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RÆ-acute;D[E] - RÆ-acute;DELS
ræ-acute;d[e] in composition of adjectives, v. án-, fæst-, heard-, hwæt-, læt-, wiðer-ræ-acute;d[e].
ræ-acute;dan. Two verbs originally distinct seem to coalesce under this form, the strong ræ-acute;dan; p. reórd, réd; pp. ræ-acute;den : Goth. ga-rédan : O. Sax. rádan; p. réd, ried : O. Frs. réda; p. réd : O. H. Ger. rátan; p. riet, riat : Icel. ráða; p. réð, and the weak ræ-acute;dan; p. ræ-acute;dde : Goth. ga-raidjan : O. H. Ger. ant-reitjan ordinare : Icel. g-reiða. The strong forms are rare. I. to counsel, give advice :-- Ic ræ-acute;de ðé consulo tibi, Wrt. Voc. i. 49, 37. Girwan Godes tempel, swá hire gásta weard reórd, Elen. Kmbl. 2043; El. 1023. Hé rád and ræ-acute;dde, rincum tæ-acute;hte hú hí sceoldon standan, Byrht. Th. 132, 18; By. 18. Ðæt folc eall hrýmde, swá swá Josue him ræ-acute;dde, Jos. 6, 5 (20, Grn.). Ræ-acute;dende consulentes, consilium dantes, Hpt. Gl. 491, 20. II. to ask advice, consult a person :-- Ic fríne vel ic ræ-acute;de consulo, i. inquiro (cf. ic fríne ðé consulo te, i. 49, 38), Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 79. II a. to consult, deliberate, take counsel upon a matter (acc.) with (wið) a person :-- Justinus ræ-acute;dde wið ða cristenan, hwæne hí tó bisceope ceósan wolde, Homl. Th. i. 434, 28. Wið ðone ræ-acute;dde Chromatius, and be his ræ-acute;de underféng ealle ða cristenan, Homl. Skt. i. 5, 323. Him þúhte and ðæ-acute;m ðé hé hit wið ræ-acute;dde, L. Ath. v. 12; Th. i. 240, 27. Hí gamenlíce ræ-acute;ddon callide cogitantes, Jos. 9, 4. Ðá gesomnedon hí gemót and þeahtedon and ræ-acute;ddon hwæt him tó dónne wæ-acute;re initum est consilium quid agendum, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 36. Ðá rédon (ræ-acute;ddan, MSS. C.) hí him betweónum consultatione habita, Ors. 1, 14; Swt. 56, 20. Ðá ongunnon ða Phariséi ræ-acute;dan consilium inierunt, Mt. Kmbl. 22, 15. Bisceopum gebyreþ ðæt symle mid heom wunian wel geþungene witan, ðæt hí wið ræ-acute;dan mágan, L. I. P. 10 ; Th. ii. 316, 23. Man ræ-acute;dan sceolde hú man ðisne eard werian sceolde, Chr. l010; Erl.144, 7. II b. to debate, speak in council (or (?) to read. v. VI b) :-- Rádaþ (ræ-acute;daþ) &l-bar; maðeliaþ concionantur, sermocinantur, loquuntur, Hpt. Gl. 461, 1. Ræ-acute;dende &l-bar; wordiende concionandi, loquentes, 461, 35. II c. to deliberate for the good of any one, look to, provide for :-- Míne sáwle ræ-acute;d on écnysse animae meae in aeternum consules, L. Ecg. P. iv. 67; Th. ii. 228, 3. Ræ-acute;dende consulens, i. consilium tenens, providens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 77. Ræ-acute;dende consulentes, succurrentes, Hpt. Gl. 491, 20. III. to resolve after deliberation, to determine, decide :-- Ðæt folc ræ-acute;dde be him ðæt hí woldon hine áhebban tó cyninge ... Ðá ðá Crist ongeat ðæs folces willan, Homl. Th. i. 162, 3-6. Acðeáh man hwæt ræ-acute;dde, ðæt ne stód furðon æ-acute;nne mónaþ, Chr. 1010; Erl. 144, 9. Hí ræ-acute;ddon ðæt hí woldon ðone cyng gesettan út of Englalandes cynedóme, 1075; Erl. 213, 10. Hí ealle ánmódlíce ræ-acute;ddon ðæt ealle his gesetnyssa áýdlode wæ-acute;ron, Homl. Th. i. 60, 4. Ræ-acute;dan decernere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 67. III a. ræ-acute;dan on (cf. Icel. ráða á einn to attack one) to proceed against, take action against a person :-- Wæs ðam eorle Godwine and his sunan gecýdd, ðæt se cyng and ða menn ðe mid him wæ-acute;ron woldon ræ-acute;don on hí, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 30. IV. to rule, govern, direct (with dat. or inst.) :-- Ðú ðe Israéla æ-acute;ðelum cynne reccest and ræ-acute;dest qui regis Israel, Ps. Th. 79,1. Hé ræ-acute;t ús and recþ ipse reget nos, 47, 12. Drihten mé ræ-acute;t (regit), 22, 1. God ðe ræ-acute;t and gewissaþ eallum gesceaftum, Chart. Th. 239, 34. Hé reht anð ræ-acute;t eallum gesceaftum, swá swá gód steóra ánum scipe, Bt. 35, 3; Fox 158, 25. God ðe him stiórde and racode and ræ-acute;dde, 34,12; Fox 154, 6. Ðætte God ræ-acute;dde and weólde ealles middaneardes, 35, 2; Fox 156, 31. Ðæt hé (the abbot) sceal ræ-acute;dan and racian óðra manna sáulum, R. Ben. 14, 6. Hwá meahte iéð monnum ræ-acute;dan bútan scylde quis principari hominibus tam sine culpa potuisset ? Past. 3, 1; Swt. 33, 16. Ðam ðe hié (the Church) wel ofer mæ-acute;ge and hiere wel ræ-acute;dan cunne ei qui hanc bene regere praevalet, 5, 2; Swt. 45, 1. Ic mæg ræ-acute;dan on ðís ríce, Cd. Th. 19, l0; Gen. 289. Ða ðe ðý ríce ræ-acute;dan sceoldon, 259, 4; Dan. 686. Wolde dóm Godes dæ-acute;dum ræ-acute;dan gumena gehwylcum the decree of God would govern the deeds of every man, Beo. Th. 5709; B. 2858. V. to have the disposal of, have possession of :-- Ðone máððum ðe ðú mid rihte ræ-acute;dan sceoldest, 4119; B. 2056. Ðenden hié ðý ríce ræ-acute;dan móston, Cd. Th. 216, 18; Dan. 8. Bútan hý ðý reáfe ræ-acute;dan mótan, Exon. Th. 110, 6; Gú. 103. VI. to read (a) as in to read a riddle, to explain; conjicere :-- Ic ræ-acute;de swefn conicio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 40. Módor ne ræ-acute;doþ (-aþ, MS.) ðonne heó magan cenneþ, hú him weorðe geond woruld sceapen a mother cannot read a boy's fate at his birth, Salm. Kmbl. 741; Sal. 370. Ræ-acute;de se ðe wille hú wunda cwæ-acute;den, Exon. Th. 441, 11; Rä. 60, 16. Ræ-acute;d hwæt ic mæ-acute;ne, 479, 18; Rä. 62, 9. Ðá ongan hé mid gleáwe móde ræ-acute;dan coepit sagaci animo conjicere, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 21, MS. B. (b) to read a book; legere :-- Ic ræ-acute;de lego, ðú ræ-acute;tst legis, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 24, 1. Ræ-acute;tt legit, 44; Som. 45, 49. On hwylcum dæge man ræ-acute;t .ix. kl. apr. swá fela beóþ concurrentes ... gif man ræ-acute;t ðæne datu-rum on Sunnandæg ðænne byþ án, Anglia viii. 302, 19-20. Se ðe ræ-acute;t (ræ-acute;dæ, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 24, 15. Hé ræ-acute;dde his bóc ðam folce, Ex. 24, 7. Hé him gebæd and his béc ræ-acute;dde, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 4. Ne ræ-acute;dde gé (gé hreórdeþ, Rush.) hwæt Dauid dyde, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 3. Ne ræ-acute;dde gé (gé ne reórdade, Rush.), 19, 4. Ræ-acute;ddon (reórdadun, Rush.), 21, 16. Ræ-acute;dde (reórdun, Rush.), 21, 42. Mé lyst ræ-acute;dan lecturio, Ælfc. Gr. 34; Som. 37, 56. Réða to read, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 8. Hé árás tó rédanne, Lk. Skt. Rush. Lind. 4, 16 : Rtl. 195, 16. Hé mé sealde bóc tó ræ-acute;danne, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 37. Ðæt gewrit wæs ræ-acute;ded beforan ðam cyninge, 5, 21; S. 643, 11. Ðá ðæt godspel ræ-acute;dd wæs, Blickl. Homl. 161, 9. Wé gehýrdon ðá ðá Esaias se wítga ræ-acute;den wæs, 167, 28. VII. to prepare (?) :-- Hé sceal æ-acute;lcre wucan erian .i. æcer and ræ-acute;dan sylf ðæt sæ-acute;d on hlafordes berne, L. R. S. 4; Th. i. 434, 15. (Cf. last passage under ræ-acute;can.) v. á-, be-, for-, ge-, mis-, ofer-ræ-acute;dan.
ræ-acute;d-bana, an; m. One who contrives a person's death, but is not the actual perpetrator :-- Gif man secge ðæt hé wæ-acute;re dæ-acute;dbana oððe ræ-acute;dbana if he be said to be the actual perpetrator of homicide, or the deviser of it, L. Eth. ix. 23; Th. i. 344, 26. Cf. Qui ad occidendum aliquem innoxium redbana vel dedbana fuerit, L. H. I. 85, 3; Th. i. 592, 13. [Icel. ráð-bani : see also bana-ráð the planning a person's death; ráða einum bana to plot a person's death. v. Grmm. R. A. 626.]
ræ-acute;d-bora, an; m. A counsellor; also translates consul :-- Ræ-acute;dbora consiliarius, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 22. Hé (the Messiah) biþ geháten wundorlíc, ræ-acute;dbora, strang God, Homl. Th. ii. 16, 7 : Dóm. L. 42, 38. Aðelwold ðe is mín ræ-acute;dbora a secretis noster Athelwoldus, Chart. Th. 241, 27 : Beo. Th. 2655; B. 1325. God næfþ næ-acute;nne ræ-acute;dboran, Ælfc. T. Grn. 24, 24. Hí hæfdon him Consulas ðæt wé cweðaþ Ræ-acute;dboran, Jud. Thw. p. 161, 22. Seó geræ-acute;dnes ðe Angelcynnes witan and Wealhþeóde ræ-acute;dboran gesetton, L. O. D. tit. ; Th. i. 352, 2. Ræ-acute;dboran jurisperiti, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 41. Rédboran, 112, 13. Ræ-acute;dborena juris peritorum, Hpt. Gl. 524, 68. Cf. ræ-acute;d-gifa.
ræ-acute;de (?), an; f. A reading, lesson :-- Ðiós rédo haec lectio, Lk. Skt. p. 11, 16. Ðió rédo quae lectio, 11, 5. Rédes lectionis, Mt. Kmbl. p. 10, 16. Ðara réda lectionum, 13, 13. Tó réde ad lectionem, Rtl. 126, 1. Hálige ræ-acute;dan (ræ-acute;dincge, MS. T.) hé sceal lustlíce gehýran, R. Ben. 18, 9.
-ræ-acute;de. v. ge-ræ-acute;de; n.
ræ-acute;de; adj. Ready, prompt :-- On hwan mæg se iunga on gódne weg riht[r]an ne (ðe ?) ræ-acute;dran ræ-acute;d gemittan ðonne hé ðíne wísan word gehealde in quo corrigit junior viam sitam? in custodiendo sermones tuos, Ps. Th. 118, 9. Ræ-acute;dan (?) biionges exercitationis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 59. v. ge-ræ-acute;de, ræ-acute;de-gafol, ræ-acute;de-sceamol, ræ-acute;dness.
ræ-acute;de; adj. Mounted :-- Ræ-acute;dum here equitatu, Hpt. Gl. 525, 25. v. ræ-acute;de-cempa, -here, -mann.
ræ-acute;de-cempa, an; m. A mounted soldier :-- Ræ-acute;dewíga vel [ræ-acute;de] -cempa equester, qui equitat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 66. v. ræ-acute;de-here.
ræ-acute;de-gafol, es; n. Rent that can be paid all at once, as opposed to rent that is discharged by service rendered, and consequently takes time for its payment :-- Gif mon geþingaþ gyrde landes oððe máre tó ræ-acute;degafole and geereþ gif se hláford him wile ðæt land áræ-acute;ran tó weorce and tó gafole ne þearf hé him onfón gif hé him nán botl ne selþ if a man takes a yard of land or more at a fixed rent and ploughs it, if the lord wants to get service as well as rent, the tenant need not take the land, if the lord does not give him a dwelling, L. In. 67; Th. i. 146, 3. [Cf. Icel. reiðu-penningar ready money.]
ræ-acute;de-here, es; m. A mounted force, cavalry :-- Ræ-acute;dehere cerethi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 76 : cerethei, 130, 15. Of rádehere equitatu, Hpt. Gl. 525, 25. Alexandres næs ná má geslægen ðonne hundtwelftig on ðæm ræ-acute;dehere in exercitu Alexandri centum et viginti equites defuere, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 124, 21. Æ-acute;gðer ge an gangehere ge on ræ-acute;dehere (rád-, MS. C.), 4, 1; Swt. 154, 24. Earnulf gefeaht wið ðæm ræ-acute;dehere (ráde-, MS. B.: rád-, MS. D.), Chr. 891; Erl. 88, 2.
ræ-acute;delle. v. next word.
ræ-acute;dels, es; m.: e; f.: ræ-acute;delse, ræ-acute;delle (?), an; f. I. counsel, consideration :-- Seó rédelse and ðæt geþeaht úrra feónda geteorode, Ps. Th. 9, 6. II. debate, speech in council (v. ræ-acute;dan, II b) :-- Ræ-acute;delse concionis, locutionis, Hpt. Gl. 461, 4. III. conjecture, imagination, interpretation (v. ræ-acute;dan, VI a) :-- Ræ-acute;swung vel ræ-acute;dels conjecture, i. opinatio, estimatio, interpretatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 53. Ðeáh se leása wéna and sió ræ-acute;delse ðara dysigena monna tiohhie ðæt se anweald síe ðæt héhste gód (hominum fallax opinio), Bt. 27, 3; Fox 98, 32. Eall ðis ðú gerehtest tó sóðe swíðe gesceádwíslíce búton æ-acute;lcre leásre ræ-acute;delsan haec nullis extrinsecus sumtis, sed altero ex altero fidem trahente, insitis domesticisque probationibus explicabas, 35, 5; Fox 164, 31. Hræ-acute;delse conjectura, argumentatione, Hpt. Gl. 443, 19. Of ræ-acute;delse conjectura, 460, 11. III a. the imaginative faculty :-- Hé (man) hine ongit þurh his ræ-acute;delsan (imaginatio) synderlíce, þurh his gesceádwísnesse (ratio) synderlíce, Bt. 41, 5; Fox 252, 19. IV. a dark saying, enigma, riddle :-- Ræ-acute;dels aenigma, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 1; Som. 8, 23. Hé ásette ræ-acute;dels ðus cweðende : Swá hwilc man swá mínne ræ-acute;dels riht áræ-acute;de onfó se mýnre dohtor tó wífe, and se ðe hine misræ-acute;de, sý hé beheáfdod, Ap. Th. 3, 8-11. The riddle is given on p.4. Ða clamme ðe ða ræ-acute;dellan (ræ-acute;delsan ?) wið rýnemenn heáld, Exon. Th. 423, 31; Rä. 43, 13. Ic sprece tó him openlíce næs þurh rédelsas (per aenigmata; dark speeches, A. V.), Num. 12, 8. [Wick. redels : Piers P. redel, ridel : Prompt. Parv. rydyl or probleme enigma : M. H. Ger. rátsal : M. L. Ger. rédelse.] v. ræ-acute;sele.