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hád-brice,-bryce, es; m. [hád II. holy orders in the church; brice a violation, breach] An injury done to persons in holy orders, a violation of holy orders; ordinis infractura, sacri ordinis violatio :-- Gif hwá hádbryce gewyrce, gebéte ðæt be hádes mæ-acute;ðe if any one do an injury to a person in holy orders, let him make amends for it according to the degree of the order, L, C. S. 50; Th. i. 404, 16. On hádbricum [MS. hádbrican] in breaches of holy orders, L. Eth. vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 19 : v. 25; Th. i. 310, 18 : Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 148.

hádelíce; adv. Personaliter, Hymn. Surt. 29, 13.

haderung [ = hád-árung?] Personarum acceptio, Som.

hád-griþ, es; n. Peace, security, or privilege of holy orders; sacri ordinis pax, L. Eth. vii. 19; Th. i. 332, 25.

hádian; p. ode; pp. od To ordain :-- Tó ðan ðet hé hine hádian sceolde in order that he might ordain him, Chr. 1048; Erl. 177, 20. Léton hig hádian tó bisceopum they got themselves ordained bishops, 1053 Erl. 188, 14. Ealdorlícnys ðæt hé bisceopas hádian móste ordinandi episcopos auctoritas, Bd. 2, 8; S. 510, 5. Hine hádigean tó bysceope in episcopatus consecrare gradum, 3, 7; S. 529, 9, note. Sende hé hine tó hádiganne misit eum ordinandum, 3, 28; S. 560, 8. Hádigenne, L. Ælf. C. 17; Th. ii. 348, 26. Hér mon hádode Byrnstán bisceop tó Wintanceastre in this year Byrnstan was ordained to the bishopric of Winchester, Chr. 931; Ed. 110, 22. Ne hádige man æ-acute;fre wudewan tó hrædlíce never let a widow take the veil too hastily, L. C. S. 74; Th. i. 416, 15. [Laym. hoded; pp : Orm. hædedd.]

hád-notu, e; f. The employment, ministry, office belonging to holy orders :-- Búton hé forworhte ðæt hé ðære hádnote notian ne móste unless he should do amiss so that he might not exercise the office which belongs to his orders, L. R. 7; Th. i. 192, 16.

hádod; part. p. used as adj. Ordained, in orders, clerical as opposed to lay :-- Ða witan ge hádode ge læ-acute;wede the 'witan,' both clerical and lay, Chr. 1014; Erl. 150, 4 : 1023; Erl. 162, 46 : L. Edm. S. pref : Th. i. 246, 20.

hádor, es; m. n [?] The clear, serene sky; serenum :-- Under heofenes hádor under heaven's serene, Beo. Th. 832; B. 416. [Cf. O. H. Ger. heiteri serenum : Icel. heið the brightness of the sky.] Cf. rodor, and see hádor; adj.

hádor, hæ-acute;dor; adj. Clear [applied both to light and to sound], bright, serene :-- Hádor heofonleóma the clear heaven-light, Andr. Kmbl. 1675; An. 840 : 2918; An. 1458 : 178; An. 89 : Bt. Met. Fox 22, 47; Met. 22, 24. Scóp hwílum sang hádor on Heorote at times the poet sang clear-voiced in Heorot, Beo. Th. 998; B. 497. Seó sunne on hádrum heofone scíneþ the sun shines in the clear sky, Bt. 9; Fox 26, 15 : Bt. Met. Fox 28, 95; Met. 28, 48. Hæ-acute;dre heofontungol the bright stars of the sky, Exon. 18 a; Th. 43, 23; Cri. 693. Hádrum nihtum in clear nights, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 463; Met. 20, 232. Se ðe heofen þeceþ hádrum wolcnum qui operit cælum nubibus, Ps. Th. 146, 8. Singaþ hæ-acute;drum stefnum they sing with clear voices, Elen. Kmbl. 1492; El. 748. [O. Sax. hédor : O. H. Ger. heitar clarus, splendidus, serenus, micans : Ger. heiter : Icel. heiðr bright (of the sky, stars).]

hádre, hæ-acute;dre; adv. Clearly [of light and of sound] :-- Hádre scíneþ rodores candel the lamp of the firmament [the sun] shines brightly, Beo. Th. 3147; B. 1571. Hæ-acute;dre blícan, scínan to shine brightly, Exon. 57 b; Th. 205, 20; Ph. 115 : 120 b; Th. 462, 17; Hö. 53 : 51 b; Th. 179, 6; Gú. 1257. Swéga mæ-acute;ste hæ-acute;dre clearly with loudest melody, 64 b; Th. 239, 10; Ph. 619 : 54 a; Th. 190, 26; Az. 79. Ðonne sió sunne sweotolost scíneþ hádrost of hefone when from heaven shines the sun most clearly and brightly, Bt. Met. Fox 6, 7; Met. 6, 4. [O. Sax. hédro.]

hád-swæ-acute;pa pronuba, Ælfc. Gl. 93; Som. 75, 79; Wrt. Voc. 52, 29. v. next word.

hád-swápe, -swæ-acute;pe, an; f. A bridesmaid; pronuba, paranymphus = παρ&alpha-tonos;νυμφos, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Som. 74, 56, 58; Wrt. Voc. 50, 38, 40 : 288, 80. [Ettmüller compares hád in this word with Gothic, héþjo a chamber.]

hádung, e; f. Ordination :-- On ðare smyrunge biþ læ-acute;cedóm and ne biþ ná hádung in the unction is healing and there is not ordination, L. Ælfc. P. 48; Th. ii. 384, 33. Bisceopum gebyreþ ðæt hí ne beón tó feohgeorne æt hádunge it is fitting for bishops not to be too eager after money at ordination, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 316, 32. On æ-acute;lcere hádunge se ðe gehádod biþ hé biþ gesmyrod mid gehálgodum ele at every ordination he that is ordained is anointed with consecrated oil, Homl. Th. ii. 14, 25 : 124, 2. Ðæt hé ne háding ne háleging ne dó not to ordain nor consecrate, Chr. 675; Erl. 38, 4. [Orm. hading.]

hæbbendlíc; adj. Habilis :-- Sume habbaþ sceortne i amabilis lufigendlíc, habilis hæbbendlíc, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11. 41.

hæbbenga; adv. With constraint, constrainedly. [Somner gives this word and explains it by cohibitio, but it appears to be an adverb like eallenga, etc.]

hæbern. v. hæfern.

hæc; gen. hæcce; f. A hatch, grating, a gate made of latticework [?] :-- Of ðare ealdan hæcce, Th. Chart. 394, 15, 21 : 395. 10, 22, 28 : 396, 4, 5, 14. [Prompt. Parv. hec, hek, or hetche, or a dore antica. On this word the following note is given :-- ' "Antica, a gate, or a dore, or hatche est antica domus ingressus ab anteriori," Ortus. "An heke antica," Cath. Ang. "Ostiolum hek," Roy. MS. 17 c. xvii. f. 27. "Hatche of a dore hecq," Pals. "Guichét, a wicket, or hatch of a doore," Cotg. Forby gives "hack, half-hack, a hatch, a door divided across." In the North, a heck-door is one partly latticed and partly panelled.' See also Skeat's Dict. hatch.] Cf. haca.

hæca pessulus, Som. v. haca.

hæcce, e; f. A crosier :-- Ðis mycel is gegolden of ðære cyricean W. cyninge ... of ðam candelstæfe x pund and of dære hæcce xxxiii marca this much has been paid by the church [of Worcester] to king William ... from the candlestick x pounds, and from the crosier xxxiii marks, Th. Chart. 440, 4. Ðæt hæcce wæs eall of gold and of seolfre the crosier was all of gold and silver, Chr. 1070; Erl. 209, 9. Eall ðæt ðider com ðæt wæs ðone hæcce and sume scríne and sume róden all that came there was the crosier and some shrines and some crucifixes, 32. [Cf. haca.]

hæced. v. hacod.

hæcele. v. hacele.

hæcewol exactor, Ælfc. Gl. 8; Som. 56, 94; Wrt. Voc. 18, 44.

hæc-wer, es; m. A weir with a grate to take fish, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 450, 15, 22. ['A salmon-heck, a grate to take them in,' English Dialect Society, No. 30, p. 82. v. hæc.]

hædern. v. héddern.

hædre; adv. Straitly, hardly, oppressively, anxiously; arcte, anxie :-- Hyge hædre [hearde, A.] wealleþ my mind is agitated with anxiety, Salm. Kmbl. 126; Sal. 62. [Míne sáwle] hædre gehogode hæ-acute;l save [my soul] oppressed by anxious thoughts, Exon. 118 b; Th. 456, 5; Hy. 4, 62.

hæ-acute;dre. v. hádre.

hæfd. v. heáfod.

hæfdling. v. efen-hæfdling, heáfodling.

hæfe, es; m. Leaven; fermentum :-- Warniaþ fram herodes hæfe cavete a fermento herodis, Mk. Skt. 8, 15. [Cf. O. H. Ger. hefo; m. fæx : Ger. hafen yeast.] v. ge-hafen.

Hæfeldan the name of a Slavonic people :-- Wylte ðe man Hæfeldan hæ-acute;t, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 39 : 19, 18. In explanation of this double naming, Bosworth, p. 36 (translation), quotes 'Wilsos, Henetorum gentem ad Havelam trans Albim sedes habentem.' v. note 12.

hæfen, e; f. Having, property, possession :-- Be his ágenre hæfene according to his own property, Homl. Th. i. 582, 28 : 580, 22 : ii. 400, 2. [Icel. höfn; f. a holding, possession : cf. O. H. Ger. haba possessio : Ger. habe.]

hæfen, e; f : hæfene, an; f. A haven, harbour, port :-- Of æ-acute;iðre healfe ðare hæfene from either side of the harbour, Chr. 1031; Erl. 162, 5. Ic ann ða hæuene on Sandwíc I grant the port of Sandwich, Th. Chart. 317, 21. Ða hæfenan on Sandwíc the port of Sandwich, Chr. 1031; Erl. 162, 3 : 1090; Erl. 226, 26. [Icel. höfn; f : Dan. havn : Ger. hafen.]

hæfen-blæ-acute;te, es; m. A haven-bleater [?], a sea-gull; bugium, Ælfc. Gl. 37; Som. 62, 128; Wrt. Voc. 29, 23.

hæfenleás; adj. Without property, poor, needy, Ps. Lamb. 11, 5. v. hafenleás.

hæfenleást, e; f. Poverty, penury :-- Þurh hæfenleáste through poverty, Lchdm. iii. 442, 19 : Ps. Lamb. 43, 27. v. hafenleást.

hæfer, es; m. A he-goat, buck; caper :-- Hæfer caper, Wrt. Voc. 288, 17. Nim hæferes smera take goat's grease, Lchdm. iii. 14, 8. [Icel. hafr : Lat. caper.]

hæferbíte, es; m. Forceps, Som.

hæferblæ-acute;te, es; m. Bicoca, Ælfc. Gl. 16; Som. 58, 54; Wrt. Voc. 21, 42 : 280, 28. [Cf. hammer-bleat the snipe, English Dialect Society, No. 20, p. 42.]

hæfern, es; m. A crab; cancer, Wrt. Voc. 281, 63. Hæfern concern = cancer [?], 291, 31. v. wæter-hæfern.

hæft, es; m. I. one seized or taken, a captive :-- Hé licgan geseah hæftas in hylle he saw captives lying in hell, Cd. 229; Th. 309, 27; Sat. 717 : 217; Th. 277, 10; Sat. 202 : Exon. 10 a; Th. 10, 18; Cri. 154 : Andr. Kmbl. 2142; An. 1072. Wé ðé biddaþ ðæt ðú gehýre hæfta stefne we beseech thee to hear the voice of the captives, Exon. 13 a; Th. 22, 32; Cri. 360. Under hæftum amid the captives, Cd. 220; Th. 284, 9; Sat. 319. II. one taken and enslaved, a slave, servant :-- Ðá bebohtan bearn Iacobes Ioseph ðæ-acute;r hine grame hæfdon tó hæfte in servum venumdatus est Ioseph, Ps. Th. 104, 15. Hweorfon ða hæ-acute;ðenan hæftas fram ðám hálgan cnihton the heathen slaves went from the holy youths, Cd. 187; Th. 232, 28; Dan. 267. Gearwe stódun hæftas heársume ready stood the slaves obedient, Exon. 43 a; Th. 145, 19; Gú. 697. [Icel. haftr a prisoner, bondman : cf. Goth. hafts joined : O. Sax. haft : O. H. Ger. haft vinctus, captivus.]

hæft, es; m. I. a band, fetter; vinculum :-- Bútan hæftum without bonds, Salm. Kmbl. 823; Sal. 411 : Cd. 222; Th. 291, 8; Sat. 427. Tó hæftum geferian to bring into bonds, 216, Th. 274, 2; Sat. 148 : 215; Th. 270, 17; Sat. 92. Of hæftum læ-acute;dan to bring out of captivity, 224; Th. 296, 20; Sat. 505 : 225; Th. 299, 21; Sat. 553. II. captivity, bondage, imprisonment, keeping; captivitas, custodia :-- Is ðes hæft tó ðan strang this imprisonment is so severe, Elen. Kmbl. 1403; El. 703 : Cd. 171; Th. 215, 15; Exod. 583. Hé betæ-acute;hte hine on ðam hæfte sixtyne cempum tó healdenne he committed him to the keeping of sixteen soldiers to hold, Homl. Th. ii. 380, 29. Hé of hæfte áhlód folces unrím from captivity he drew forth people numberless, Exon. 16 a; Th. 35, 34; Cri. 568 : Andr. Kmbl. 2797; An. 1401 : 2938; An. 1472. Him on hæft nimeþ takes into bondage to him, 11 b; Th. 16, 29; Cri. 260 : 41 a; Th. 138, 1; Gú. 569 : Cd. 189; Th. 235, 16; Dan. 307 : Chr. 1036; Erl. 164, 31. In hæftum in custodias, Lk. Skt. Lind. 21, 12. [Icel. haft, hapt; n. a bond, chain : O. H. Ger. haft; m : Ger. haft; m. clasp, rivet : haft; f. imprisonment.]