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telga, an; m. A branch, bough, (a) literal :-- Telge ramus, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 32: Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 28. Telgan fronde, Wrt. Voc. ii. 33, 60. Telgan virgultum, i. 39, 17. Unberende telgan spadones, 38, 8. Telgan gehladene, Exon. Th. 202, 28; Ph. 76. Telgu rami, Mk. Skt. Rush. 13, 28. Telgena palmitum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 34. Telgum gescafenum corticibus, Hpt. Gl. 412, 41. Balzamum of ðæra treówa telgan (ramis) weól, Nar. 26, 21. Blæ-acute;da on treówes telgum, Cd. Th. 55, 10; Gen. 892: 88, 24; Gen. 1470: Exon. Th. 210, 19; Ph. 188. Beorc byþ on telgum wlitig, Runic pm. Kmbl. 342, 30; Rún. 18: Ps. Th. 57, 8: 103, 16. Telgo frondes, Mk. Skt. Lind. 11, 8: ramos, 4, 32. Genim ðysse wyrte (yarrow) telgan, Lchdm. i. 198, 12 note. ¶ In the following passage Kemble and Leo take the word as meaning a strip of land (fallow), but as such a strip of land if fallow one year would not be so the next, its designation as the fallow strip would hardly serve the purpose of marking a boundary. Telga might rather refer to a branch distinguishable from the loss of its bark :-- Andlang stræ-acute;te on ðone calewan telgan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 258, 7. See iii. xxxix, and Leo, Place Names, p. 66. (b) figurative :-- Hé bær ða wæ-acute;tan ðære uncyste in ðæm telgan, ðone hé geteáh æ-acute;r of ðan wyrtruman, Bd. 1, 27; M. 82, 14. Wr-ohtes telgan, Cd. Th. 61, 3; Gen. 991. Ealle ða telgan ðú gebræ-acute;ddest extendisti palmites ejus, Ps. Th. 79, 11. Telgo míno ramos meos, Rtl. 68, 32. v. wudu-telga; telgor, telgra.

telgan to dye [ :-- Getelged oððe gedeágod colerata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 14. Getelgode fucate, getelgod fucatum, 33, 58, 59. Getælged colerata, fucata, 134, 35.] v. twi-telged; telgung.

telg-berend that which produces a dye :-- Tæl(g)berend ostriger, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 72. v. telg.

telge (?) :-- On xiiii nihte mónan is gód æ-acute;lc telge tó anginnanne, Lchdnr, iii. 178, 31. Cockayne refers the word to telg and translates dyeing; but the passage at 190, 21, in which the same date is said to be 'eallum gód þingum gód' suggests a different meaning. The forms of the whole piece are corrupt.

telgian; p. ode To put forth shoots, to flourish :-- Treów telgade tír welgade good faith flourished, glory abounded, Exon. Th. 353, 57; Reim. 34.

telgor, tealgor, es; m.: e; f. A plant, shoot, twig :-- On ðam dæge ðe God geworhte æ-acute;lcne telgor on eorðan (omne virgultum agri), Gen. 2, 5. Telgre vimen, Engl. Stud. xi. 67, 95. Gif hwá mid him ðysse wyrte (verbascum) áne tealgre byrþ, ne biþ hé bréged mid æ-acute;nigum ógan, Lchdm. ii. 176, 3. Tealgras propagines, Blickl. Gl. Ðeós wyrt (wild gourd) wið ða eorðan hyre telgra tóbræ-acute;deþ, Lchdm. i. 324, 3 note. [Icel. tjálgr; n. a prong.] v. next word.

telgra, an; m. A shoot, branch, twig; sucker of a root :-- Telgra virgultum, Wrt. Voc. i. 80, 4. Telgra ramus (fici), Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 24, 32. Dó on ánne telgran (morbeámes), Lchdm. i. 332, 22. Of ánum stelan manega telgran weaxaþ, 276, 22. Ða telgran (ðæs wyrttruman), 318, 10. Telegran antes, virgultus, Hpt. Gl. 496, 71. Telgrum viminibus, virgulis, 483, 58: ramis, Mt. Kntbl. Rush. 13, 32. Telgran ramos, 21, 8: surculos, virgulta, Hpt. Gl. 433, 47. Genim ðysse wyrte (yarrow) telgran, Lchdnr. i. 198, 12. Ðeós wyrt (polium) of ánum wyrttruman manega telgran ásendeþ, 276, 8. Ðeós wyrt (wild gourd) wið ða eorðan hyre telgran tóbræ-acute;deþ, 324, 3.

telgung, e; f. Dyeing, or a dye :-- Te[l]ging tinctura (cf. deáh tinctura, 40, 39), Wrt. Voc. i. 32, 8. Telgung tinctorium, 289, 13. Telgunge tinctura, ii. 89, 28.

tellan; p. tealde; pp. teald: also forms as from telian occur: ic telge, hí teliaþ; p. telede; p. teled. I. to tell, narrate, recount, state a case :-- Þeáh ic hit lengre telle though I make my story longer, Chr. 1085; Erl. 218, 31. Dó ðæs lean tó ðám foresprecenan gódum ðe ic ðe æ-acute;r tealde on ðriddan béc, Bt. 37, 2; Fox 190, 2. Se sunderhálga tealde his gódan dæ-acute;da, swilce God hí nyste, Homl. Th. ii. 428, 18. Swegen tealde ðæt his sciperes woldon wændon fram him Swegen told (Beorn) that his (Swegen's) men would desert him (Swegen), Chr. 1046; Erl. 174, 13. Dauid tealde his ungelimp, and hú hé hine gebæd tó Gode, Ps. Th. 34, arg. Ða ungewideruuge ðe cómon swá wé beforan tealdon, Chr. 1086; Erl. 219, 33. Hí tealdon him (Constantine) ða þrowunga ðe úre Hæ-acute;lend ðrowode, H. R. 5, 21. Telle (narres) ðínum suna hú oft ic hæbbe fordón ða Egiptiscan, Ex. 10, 2. Ute nú tellan (let us state the case) beforan swilcum déman swilce ðú wille quovis judice contende, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 6. Ús sceamaþ hit nú máre tó tellanne we are ashamed to tell any more of the matter, Chr. 1050; Erl. 175, 39: 1085; Erl. 218, 35. II. to tell, count, reckon, compute, calculate :-- Hé teleþ (computat) ða andfengas ðe hine behéfe synt, Lk. Skt. 14, 28. Hé ne telþ hú miccle spéda wé áspendon, Homl. Th. i. 580, 17. Se láreów Béda telþ mid micclum gesceáde ðæt se dæg is xii. KL. Aprilis, 100, 13. 'Telle (numera) æ-acute;lcne wépnedman' ... Moises tealde (numeravit), Num. 3, 15, 16. Eallum ðe ðara cyninga tiide teledon cunctis regum tempora computantibus, Bd. 3; 1; M. 154, 10. Hí hluton, teledon they cast lots and counted, Andr. Kmbl. 2207; An. 1105. Tele nú ða lenge ðære hwíle, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 6. Tele ðú ða gesæ-acute;lþa wiþ ðám sorgum strike a balance between the happiness and cares, 8, tit.; Fox x, 22. Tele ðú ðæs mónan elde kl. Ian. ód ðæt ðú cume tó þrittiga; fóh eft on ðone níwan, tele óð týne starting from Jan. 1 with the number that marks the age of the moon on that day, count up to thirty; begin then with the new moon, and count up to ten (the next Sunday after the date so reached will be Septuagesima Sunday), Lchdm. iii. 226, 30-228, 2. Telle ðæ-acute;s steorran numera stellas, Gen. 15, 5: Num. 1, 2, 3. III. to reckon, account, consider, (a) with an object having a noun, adjective, or phrase in apposition, to consider a thing such and such :-- Hwam telle ic (aestimabo) ðás cneórysse gelíce? Mt. Kmbl. 11, 16: Lk. Skt. 7, 31. Ic Heaþobeardna hyldo ne telee Denum unfæ-acute;cne, Beo. Th. 4141; B. 2067. Æ-acute;gleáwra mann ðonne ic mé tælige, Andr. Kmbl. 2967; An. 1486. Cyn ðara ðe hý ánsetlan teliaþ; R. Ben. 135, 4. Ic ðæt wénde and witod tealde, ðæt..., Exon. Th. 264, 1; Jul. 357. Ðone ic on firenum fæstne talde, Elen. Kmbl. 1815; El. 909. Ic mé æ-acute;nigne ... gesacan ne tealde, Beo. Th. 3551; B. 1773. ' Suá suá Saul æ-acute;resð fleáh ðæt ríce said tealde hine selfne his suíðe unwierðne sic Saul, qui indignum se prius considerans fugerat, Past. 3; Swt. 35, 14: Bd. 3, 14; S. 539, 42: Beo. Th. 1592; B. 794: 3625. B. 1810. Gif se sacerd hine hreófligne tealde, Homl. Th. i. 124, 9. Hí hine oferhýdigne tealdon eum notantes superbiae, Bd. 2, 2; S. 503, 16. Hine Geáta bearn gódne ne tealdon, Beo. Th. 4375; B. 2184. Forcúþre is ðæt hé telle hine wísne, Wulfst. 59, 5. Ne mæg heó ús leáse tellan mendacii arguere nos non potest, Gen. 38, 23. Hine sylf ofer ealle men tellan, Chr. 1086; Erl. 222, 37. (b) with an object and prepositional phrase, to consider as (tó, for, on) :-- Ne telle ic eów tó ðeówan non dico vos servos, Jn. Skt. 15, 15. Wé ðæt sylfe sár and wíte hyre on synne tellaþ ipsam ei poenam suam in culpam deputamus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 493, 25. Hig tellaþ mín wedd for náht irritum facient pactum meum, Deut. 31, 20. Ic ðá geþeóde tó micclan gesceáde telede, Lchdm. iii. 442, 5. For náhte hé tealde æ-acute;nig ðing tó biddenne búton gesihðe, Homl. Th. i. 158, 21. On bócum ðe ungelæ-acute;rede men þurh heora bilewitnysse tó micclum wísdóme tealdon in books which unlearned men in their simplicity have considered as great wisdom, 2, 22. Ðonne on úrum móde biþ ácenned sum ðing gódes, and wé ðæt tó weorce áwendaþ, ðonne sceole wé ðæt tellan tó Godes gyfe, and ðæt Gode betæ-acute;can consider it as God's grace, and attribute it to God, 138, 23. Nis nú anweald tó tellanne tó sumum ðara héhsténa góda? ... hwæðer nú gód hlísa sié for náuht tó tellenne? Nis hit nán cyn, ðæt mon ðæt for náuht telle, Bt. 24, 4; Fox 86, 14-19. Se untweofealda biþ tó tellenne for fullfremod weorc, 36, 7; Fox 184, 24. (c) with a clause :-- Hé tealde and wénde ðæt hé sceolde ða byldo his heortan ánescian autumans se cordis ejus emollere constantiam, Bd., 1, 7; S. 477, 43. Mid ðý hé tealde and hé wénde ðæt hé sweltan sceolde cum se aestimasset esse moriturum, 3, 27; S. 558, 41: Cd. Th. 87, 3; Gen. 1443. Hú ne tealdan wit ðætte genyht wæ-acute;re gesæ-acute;lþa nonne in beatitudine sufficientiam numeravimus? Bt. 35, 3; Fox 158, 12. Swá ðætte monige tealdon (putarent), ðæt heó gehæ-acute;led beón mihte, Ed. 4, 19; S. 589, 3: Blickl. Homl. 117, 16. IV. to impute to (dat. or prep.), ascribe, assign, put a thing to a person's account :-- Telle ic ða weorþmynd ðæm wyrhtan næs ná ðé ingenium mirabor artificis, Bt. 14, 1; Fox 42, 18. Crist tealde ealne his wurðmynt tó his Fæder, Homl. Th. ii. 366, 16. Se wer ðam ðe ne tealde (imputavit) Drihten synne, Ps. Lamb. 31, 2. Ðæt ilce gér tó ðæs afterfylgendan cyninges ríce teledon idem annus sequentis regis regno adsignaretur, Bd. 3, 1; M. 154, 12. Hí ealne ðone bryce uppon ðone cyng tealdon (cf. O. Sax. tellian an to charge; Icel. telja á: see also on-talu) they put all the breach of faith upon the king, Chr. 1094; Erl. 230, 4. Ne tele ðú him ðis synn ne statuas illis hoc peccatum, Rtl. 44, 15. Telle hé ðæt Gode, næs him sylfum, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 18. His niéhstena gód hé sceal tellan him selfum he is to reckon as an item in the account of his own prosperity that of his neighbour; sua commoda propinquorum bona deputare debet, Past. 13; Swt. 79, 1. Se fulla anweald is tó tellanne tó ðám héhstum gódum complete power is to be assigned to the class of highest goods, Bt. 36, 7; Fox 184, 9. [O. Sax. tellian: O. Frs. tella: O. H. Ger. zellen; p. zalta, zelita numerare, computare, reputare, dicere, referre, narrare, notare, tribuere: Icel. telja.] v. á-, be-, ge-, tó-tellan; talian.

télnis, telo, teltré, tém, -téma, téman, -téme, témen. v. tæ-acute;lness, tela, teld-treów, team, -tíma, tíman, -tíme, tímen.

Temes, Temese the Thames. In the declension both weak and strong forms are found. [In Latin, nom. Temis, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 30, 12, Temes, ii. 23, 12: gen. Tamisae, i. 98, 1: dat. Taemise, 216, 25: acc. Tamesim Bd. 1, 2; S. 42, 34 may be cited] :-- Neáh ðære ié ðe mon hæ-acute;t Temes (Temese, MS. C.) ad flumen Tamesim, Ors. 5, 12; Swt. 238, 22. Sý eá hátte Temese, Chr. Erl. 5, 11. Ymbe heora landgemæ-acute;ra: andlang Temese (on Temese, 8), L. A. G. 1; Th. i. 152, 18. Út on Temese; ðonne ondlong Temese, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 438, 3-4. Fóron be Temese ... be norþan Temese, Chr. 894; Erl. 92, 14, 20. Hí tugon hira scipu up on Temese, 895; Erl. 93, 31. Hí námon him wintersetl on Temesan and lifedon of Eást-Seaxum, 1009; Erl. 143, 4.