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ribb-spácan; pl. n. 'Rib-spokes,' the brisket (?) [cf. Icel. bring-spelir 'breast-rails,' the brisket or part where the lower ribs are joined with the cartilago ensiformis] :-- Ribbspácan radiolus, Wrt. i. 283. 47.

Ríc-, -ríc = ríce, q. v. are found in English, as in other dialects, helping to form proper names. For a list of such names see Txts. pp. 629-630, and for O. H. Ger. Graff ii. 389.

ríca, an; m. A powerful person, ruler :-- Feórðan dæ-acute;les ríca tetrarcha, Lk. Skt. 3, 1 : 9, 7. Nán ðara cyninga ðe cumaþ æfter mé, oððe ealdorman oððe óðer ríca, Chart. Th. 243, 13. Wulf biþ se unrihtwísa ríca ðe bereáfaþ ða eádmódan, Homl. Th. i. 242, 3. Hé nolde ólæcan æ-acute;nigum rícan mid geswæ-acute;sum wordum, ii. 514,13. Ðonne gesihst ðú ða unrihtwísan cyningas and ða ofermódan rícan bión swíðe unmihtige, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 27. v. fyðer-, land-ríca, ríce.

rícceter. v. ríceter.

ríce; adj. I. of persons, (a) powerful, mighty, great, possessed of power :-- Oft gebyreþ ðæm monþwæ-acute;ran ðonne hé wierð riéce (ríce, Cott. MSS.) ofer óðre menn nonnunquam mansueti, cum praesunt, Past. 40, 1; Swt. 287, 23. Freá ælmihtig biþ á ríce ofer heofonstólas heágum þrymmum, Cd. Th. 1, 14; Gen. 7. Ríce þeóden (God), 53, 21; Gen. 864 : (Hygelac), Beo. Th. 2422; B. 1209. Ríce randwíga (Æschere), 2600; B. 1298. Ríce Drihten Dominus, Ps. Th. 96, 1. Wite se ríca man (vir potens) ðe him God hæfþ micelne welan and æ-acute;hta ðyses lífes tó forlæ-acute;ten, L. Ecg. C. 2; Th. ii. 136, 3. Hú mæg ðæ-acute;r ánes ríces monnes naman cuman ðonne ðæ-acute;r mon furþum ðære burge naman ne geheórþ ðe hé on hámfæst biþ, Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 2. Ríccræ wífe hrægl regillum vel peplum vel pella vel amiculum, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 32. Hé næ-acute;nigum rícum men æ-acute;fre æ-acute;nig feoh syllan wolde nullam potentibus saeculi pecuniam umquam dare solebat, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 12. Drihten ne wandaþ for rícum ne for heánum Dominus personam non accipit, Deut. 10, 17. Ne dém nán unriht ne árwurða ðone rícan non injuste judicabis nec honores vultum potentis, Lev. 19, 15. Áhóf ic rícne (riicnæ, Ruth. Cross) cyning (Christ), Rood Kmbl. 88; Kr. 44. Se cyning and se bisceop and monige óðre æ-acute;fæste weras and ríce rex cum antistite et aliis religiosis ac potentibus viris, Bd. 4, 28 ; S. 606, 12. Guman ríce and heáne men, great and small, Exon. Th. 415, 18; Rä. 33, 13. Rícera potentum, Wülck. 253, 29. Ríccra gesetnes senatus consultum, Wrt. Voc. i. 20, 66. Ríccra manna need vis potestatis, 21, 28. Him mon þyngode tó ðám rícum (the judges), Bt. 38, 7; Fox 208, 29. Hé áwearp ða rícan (potentes) of setle, Lk. Skt. 1, 52. Hé (God) hæfþ næ-acute;nne rícran, ne furþum næ-acute;nne gelícan, Bt. 42; Fox 258, 5. Gyf ðú ðæt geræ-acute;dest ðe hér rícost eart if you decide on this who are here in command, Byrht. Th. 132. 55; By. 36. Wæs Alexandreas ealra rícost monna cynnes, Exon. Th. 319, 21; Víd. 15. Monege óðre ðe of Macedonian rícoste wæ-acute;ron multi Macedoniae principes, Ors. 3, 9; Swt. 130, 24. Hé hér ácwellan ða rícostan witan and ða æðelestan, Met. 9, 25. (b) rich, possessed of wealth :-- Eáðere ys olfende tó farenne þurh næ-acute;dle þyrel ðonne se ríca and se welega on Godes ríce gá facilius est camelum per foramen acus transire quam divitem intrare regnum Dei, Mk. Skt. 10, 25. Ðá ðá se Hæ-acute;lend spræc be ðam rícan, ðá cwæþ hé : 'Sum ríce man wæs' ... Cúð is eów ðæt se ríca biþ namcúðre on his leóde ðonne se þearfa, Homl. Th. i. 330, 3-6. 'Hé forlét ða rícan ídele.' Ðæt sind ða rícan ða ðe mid módignysse ða eorþlícan welan lufiaþ swíðor ðonne ða heofonlícan. Fela ríccra manna geþeóþ Gode, ðæra ðe swá dóþ. Swá swá hit áwriten is : 'Ðæs rícan mannes welan sind his sáwle álýsednyss,' 204, 3-7. Be ríccera (rícra manna, W. F.) and þeárfena (bearna) andfenge. Gif hwylc ríce mon and æþelboren his bearn Gode on mynstre geoffrian wile, R. Ben. 103, 9-11. Rícra grundleás gítsung æ-acute;hta, Met. 7, 14. Rícum mannum divitibus, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 9. II. of things, strong, powerful, mighty, potent :-- Wæ-acute;ron hyra ræ-acute;das ríce, siððan hié rodera waldend wið ðone hearm gescylde, Cd. Th. 245, 3; Dan. 457. God rícum mihtum wolde ðæt him eorþe geseted wurde, 6, 34; Gen. 98. Gegníd swefl tó duste ... meng wið ealde sápan, and síe swefl rícra let the sulphur be the stronger ingredient, Lchdm. ii. 108, 16. Sió (jaundice) biþ ealra ádla rícust, 106, 20. [Goth. reiks mighty, powerful, having authority, great : O. Sax. ríki : O. Frs. ríke : O. H. Ger. ríhhe magnus, potens, magnificus, dives : Icel. ríkr. The word passed into the Romance tongues. Fr. riche : Ital. ricco : Span. rico; ricos omes the grandees.] v. med-, sige-, woruld-ríce.

ríce, es; n. I. power, authority, dominion, rule, empire, reign, (a) referring to sovereigns or nations :-- Tó becume ðín ríce adveniat regnum tuum, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 10. Biornwulfes ríce Mercna cyninges the reign of Biornwulf king of Mercia, Chart. Th. 70, 8. Ealle stærwríteras secgaþ ðæt Asiria ríce æt Ninuse begunne . . . From ðæm æ-acute;restan geáre Ninuses ríces óþðæt Babylonia burg getimbred wæs wæ-acute;ron lxiiii wintra

. . . ðý ilcan geáre gefeóll Babylonia and eall Asiria ríce and hiora anwald, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 60, 25-32, Wæs Maximianes ríce brád, Exon. Th. 243, 10; Jul. 8. Ríces imperii, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 42. Wihtræ-acute;de ríxigendum ðé fíftan wintra his ríces, L. Wih. prm.; Th. i. 36, 5. Under fíftiga cyninga ríce, Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 42, 4. Tó ríce fón to become king, assume the royal authority, 4, 6; Swt. 178, 19 : Chr. 675; Erl. 36, 10 : 754; Erl. 48, 17. Hér Certic and Kynríc onféngon West-Seaxna ríce . . . and siððan ríxadon West-Seaxna cynebarn of ðam dæge, 519; Erl. 15, 24. Hér Ceadwalla ongan æfter ríce winnan, 685; Erl. 40, 16. On ðæs cyninges ríce foreweardum cujus regni principio, Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 24. Ðú ealle cyningas ða ðe on Breotene wæ-acute;ron æ-acute;r ðé in mihte and on ríce (potestate) oferstígest, 2, 12; S. 514, 9. Ymb xxxi wintra ðæs ðe hé ríce hæfde after he had, reigned thirty-one years, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 26. Wé witon ðæt ealle onwealdas from him sindon wé witon eác ðæt ealle ríca sint from him forðon ealle onwealdas of ríce sindon. Nú hé ðara læssena ríca reccend is hú micle swíðor wéne wé ðæt hé ofer ða máran síe omnem potestatem a Deo esse (omnes) recognoscunt. Quod si potestates a Deo sunt, quanto magis regna, a quibus reliquae potestates progrediuntur? Si autem regna diversa, quanto aequius regnum aliquod maximum, Ors. 2, 1; Swt. 58, 23-26. (b) referring to others in authority (bishops, consuls, etc.) :-- Biscepes burgbryce mon sceal bétan, ðæ-acute;r his ríce biþ where he has jurisdiction, L. In. 45; Th. i. 130, 8. Brihtwold biscop féng tó ðam ríce (biscopstóle, MS. F.) on Wiltúnscíre Brihtwold became bishop of Wiltshire, Chr. 1006; Erl. 140, 2. Ðæt is ðæt hí (men) swíðost wilniaþ tó begitanne, wela and weorðscipe and ríce, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 86, 28. Nán man for his ríce ne cymþ tó cræftunt ac for his cræftum he cymþ tó ríce and tó anwealde, 16, 1; Fox 50, 20-22. Hwi ðú (Boethius) swá manigfeald yfel hæfdest on ðam ríce ðe hwíle ðe ðú hit hæfdest, 27, 2; Fox 96, 13. Ne forsáwe hé (Catullus) nó ðone óðerne (Nonium in curuli sedentem) swá swíðe, gif hé nán ríce ne næ-acute;nne anweald næfde, 27, 1; Fox 96, 7. Biþ æ-acute;lc dysig mon ðý unweorðra ðe hé máre ríce hæfþ, 27, 2; Fox 98, 11. II. the district in which power is exercised, a kingdom, realm, a diocese :-- Biscop episcopus; bisceopscír vel biscopríc dioecesis; cyncg rex; ríce regnum, Wrt. Voc. i. 42, 2-6. Eal ðæt ríce wiðgeondan Jordanem omnis regio circum Jordanen, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 5. Gif him ðæt ríce losaþ if heaven be lost to them, Cd. Th. 28, 12; Gen. 434. Hú mihtest ðú sittan onmiddum gemæ-acute;num ríce (intra commune omnibus regnum) ðæt ðú ne sceoldest ðæt ilce geþolian ðæt óðre men, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 22, 17. Danaus, of his ríce ádræ-acute;fed regno pulsus, Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 40, 17. Eall Italia ríce ðæt is betwux ðám muntum and Sicilia ðam eálonde, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 4. Ðá férde ðeós spæ-acute;c embe eall ðæt ríce (regionem), Lk. Skt. 7, 17. Hé wealdeþ sídum rícum, Ps. Th. 71, 8. Of rícum (regionibus) hé gaderode hig, Ps. Spl. 106, 2. Se deófol æteówde him ealle middangeardes rícu, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 8. Ða heofonlícan ríco, Bd. 5, 19; S. 641, 15. Ða écan ríceo, 2, 5; S. 507, 7. II a. the people inhabiting a district, a nation :-- Cumaþ folc feorran tógædere and rícu eác, Ps. Th. 101, 20. [Goth. reiki power, authority : O. Sax. ríki : O. Frs. ríke : O. H. Ger. ríhhi regnum, imperium, regio : Icel. ríki.] v. abbod-, bisceop-, brego-, bryten-, cyne-, eard-, eást-, eorþ-, éðel-, fæder-, gum-, heofon-, þrym-, west-, woruld-ríce.

ríce-dóm, es; n. Power, rule, dominion :-- Ðín rícedóm ofer ús ríxie 'thy kingdom come,' Wulfst. 125, 9. [O. Sax. ríki-dóm power : O. Frs. ríke-dóm : O. H. Ger. ríhhi-tuom imperium; divitiae : Icel. rík-dómr power; wealth.]

rícels, ricene, ricenlíce. v. récels, recene, recenlíce.

rícen[n], e; f. A female endowed with power, a goddess :-- Rícenne Diane, Wrt. Voc. ii. 26, 76 : 86, 63.

ríceter[e], es; n. I. power, dominion, rule, greatness, glory :-- Rícceter gloria, Germ. 389, 41. Wé ne sceolon ða rícan for heora ríccetere wurðian we are not to honour the great ones for their greatness, Homl. Th. i. 128, 22. Ðam láreówe gedafenaþ ðæt hé hogie hú manegra manna sáwle hé mæ-acute;ge Gode gestrýnan ... ná hú micel hé mæ-acute;ge mid his rícetere him tó geteón it behoves the teacher to strive how many men's souls he can gain for God, not how much he can draw to himself by his power, ii. 532, 30. Gyf kyng mid his ríccetere his folc ofsit, ðon biþ hé tyrannus, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 20; Som. 51, 47 : Homl. Th. i. 242, 4. Wite se abbod, ðæt hé ða gýmenne ðara untrumra sáula tó rihtre lácnunge underféng, and ná for rícetere ðe hé ofer ða hæbbe ðe hále syndon, R. Ben. 51, 12. Ne ongyte wé ðæt ðæ-acute;r æ-acute;nigra háda andfencg wæ-acute;re, ðæt is ðæt æ-acute;nig be líues rícetere, ac æ-acute;lc be his neóde and untrumnesse ancnáwen wæ-acute;re we do not understand that in this case there was any acceptance of persons, that is that recognition was made of any one in proportion to the greatness of his position in life, but of each according to his need and weakness, 57, 21. Smeáge se abbod hú hé swíðor ðám sáwlum fremian mæ-acute;ge, ðonne hé hogige embe rícitere his andwealdes, 118, 21. Hríceter monarchium, principatum, regnum, Hpt. Gl. 414, 17. Ríciter, 422, 26 : 511, 11. Rícetere &l-bar; ealdordóm, 453, 41 : 465. 26. Ríceter potentiam, Blickl. Gl. Ðone ealdordóm and ðæt ríceter ðe se reccere for monigra monna þearfe underféhþ hé hine sceal eówian útan, Past. 17, 7; Swt. 119, 61. Hé dyde him ðæt ríoeter tó sida and tó gewunan ministerium regiminis vertit in usum dominationis, 17, 9; Swt. 121, 19. II. power improperly used, violence, force :-- Hé (Lucifer) wolde mid ríccetere him ríce gewinnan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 42. Ðæt nán ðara cyninga ðe cumaþ æfter mé oððe ealdorman oððe óðer ríca mid æ-acute;nigum ríccetere oððe unrihte ðiss ne áwende, Chart. Th. 243, 13 : Homl. Th. i. 82, 21. Hú mæg, oððe hú dear æ-acute;nig láwede man him tó geteón þurh ríccetere Cristes wican ? ii. 592, 27.