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gehwæs wlite geberhteþ which brightens the beauty of everything, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 64; Met. 21, 32.

ge-berian; p. ede; pp. ed [ge-, berian to happen] To happen; ev&e-short;n&i-long;re, acc&i-short;d&e-long;re :-- Geberian comp&e-short;t&e-short;re, C. R. Ben. 37. Geberede hit dæt Ercules com to him it happened that Hercules came to him, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 34, note 10, MS. Cot: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 61; Met. 25, 31.

ge-bernan [ge-, bernan to burn] To burn; comb&u-long;rere :-- Geberneþ comb&u-long;ret, Lk. Skt. Lind. 3, 17.

ge-berst, es; m? A bursting, eruption; eruptio :-- Wið ómena geberste against bursting of erysipelas, L. M. 1, 39; Lchdm. ii. 100, 2.

ge-bésmed; part. Bosomed, bent, crooked; s&i-short;nu&a-long;tus, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ge-b&o-long;smed.

ge-bétan, he -béteþ, pl. -bétaþ; p. bétte, pl. bétton; pp. -béted, -bétt; v. trans, [ge-, bétan to amend]. I. to make better, improve, mend, amend, repair; emend&a-long;re, rep&a-short;r&a-long;re :-- Gimmas ne scearpnesse gebétaþ gems do not improve sharpness, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 33. Ðæt hí gebétton that they repaired, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 54, 15: Bt. 20: Fox 70, 35. Geboeton netta hiora reficientes retia sua, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 4, 21. Geboeta curare, 4, 24. Giboeted wæs ðá fýr accenso autem igni, Lk. Skt. Rush. 22, 55. II. to make strong, fortify, surround with a wall; confirm&a-long;re, mun&i-long;re, m&u-long;r&a-long;re :-- Sceáwiaþ ðæt land hwæðer hit wæstmbæ-acute;re sí, and ða burga gebétte oððe bútan weallum cons&i-long;d&e-short;r&a-long;te terram, qu&a-long;lis sit, h&u-short;mus pinguis, et urbes qu&a-long;les, m&u-long;r&a-long;tæ an absque m&u-long;ris, Num. 13, 20. III. to make amends, reparation, 'bót' for, repent: -- Ðonne sceolan we mid úre ánre, sáule forgyldan and gebétan ealle ða ðing ðe we æ-acute;r ofor his bebod gedydon then must we with our soul alone make recompence and amends for all things that we have previously done against his command, Blickl. Homl. 91, 16; 63, 34; 57, 27: Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 23, 5; H.R. 107, 4. Hea geboeton pæniterent, Lk. Skt. Lind. 10, 13. IV. to obtain a remedy against, to get 'bót' from, avenge :-- Ðú wille cweðan ðæt ða welgan habban mid hwam hí mæ-acute;gen ðæt [hunger, thirst, cold] gebétan you will say that the rich have wherewith they can remedy that, Boeth. 26, 2; Fox 92, 37. Ne meahte on ðam feorh-bonan fæ-acute;hþe gebétan could not avenge the feud on the murderer. Beo. Th. 4922; B. 2465. [Goth. ga-bótjan: O. Sax. gi-bótean: O. H. Ger. ga-bózian.]

ge-beterian, -betrian; p. ode; pp. od [ge-, beterian to make better, betera better] To better, make better; meli&o-long;r&a-long;re, emend&a-long;re :-- Ðe mid ðære láre gebeterode wæ-acute;ron who were bettered by that instruction, Homl. Th. i. 406, 32. Ða scamfæstan beóþ oft mid gemetlícre láre gebetrode the modest are often improved with moderate instruction. Past. 31, 1; Swt. 205, 23; Hat. MS. 39 b, 5.

ge-beterung an amending, bettering, making better; emend&a-long;tio, instauratio. Som. Ben. Lye.

ge-beðian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed; v. trans, [ge-, beðian to bathe] To wash, bathe, foment, cherish, warm; l&a-short;v&a-long;re, f&o-short;v&e-long;re :-- Mid ðam wætere ða eágan gebeða bathe the eyes with the water, Herb. 88; Lchdm. i. 192, 5. Wearþ his læ-acute;cum geþúht ðæt hí on wlacum ele hine gebeðedon it seemed good to his physicians that they should bathe him in lukewarm oil. Homl. Th. i. 86, 23. Byþ langum æ-acute;rðamðe heó eft gebeðod sý it is long before it is again warmed, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 9, 21, 22; Lchdm. iii. 252, 8, 10. Of ðam wíne sýn ða lyðu gebeðede let the joints be bathed with the wine, Herb. 89, 5; Lchdm. i. 192, 25.

ge-bétt amended, reformed, Bd. 1, 21; S. 485, 8: 1, 27; S. 492, 17; pp. of ge-bétan.

ge-bétung, -béttung, e; f. [gebétan to better] A bettering, amending, repairing, renewing, restoring; emend&a-long;tio, instaur&a-long;tio :-- Be ciricena gebétunge of the repairing of churches, L. Edm. E. 5; Th. i. 246, 9. Be burga gebettunge of repairing of fortresses, L. Ath. i. 13; Th. i. 206. 13.

ge-bicgan, -bicgean to buy, purchase, Exon. 90 a; Th. 338, 22; Gn. Ex. 82: L. Edg. ii. 3; Th. i. 266, 18: L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 13. v. ge-bycgan.

ge-bícnian, -býcnian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed [ge-, bícnian to beckon, nod]. I. to beckon, nod; innu&e-short;re :-- Ic gebícnige [gebýcnige MS. D.] innuo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 48. II. to point out, shew, indicate, betoken; ind&i-short;c&a-long;re, sign&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;re, portend&e-short;re :-- Ic gebícnige [gebýcnige MS. D.], Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 40. Hí gebícniaþ sum þing niwes they betoken something new. Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 16, 23; Lchdm. iii. 272, 7. Pirrus gebícnede eft hú him se sige gelícode Pyrrhus afterwards shewed how the victory pleased him, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 77, 35. Gebýcna hit eal me tell it all to me, St. A. 44, 12. v. ge-beácnian.

ge-bícnigendlíc; adj. Pointing out, shewing, indicative; ind&i-short;c&a-long;t&i-long;vus :-- Gebícnigendlíc gemet ind&i-short;c&a-long;t&i-long;vus m&o-short;dus, Ælfc. Gr. 21; Som. 23, 18.

ge-bícnung, e; f. [ge-, bícnung a sign] A presage, sign; præs&a-long;gium :-- Þurh heofenlícere gebícnunge. through a heavenly sign, Hom. Th. ii. 306, 7. v. ge-beácnung.

ge-bídan, he -bídeþ, -bít; p. -bád, pl. -bidon; pp. -biden [ge-, bídan to bide, abide] To abide, tarry, remain, await, look for, expect, meet with, experience, endure; m&a-short;n&e-long;re. rem&a-short;n&e-long;re, expect&a-long;re, cons&e-short;qui, sust&i-short;nere, tol&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- Ðæt feorhdaga on woruldríce worn gebíde that he may abide many life-days in the world's realm, Cd. 107; Th. 142, 10; Gen. 2359. Gebídaþ hér sust&i-short;n&e-long;te hic, Mt. Bos. 26, 38. Dreámleás gebád he continued joyless. Beo. Th. 3445; B. 1720. He gebád ðár sylf remansit s&o-long;lus J&e-long;sus, Jn. Bos. 8, 9. Ne mæg feónd gebídan foe may not await him, Exon. 30 a; Th. 93, 23; Cri. 153O. Hig gebidon his erant expectantes eum, Lk. Bos. 8, 40. He ðæs frófre gebád he from that [time] met with comfort, Beo. Th. 14; B. 7: Exon. 41 b; Th. 140, 11; Gú. 608. Óðres ne gýmeþ to gebídanne yrfeweardes he cares not to wait for another heir, Beo. Th. 4895; B. 2452. Fela sceal gebídan leófes and láþes much shall he experience of loved and hated, 2125; B. 1060. [Laym, i-biden: Goth. ga-beidan to abide, endure: O. Sax. gi-bídan to experience.]

ge-biddan; p. -bæd, pl. -bæ-acute;don; pp. -beden; often followed by a reflexive dative [ge-, biddan to ask, pray] To pray, pray to, worship, adore; &o-long;r&a-long;re, ad&o-long;r&a-long;re, c&o-short;l&e-short;re :-- Uton gebiddan us let us pray, Homl. Blick. 139, 30. Ðonne we us gebiddaþ when we pray. Bt. 41, 2; Fox 246, 21. Ðonne gé eów gebiddon cum &o-long;r&a-long;tis, Mt. Bos. 6, 5. Ðonne ðú ðé gebidde cum or&a-long;v&e-short;ris, 6, 6. Læ-acute;r us us gebiddan d&o-short;ce nos &o-long;r&a-long;re, Lk. Bos. 11, 1. For ðé gebitt &o-long;r&a-long;bit pro te. Gen. 20, 7. Ic him á gebæd ego autem &o-long;r&a-long;bam. Ps. Th. 108, 3. Ne ðú fremedne god gebiddest neque ad&o-long;r&a-long;bis deum ali&e-long;num. 80, 9. Gebiddaþ him ðæ-acute;r to ad&o-long;rant eum, Ex. 32, 8. Gebiddaþ on gesihþe his ad&o-long;r&a-long;bunt in conspectu ejus, Ps. Spl. 21, 28. Ic me to him gebidde eum c&o-short;lo. Bd. 1. 7; S. 477, 34. Gebiddande orans, Mt. Kmbl. 26, 39.

ge-bierde; adj. Inborn, natural; inn&a-long;tus, nat&u-long;r&a-long;lis. Cot. 106. v. ge-byrde.

ge-biesgian to occupy, afflict, overcome, Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 2; Pa. 39. v. ge-býsgian.

ge-bígan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. [ge-, bígan to bow, bend] To bow, bend, turn, inflect or decline a part of speech, twist, bow down, humble, bring under, subdue, crush; flect&e-short;re, inflect&e-short;re, decl&i-long;n&a-long;re. humili&a-long;re :-- He hí to fulluhte gebígde he brought them to baptism, H. R. 101, 26. Se sceal heán wesan niðer gebíged he shall be low bowed down, Exon. 84 a; Th. 316, 28; Mód. 55: Bd. 4, 10; S. 578, 28: Gen. 27, 29. Ealle naman beóþ gebígede on fíf declínungum omnia nóm&i-short;na quinque declin&a-long;-ti&o-long;n&i-short;bus inflectuntur, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 2: 14; Som. 16, 56: Exon. 24 a; Th. 69, 26; Cri. 1126: Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 15: Ælfc. T. 30, 5: Ps. Th. 106, 15. v. ge-býgan.

ge-bígednys, -nyss, e; f. A bending, inflection, declining, declension, case; decl&i-long;n&a-long;tio, c&a-long;sus :-- Gebígednys c&a-long;sus, Ælfc. Qr. 15; Som. 17, 30. C&a-long;sus, ðæt is fyll oððe gebígedniss a case, that is a fall or inflection, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Som. 17, 23. Ða pron&o-long;m&i-short;na ðe habbaþ v&o-short;c&a-long;t&i-long;vum, ða habbaþ six casus, and ða óðre ealle nabbaþ búton fíf gebígednyssa the pronouns which have a vocative have six cases, and all the other have but five cases, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 20, 55. Nemnigendlíc gebígednys vel nemnigendlíc c&a-long;sus Nominative case, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 16. Gestrýnendlíc, geágniendlíc Genitive, 6, 17: Forgifendlíc Dative, 6, 19: Wrégendlíc Accusative, 6, 22: Clipigendlíc, oððe gecígendlíc Vocative, 6, 24, 25: Ætbredendlíc Ablative and Instrumental, 6, 27, q. v.

ge-bígendlíc; adj. Bending, flexible, declined with cases; flex&i-short;b&i-short;lis, c&a-long;su&a-long;lis :-- Be ðám six gebígendlicum hiwum de sex casu&a-long;l&i-short;bus formis, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Som. 17, 19.

ge-bigeþ, -bigþ buys, L. Ethb. 77; Th. i. 22, 1: Mt. Bos. 13, 44, = ge-bygeþ; pres. of ge-bycgan.

ge-bihþ, e; f. [cf. byht a dwelling, abode] An abode, habitation; dom&i-short;c&i-short;lium :-- On mislícum monna gebihþum in the various abodes of men, Exon. 45 b; Th. 154, 22; Gú. 846.

ge-bild; adj. Bold, brave, confident; audax, fortis, f&i-long;dens :-- He mid gebildum móde hine ealne gedranc he drank it all with a bold mind, Homl. Th. i. 72, 25. v. gebyldan.

ge-bilegan to moke angry, to be angry. Som. Ben. Lye. v. ge-belgan.

ge-bilod; pp. [bile a bill, beak] Having a bill or beak, rostr&a-long;tus :-- Ða fugelas, ðe be flæ-acute;sce lybbaþ, syndon clyferféte and scearpe gebilode the birds which live by flesh are cloven-footed and sharp-billed, Hexam. 9; Norm. 14, 19.

ge-bind, es; a. A binding, fastening; lig&a-long;t&u-long;ra, strict&u-long;ra :-- Ofer waðema gebind [or waðema-gebind, cf. ýþ-gebland] over the watery band, i. e. the surface of the water, Exon. 76 b; Th. 288, 1; Wand. 24: 77 a; Th. 289, 32; Wand. 57. Gebynd strictura, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Wrt. Voc. 19, 50. [Cf. Goth. ga-binda, -bindi a band.] v. ís-gebind.

gé-bindan; ic -binde, ðú -bintst, -binst, he -bint, pl. -bindaþ; p. ic, he -band, -bond, ðú -bunde, pl, -bundon; pp. -bunden [ge-, bindan to bind, tie] 1. to bind, tie up; l&i-short;g&a-long;re, all&i-short;g&a-long;re, vinc&i-long;re, constring&e-short;re :-- Hine n&a-long;n man ne mihte gebindan neque quisquam p&o-short;t&e-short;rat eum l&i-short;g&a-long;re, Mk. Bos. 5, 3: 6, 17; Cd. 184; Th. 230, 6; Dan. 229: Salm. Kmbl. 556; Sal. 277. Sorg and slæ-acute;p earmne ánhogan oft gebindaþ sorrow and sleep often bind a poor lone-dweller, Exon. 77 a; Th. 288, 33; Wand. 40. Ðú mec fæste fetrum gebunde thou didst bind me fast with fetters, Exon. 72 a; Th. 268, 17; Jul. 433: 98 a; Th. 368, 28; Seel. 31. He geband ðá his sunu cum alligasset f&i-long;lium suum. Gen. 22, 9: Homl. Th. ii. 414, 18: Cd. 23; Th. 29, 3; Gen. 444: Beo. Th. 845; B. 420. Ðære moldan sumne dæ-acute;l he gebond on his sceáte a part of the mould he tied