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ge-ríxian to rule; regnare, Lk. Skt. Lind. 19, 14. v. ge-rícsian.
gerla, an; m. Tribute :-- To sellanne ðone gerlo dare tributum, Lk. Skt. Rush. 20, 22.
gérlíc; adj. Yearly; annuus, Rtl. 49, 25: Shrn. 208, 28.
Germania, e [ = æ]; f. Germany. The Germania of Alfred extended from the Don on the east to the Rhine and the German Ocean on the west; and from the Danube on the south to the White Sea on the north; it therefore embraced nearly the whole of Europe north of the Rhine and the Danube. Its great extent will be seen by the countries mentioned in the notes from 5 to 39, and in the text of Ors. Bos. pp. 35-40. See also Cluverii Introductionis in universam Geographiam, Libri vi. Amstelædami, 4to. 1729, Lib. iii. Cap. 1. De veteri Germania, pp. 183-186, and the map of Europe, p. 72. Also the very learned work, Cluverii Germania antiqua, Lugd. Batavorum, Elzevir, Fol. 1616: Lib. 1: Cap. xi. De magnitudine Germaniæ antiqux, pp. 94-98, also Lib. iii. Cap. xxxviii. pp. 157-162, and the map, p. 3. Also Cellarii Geographia Antiqua, Cantab. 4to. 1703, pp. 309-313. Warnefried's Hist. Longob. Lib. i. Cap. 1 :-- Nú wille we ymb Europe land-gemæ-acute;re reccan, swá mycel swá we hit fyrmest witon.-Fram ðære eá Danais, west óþ Rín ða eá, [seó wylþ of ðæm beorge ðe man Alpis hæ-acute;t, and yrnþ ðonne norþ-ryhte on ðæs gársecges earm, ðe ðæt land útanymblíþ, ðe man Bryttannia hæ-acute;t] :-- and eft súþ óþ Donua ða eá, [ðære æ-acute;wylme is neáh ðære eá Rínes, and is siððan eást yrnende wið norþan Créca land út on ðone Wendel-Sæ-acute;] :-- and norþ óþ ðone gársecg, ðe man Cwén-Sæ-acute; hæ-acute;t: binnan ðæ-acute;m syndon manega þeóda; ac hit man hæ-acute;t eall, GERMANIA now we will speak, as much as we know, about the boundaries of Europe.-From the river Don, westward to the river Rhine, [which springs from the Alps, and then runs right north into the arm of the ocean, that lies around the country called Britain] :-- and again south to the river Danube, [whose spring is near the river Rhine, and which afterwards runs east by the country north of Greece into the Mediterranean Sea] :-- and north to the ocean, which is called the White Sea; within these are many nations, but it is all called GERMANIA, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 20-28. Cómon hí of þrím folcum ðám strangestan Germanie ðæt of Seaxum, and of Angle, and of Geátum advenerunt de tribus Germaniæ populis fortioribus, id est Saxonibus, Anglis, Jutis, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 20.
gern yarn, spun wool. DER. nett-gern. v. gearn.
gernan; p. de; pp. ed To desire; des&i-long;d&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- He ðæs biscophádes gernde he desired episcopal ordination, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 23. v. gyrnan.
gern-winde, es; m? A yarn-winder, reel; conductum [&a-short;pud text&o-long;res], Wrt. Voc. 282, 2. v. gearn-winde.
ge-rora. v. ge-hror.
ge-rósod rosy, belonging to roses; rosaceus, Som.
ge-rostod roasted; assus, Som.
ge-rótsian [ = geunrótsian?] to make sad; contristare, Rtl. 56, 20.
ge-rówen rowed. v. rówan.
gers, es; n. Grass; herba :-- Se ðe forþatýhþ wyrtcynren oððe gers þeówdómes manna qui prod&u-long;cit herbam serv&i-short;t&u-long;ti, h&o-short;m&i-short;num, Ps. Lamb. 146, 8: Mk. Skt. Lind. 4, 28. v. gærs.
GERST; GRIST, pearled barley; frumentum quodvis tritum, Lye.
gersum, es; m. n: gersuma, an; m. Treasure; th&e-long;sautus, Chr. 1070; Erl. 209, 13: 1090; Erl. 226, 38: 1047; Erl. 177, 7. v. gærsum, gærsama; and see Grm. D. M. 840.
ge-rúm, es; n. [rúm space] Room, space; sp&a-short;tium :-- Hí náuðer ne gestillan ne móton, ne eác swíðor styrian, ðonne he him ðæt gerúm his wealdleðeres toforlæ-acute;t they neither can be still, nor yet move farther, than he allows to them the space of his rein, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 8. Eódon on gerúm eorlas ágléwe the men learned in law went apart, Elen. Kmbl. 639; El. 320. Cyning healdeþ me on heáðore, hwílum læ-acute;teþ eft on gerúm sceacan the king holds me in restraint, sometimes again lets me go at large, Exon. 105 b; Th. 401, 20; Rä. 21, 14.
ge-rúma, an; m. [rúm room] A room, place, space; l&o-short;cus, sp&a-short;tium :-- Ic his bídan ne dear réðes on gerúman I dare not await him fierce in my place, Exon. 104 b; Th. 397, 7; Rä. 16, 16.
ge-rúme; adj. Ample, roomy, expanded, made open; amplus, sp&a-short;ti&o-long;sus, d&i-long;l&a-long;tus, p&a-short;t&e-short;factus :-- Is mín mód gehæ-acute;led, hyge ymb heortan gerúme my mind is healed, the thoughts around my heart expanded, Cd. 35; Th. 47, 11; Gen. 759. Syndon ðíne willan rihte and gerúme thy wishes are right and great, 188; Th. 234, 12; Dan. 291. [Ger. geraum spacious: O. H. Ger. kirúmo opportunus.]
ge-rumpen rough, wrinkled; rugosus :-- Gerumpenu nædre cerastes, coluber, Cot. 38.
ge-rúna, an; m. A counsellor :-- Gerúna sinmistes vel consecretalis, Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 66; Wrt. Voc. 18, 18. Gerúna a secretis, vel principis consiliarius, 113; Som. 79, 127; Wrt. Voc. 60, 32.
ge-runnen run together, congealed, joined; coagulatus, Ps. Lamb. 67, 16: 118, 70: Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 17; Wrt. Voc. 28, 1: 78; Som. 72, 52; Wrt. Voc. 46, 12; pp. of ge-rinnan.
gerwan, gerwian, gerwigan; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, od To make ready prepare, make, construct; p&a-short;r&a-short;re, præp&a-short;r&a-long;re, f&a-short;c&e-short;re, constru&e-short;re :-- Ciricean getimbran, gerwan Godes tempel to build a church, to construct a temple of God, Andr. Kmbl. 3266; An. 1636. Gerwigan wífe hús wexinge getácnaþ to prepare [one's] house for a wife betokens increase, Som. 205; Lchdm. iii. 210, 3. v. gearwian.
ge-ryd, -rid; adj. Prepared, ready, usual; paratus :-- Ðeáh se graf geryd sí though the grave be prepared, Lchdm. iii. 355, 2, col. 1; Shrn. 184, 20. Moises dyde on geryde orcas Moses put it into the usual basons, Ex. 24, 6.
ge-ryht. v. ge-riht.
ge-ryhtan to set right; dir&i-short;g&e-short;re :-- He wolde ðone Cristes geleáfan geryhtan he would set right the faith of Christ, Chr. 680; Erl. 40, 12. v. ge-rihtan.
ge-rýman; p. de; pp. ed [rýman to make room] To extend, enlarge, make room, open, manifest, expand; d&i-long;l&a-long;t&a-long;re, ampl&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;re, l&o-short;cum d&a-long;re, ap&e-short;r&i-long;re, expand&e-short;re :-- Ongyn ðé scip wyrcan, on ðam ðú monegum scealt reste gerýman begin thou to make a ship, in which than shalt make room for resting-places to many, Cd. 65; Th. 78, 36; Gen. 1304. Ic gerýme ðíne gemæ-acute;ro d&i-long;l&a-long;t&a-long;v&e-short;ro term&i-short;nos tuos, Ex. 34, 24. He óðrum gerýmeþ wyrmum to wiste he clears the way for other worms' repast, Exon. l00 a; Th. 374, 9; Seel. 123. Ic him lífes weg gerýmde I opened the way of life to them, Rood Kmbl. 175; Kr. 89: Elen. Kmbl. 2496; El. 1249. Ðú me gerýmdes d&i-long;l&a-long;tasti mihi, Ps. Th. 4, 1. Octauianus gerýmde Rómána ríce Octavianus extended the Roman empire, Homl. Th. i. 32, 18. Ðæt hie him óðer flet eal gerýmdon that they would wholly open to him another dwelling, Beo. Th. 2177; B. 1086. Se weg biþ us gerýmed the way is open to us, Boutr. Scrd. 20, 32: Andr. Kmbl. 3159; An. 1582: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 37; Met. 1, 19: Homl. Th. i. 564, 18: 28, 12. Se ðe his godcundnesse mid sóþum wísum gerýmeþ who truly manifests his divinity, Blickl. Homl. 179, 24. Gif him swá byþ gerýmed if he has opportunity, Basil admn. 9; Norm. 52, 28. On ðam rýmette ðe se cing hét gerýmen into ealdan mynstre in the space that the king ordered to cede to the old monastery, Ch. Th. 231, 26.
ge-rýne, -ríne, -réne, es; pl. nom. acc. -u, -o, -a; n. A mystery, a sacrament; mysterium :-- Ðæt dégol wæs Dryhtnes gerýne that was a secret mystery of the Lord, Exon. 8 b; Th. 3, 25; Cri. 41. Ðæt monnum nis cúþ gerýne that mystery is not known to men, 9 a; Th. 7, 2; Cri. 95. Dryhtnes gerýne the mystery of the Lord, 49 a; Th. 169, 14; Gú. 1094: Lk. Bos. 8, 10. Ðæt word ðæs heofonlícan gerýnes the word of the heavenly mystery, Blickl. Homl. 17, 9: 7. Eów is geseald to witanne heofena ríces gerýnu vobis datum est nosse mysteria regni cælorum, Mt. Bos. 13, 11. Ða gerýnu Cristes menniscnysse the mysteries of Christ's humanity, Homl. Pasc. Lisle 12, 17. Hit forhæfed gewearþ ðætte hie sæ-acute;don swefn cyninge, wyrda gerýnu it was denied that they should tell the dream to the king, the mysteries of the fates, Cd. 179; Th. 225, 4; Dan. 149. Engel Drihtnes wrát in wáge worda gerýnu the angel of the Lord wrote on the wall mysteries of words, 210; Th. 261, 9; Dan. 723. On ðé wrát wuldres God gerýno on thee the God of glory wrote [his] mysteries, Andr. Kmbl. 3020; An. 1513. Ðæt hie ðæt hálige gerýne árwurþlíce breman mæ-acute;gen that they may reverently celebrate the holy mystery, L. E. I. 4; Th. ii. 404, 27: Bd. 1, 27; S. 496, 23, 43: 497, 2, 5. [Goth. ga-rúni counsel: O. Sax. gi-rúni mystery: O. H. Ger. ki-rúni mysterium, sacramentum.] DER. gást-gerýne, gæ-acute;st-, word-. v. rýne, rún, ge-rýno, ge-rýnu.
ge-rýnelíc; adj. Mystical; mysticus :-- Gerýnelíco word sprecende mystica verba loquens, Bd. 2, 1; S. 500, 26. Of gerýnelícum gáste ex mystico spiramine, Hymn. Surt. 43, 36. Ðás gerýnelícan þing hæc mystica, 94, 17: Blickl. Homl. 165, 35.
ge-rýnelíce mystically; mystice, Cot. 131.
ge-rýno; indecl. n. A mystery :-- Ðis Eástorlíce gerýno us æteóweþ ðæs écean lífes sweotole bysene this Easter mystery [Christ's resurrection] shews us a clear example of the life eternal, Blickl. Homl. 83, 7. v. gerýne.
ge-rýnu; indecl. f. A mystery :-- Ðeós gerýnu is wedd this mystery is a pledge, Homl. Th. ii. 272, 6. Þurh gástlícere gerýnu through a spiritual mystery, 268, 29: 260, 12: 262, 22: Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 14, 1; Lchdm. iii. 264, 11. [O. H. Ger. gi-riuna, f.] v. ge-rýne.
ge-rypon reaped, Chr. 896; Th. 172, 33, col. 1; = ge-ripon; p. pl. of ge-rípan.
ge-rysene fit. v. ge-risene.
gés geese, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 18, MS. H; pl. nom. acc. of gós.
ge-saca, an; m. An adversary; adversarius :-- Geþafedon ðæt his gesacan concesserunt id adversarii, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 24. On gesacum on his adversaries, Cd. 4; Th. 4, 25; Gen. 59: Beo. Th. 3551; B. 1773. Gesaca æmulus, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 17; Wrt. Voc. 60, 51. v. sacan.
ge-sacan? p. -sóc, pl. -sócon; pp. -sacen To oppose, strive against; adversari :-- Gesacan sceal sáwl-berendra, niðða bearna, gearwe stówe shall strive against the place prepared for those having souls, for the children of men, Beo. Th. 2012, note; B. 1004. v. sacan.
ge-sacu, e; f. Contention, hostility; contentio, hostilitas, Beo. Th. 3479; B. 1737. v. sacu.
ge-sadelod, -sadolod; part. [sadelian to saddle] Saddled; str&a-long;tus :-- Twá hors, án gesadelod and óðer ungesadelod two horses, one saddled and the other unsaddled, L. C. S. 72; Th. i. 414, 17. Eahta hors, feówer gesadelode [gesadolode, MS. A.] and feówer ungesadelode eight horses, four saddled and four unsaddled, 72; Th. i. 414, 5, 10. DER. un-gesadelod.