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ge-swógung, -swówung, e; f. Swooning, Lchdm. ii. 176, 13: 194, 3.

ge-sworc, es; n. A cloud, mist; n&e-short;b&u-short;la :-- Gesworc swá swá ahsan he tostredeþ n&e-short;b&u-short;lam s&i-long;cut c&i-short;n&e-short;rem spargit, Ps. Spl. C.147, 5. v. ge-sweorc.

ge-sworfen rubbed off, polished off, Glos. Prud. Recd. 142, 19. v. ge-sweorfan.

ge-swúgian. v. ge-swígian.

ge-swungen scourged, beaten, Andr. Kmbl. 2791; An. 1398; pp. of ge-swingan.

ge-swurdod [sweord, swurd a sword] armed with a sword; gl&a-short;dio cinctus :-- Geswurdod gl&a-short;di&a-long;tus, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 45, 13.

ge-swustra, -swustru sisters, Mk. Bos. 10, 29: Homl. Th. ii. 458, 29. To mínre méder and mínum geswustrum to my mother and my sisters, Nar. 3, 8. v. ge-sweostor.

ge-swutelian, -swuteligan, -swytelian, -sweotulian, -sweotlian; p. ode, ade, ude; pp. od, ad, ud [sweotol manifest, clear, open] To declare, publish, make known, explain, prove, manifest, show, glorify; monstr&a-long;re, demonstr&a-long;re, publ&i-short;c&a-long;re, expr&i-short;m&e-short;re, man&i-short;fest&a-long;re, sign&a-long;re, expl&a-long;n&a-long;re, pr&o-short;b&a-long;re, cl&a-long;r&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;re :-- Ic wolde mid ðære gebícnunge geswutelian ðæt ic eom ðære stówe hyrde I would manifest by that sign that I am the guardian of the place, Homl. Th. i. 504, 1: L. C. E. 22; Th. i. 372, 26: Ps. Spl. 79, 2: Jn. Bos. 14, 22. He wolde God geswutelian clarific&a-long;t&u-long;rus esset Deum, 21, 19. Ic geswutelige expr&i-short;mo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 16: Jn. Bos. 14, 21. He inc geswutelaþ mycele healle gedæfte ipse vobis demonstr&a-long;bit cæn&a-long;c&u-short;lum grande str&a-long;tum, Mk. Bos. 14, 15. Geswutelaþ pr&o-short;bat, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 139, 25. He him lífes weig geswutelode he manifested to them the way of life, Homl. Th. ii. 118, 16: Boutr. Scrd. 20, 28: 22, 2. Moses geswutelude ða æ-acute; cæpit Moyses expl&a-long;n&a-long;re l&e-long;gem, Deut. 1, 5. Geswutelie mid gewitnysse let him show by witness, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, l0. Nis nán þing dígle, ðæt ne sý geswutelod non est occultum, quod non man&i-short;fest&e-long;tur, Lk. Bos. 8, 17. Is geswutelod sign&a-long;tum est, Ps. Th. 4, 7. Nú ys mannes sunu geswutelod, and God ys geswutelod on him nunc cl&a-long;r&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;tus est f&i-long;lius h&o-short;m&i-short;nis, et Deus cl&a-long;r&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;tus est in eo, Jn. Bos. 13, 31, 32.

ge-swutelung, e; f. A making clear, plain, a manifestation, declaration :-- Ðæt sum tácn wæ-acute;re on heora líchaman to geswutelunge ðæt hí on God belýfdon that there might be some token on their body as a manifestation that they believed on God, Homl. Th. i. 92, 32: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 300, 9. Hér is siú geswitelung ðære geræ-acute;dnisse ðe ðiús geférræ-acute;den geræ-acute;d hæfþ here is the declaration of the ordinance that this society has decided upon, Th. Chart. 610, 27.

ge-swyrf, es; m. Filings; limatum :-- Genim ánre yntsan gewihte geswyrfes of seolfre take the weight of one ounce of the filings of silver, Herb. 101, 3; Lchdm. i. 216, 12.

ge-swyrfan to file off, to polish; elimare, Cot. 71. v. ge-sweorfan.

ge-swyru; pl. n. Hills; colles, Ps. Th. 71, 3: 113, 4: 148, 9. v. ge-sweoru.

ge-swystra sisters :-- Geswystrena bearn sisters' children, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 10. To mínre méder and geswystrum to my mother and sisters, Nar. 1, 12. v. ge-sweostor.

ge-swytelian; p. ode; pp. od To make known, manifest, show; man&i-short;fest&a-long;re :-- Ðæt he ðæt sóþeste geswytelie that he make manifest what is most true, L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 30. v. ge-swutelian.

ge-syb peaceable, related, Soul Kmbl. 107; Seel. 54. v. ge-sib.

ge-sybsum; adj. Peaceable; p&a-long;c&i-short;f&i-short;cus :-- Eádige synd ða gesybsuman beati p&a-long;c&i-short;f&i-short;ci, Mt. Bos. 5, 9. v. ge-sibsum.

ge-sybsumlíce peaceably, Ps, Spl. 34, 23. v. ge-sibsumlíce.

ge-sýcan, -sícan; p. -sýhte To give suck to, to suckle :-- Ða breóst ðe swylce gesíhton the breasts that gave such suck, Homl. Th. i. 84, 16.

ge-sýclian to be infirm, Jn. Bos. 4, 46. v. ge-síclian.

ge-syd, es; n. A place in which to wallow, mud :-- Sol vel gesyd volutabrum, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 32; Wrt. Voc. 37, 22.

ge-syflan to provide 'sufol,' q. v. Salm. Kmbl. 807; Sal. 403.

ge-syfled hláf panis lacticinio et ovorum luteo maceratus, Lye. v. ge-sufel.

ge-syfl-melu; n. Dough :-- Ðæt folc nam gesyflmelu [gesyft melu, Thw.] æ-acute;r ðam hit gebyrmed wæ-acute;re the people took their dough before it was leavened, Exod. 12, 34.

ge-syft. v. ge-syfl-melu.

ge-syhð. v. ge-siht.

ge-sylhð a plough; aratrum, Som.

ge-syllan; p. -sealde; pp. -seald To give, deliver, betray, sell, give up; dare, donare :-- Mycel feoh to gesyllanne to give much money, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 29: Ps. Th. 110, 4: 104, 10: 117, 18. Gesyllon ðone oxan and todæ-acute;lon ðæt wurþ let them sell the ox and divide the price, Ex. 21, 35. v. ge-sellan, sellan.

ge-sylt salted; sale conditus :-- Gyf ðæt sealt awyrþ, on ðam ðe hit gesylt biþ if the salt be insipid, with what shall it be salted? Mt. Bos. 5, 13: Mk. Bos, 9, 49; pp. of ge-syltan. v. syltan.

ge-sýlð happiness. v. ge-sæ-acute;lð.

ge-sýman, -séman. -sæ-acute;man; p. de; pp. ed To load :-- Se cyning ge-sýmde gold and seolfor uppan olfendas the king loaded gold and silver upon camels, Homl. Th. i. 458, 23. Ða wæ-acute;ron gesýmed mid feó and mid hrægle that were laden with money and raiment, Gen. 45, 23. Ealle ðe gesýmede synt omnes qui onerati estis, Mt. Bos. 11, 28. Ðeáh ðe we gesæ-acute;mde beón mid ðare berdene ðæs deádlíces líues licet mortalis vitæ pondere pressi, Th. Chart. 317, 3.

ge-syndlíc; adj. Prosperous, healthy, happy; prosperus :-- On ðám gesyndlícan þingum ... and on ðám wiðerweardum þingum in prosperous ... and in adverse circumstances, Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 21.

ge-syndrian to separate :-- Gesyndrod sí he fram beodes dæ-acute;lnimunge let him be separated from sharing in the table, R. Ben. interl. 24, Lye. On ðære gesyndredan híde in the separate hide, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 4, 8.

ge-sýne, -séne, -siéne; adj. Visible, seen, evident, plain :-- Ne mihte ic hire bedyrnan mínes módes unrótnesse for ðan hit wæs on mínum andwlitan gesýne I could not hide from her the disquiet of my mind for it was evident in my face, Shrn. 41, 25: Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 30, 28: Blickl. Homl. 93, 35. Ða fótlástas wæ-acute;ron swutole and gesýne the footsteps were plain and visible, 203, 36: Andr. Kmbl. 1129; An. 565: Beo. Th. 2811; B. 1403: 4622; B. 2316: Elen. Kmbl. 527; El. 264. Ðæ-acute;r wæs gesýne his seó sóþe spéd videbitur in majestate sua, Ps. Th. 101, 14. Wæs gesýne ðæt ... it was evident that ...; Blickl. Homl. 207, 11: Beo. Th. 2515; B. 1255: Andr. Kmbl. 1051; An. 526: 1097; An. 549: Elen. Kmbl. 487; El. 244. On me syndon ða dolg gesiéne the wounds are visible on me, Rood Kmbl. 92; Kr. 46. Geséne, Cd. 135; Th. 170, 1; Gen. 2806: 218; Th. 278, 30; Sat. 230: Chr.1121; Erl. 248, 39. Ðæt hia geséne síe ut videantur, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 6, 5, 16.

ge-sýnelíce; adv. Visibly :-- Ðæt tácen gesýnelíce bær bore that token visibly, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 15.

ge-syngian, -singian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To sin, perpetrate crime, commit adultery; pecc&a-long;re, mæch&a-long;ri :-- Ðæt æ-acute;lc ðæra ðe wíf gesyhþ and hyre gewilnaþ, eallunga ðæt se gesyngaþ on hys heortan quia omnis, qui v&i-long;d&e-short;rit m&u-short;li&e-short;rem ad conc&u-short;piscendum eam, jam mæch&a-long;tus eam in corde suo, Mt. Bos. 5, 28. Nú is geséne ðæt we gesyngodon now it is seen that we have sinned, Cd. 218 ; Th. 278, 31; Sat. 230. Ðæt wæs feohleás gefeoht, fyrenum gesyngad that was a priceless fight, criminally perpetrated, Beo.Th. 4874; B. 2441.

ge-synlíce; adv. More frequently; sæpius, R. Ben. 56.

ge-synto; indecl. in sing; gen. pl. -synta, -synto; dat. pl. -syntum; f. Health, welfare, safety, prosperity, success, advantage, profit, benefit; s&a-long;n&i-short;tas, sosp&i-short;tas, s&a-short;lus, prosp&e-short;r&i-short;tas :-- Hí ðære gefeán ðære willendan gesynto onfóþ c&u-short;p&i-long;tæ sosp&i-short;t&a-long;tis gaudia red&i-long;bunt, Bd. 4, 3; S. 570, 22. For heora gesynto for their health, 3, 15; S. 541, 29. Ðe on eallum þingum máron gesynto hæfdon qui m&a-short;gis prosp&e-short;rantur in omn&i-short;bus, 2, 13; S. 516, 8. Geunne me mínra gesynta grant me my health, Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 34; Jud. 90: Exon. 37 a; Th. 122, 9; Gú. 303. Fela óðera gescreopa and gesynto many other advantages and benefits, Bd. 4, 22; S. 592, 21. He hét hine leóde swæ-acute;se sécean on gesyntum he bade him seek his own people in safety, Beo. Th. 3742; B. 1869: Ps. Th. 114, 5. Him wæ-acute;re mín gesynto leófre ðonne hiora seolfa hæ-acute;lo magis pro mea salute mori paratos, Nar. 30, 17: 8, 6.

ge-syrwan; p. -syrede; pp. -syrwed. I. to arm [v. searu armour] :-- Eode ða gesyrwed secg to ðam eorle then went an armed man to the earl, Byrht. Th. 136, 30; By. 159. [Or gesyrwed wily, searu a wile; cf. gelýfed having belief.] II. to plot, machinate [searu artifice] :-- Wom-dæ-acute;da ðe [MS. ðy] ic gesyrede the ill-deeds that I have devised cunningly, Exon. 72 b; Th. 270, 20; Jul. 468.

get, geta. v. git, gita.

gét she-goats, Som. 126; Lchdm. iii. 206, 2; acc. pl. of gát.

get a gate. v. geat.

gét poured out :-- He gét ðæt blód uppan ðæt weofod fudit sanguinem super altare, Lev. 8, 24; p. of geótan.

ge-tácnian; p. ode, ade, ude; pp. od, ad, ud [tácen, tácn a sign, token]. I. to denote by a sign, signify, betoken, show, instruct; sign&a-long;re, sign&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;re, den&o-short;t&a-long;re, ins&i-short;nu&a-long;re, monstr&a-long;re, instru&e-short;re :-- Ic getácnige sign&i-short;f&i-short;co, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 36. Wæter getácnaþ on ðyssere stówe mennisc ingehýd water in this place betokens human knowledge, Homl. Th. ii. 280, 1: Boutr. Scrd. 21, 42: Lchdm. iii. 198, 6, 7. Ða alecgendlícan word getácnaþ dæ-acute;de the deponent verbs signify action, Ælfc. Gr. 19; Som. 22, 56. Eua getácnode Godes gelaðunge Eve betokened God's church, Ælfc. T. 6, 11, 13: 7, I. Adam getácnude úrne Hæ-acute;lend Crist Adam betokened our Saviour Christ, 6, 8. Ðú me sóþfæstnysse weg getácna viam just&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;ti&o-long;num tu&a-long;rum ins&i-short;nua mihi, Ps. Th. 118, 27. Him gedafenaþ ðæt hí cunnon hwæt heó gástlíce getácnige it is fitting that they know what it betokens spiritually, Homl. Th. ii. 264, 27. Mid ðý is getácnod, ðæt ... by that is signed that ..., Bt. Met. Fox 31, 35; Met. 31, 18: Boutr. Scrd. 19, 27, 28. II. to sign, mark, witness, seal; sign&a-long;re, insign&i-long;re, obsign&a-long;re :-- He getácnaþ ðæt God is sóþfæstnes sign&a-long;vit quia Deus v&e-long;rax est, Jn. Bos. 3, 33. Ðone God Fæder getácnode hunc P&a-short;ter sign&a-long;vit Deus, 6, 27. Is eall heáhmægen tíre getácnod all the lofty power is marked with glory, Elen. Kmbl. 1504; El. 754. Godes þeówas getácnode beón sceoldan cl&e-long;ricos insign&i-long;ri deceret, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642, 42.