Ps. Lamb. 118, 87: for-dyde, pl. -dyden should do for, destroy, Deut. 9, 25: Bt. Met. Fox 29, 91; Met. 29, 45; p. indic. and p. subj. of for-dón.
for-dyttan; part. -dyttende; p. -dytte; pp. -dytted, -dytt, -dyt To close or shut entirely up, stop up; opp&i-long;l&a-long;re, claud&e-short;re, obstru&e-short;re :-- Swá swá næddran deáfre, and fordyttendre hire eáran s&i-long;cut asp&i-short;dis surdæ, et obt&u-long;rantis aures suas, Ps. Lamb. 57, 5. Æ-acute;lc unrihtwísnes fordyt múþ hire omnis in&i-long;qu&i-short;tas opp&i-long;l&a-long;bit os suum, 106, 42. Is fordyt múþ sprecendra unrihte þing, obstructum est os l&o-short;quentium in&i-long;qua, 62, 12. Ða wilspringas ðære miclan niwelnisse wurdon fordytte clausi sunt fontes abyssi, Gen. 8, 2. [Laym. for-dut, pres. sing, indic.]
fore = for, q.v; prep. dat. acc. I. for, on account of, for the sake of; pro, propter, per; with the dative; cum d&a-short;t&i-long;vo :-- Ne syndon to lufianne ða wísan fore stówum, ac for gódum wísum stówe syndon to lufianne non pro l&o-short;cis res, sed pro b&o-short;nis r&e-long;bus l&o-short;ca amanda sunt, Bd. 1, 27; 8. 489, 41. Fore miltsum for his mercies. Exon. 46 b; Th. 159, 25; Gú. 932. He láþ biþ æ-acute;ghwæ-acute;r fore his wonsceaftum he is everywhere unwelcome on account of his misfortunes, 87 b; Th. 329, 10; Vy. 32. He fore his mondryhtne módsorge wæg he bare mental sorrow for his master, Exon. 48 a; Th. 165, 5; Gú. 1024. Nó mearn fore fæ-acute;hþe and fyrene he mourned not on account of his enmity and crime, Beo. Th. 273; B. 136. Gé scofene wurdon fore oferhygdum in éce fýr ye were thrust into eternal fire on account of pride, Exon. 41 b; Th. 140, 6; Gú. 606. II. = for, q.v. for, on account of, for the sake of; pro, propter, per; with the accusative; cum accus&a-long;t&i-long;vo :-- Gehálgode fore hine Damiánum consecr&a-long;vit pro eo Dami&a-long;num, Bd. 3, 20; S. 550, 33. III. sometimes fore is separated from its case, v. III. in fóre :-- Ðæt he hine fore gebæ-acute;de that he might pray for him, Bd. 5, 5; S. 618, 2. He ahongen wæs fore moncynnes mánforwyrhtum he was hanged for the evil deeds of mankind, Exon. 24 a; Th. 67, 27; Cri. 1095. Se þegn fore fæder dæ-acute;dum swefeþ the thane sleeps for his father's deeds, Beo. Th. 4125; B.
fóre = fór; prep. dat. acc. I. before; c&o-long;ram, ante, in conspectu, præsente vel audiente &a-short;l&i-short;quo, ante; with the dative; cum d&a-short;t&i-long;vo :-- Se ár Godes ánne wísfæstne wer gehálgode fóre ðam heremægene the messenger of God consecrated a wise man before the host, Andr. Kmbl. 3299; An. 1652. Fela gé fóre monnum míðaþ ye conceal much before men, Exon. 39 a; Th. 130, 10; Gú. 436. Hý fóre leódum leóhte blícaþ they shall shine brightly before the people, 26 a; Th. 76, 13; Cri. 1239. Gehealdne sind sáwle wið synnum fóre sigedéman souls have been preserved from sins before the judge triumphant, Exon. 23 b; Th. 65, 28; Cri. 1061. Fóre Waldende before the Lord, 23 b; Th. 66, 12; Cri. 1070. Fóre onsýne écan Dryhtnes standaþ stíþferhþe the stout-hearted stand before the face of the eternal Lord, Andr. Kmbl. 1441; An. 721. Fóre eágum before the eyes, Exon. 27 a; Th. 81, 15; Cri. 1324. II. before; ante, with the accusative; cum accus&a-long;t&i-long;vo :-- Sendon hira béne fóre bearn Godes they sent their petition before the Son of God, Andr. Kmbl. 2056; An. 1030. Ne sceal ic míne onsýn fóre eówere mengu míðan I shall not conceal my countenance before your multitude, Exon. 43 a; Th. 144, 17; Gú. 679. Fóre þreó niht before three nights, Andr. Kmbl. 369; An. 185. III. sometimes fóre follows its case or is separated from it :-- On ðone Drihten ðe ðes háligdóm is fóre hálig by the Lord before whom this relic is holy, L. O. 1. 2; Th. i. 178, 3, 12. Ðes ár me fóre stondeþ this messenger stands before me, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 5; Jul. 277. Cumaþ him fóre come before him, Ps. Th. 94, 6. Scíneþ ðé leóht fóre the light shines before thee, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 30; Gen. 614. Him wépan fóre pl&o-long;r&e-long;mus c&o-long;ram eo. Ps. Th. 94, 6.
fóre; adv. Before, aforetime, formerly; antea, &o-long;lim, quondam :-- He on Ægypta lande worhte fóre wundur mæ-acute;re he aforetime did great wonders in the land of Egypt, Ps. Th. 77, 14.
fóre; gen. dat. acc. of fór a going, journey, course, approach. Exon. 111 a; Th. 426, 10; Rä. 41, 71: Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 23: 4, 27; S. 604, 29. v. fór, e; f.
fóre- before, used in composition as the English fore-.
fóre-ætýwian; p. ede; pp. ed To fore-show, to go before and show the way; præmonstr&a-long;re, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æt-eówian, -ýwan.
for-ealdian, -ealdigean, -ealldian; p. ode; pp. od [for-, eald old] To grow or wax old, become old; senesc&e-short;re, veterasc&e-short;re, inveterasc&e-short;re :-- Wyrceaþ seódas, ða ðe ne forealdigeaþ f&a-short;c&i-short;te v&o-long;bis sacc&u-short;los, qui non veterascunt, Lk. Bos. 12, 33. Bearn elelendisce forealdodon f&i-long;lii ali&e-long;ni inveter&a-long;ti sunt, Ps. Lamb. 17, 46. Forealldodon ða gewritu the writings waxed old, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 64, 37. Ne forealdige ðeós hand æ-acute;fre nunquam inveterascat hæc m&a-short;nus, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 24. Æ-acute;lc ánweald biþ sóna forealdod every power soon becomes old, Bt. 17; Fox 60, 10: 39, 8; Fox 224, ii. Ðe forealdode wæ-acute;ron who were grown old, Homl. Th. ii. 500, 4. [Ger. ver-alten to grow old.] DER. ealdian, eald.
fóre-astreccan; p. -astreahte, -astrehte; pp. -astreaht, -astreht To lay or stretch out before; pr&o-long;stern&e-short;re :-- Ðæt he fóreastrehte hig on wéstene ut pr&o-long;stern&e-short;ret eos in deserto, Ps. Spl. T. 105, 25. [Ger. vor-strecken to stretch forth.]
fóre-áþ, fór-áþ, es; m. A fore-oath, an oath first taken; antej&u-long;r&a-long;mentum, præj&u-long;r&a-long;mentum, præj&u-long;r&a-long;tio :-- So called because it was that by which every accuser or plaintiff commenced his accusation or suit against the accused or defendant. To this the defendant opposed his own fóre-áþ, thereby pleading not guilty to the charge. The oaths both of plaintiff and defendant were supported by consacramentals, respecting the number of which see L. H. 66, § 8; Th. i. 569: v. also AÞ II, III. If the fóre-áþ of the accuser failed, the charge was quashed and the accused set at liberty :-- Ofgá æ-acute;lc man his tíhtlan mid fóreáþe let every man begin his charge with a fore-oath, L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 212, 5. Agife ðone fóreáþ on feówer ciricum let him make his fore-oath in four churches, L. Alf. pol. 33; Th. i. 82, 7. Ofgá his spræce mid fóráþe let him begin his suit with a fore-oath, L. O. D. 6; Th. i. 354, 31: L. Ath. iv. 2; Th. i. 222, 16. Ofgá man ánfealde láde mid ánfealdan fóráþe and þrýfealde láde mid þrýfealdan fóráþe one may proceed to a simple exculpation with a simple fore-oath and to a threefold exculpation with a threefold fore-oath L. C. S. 22; Th. i. 388, 15; cf. Schmid. Ges. der Angelsachsen, foráþ.
fór-eáðe; adv. Very easily; perf&a-short;cile :-- God mæg fóreáðe unc æ-acute;t fóresceáwian God can very easily provide food for us two, Homl. Th. ii. 138, 35.
fóre-beácen, -beácn, es; n. A fore-token, prodigy, wonder; prod&i-short;gium, portentum, ostentum :-- Ic eom swá fórebeácen folce manegum tamquam prod&i-short;gium factus sum multis, Ps. Th. 70, 6. fórebeácna prod&i-short;gi&o-long;rum 104, 23. He sigetácen sende manegum, fórebeácn feala folce Ægipta m&i-long;sit signa et prod&i-short;gia in m&e-short;dio Ægypti, 134, 9: Ps. Lamb. 77, 43: Mt. Bos. 24, 24. Sóþlíce leáse cristas and leáse wítegan arísaþ, and wyrcþ, fórebeácna exsurgent &e-short;nim pseudochristi, et pseudoproph&e-long;tæ, et d&a-short;bunt signa et portenta, Mk. Bos. 13, 22: Deut. 13, 1. Búton gé tácna and fórebeácnu geseón, ne gelýfe gé except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe. Jn. Bos. 4, 48: Nar. 50, 21: -beácno. Blickl. Hom. 117, 30.
fóre-beón to be before or over, to preside; præesse. Scint. 32, 58. v. fóre-eom, fóre-wesan.
fóre-beran; part. -berende; p. -bær, pl. -bæ-acute;ron; pp. -boren To prefer; præferre :-- He sundorlíf and munuclíf wæs fórebefende eallum ðám weólum and árum ðæs eorþlícan ríces &e-short;rat v&i-long;tam pr&i-long;v&a-long;tam et m&o-short;nach&i-short;cam cunctis regni d&i-long;v&i-short;tiis et h&o-short;n&o-long;ribus præf&e-short;rens. Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 8. v. fór-beran.
fóre-bétan; p. -bétte; pp. -béted [fóre before, full, entire; bétan to make amends] To make full amends to or for anyone or anything; compens&a-long;re pr&o-long; &a-short;l&i-short;quo :-- Ládige mid his mágan, ðe fæ-acute;hþe móton mid-beran, oððe fórebétan let him clear himself with his kinsmen, who must bear the feud with him, or make full amends for it, L. Eth. ix. 23; Th. i. 344, 27: L. C. E. 5; Th. i. 362, 23. Gif he nyte hwá him fórebéte if he know not who shall make full amends for him, L. Ed. 9; Th. i. 164, 12: L. Ath. i. 8; Th. i. 204, 8.
fóre-birig; dat. s. of fóre-burh a vestibule. Ex. 29, 32.
fóre-bodian; p. ode; pp. od To FOREBODE, announce, declare; annunti&a-long;re, pr&o-long;nunti&a-long;re :-- Múþ mín fórebodaþ rihtwísnysse ðine os meum annunti&a-long;bit just&i-short;tiam tuam, Ps. Spl. 70, 16. Fórebodaþ tunge [MS. tunga] mín spræca ðíne pr&o-long;nunti&a-long;bit lingua mea el&o-short;quium tuum, 118, 172.
fóre-breóst, es; n. The fore-breast, breast, chest; præcordia, th&o-long;rax = GREEK :-- Fórebreóst præcordia, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 23; Wrt. Voc. 44, 9.