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hæ-acute;ðen-mann, -monn, es; m. A heathen :-- Hæ-acute;ðinmonn samaritanus, Lk. Skt. Lind. 10, 33.
hæ-acute;ðen-nes, se; f. Heathenism, paganism; gentilitas :-- Ðá ongunnon monige hæ-acute;ðennysse þeáw forlæ-acute;tan relicto gentilitatis ritu, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 12. Hé tó hæ-acute;ðennysse wæs gehwyrfed ad apostasiam conversus est, 3, 30; S. 561, 39. [Laym. hæðenesse : Chauc. 'as wel in Cristendom as in hethenesse,' Prol. 49 : Piers P. ' al was hethenesse some tyme Ingelond and Wales, 15. 435.]
hæ-acute;ðen-scipe, es; m. Heathenism, paganism :-- Wé, forbeódaþ eornostlíce æ-acute;lcne hæ-acute;ðenscipe. Hæ-acute;ðenscipe biþ ðæt man ídola weorðige ðæt is ðæt man weorðige hæ-acute;ðene godas and sunnan oððe mónan fýr oððe flód wæter-wyllas oððe stánas we earnestly forbid all heathenism : heathenism is to worship idols, that is to worship heathen gods, and sun or moon, fire or water, springs or stones, L. C. S. 5; Th. i. 378, 17, 20. Ðæt ys mycel hæ-acute;ðenscype id magnus est paganismus, L. Ecg. P. 4, 20; Th. ii. 210, 19 : L. N. P. L. 48; Th. ii. 296, 27 : Chr. 634; Erl. 25, 31. Ða tungelwítegan ðe wæ-acute;ron on hæ-acute;ðenscipe wunigende hæfdon getácnunge ealles hæ-acute;ðenes folces the astrologers, who were yet heathens, betokened all heathen people, Homl. Th. i. 106, 9 : 70, 25, 28. [Laym. hæðenescipe ]
hæ-acute;ðen-styrc, es; m. A heathen stirk, calf used in heathen worship, the golden calf made by the Israelites :-- Hí on Choreb swylce cealf ongunnon him tó godegylde georne wyrcean; onwendan heora wuldor on ðæne wyrsan hád hæ-acute;ðenstyrces hig etendes fecerunt vitulum in Choreb, et adoraverunt sculptile; et mutaverunt gloriam suam in similitudinem vituli comedentis fœnum, Ps. Th. 105, 17.
Hæ-acute;ðfeld Hatfield in Hertfordshire :-- Hér gesæt Þeodorius ærcebiscop senoþ on Hæ-acute;ðfelda in this year archbishop Theodore presided over a synod at Hatfield, Chr. 680; Erl. 40, 11.
hæ-acute;ðiht; adj. Heathy :-- In ða hæ-acute;ðihtan lége to the heathy lea, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 121, 21 : 262, 22.
hæ-acute;ð-stapa, an; m. A heath-stepper, an animal which wanders over heaths or uncultivated country :-- Ðeáh ðe hæ-acute;ðstapa hundum geswenced heorot holtwudu séce although the heath-wanderer, the hart by the hounds wearied, seek that wood, Beo.Th. 2740; B. 1368. Wulf hár hæ-acute;ðstapa the wolf, the grey wanderer of the heath, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 6 : Vy. 13.
Hæ-acute;ðum, æt Slesvig, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 30, 39. [Cf. Ethelweard 'Anglia vetus sita est inter Saxones et Giotos, habens oppidum capitale, quod sermone Saxonico Sleswic nuncupatur, secundum vero Danos Haithaby.' Icel. Heiðabær.]
hæ-acute;ðung,[ = hæ-acute;tung], e; f Heating, warming :-- Belimpþ seó hæ-acute;ðung tó ðære hæ-acute;tan and seó onlíhting belimpþ tó ðære beorhtnysse the heating belongs to the heat and the illumination to the brightness, Homl. Th. i. 286, 3.
hæ-acute;ting, e; f. Calipeatum, Wrt. Voc. 290, 43.
hætsan to drive, urge, impel [?] :-- Hwílum mec mín freá hætst on enge sometimes my lord drives me into a narrow place, Exon. 101 b; Th. 383, 3; Rä. 4, 5.
hættian; p. ode; pp. od To take the hair and skin from a person's head :-- Ðonne dó man út his eágan and ceorfan of his nóse and eáran and uferan lippan oððe hine hættian then let his eyes be put out and his nose and ears and upper lip be cut off; or let him have the hair and skin of his head pulled off, L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 14. [The Latin version here has 'aut corium capitis cum capillis (auferatur) quod Angli vocant behættie :' Another translation has 'vel decapilletur.'] Sume man hættode, Chr. 1036; Ed. 164, 39. In the note Earle quotes Florence of Worcester 'cute capitis abstracta.' Cf. Grmm. R. A. 703, where he quotes an explanation of the punishment by which the hair was dragged from a person's head, 'man windet im die haar mit einer kluppen oder knebel aus dem heupt.' He thinks the form hettian [hættian] has no sense, but may it not be connected with hæt, as it was just that part of the head which the hat covered that was affected? It was giving the victim the appearance of wearing a hat of a most ghastly kind.
hæ-acute;tu, hæ-acute;to; indecl; f. Heat :-- Hæ-acute;tu calor, Ælfc. Gr. 4, 26. Þridde ágennys is seó hæ-acute;tu the third property is the heat, Homl. Th. ii. 606, 13, 18. Þýstro and hæ-acute;to darkness and heat, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 6; Gen. 389 : Bt. Met. Fox 20,146; Met. 20, 73. Hæ-acute;to æstus, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 20, 12. Gif se líchoma hwæ-acute;r mid hefiglícre hæ-acute;to sý gebysgod if the body be troubled anywhere with heavy inflammation, Herb. 2, 6; Lchdm. i. 82, 8. Unácumendlíce hæ-acute;tu þrowiaþ and unásecgendlíce cýle they suffer intolerable heat and unspeakable cold, Homl. Th. i. 532, 1. [O. Frs. héte; f : O. H. Ger. heizi, heiz; f. æstus, fervor : O. Sax. hét; n.] v. hæ-acute;te.
hæ-acute;tung. v. hæ-acute;ðung.
hæ-acute;wen; adj. Blue, azure, purple, discoloured :-- Hæ-acute;wen glaucus, Cot. 96 : jacinthina, 185 : fulvus, Lye. Ádó in æ-acute;ren fæt læ-acute;t ðæ-acute;r in óð ðæt hit hæ-acute;wen sý put into a brazen vessel, leave it therein until it be turned colour, Lchdm. iii. 20, 18. Gyf dæt húsl byþ fynig oððe hæ-acute;wen if the housel be mouldy or discoloured, L. Ælf. C. 36; Th. ii. 360, 9. Seó hæ-acute;wene lyft the azure air, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 33; Exod, 476. Genim ðás wyrte ðe grécas brittanice and engle hæ-acute;wen hydele, Herb. 30; Lchdm. i. 126, 6. Hæ-acute;wene hnydele, iii. 24, 8. Ðeós wyrt hafaþ lange leáf and hæ-acute;wene this plant hath long leaves and purple, Herb. 133, 1; Lchdm. i. 248, 18 : 150, 1; Lchdm. i. 274, 16. Seó heall wæs getymbred ynnan and útan myd grénum and myd hæ-acute;wenum and myd hwýtum the hall was built within and without with green and with purple and with white, Shrn. 156, 6. Hæ-acute;wen-grén cæruleus, Cot. 53, Lye. Hæ-acute;wendeáge hyacinthinus, Lye.
hafa and forms as from hafian. v. habban.
hafecere, es; m. A hawker :-- Wé læ-acute;raþ ðæt preóst ne beó hunta ne hafecere we enjoin that a priest be not a hunter, nor a hawker, L. Edg. C. 64; Th. ii. 258, 7.
hafela, hafala, heafela, heafola, an; m. The head; caput; κεφαλ&iota-tonos; :-- Se hwíta helm hafelan werede the bright helm guarded the head, Beo.Th. 2901; B. 1448 : 2658; B. 1327 : 3564; B. 1780. Of ðæs hæ-acute;lendes heafelan from the Saviour's head, Exon. 15 a; Th. 31, 34; Cri. 505. Heafolan, Beo.Th. 5352; B. 2679. Hafalan, 896; B. 446.
hafe-leást, e; f. Want of means, indigence :-- For haueléste from lack of means, Chr. 675; Erl. 38, 12. v. hafen-leást.
hafen. v. hebban.
hafenian; p. ode; pp. od To grasp, hold :-- Wæ-acute;pen hafenade heard be hiltum he grasped the weapon hard by the hilt, Beo. Th. 3151; B. 1573. Bord hafenode he grasped his shield, Byrht. Th. 132, 67; By. 42 : 140, 57; By. 309. [O. H. Ger. hebinon, hefinon, Grff. iv. 737, 828.]
hafen-leás; adj. Lacking means, poor, indigent; inops :-- Hafenleás inops, Wrt. Voc. 74, 20. Hé wæs swíðe welig wædlum and þearfum and symle him sylfum swíðe hafenleás he was very wealthy for the poor and needy, and ever very indigent for himself, Homl. Th. ii. 148. 34. Sum hafenleás man sceolde ágyldan healf pund ánum menn a certain indigent man had to pay a man half a pound, 176, 34. Se hafenleása 178, 6. Se ðe spéda hæfþ and ða áspendan nele hafenleásum bréðer he that hath riches and will not expend them for his brother who lacks, 318,11 : 484, 33 : 178, 19. v. hæfen-leás.
hafen-leást, e; f. Lack of means, indigence; inopia :-- Wé ne sceolon ða wannspédigan for heora hafenleáste forseón we ought not to despise those who are without means for their indigence, Homl. Th. i. 128, 23. Fela sind þearfan þurh hafenleáste and ná on heora gáste. Sind eác óðre þearfan ná þurh hafenleáste ac on gáste many are poor from want of wealth, and not in spirit. There are also other poor, not from want of wealth, but in spirit, 550, 3-5, 11, 12, 17. Úre sáule hafenleáste the indigence of our souls, ii. 88, 26. Ðá getímode swá micel hafenleást ðæt ða gebróðra næfdon búton fíf hláfas tó heora ealra gereorde then there befell so great a lack that the brethren had but five loaves for the refection of them all, 170, 33. v. hæfen-leást.
hafetian to clap [as a bird with its wings, or a man with his hands], applaud :-- Ic hafetige plaudo, Ælfc. Gr. 28; Som. 31, 28. Flódas hafettaþ hundum flumina plaudent manu, Ps. Spl. 97, 8. Æ-acute;rðan ðe se hana hafitigende cráwe before the cock clapping its wings crow, Homl. Th. ii. 246, 4.
hafoc, hafuc, heafoc, es; m. A hawk; accipiter :-- Heafuc accipiter, Wrt. Voc. 77, 15. Mid hafoce accipitre, Coll. Monast. Th. 25, 15, 17, 31, 37. Gód hafoc a good hawk, Beo. Th. 4519; B. 2263. Sum sceal wildne fugol átemian heafoc one shall tame the wild bird, the hawk, Exon. 88 b; Th. 332, 16; Vy. 86. [Laym. havek : Icel. haukr : O. H. Ger. hapuh, habich : Ger. habicht.] DER. gós-, gúþ-, mús-, spear-, wealh-hafoc. The word is found in many names of places, see Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. vi. index.
hafoc-cynn, es; n. The hawk species :-- Ne ete gé nán þing hafoccynnes ne earncynnes eat nothing of the hawk-kind or the eagle-kind, Lev. 11, 13.
hafoc-fugel, es; m. A hawk :-- Ðeáh hafucfugel ábite etiamsi accipiter momorderit, L. Ecg. C. 38; Th. ii. 162, 19.
hafoc-wyrt, e; f. Hawk-weed [?]; hieracium, L. M. 1, 14; Lchdm. ii. 56, 11.
hefud. v. heáfod.
hafud-æcer, es; m [?] :-- Tióþa hafudæcer decumanus, Ælfc. Gl. 57; Som. 67, 78; Wrt. Voc. 38, 4.
hafud-land, es; n. A headland, boundary :-- Hafudland limites, Ælfc. Gl. 57; Som. 67, 77; Wrt. Voc. 38, 3. ['Headland, the upper portion of a field, generally left unploughed for convenience of passage,' Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. xxix. 'Adlands, those butts in a ploughed field which lie at right angles to the general direction of the others; the part close against the hedge. Salop,' Halliwell. So in Surrey, Engl. Dial. Soc. No. 12, p. 91. 'Headland, that is which is ploughed overthwart at the ends of the other lands,' No. 30, p. 82.]
haga, an; m. A place fenced in, an enclosure, a haw, a dwelling in a town :-- Haga sæpem, Mk. Skt. Lind. 12, 1. Se haga binnan port ðe Ægelríc himsylfan getimbrod hæfde the messuage within the town that Ægelric had built himself, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 86, 26 : Th. Chart. 569, 2, 5 : 514, 13 : Cod. Dipl. ii. 150, 5, 11. Ðis syndon ðæs hagan gemæ-acute;ru those are the boundaries of the messuage [in the previous part of the charter the gift is spoken of as unam curtem], iii. 240, 18. Ða hagan ealle ðe hé be westan cyrcan hæfde all the messuages that he had west of the church, Th. Chart. 303, 10. Æ-acute;nne hagan on porte curtem unum in supradicta civitate, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 72, 27 : iii. 213, 13. Quandam hospicii portionem in præfata civitate sitam, quÆ patria lingua haga solet appellari, vi. 134, 24; cf. 135, 14, 25. Tó hagan þrungon they pressed to the entrenchment, Beo. Th. 5913; B. 2960 : Beo. Th. 5777; B. 2892. [Chauc. hawe yard : in Kentish dialect haw a yard, or enclosure : Icel. hagi a hedged field, a pasture.] DER. bord-, cumbol-, fæ-acute;r-, swín-, turf-, wíg-haga.