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hamelian; p. ode; pp. od To mutilate :-- Sume man hamelode some were mutilated, Chr. 1036; Erl. 164, 38. [Chauc. a foot is hameled of thi sorwe, Tr. and Cr. 2, 138: hamling the operation of cutting the balls out of the feet of dogs, Hall. Dict. where see also hamel: Icel. hamla to mutilate :-- Sumir vóru hamlaðir at höndum eða fótum some had their hands or feet cut off: O. H. Ger. bi-hamalon mutilare, pe-hamaloter mutilatus, Grff. iv. 945.]

hamer, homer, hamor, es; m. A hammer :-- Hamor porticulus, Ælfc. Gr. 104; Som. 78, 13; Wrt. Voc. 56, 59. Cf. porticulus a maylat, 275, 1. 'Porticulus, malleus in manu portatus quo signum detur remigantibus,' Du Cange. Heoru hamere geþuren the sword forged by the hammer, Beo. Th. 2575; B. 1285. Carcernes dura hamera geweorc the doors of the prison, the work of hammers, Andr. Kmbl. 2155; An. 1079. Homra, Exon. 69 a; Th. 256, 25; Jul. 237. Homera láfe with the sword, 102 b; Th. 388,14; Rä. 6, 7: Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 6. [O. Sax. hamur: Icel. hamarr: O. H. Ger. hamar: Ger. hammer.] v. Grmm. D. M. 165. DER. scip-hamor.

hamer-secg, humor-, es; m. Hammer-sedge, L. M. i. 56, 2; Lchdm. ii. 126, 19.

hamer-wyrt, hamor-, e; f. Black hellebore, Lchdm. iii. 330, col. 1: ii. 390, col. 1.

hámettan; p. te To provide with a home, to house :-- Denewulf bisceop lýfde Beornulfe his mége ðæt he, móste ða inberðan menn hámettan tó Ebblesburnan nú hebbe ic hí hámet bishop Denewulf allowed Beornulf his kinsman to house the inborn people at Ebblesburn. I have now housed them, Th. Chart. 152, 3-7. v. ge-hámettan.

hám-færeld, es; n. A going home :-- Ðá Antigones ðæt ongeat ðá forlét hé ðæt setl; ac Ymenis him wénde fram Antigones hámfæreld micelra untreówþa when Antigonus heard that he abandoned the siege: but Eumenes anticipated for himself great treachery from Antigonus' going home, Ors. 3, 11; Bos, 73, 21. [Cf. Icel. heim-ferð, -för a going home: O. H. Ger. heim-fart.]

hám-fæst; adj. Resident, dwelling at home :-- Hú mæg ðæ-acute;r ðonne ánes ríces monnes nama cuman ðonne ðæ-acute;r mon furðum ðære burge naman ne geheórþ ne ðære þeóde ðe he on hámfæst biþ how can one great man's name come there, when the name of the town even and of the people among whom he dwells is not heard there, Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 3: L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 22. Gif mon becume on his gefán and hé hine æ-acute;r hámfæstne ne wite si quis superveniat in hostem suum, et eum antea residentem nesciat, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 15. [Cf. hám-sittende.]

hám-faru, e; f. Forcible entry into a man's house; the same as hám-sócn, q. v. [Trev. hamfare :-- 'Hamsokene oðer Hamfare a rese imade in house, a fray made in an howse,' ii. 95: Icel. heim-för an inroad.]

hám-hæn, -henn, e; f. A domestic fowl, L. M. 2, 37; Lchdm. ii. 244, 25.

hám-leás; adj. Homeless :-- Sceal hámleás hweorfan it must wander homeless, Exon. 110 a; Th. 420, 25; Rä. 40, 9.

hám-scir, e; f. The office of an ædile; ædilitas, officium ædile, Cot. 71, Lye.

ham-scyld [?], L. Eth. 32; Th. i. 12, 1, where see note. Leo in his work on Anglo-Saxon Names quotes a passage from Richthofen in which skeld occurs in the sense of fence; so that the crime referred to in the passage would be the breaking through the fence which surrounded the ham. v. the translation of Leo, p. 40, note 2.

hám-sittende; part. Sitting, dwelling at home, resident :-- Wé beódaþ se mon se ðe his gefán hámsittendne wite ðæt hé ne feohte æ-acute;rðam ðe hé him ryhtes bidde we command that the man who knows his foe to be dwelling at his home fight not before he demand justice, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 2: Cd. 209; Th. 259, 6; Dan. 687: Andr. Kmbl. 1372; An. 686: Cd. 86; Th. 108, 33; Gen. 1815. [O. Sax. hém-sittiandi.]

hám-sócn, e; f. Attack on a man's house; also the fine paid for such a breach of the peace. The following passage will illustrate the character of the offence :-- ' Hamsocna, quod domus invasionem Latine sonat, fit pluribus modis, extrinsecus vel et intrinsecus accidenciis. Hamsocna est, si quis alium in sua vel alterius domo cum haraido assaliaverit vel persequatur, ut portam vel domum sagittet vel lapidet vel colpum ostensibilem undecunque faciat. Hamsocna est, vel hamfare, si quis premeditate ad domum eat, ubi hostem suum esse scit, et ibi eum invadat, si die vel nocte hoc faciat; et qui aliquem in molinum vel ovile fugientem prosequitur, hamsocna judicatur. Si in curia vel domo, sedicione orta, bellum eciam subsequatur, et quivis alium fugientem in aliam domum infuget, si ibi duo tecta sint, hamsocna reputetur,' L. H. 80, 10, 11; Th. i. 587, 14-25. Other passages in the earlier laws and charters are :-- Wé cwæ-acute;don be hámsócnum seðe hit ofer ðis dó ðæt hé þolige ealles ðæs ðe áge and sí on cyninges dóme hwæðer hé líf áge we have ordained respecting 'ham-socns' that he who shall commit it after this forfeit all that he owns, and that it be in the king's judgment whether he have his life, L. Edm. S. 6; Th. i. 250, 9: L. Eth. 4, 4; Th. i. 301, 18. Ðis syndon ða gerihta ðe se cyning áh ofer ealle men on Wesseaxan ðæt is hámsócne these are the rights which the king has over all men in Wessex that is [the fines for] 'ham-socn,' L. C. S. 12; Th. i. 382, 13, see the note: 15; Th. i. 384, 6: Th. Chart. 333, 32: 359, 4: 369, 14. Gif hwá hámsócne gewyrce gebéte ðæt mid fíf pundan ðam cyningce if any one commit 'ham-socn,' let him pay a fine of five pounds to the king, 63; Th. i. 408, 27. [Scot. hame-sucken the crime of beating or assaulting a person within his own house: Icel. heim-sókn an inroad or attack on one's home: O. Frs. ham-, hem-sekenge attack on one's house.] v. sécan, in its sense of to seek with a hostile intent.

hám-steall, es; m. A homestead, residence :-- On his hámstealle at his homestead, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 255, 9. Ðane hámstal ðet hé on set the homestead at which he resides, iv. 133, 8. [Homestall a homestead, Hall. Dict: a mansion, seat in the country, Bailey.]

hám-stede, es; m. A homestead :-- Tó hámstede to the homestead, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iii. 77, 7. v. p. xxxviii s. v. stede for compounds in which the word occurs. [O. Frs. heem-steed domicile: cf. Icel. heimstöð a homestead.]

Hám-tún [or Ham-tún?] Hampton, a common local name, used for both the present Northampton, Chr. 917, Erl. 102, 12; and Southampton, Chr. 981; Erl. 129, 36: for other towns see the index to Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. vol. vi.

Hámtún-scir, e; f. Hampshire, Chr. 1001; Erl. 136, 5.

hamule. v. hamele.

hám-weard; adv. Homeward, in the direction of home; domum versus, retro :-- Ðá heó hámwerd wæs when it was on its way home, H. R. 103, 24. Ðá hý hámweard wæ-acute;ron when they were on the way home, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 85, 38, Égeas wearþ gelæ-acute;ht fram atelícum deófle hámwerd be wege æ-acute;rðan hé tó húse cóme Ægeas was seized by a horrible devil on the way home, before he came to his house, Homl. Th. i. 598, 23. Æþelwulf ðá him hámweard fór Ethelwulf then journeyed homeward, Chr. 855; Erl. 68, 29: 885; Erl. 82, 30. Se esne hig hámweard læ-acute;dde tó his hláforde the servant brought her home to his lord, Gen. 24, 61.

hám-weardes; adv. Homewards :-- Sió óðeru fierd wæs hámweardes the other force was returning home, Chr. 894; Erl. 91, 1. [O. H. Ger. heimwartes domum versus: Ger. heimwärts.]

hám-weorþung, e; f. Honour or ornament to the house or home :-- Eofore forgeaf ángan dóhtor hámweorþunge he gave Eofor his only daughter, an ornament of his home, Beo. Th. 5988; B. 2998.

hám-weorud, es; n. The body of people connected with a 'ham;' vicani :-- Ðá com hé tó sumum húse on æ-acute;fentíd and eode on ðæt hús ðæ-acute;r ðæt hámweorud eall tó symble gesomnod wæs pervenit ad vicum quendam vespere intravitque in domum in qua vicani cænantes epulabantur, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 26.

hám-wyrt, e; f. Home-wort; sempervivum tectorum, L. M. 3, 41; Lchdm. ii. 336, 4: 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 18, 19: 1, 40; Lchdm. ii.104,14.

hana, an; m. A cock :-- Se hana creów gallus cantavit, Mk. Skt. 14, 68, 30, 72. [Goth. hana: O. Sax. hano: Icel. hani: O. H. Ger. hano: Ger. hahn.]

han-créd, -cræ-acute;d, hon-, es; m. Cock-crowing, cock-crow, a division of the night :-- Hancréd conticinium vel gallicinium, Ælfc. Gl. 94; Som. 75. 122; Wrt.Voc. 53, 4. Seó niht hæfþ seofan dæ-acute;las ... fífta is gallicinium ðæt is hancréd the night has seven divisions ... the fifth is gallicinium, that is, cock-crow, Lchdm. iii. 244, 4. Hér wæs se móna áþístrod betwux hancréd and dagunge in this year the moon was eclipsed between cock-crow and dawn, Chr. 795; Erl. 59, 25. On æ-acute;fen ðe on midre nihte ðe on hancréde ðe on morgen sero, an media nocte, an galli cantu an mane, Mk. Skt. 13. 35: Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 27: Homl. Th. i. 74, 21. Honcréd, Exon. 99 a; Th. 370, 32; Seel. 68. Ðone drenc on þreó þicge æt ðám þrím honcrédum let him take the drink at three times at the three cock-crowings, L. M. 2, 65, 2; Lchdm. ii. 294, 5. Se cyning embe forman hancréd út gangende wæs the king about the first cock-crowing was going out, Lchdm. iii. 424, 34. Ðá com se Hæ-acute;lend embe ðone feórþan hancréd quarta autem vigilia noctis venit Iesus, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 25. [O. Sax. hano-krád: O. H. Ger. hana-crát gallicinium, galli cantus.]

hand, hond, a; f. HAND, side, power, control [cf. mund]; used also of the person from whom an action proceeds :-- Hand manus, Wrt. Voc. 64, 73. Middeweard hand vola vel tenar vel ir, Ælfc. Gl. 72; Som. 70, 130; Wrt. Voc. 43. 54. Ðín seó, swýðre hand dextera tua, Ps. Th. 59, 5. Ðæ-acute;r unc hwíle wæs hand gemæ-acute;ne there for a time we two had a hand to hand struggle [cf. Ger. handgemein werden to fight hand to hand], Beo. Th. 4281; B. 2137. Sette Ephraim on his swíðran hand ðæt wæs on Israhéles wynstran hand and Manasses on his winstran hand ðæt wæs on Israhéles swíðran healfe he placed Ephraim on his right hand, that was on Israel's left hand, and Manasseh on his left hand, that was on Israel's right hand, Gen. 48, 13. Seó hæ-acute;lo his ðære swýðran handa salus dextera ejus, Ps. Th. 19, 6. Gif hé heáhre handa dyntes onféhþ if he receives a right[?] hand blow [cf. Icel. hægri hönd the right hand, and see note on the passage for other translations. The analogy with the Icelandic, it may be observed, is not perfect, since the English does not (as in the case of swíðre) use the comparative; so that the phrase may perhaps refer to the hand being raised for defence; or the reference may be to the upraised hand of the striker], L. Eth. 58; Th. i. 18, 1. God álýsde hí láðum of handa quos redemit de manu inimici, 106, 2. Tó onfónne æt bisceopes handa to receive at the hand of the bishop, L. C. E. 22; Th. i. 374, 3: Chr. 942; Erl. 116, 22. Æt Seaxena handa forwurðan to perish at the hand of the Saxons, 605; Erl. 21, 29. Mid brádre hand slógan smote with open hand, Blickl. Homl. 23, 32; Past. 41, 4; Swt. 303, 11. Mid ðære ylcan hand with the same hand, Lchdm. iii. 68, 15. Ða witan ðe ðá néh handa wæ-acute;ron the 'witan' that were near at hand, Chr. 1l00; Erl. 236, 19. Hand on handa hand in hand, Ap. Th. 19, 18. Ðeóf ðe æt hæbbendre handa gefangen sý a thief who is taken with the stolen property upon him, L. Ath. 1; Th. i. 198, 17. Siððan ic hond and rond hebban mihte since I could lift hand and shield, Beo. Th. 1316: B. 656: Andr. Kmbl. 18; An. 9. Ðæ-acute;r wæs micel wæl geslægen on gehwæðre hond there was great slaughter made on either side, Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 12: Byrht. Th. 135; 2; By. 112. On æ-acute;gðera hand on either hand, L. Ath. 1, 23; Th. i. 212, 6. Wið æ-acute;lce hand on all sides, towards every one, L. Ed. 10; Th. i. 164, 18. Ic wille ðæt hit gange on ða nýhstan hand mé I will that it go to the next of kin to me, Th. Chart. 491, 13: 481, 22. Ða witan gerehton ðæt heó sceolde hire fæder hand geclæ-acute;nsian be swá miclan feó the 'witan' decided that she should clear her father in respect to so much money; sapientes decreverunt quod ego patrem meum purgare deberem, videlicet sacramento xxx librarum, easdem triginta libras patrem meum persolvisse, 202, 1. Bútan osterlandes béc and hé ða bóc unnendre handa hire tó lét excepto libro de osterlande quem bona voluntate dimisit, 37. Sí mé wuldres hyht hand ofer heáfod may there be to me a hope of glory, hand over head, i.e. without difficulty [hand-over-head thoughtlessly extravagant; careless; at random; plenty, Hall. Dict.], Lchdm. i. 390, 3, 5. Gif mon forstolenne man befó æt óðrum and síe sió hond óðcwolen sió hine sealde ðam men ðe hine mon ætbeféng if a stolen man be attached in another's possession, and the hand [person] be dead that sold him to the man in whose possession he is attached, L. In. 53; Th. i. 134, 17: 136, 2: 75; Th. i. 150, 5: L. Eth. 2, 8; Th. i. 288, 18, 20. His feoh onfón fremde handa diripiant alieni omnes labores ejus, Ps. Th. 108, 11. Handa ðíne manus tuæ, 118, 73. Se ðe ofer ðis fals wyrce þolige ðæra handa ðe he ðæt fals mid worhte he that after this makes counterfeit money, let him lose the hands with which he made the counterfeit, L. C. S. 8; Th. i. 380, 17. Domicianus wearþ ácweald æt his witena handum Domitian was killed by his senators. Homl. Th. i. 60, 4. Gebindan handum and fótum to bind hand and foot, 570, l0. Be heora handum gebundne bound by the hands, Blickl. Homl. 209, 36. Sý ðeós gesetnys ðus hér geendod god helpe mínum handum so let this composition here end, God help my hands, Lchdm. iii. 280, 16. Ealle forgielden ðone wer gemæ-acute;num hondum let them all pay the wergild in common, L. Alf. pol. 31; Th. i. 80, 17: L. E. G. 13; Th. i. 174, 21. Ðá genam Sanctus

Martinus hine be his handa then St. Martin took him by the hand, Blickl. Homl. 219, 19. Hit hyre on hand ágeaf gave it into her hand, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 20; Jud. 130. Ðýlæs ðe eów on hand becume seó leáse gesetnys lest the false account come into your hands, Homl. Th. i. 436, 30. Him ealle on hand eodan ða hæ-acute;ðnan leóde then all the heathen people submitted to them, Blickl. Homl. 203, 23: Chr. 882; Erl. 82, 13. Gif hig on hand gáþ if they submit, Deut. 20, 11. Ealle ða burgware ne mehton hiene æ-acute;nne geniéddan ðæt hé him an hand gán wolde all the citizens could not force him, though a single man, to yield, Ors. 3, 9; 134, 18. Ðæs wíte on eówre handa geeode on that account punishment came upon you, Ps. 57, 2. Hé ealle gesceafta on his handa hafaþ he hath all creatures in his hand, Blickl. Homl. 121, 15. Se ðe hie on handa hæfþ who has it in his possession, L. Eth. 2, 9; Th. i. 290, 17. Se hæfde his abbotríce s' Iohs of Angeli on hande he held his abbacy of St. John of Angeli, Chr. 1127; Erl. 255, 27, 34: 256, 2. Ealle hé hí oððe wið feó gesealde oððe on his ágenre hand heóld all of them he either sold for money or kept in his own hands, 1100; Erl. 236, 6, 9. Mann sette Ælfgár ðane eorldóm on handa ðe Harold æ-acute;r áhte the earldom that Harold had before was put into Alfgar's hands, 1048; Erl. 180, 29. Se ðe ic hit nú on hand sette he into whose hand I now put it, L. O. 3; Th. i. 180, 3. Se ðe unriht gestreón on his handa stóde he in whose hands was the unjust gain, L. Eth. 2, 9; Th. i. 290, 5: Th. Chart. 369, 7. Þridde gewrit á mid ðam ðe ðæt land on hande stande the third copy always with him in whose possession the land is, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 235, 31. Gyf neód on handa stande if there be present need, L. Edg. H. 2; Th. i. 258, 6. Biþ mannes sunu geseald on synfulra hand the Son of man shall be given into the hands of sinful men, Blickl. Homl. 73, 1. On hand syllan to give a pledge or promise :-- Hé sealde him on hand mid Cristes béc ðæt hé wolde ðísne þeódscype swá wel haldan swá æ-acute;nig kyngc ætforan him betst dyde he promised him on the Gospels that he would rule this people as well as the king who before him had ruled best, Chr. 1066; Erl. 202, 31: 1064; Erl. 196, 1. Slaga sceal his forspecan on hand syllan the slayer shall give pledge to his advocate, L. Edm. S. 7; Th. i. 250, 14: L. Eth. 2, 8; Th. i. 288, 16. Gif hwá his hand on hand sylle if any one deliver himself up, L. Ed. 9; Th. i. 164, 10. Cyricean hyrde tó cristes handa shepherd of the Church for Christ, Blickl. Homl. 171, 7. Ðet land eall ábégdon Willelme tó handa brought all the land in subjection to William, Chr. 1073; Erl. 212, 1. Him becómon swá micele welan tó handa so great wealth came into his hands, Homl. Th. ii. 576, 30. Ic beóde ðe ðat ðú beríde ðás land ðam hæ-acute;lge tó hande I enjoin thee that thou perequitate these lands into the possession of the saint, Th. Chart. 369, 22. Swá Ælfríc hig mínre móder tó handa bewiste as Alfric administered it on behalf of my mother [cf. Icel. einum til handa], Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 222, 19: 226, 4. Sý ðæt forworht ðam cyningce tó handa let it be forfeited to the king, L. C. S. 13; Th. i. 382, 20. Tó Godes handa gefrætwod equipped for God, Homl. Th. i. 210, 32. Se cing lét gerídan ealle ða land ðe his módor áhte him tó handa the king had all the lands that his mother owned brought into his own power, Chr. 1043; Erl. 168, 9: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 222, 6. Drihten gewylt eów ealle þeóda tó handa the Lord will reduce all nations to subjection to you, Deut. 31, 3. Hí cwæ-acute;ðon ðæt hí him ðet tó handa healdan scoldan they said that they would hold it for him, Chr. 887; Erl. 87, 3: 1036; Erl. 165, 6: L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 326, 6. Drihten lét hí tó handa ðam hæ-acute;ðenan leódscipe Madian the Lord delivered them into the hand of Midian, Jud. 6, 1: Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 9. Hér leót Ceolréd Wulfréde tó hande ðet land of Sempigaham in this year Ceolred let the land of Sempringham to Wulfred, 852; Erl. 67, 33: 1091; Erl. 227, 7, 24: Anal. Th. 126, 14. Gif þeówwealh Engliscne monnan ofslihþ ðonne sceal se ðe hine áh weorpan hine tó honda hláforde if a British slave kill an Englishman, then shall he who owns him give him up to the lord, L. In. 74; Th. i. 148, 15: 56; Th. i. 138, 12: L. Alf. pol. 21; Th. i. 76, 1: 24; Th. i. 78, 10. Gá bisceope under hand arbitrio episcopi se dedat, L. Ecg. P. 4, 52, note; Th. ii. 218, 33. Hí wæ-acute;ron geseald under sweordes hand tradentur in manus gladii, Ps. Th. 62, 8. Alle þinge ðe hí under honde habben all things that they have in their possession, Th. Chart. 582, 1, 19: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 268, 32. [Cf. Icel. undir höndum einum in one's power.] Gelæ-acute;ddon under hand hæleþ hæ-acute;ðenum déman led the men in subjection to a heathen ruler, Cd. 175; Th. 220, 14; Dan. 71. [Goth. handus: O. Sax. hand: O. Frs. hand, hond: Icel. hönd: O. H. Ger. hant: Ger. hand.] DER. mæ-acute;g-, wæ-acute;pned-, wíf-hand.