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the forbidden spoils of the host [of the Amalekites, v. I Sam. xv. 9] to the will of God, Basil, admn. 9; Norm. 54, 8. Costontinus ne Ánláf mid heora hereláfum hlehhan ne þorftun not Constantine nor Anlaf, with the remnants of their forces, had cause for laughing, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 13; Æðelst. 47.

here-líc; adj. Warlike, military:-- Ða herelícan res militares, Cot. 47, Lye.

here-lof, es; n. Praise gained in war, fame, glory; also a trophy; rumor, fama. Hpt. Gl. 406, 511, 512: 447.

here-mæcg, es; m. A man of war, warrior, man [used of the men of Sodom when attacking Lot], Cd. 114; Th. 149, 31; Gen. 2483. [Cf. Icel. her-megir warriors.]

here-mægen, es; n. A warlike force, an army, a host, multitude, Exon. 116b; Th. 447, 10; Dóm. 37: Andr. Kmbl. 1172; An. 586: 1456; An. 728: 2597; An. 1300: 3299; An. 1652: Elen. Kmbl. 339; El. 170.

here-man, -mann, es; m. A soldier:-- Heremenn milites, Lk. Skt. Lind. 7, 8. [Icel. her-maðr.] v. Grmm. R. A. 292.

hére-man. v. híre-man.

here-meðel, es; n. A warlike assembly; concio, Elen. Kmbl. 1096; El. 550.

here-nes, -nis, -ness, e; f. Praise:-- Herenes mín laudatio mea, Ps. Th. 103, 32: 110, 8: 117, 14. Herenis laus, Rtl. 30, 23: 174, 31. In herenesse Godes in laudem Dei, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 17: 599, 12; Ps. 55, 10. Hé geearnode ðæt hé ða hálgan hærenesse gehýrde laudes beatas meruit audire, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 35. v. here-word.

here-net, -nett, es; n. A war-net, coat of mail, corslet, Beo. Th. 3110; B. 1553.

here-níþ, es; m. Hostility, enmity which is felt by those at war with one another, Beo. Th. 4938; B. 2474.

here-nitig [?] expeditio, Cot. 73, Lye.

here-pád, e; f. A coat of mail, Beo. Th. 4508; B. 2258.

here-, her-paþ, es; m. A road for an army, military road, road large enough to march soldiers upon [occurs not unfrequently in charters]:-- Ondlong herpoþes. Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 172, 18. Up tó herpaþe and fram ðam herpaþe súþrihte, 205, 20. On ðone brádan herpaþ, iii. 23, 35. Wísde herepoþ tó ðære heán byrig shewed a road for his army to the lofty city, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 12; Dan. 38. Hí swyrdum herpaþ worhton þurh láðra gemong they with their swords wrought a road through the press of their foes, Judth. 12; Thw. 36, 1; Jud. 303. DER. þeód-herpaþ.

here-ræ-acute;swa, an; m. A chieftain, Elen. Kmbl. 1987; El. 995.

here-reáf, es: n. Spoil, plunder, booty:-- Herereáf spolia vel manubie vel prede, Ælfc. Gl. 52; Som. 66, 52; Wrt. Voc. 35, 38: manubiæ, spolia, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 16, 23. Achan behýdde of ðam herereáfe Achan concealed some of the spoil, Jos. 7, 1, 11. Ðú ús mycel herereáf gehéte thou didst promise us much spoil, Blickl. Homl. 85, 19. Hengest and Æsc gefuhton wið Walas and genámon unárímedlíco herereáf Hengest and Æsc fought with the Britons and took countless spoils. Chr. 473; Erl. 12, 26: 584; Erl. 18, 25. Hé tódæ-acute;lþ his herereáf spolia ejus distribuit, Lk. Skt. 11, 22. Ic geseah betwux ðam herereáfum sumne gildene dalc I saw among the spoils a wedge of gold, Jos. 7, 21.

here-rinc, es; m. A warrior, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 141; Met. 1, 71: [hereric, MS.] Beo. Th. 2356; B. 1176. [O. Sax. heri-rink.]

here-sceaft, es; m. A war-shaft, spear, Beo. Th. 675; B. 335.

here-sceorp, es; n. War-dress, Fins. Th. 90; Fin. 45.

here-serce, -syrce, an; f. A coat of mail. Beo. Th. 3027; B. 1511.

here-síþ, es; m. The journey of an army, a military expedition, march, Elen. Kmbl. 265; El. 133: Exon. 108a; Th. 411, 24; Rä. 30, 4: 84a; Th. 317, 3; Mód. 60.

here-spéd, e; f. Success in war, Beo. Th. 129; B. 64.

here-spel. v. hér.

here-stræl, es; m. An arrow, Beo. Th. 2874; B. 1435.

here-stræ-acute;t, e; f. A military road, one allowing the passage of an army, highway, high road:-- Léton ðone hálgan be herestræ-acute;te swefan on sibbe they left the saint sleeping in peace by the highway, Andr. Kmbl. 1662; An. 833. Ðanan on herestræ-acute;t thence to the high road, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 265, 30. [Cf. óð ða wýdestræ-acute;te, 32.] Wegas syndon drýge herestræ-acute;ta the ways [through the Red Sea] are dry, the roads for the host, Cd. 157; Th. 195, 29; Exod. 284. Ne mé herestræ-acute;ta ofer cald wæter cúþe sindon nor are the highways over the cold water known to me, Andr. Kmbl. 400; An. 200. Gegier ðæt ðíne willas iernan bí herestræ-acute;tum in plateis aquas divide, Past. 48, 6; Swt. 373, 6. Æfter cyninga herestræ-acute;tum along king's highways, 373, 18. Ic hí ádilgode swá swá wind déþ dust on herestræ-acute;tum ut lutum platearum delebo eos, Ps. Th. 17, 40. Omnes herestrete omnino regis sunt, L. H. 10, 2; Th. i. 519, 11. [O. Frs. hiri-strete: O. H. Ger. heri-stráza via publica.] Cf. here-paþ, -weg.

here-swég, es; m. A martial sound, Exon. 124a; Th. 477, 12; Ruin. 23.

here-teám, es; m. I. plundering, spoiling, devastation, taking fart in a 'here,' i. e, a predatory band of more than thirty-five members [v. here]:-- Se ðe hereteáme betogen sý he who is accused of taking part in a 'here,' L. In. 15; Th. i. 112, 2, MS. H. Heardlíc hereteám fierce devastation, Andr. Kmbl. 3100; An. 1553. II. what is got by an army, plunder, booty, spoil:-- Ðæs hereteámes ealles teóþan sceat a tithe of all the spoil, Cd. 97; Th. 128, 4; Gen. 2121. Gewát hám síþian mid ðý hereteáme ðe him se hálga forgeaf departed home with the spoil that the holy man gave him, 98; Th. 130, 19; Gen. 2162.

here-téma, -týma, an; m. A leader of an army, of a people, a ruler, general:-- Se heretéma cyning selfa the leader, the king himself [Theodoric], Bt. Met. Fox 1. 63; Met. 1, 31. Se heretýma, caldéa cyning. Cd. 205; Th. 253, 30; Dan. 603. Ðá cwæþ hé hwæs sunu is hit ðá cwæþ se bisceop mínes heretéman then said he 'whose son is it f Then said the bishop 'my prince's' [?], Shrn. 130, 9. Hé wearþ tó heretéman he became general, Elen. Kmbl. 20; El. 10.

here-þreát, es; m. A troop, band of soldiers, Cd. 170; Th. 214, 24; Exod. 574: cohortes, Cot. 51, Lye.

here-þrym a cohort, Cot. 81, Lye.

hare-toga, -toha, an; m. The leader of an army or of a people, a general; dux, consul:-- Heretoga vel heorl dux, Ælfc. Gl. 68; Som. 70, 2; Wrt. Voc. 42, 11. Heretoga comes, Rtl. 193, 9. Of ðé forþgæ-acute;þ se heretoga seðe recþ mín folc ex te exiet dux, qui reget populum meum, Mt. Kmbl. 2, 6. Consul ðæt wé heretoha hátaþ consul which we call 'heretoha,' Bt. 1; Fox 2, 12: 21; Fox 76, 4. Sum biþ heretoga fyrdwísa from one is a leader, a good guide of the host, Exon. 79b; Th. 297, 31; Crä. 76. Se heretoga Moyses the leader Moses, Homl. Th. i. 92, 25. Moises se mæ-acute;ra heretoga Moses the great leader. Num. 13, 1: Jud. 1, 1: Swt. A. S. Rdr. 60, 107. Uton ús gesettan heretogan let us make a captain, Num. 14, 4. Heora heretogan twegen gebroðra Hengest and Horsa duces eorum duo fratres Hengest and Horsa, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 28. Heora heretogena sum ofslægen wearþ one of their leaders was slain, Chr. 794; Erl. 59, 21. Twelf heretogan hé gestrínþ twelve princes shall he beget, Gen. 17, 20. De heretochiis, L. Ed. C; Th. i. 456, note a. [Laym, here-to&yogh;e: O. Sax. heri-togo: Icel. her-togi: O. H. Ger. heri-zoho, -zogo dux, imperator: Ger. herzog.] v. Stubbs' Const. Hist. s. v.

here-togen [?]; pp. Captive:-- Seó hereláf wunode ðæs heretogan [heretogenan ?] folces on Chaldéiscum earde the remnant of the captive people dwelt in the land of Chaldea, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 69, 393. [Cf. Icel. her-numinn, -tekinn captive.]

here-wæ-acute;d, e; f. War-weed, armour, Beo. Th. 3798; B. 1897. [Icel. her-váðir armour.] v. Grmm. R. A. 566-7.

here-wæ-acute;pen, es; n. A weapon of war, Ps. Ben. 34, 3; Ps. Grn. ii. 149, 3.

here-wæsmun:-- Nó ic méan herewæsmun hnágran talige gúþgeweorca ðonne Grendel hine, Beo. Th. 1358; B. 677. Thorpe reads wæstmum [see the use of wæstm in the plural] and translates 'in martial vigour.' Grein translates by vis bellica and refers the word to a nominative wæ-acute;sma, comparing O. H. Ger. wahsamo, wasmo, wasma vigor, fructus, fertilitas, Grff. i. 689. Leo and Heyne connect with a root meaning rage, fury, v. Leo. 494. Taking either of the first the passage might be translated 'I do not account myself worse in the warlike fruits of martial deeds than Grendel himself;' or an herewæsmum and gúþgeweorca might be taken as both dependent upon hnágran.

here-wæ-acute;ða, an; m. A war-hunter, a hunter whose game is the enemy, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 17; Jud. 126: Thw. 24, 5; Jud. 173. v. Grmm. Geschicht. D. S. 12 sqq.

here-weg, es; m. A highway, high road:-- Ealles hereweg publica via, Ælfc. Gl. 57; Som. 67. 52; Wrt. Voc. 37, 39. [O. Frs. heer-wei: cf. Icel. her-vegir war-paths.] v. here-paþ, -stræ-acute;t.

here-weorc, es; n. A warlike deed or work, Elen. Kmbl. 1308; El. 656.

herewian; p. ode To despise:-- Tó swíðe we herewiaþ ús selfe we despise ourselves too much, Bt. 13; Fox 40, 12. Leófsunu herewade ðæs arcebiscopes gewitnesse Leofsunu incepit vituperare archiepiscopum et testimonium ejus irritum facere, Chart. Th. 273, 2. v. herwan.

here-wíc, es; n. An encampment, camp, dwelling:-- Míne welan ðe ic hæfde syndon ealle gewitene and míne herewíc syndon gebrosnode my riches that I had are all departed and my dwellings are decayed, Blickl. Homl. 113, 26. Him mon sægde ðæt ðæ-acute;r mon cymen wæs of Alexandres herewícum he was told that a man was come from Alexander's camp, Nar. 18, 9: Cd. 95; Th. 123, 26; Gen. 2051.

here-wísa, an; m. The director, guide of an army, a leader, general, Cd. 160; Th. 198, 15; Exod. 323.

here-wóp, es; m. The shout raised ly an army, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 2; Exod. 460. [Icel. her-óp war-whoop, war-cry.]

here-word, es; n. Praise, applause:-- Ða wolde Brihtr&i-short;c geearnian him hereword tunc cogitavit Brihtricus adquirere sibi laudem. Chr. 1009; Erl 142, note 8. [Laym. hære-, here-word: A. R. 'a windes puf of worldes hereword, of mannes heriunge.' 148, 3.] v. here-nes, herian to praise.

here-wósa, an; m. One who is fierce in fight, a warrior [?]:-- Here-