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oft ámirreþ monnes mód, ðæt hé ne mæg ðæt riht tócnáwan, Prov. Kmbl. 28 : Homl. Th. i. 108, 23. Geseón and tócnáwan æ-acute;gðer ge gód ge yfel to see good and evil and know the difference between them, 18, 4. Heora nán ne cúðe óðres spræ-acute;ce tócnáwan not one of them could understand another's speech, 318, 20. Heó ða mód ðé geopenaþ ðínra freónda and eác ðínra feónda, ðæt ðú hié miht swutele tócnáwan . . . Mid hú micelan feó woldest ðú habban geboht, ðæt ðú swutole mihtest tócnáwan ðíne frínd and ðíne fýnd, Bt. 20 ; Fox 72, 13-21. Hí cræftas and upþeiwas ne cunnon tócnáwan they cannot distinguish virtues and vices, 36, 6 ; Fox 180, 30. Læ-acute;cas cunnon æ-acute;lces medtrumnesse ongitan and tócnáwan medicus aegritudinis modum dignoscit, 39, 9; Fox 226, 17. Priscianus segþ ðæt man sceal tócnáwan æ-acute;lces dæ-acute;les mihte and getácnunge and swá undergytan hwæt hé sý ná be ðære declinunge Priscian says, that we must distinguish the force and signification of each part of speech, and in this way, not by the declension, understand what it is, Ælfc. Gr. 18 ; Zup. 111, 14. Nis nán ðing tócnáwen on soðre eáwfæstnesse, ðæt his láreówdóm ne gestaðelode. Homl. , Th. i. 392, 18. (2) with acc. and appositive adjective :-- Wé tócnáwaþ his ríce and úre ríce ðæ-acute;r áwritene, ðæ-acute;r wé æ-acute;r swilce be óðrum mannum gereccednesse ræ-acute;ddon we discern his kingdom and our kingdom there described, where before we read the account as if about other men, Homl. Th. ii. 64, 29. Ða tungelwítegan tócneówon Crist sóóne mann the astrologers discerned that Christ was really man, i. 106, 33 (3) with a clause :-- Gif wé gleáwlíce tócnáwaþ, ðæt se swymmenda arc getácnode Godes gelaðunge, Homl. Th. ii. 60, 2. On ðam múðe wé habbaþ swæcc, and tócnáwaþ hwæðer hit biþ ðe wered ðe biter ðæt wé ðicgaþ, 372, 29. Ðæt ðeós menigu tócnáwe, ðæt ðis hæ-acute;ðennyld deófles biggeng is, i. 72, 3. Hú mihte Adam tócnáwan hwæt hé wæ-acute;re, 14, 4. Tócnáwan. ðæt ús is twyfeald neód, ii. 284, 23: Lchdm. iii. 236, 10 : Homl. Ass. 107, 150. Ðus ðú miht tócnáwan, hwænne nama cymþ of worde, hwænne word of naman, Ælfc. Gr. 36 ; Zup. 216. 5.
tó-cnáwenness, e; f. Knowledge, discernment, understanding, knowledge which appreciates the difference between things :-- Ne sind hí ðrý Godas . . . ac seó Ðrynnys is án sóð God . . . Ðeós tócnáwennys is éce líf, Homl. Th. ii. 362, 32.
tó-cnyssan; p. te ; pp. ed To crush to pieces, smash, shatter :-- Ne forbrýte hé ná ðæt tócnysede hreód (arundinem quassatam), R. Ben. 121, 6. [O. H. Ger. ze-cnussen elidere. ]
tó-cumende ; adj. (ptcpl.) Coming to a strange place, strange, foreign :-- Hé for Godes lufon eode tó reordum mid ðám tócumendum mannum for the love of God he took his meals with the strangers who came, Shrn. 129, 27.
tó-owæstedness, e; f. Destruction :-- Geswác tócwæstednys (-cwestedness, Ps. Lamb. ) cessavit quassatio, Ps. Spl. 105, 29. [Cf. Goth. kwistjan to destroy; kwisteins destruction : Dan. kvæste to hurt.]
tó-cwecþan, p. -cwæþ, pl. -cwæ-acute;don; pp. -cweden To forbid, prohibit:- Wé nellaþ secgan . . . for ðan ðe hyt tócwæ-acute;don ða wísan láreówas, and . . . ða hálgan bóceras forbudon tó secgenne, Homl. Ass. 24, 7. Tócwedene interdicta, prohibita, Hpt. Gl. 421, 77. Wé forbeódaþ ordál and áðas (ordál and áðas æ-acute;fre syndan tócwedene, MS. B. ) freólsdagum, Wulfst. 117, 14. Ordál and ádas and wífunga æ-acute;fre sindan tócwedene heáhfreólsdagum, L. Eth. vi. 25 ; Th. i. 320, 24 : v. 18 ; Th. i. 308, 24 : L. E. G. 9; Th. i. 172, 10. Cf. L. C. E. 17 ; Th. i. 370, 2.
tó-cwilman; p. de To afflict grievously, torment :-- Ða druncengeornan ná ðæt án ðæt hí on ðam tóweardan life mid écum tintregum tócwylmede synt, ac eác hý synt on ðisum andweardan lífe mid mænigfealdum untrumnyssum gewæ-acute;hte, Homl. Ass. 146, 56.
tó-cwísan; p. de To shatter, break to pieces, crush, bruise :-- Ic tó-cwýse quasso, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Zup. 137, 10. Ic tócwýse quatio, tócwýsde quassi, tócwýsed quassum, 28, 4 ; Zup. 169, 6. Ofer ðæne ðe hé fylþ hé tócwýst (comminuei], Lk. Skt. 20, 18. Tðcwiésð, Ps. Lamb. 28, 6. Hé tócwýseþ heáfdu conquassabit capita, 109, 6. Gimstánas tócwýsau. Homl. Th. i. 60, 24. Ðá wolde hé án eald hús tócwýsan he wanted to demolish an old house, ii. 510, 12. Ætslád se hálga wer . . . swá ðæt hé forneán eal wearð tócwýsed, 512, 12. Sum cild beam under cínom yrnendum hweóle and wearð tó deáðe tócwýsed, 26, 25 : 166, 20. Tócwýsed hreód arundinem quassatam, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 20. Ðás gymstánas synd tócwýsede for ýdelum gylpe, Homl. Th. i. 62, 6. ¶ The word seems used with a passive force in the following passage :-- Feól se wáh uppan ðæs stuntan ræ-acute;dboran, þæt hé sell tócwýsde and sum óþer cniht samod, Homl. Skt. i. 8, 173.
tó-cwísedness, e; f. Crushed condition :-- Iohannes gegaderode ðæra gymstána bricas . . . Ðá fæ-acute;rlíce wurdon ða gymstánas swá ansumle, ðæt furðon nán lácen ðære æ-acute;rran tócwýsednesse næs gesewen that not even a trace of their having been crushed was visible, Homl. Th. i. 62, 16.
tó-cyme, es; m. A coming to a place, coming, approach, arrival, advent :-- Uncer efenþeówa uncet sceolde út álæ-acute;dan and uncer hláford ábád uncres tócymes, Homl. Ass. 206, 385. Æ-acute;r íære tíde his (an attack of convulsions) tócymes, Lchdm. i. 364, 16. Æ-acute;r Antecristes tócyme, Wulfst. 156, 7. Foran tó ðon tðcynie dómes dsges. Blickl. Homl. 35, 8. For Drihtnes cynedómes tócyme, 87, 5. Deáþ mid his dígelan tócyme, Homl. Ass. 54, 98. Gif se hírédes ealdor wiste ðæs ðeófes tócyme, 54, 100. Ðone tócyme ðæs Hálgan Gástes, Blickl. Homl. 131, 12. Foic sceal gefeón on ðone his (John the Baptist) tócyme, 167, 14. Se mæssepreóst, ðe se bisceop tó fundode . . . wyste his tócyme. Homl. Skt. i. 3, 471. Hú hwósta missenlíce on mon becume . . . Se hwósta hæfþ manigfealdne tó-cyme, Lchdm. ii. 56, 15. ¶ (l) the coming of Christ to the world, tie first or second Advent :-- Drihtnes tócyme is bis menniscnys. He com tó ús ðá ðá hé genam úre gecynd tó his Ælmihtigan Godcundnysse, Homl. Th. i. 600, 4. Swá byþ mannes Suna tócyme, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 27, 37, 39. Hwílc tácn sí ðínes tócymes, 24, 3. Ðes middangeard ðe hé mid his tócyme fram synnum gehæ-acute;lde, Homl. Ass. 47, 561. Ær Cristes tócyme, Blickl. Homl. 81, 27. Ða ðe Cristes tócyme wiston, 81, 10. Ða hálgan wítegan wítegodon æ-acute;gðer ge ðone æ-acute;rran tócyme on ðære ácennednysse, and eác ðone æftran æt ðam micclum dóme. Homl. Th. i. 600, 23. (a) the anniversary of Christ's coming, Advent :-- Ðeós tíd óð midne winter is gecweden Adventus Domini, ðæt is Drihtnes tócyme, Homl. Th. i. 600, 4. Ðú scealt healdan ðone tókyme mid ealre árwurðnesse. Lchdm. iii. 226, 7. [Efter Cristes tocyme, O. E. Homl. i. 89, II.] v. hider-tócyme.
tó-dæ-acute; l. v. tó-dál.
tó-dæ-acute;lan;p. de To divide, separate, distribute. I. in the following glosses :-- Ic tódæ-acute;le infindo, Engl. Stud. xi. 66, 49 : disclado, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 31. Ic tódæ-acute;le dispono, ii. 141, 45. Tódæ-acute;la findere, 37, 33. Tó-dæ-acute;íende discrepanles, 25, 60: dirimentes, 28, 52: diremtas, 28, 31: 27, 48. Tódæ-acute;led is dispertitus est, 26, 35 : 73, 26. Sient tódæ-acute;lede dirim-untw, 28, 53. Tódæ-acute;lede discretas, 28, 33. Tódæ-acute;ldum dilotis, 25, 49. Tódaeldurn, 106, 36. Tóscirid RUNE tódæ-acute;led summotwm. Hpt. Gl. 528, 12. II. to divide a whole into . parts, (l) trans. :-- Hé tódæ-acute;leþ hyne he shall cut him asunder (A. V.) ; dividet eum, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 51. Ðonne tódæ-acute;laþ hí his feoh on fíf oððe syx. Ors. I; Swt. 20, 27. Ðone ánne noman (woruld) ðú tódæ-acute;ldest on feówer gesceafta, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 28. Hé Reádne Sæ-acute; tódæ-acute;lde qui divisit Mare Rubrum in divisiones. Ps. Th. 135, 13. Hié heora here on tú tódæ-acute;ldon agmine diviso in duas partes, Ors. 10 ; Swt. 46, 16. Stánas bióþ earfoþe tó tðdæ-acute;lenne, Bt. 34, II; Fox 150, 24. On twá tedæ-acute;led ys intinga to syngienne bipertita est causa peccandi, Scint. 140, 13. Tódæ-acute;ldn wæteru divisas aquas, Past. 53 ; Swt. 413. 27. (2) intrans. :-- Hér tódæ-acute;lde se foresprecena here on tú, Chr. 885 ; Erl. 82, 19. ¶ figuratively, to destroy unity, make dissension in. v. tó-dæ-acute;l, VIII :-- Æ-acute;lc ríce on hyt sylf tódæ-acute;led byþ, tóworpen. Gyf Satanas is tódæ-acute;led on hine sylfne, hú stent his ríce? Bk. Skt. II, 17, 18. II a. to divide a whole by assigning the limits of the different parts :-- losue ðone eard gewann and ealne tódæ-acute;lde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 6, 8. Philippus and Herodes tódæ-acute;ldun Lysiam, and ludeám feówrícum tódæ-acute;ldun. Chr. 12 ; Erl. 6, 4. Ðá wearþ ðæt ríce tódæ-acute;led on .v., 887 ; Erl. 86, 1: 709 ; Erl. 42, 29. II b. to divide one number by another :-- Tó-dæ-acute;l ða twelf þurh fíf, Anglia viii. 328, 21: 304, 40. III. to divide one thing from another, part, separate, (a) trans. :-- Ðonne se líchama and seó sáwul hí tódæ-acute;leþ. Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 84, 13. Ðonne se earma líchama and seó wérige sáwul hí tótwæ-acute;maþ and tódæ-acute;laþ. Wulfst. 151, ll. On-gunnon ðæt monnes mágas hycgan, ðæt hý tó;dæ-acute;lden unc, Exon. Th. 442, 14; Kl. 12. Hí ne mágon beón tógædere genemnede, ac hí ne beóþ næ-acute;fre tódæ-acute;lede, Homl. Th. ii. 204, 28. (b) intrans. : -- Swá tódæ-acute;leþ se líchoma and seó sáwul, Wulfst. 149, 8. Næ-acute;fre leófe ne tódæ-acute;laþ ne láðe ne gemétaþ, 190, 2. IV. to scatter, disperse :-- Drihten hig tódæ-acute;lde of ðære stówe geond ealle eorðan the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth (A. V.), Gen. ii. 8. Hé tódæ-acute;lde ofermódan dispersit superbos, Lk. Skt. I. 51. Tódael hie dispertire eos, Ps. Surt. 16, 14. Tódæ-acute;lan heora geðeóde geond ðás woruld wíde, Ps. Th. 54, 8. Ealle his geféran ðurh óþre stówe tódæ-acute;lede wæ-acute;ron omnes socii per alia essent loca dispersi, Bd. 3, 27: S. 558, 37 : Gen. 10, 32. Wæ-acute;ron tódæ-acute;lede dispargerentur. Hpt. Gl. 518, 2. V. to destroy :-- Ealle dú his weallas wíde tódæ-acute;ldest destruxisti omnes macerias ejus. Ps. Th. 88, 33. Ne tódéldun (hí) ðeóde nou disperdiderunt gentes, Ps. Surt. log, 34. VI. to distribute, give away parts of a whole, v. tó-dál, VI :-- Ic tódæ-acute;le (do, Lk. 19, 8,) healfne dæ-acute;l mínra góda ðearfum, Homl. Th. i. 582, 2. Hé tódæ-acute;lþ his gife mannum, ii. 204, 10. Hé toclæ-acute;lþ his herereaf spolia ejus distribuit. Lk. Skt. ll, 22. Sume ealle hyra bearfum Godes todæ-acute;laþ quidam omnia sua pauperibus Dei dislribuunt, Scint. 58, 12. Tódæ-acute;lan werum tó wiste fæ-acute;ges flæ-acute;schoman, Andr. Kmbl. 303 ; An. 152. Tódélendes distribuentis (dona), Kent. Gl. 673. Hí wæ-acute;ron tódæ-acute;lende heora weoruldgód syndrigum mannum, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 19. VII. to divide into shares, to share :-- Sió sunne and se móna habbaþ tó-dæled butwuht him ðone dæg and ða niht swíþe emne, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 5. VIII. to divide, distinguish, separate, make a difference between :-- Hú wundorlíce Drihten tódæ-acute;lde ðæt Egiptisce folc and ðæt Israhélisce folc, Ex. 11, 7- Beó nú leóht on ðære heofenan fæstnysse and tódæ-acute;lon dæg and nihte, Gen. l, 14. Hit hafaþ hát baþo æ-acute;lcere yldo and háde ðurh tódæ-acute;lede stówe gescræ-acute;pe (per distincta loca accommodos). Bd. I. I; S. . 473, 22. IX. to be different, be distinguished from. v. tó-dál, V :-- Sacerd náht tóclæ-acute;lþ fram folce sacerdos nihil distal a populo, Scint. 123, 19. Swá micelum swá tódæ-acute;lan gewunaþ líf hyrdes fram hyrde quantum dktare solet uita pastoris a grege, 120, 17. X. to separate with the mind, discern, discriminate, distinguish, v. tó-dál, IX :-- Gif geþanc yfel frim gódum angytes mid gesceáde todæ-acute;lþ si mens mala a