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. . . wiþ his taskes he al toshok, Beves 742. With shaking shal be toshaken pees, Wick. Is. 24, 20. Wynde may the plantes bigge toshake, Pall. 52, 240. The word is used also intransitively:--All þe worlde shall toshake, Anglia iii. 546, 156.]

tó-sceácerian; p. ode To waste, devastate, scatter:--Nú is eall mín heord tósceácerod nunc omnis grex meus vastatus est; they were scattered (Ezek. 34, 5), L. Ecg. P. iii. 16; Th. ii. 202, 28. Ðá wurdon hí ealle ðearle áfyrhte, and heora gesomnunga ealle wurdon sóna tósceácerode then (at the coming of the emperor Decius) they (the Christians) were all very frightened, and their congregations were at once scattered, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 23. v. sceácere.

tó-sceád, es; n. I. a separating, distinguishing, distinction:--Ne sié fram abbode háda tósceád on mynstre gehealden non ab abbate persona in monasterio discernatur, R. Ben. 12. 7. Mid ðæs micelum dómes tósceáde cum magna examinis discussione, Anglia xiii. 375, 141. II. the faculty of distinguishing objects presented to the mind, discrimination, discerning:--Se Hálga Gást sylþ his gife ðám ðe hé wile. Sumum men hé forgifþ wítegunge, sumum tósceád gódra gásta and yfelra (to one is given by the Spirit prophecy; to another discerning of spirits (discretio spirituum), 1 Cor. 12, 10), Homl. Th. i. 322, 27. III. difference, diversity:--Hú micel scyle bión ðæt tósceád & hú mislíce mon scyle menn læ-acute;ran mid ðæm cræfte ðæs láreówdómes quanta debet esse diversitas in arte praedicationis, Past. 23; Swt. 173, 12. Biþ tósceád, swá swá se apostol sæ-acute;de: 'Stella ab stella differt in claritate,' Homl. Ass. 43, 486. Betwuh ðám þrím is swíþe micel tósceád, Bt. 42; Fox 256, 21. Dó sum tósceád betwuh mé and unrihtwísum folce discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, Ps. Th. 42, 1.

tó-sceádan, -scádan; p. -scéd, -sceád (in the Northern Gospels weak forms are found, and -sceádde occurs in Bede); pp. -sceáden. I. to divide in two, separate one thing from another, (1) literally, of local relations:--Swá swá sweord ða wunde tósceát on tú, Past. 60; Swt. 453, 17. Se streám tósceádeþ súþfolc Angelðeóde and norþfolc flumine meridiani et septentrionales Anglorum populi dirimuntur, Bd. 1, 25; S. 486, 17. Neáh ðam sæ-acute; ðe Engla land and Pehta land tósceádeþ in vicinia freti quod Anglorum terras Pictorumque disterminat, 4, 26; S. 602, 36. Hé tósceádes hiá betuih suá hiorde tósceádas scípo from ticgenum separabit eos ab invicem, sicut pastor segregat oves ab haedis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 25, 32. Ðætte God efne-gigedraþ monno ne tósceádeþ (tósceáda, Lind.) hé (separet), Mk. Skt. Rush. 10, 9. On ðæm dæge God tóscéd on twá eorðan and sæ-acute;, Shrn. 63, 24: 62, 35. Ðæt Severus onféng micelne dæ-acute;l Breotone and ðone mid díce tósceádde fram óþrum þeódum ut Severus receptam Brittaniae partem vallo a caetera distinxerit, Bd. 1, 5; S. 476, 3. Ðæt God gegeadrade monn ne tóslíte &l-bar; tósceáða (separet), Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 19, 6. Tóscádende segregans, Ps. Surt. 67, 10. Hé (the stream) on tú tósceáden wyrð, Met. 5, 18. Tóscáden, Wulfst. 26, 2. Ða syndon Temese streáme tósceádene fram Centlande, Bd. 2, 3; S. 504, 16. Tósceádenne mid Tréntan streáme wiþ Norþ-Myrcum discreti fluvio Treanta ab Aquilonalibus Mercis, 3, 24; S. 557, 37. .iiii. fýr nówiht miclum fæce betwyh him tósceáden quatuor ignes non multo ab invicem spatio distantes, 3, 19; S. 548, 10. (2) figuratively, (a) to divide into parties, cause division or dissension aminy:--Hé tiolode hié betwux him tó tóscádanne . . . swá hé tóscéd ðara éhtera ánmódnesse and Paulus com gesund ðonon inter semetipsos dividere studuit, quos contra se unitos vidit . . . facta in persecutorum unanimitate dissensio est, et divisa turba illaesus Paulus exivit, Past. 47; Swt. 363, 1-8. (b) to separate contending parties or claims, judge, decide between:--God stód godum on gemange, and hé hí on midle tósceádeþ (discernit; he judgeth among the gods, A. V.), Ps. Th. 81, 1. Ic ne séce mín wuldor, is swá ðeáh se ðe sécþ and tóscæ-acute;t (judicat, Jn. 8, 50), Homl. Th. ii. 232, 8. Tóscéd (sors inter potentes) dijudicat (Prov. 18, 18), Kent. Gl. 656. Tóscád decerne (quod justum est, Prov. 31, 9), 1134. Tósceád discerne i. dijudica, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 62. (c) to make a distinction between things, to distinguish, treat or regard differently:--Sóð lufu ne tóscæ-acute;t næ-acute;nne be mæ-acute;glícere sibbe true love makes no distinction with respect to anybody on account of relationship, Homl. Th. i. 128, 2. Se heofenlíca Fæder wuldraþ his bearn and tóscæ-acute;t his wuldor fram óðra manna wuldre ðearle unwiðmetenlíce he distinguishes his glory beyond comparison from the glory of other men, ii. 232, 9. Hwæt mæ-acute;nde Sanctus Paulus, ðá hé his láre suá cræftelíce tósceád (-scéd, Cott. MSS.) (gave such different counsel in the two cases), and ðone óðerne læ-acute;rde, ðæt hé him anwald on tuge, óðerne hé læ-acute;rde geðyld? Past. 40; Swt. 291, 20. Ðá ðá hé ðás eorðlícan sibbe tósceád (-scéd, Cott. MSS.) and ða hefonlícan cum terrenam pacem a superna distingueret, 46; Swt. 351, 10. Ongiet georne hwæt sý gód oþþe yfel and tósceád simle understand thoroughly what is good or evil, and always distinguish between them, Exon. Th. 302, 34; Fä. 46. Tósceáð intingan mínne of ðeóde unhálgre discerne causam meam de gente non sancta, Ps. Spl. 42, 1. (d) to separate one thing from another with the mind, to discern, distinguish, discriminate:--Seó sáwul is on bócum manegum naman gecýged . . . Heó is ratio, ðæt is gesceád, ðonne heó tóscæ-acute;t, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 187. God gesyhþ æ-acute;lces monnes geþanc, and his word and his dæ-acute;da tóscæ-acute;t (cernit), Bt. 40, 7; Fox 244, 1. Mid ðære nose wé tósceádaþ (discernimus) stencas, Past. 11; Swt. 65, 20. Is micel niédðearf ðæt se reccere ða ðeáwas and ða unðeáwas cunne wel tóscádan necesse est, ut rector animarum virtutes ac vitia vigilanti cura discernat, 20; Swt. 149, 17. Mid hú micelan feó woldest ðú habban geboht, ðæt ðú swutole mihtest tócnáwan ðíne frínd and ðíne fýnd? Ic wát ðæt ðú hit woldest habban mid miclan feó geboht, ðæt ðú hí cúþest wel tóscádan, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 22. Se ðe gesceádwísnesse hæfþ, se mæg tósceádan hwæt hé wilnian sceal and hwæt hé onscunian sceal, 40, 7; Fox 242, 18: Shrn. 167, 4. Tósceádan discriminare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 2. Mæ-acute;den ácenned (born on the first day of the moon) biþ rihtlíce tóscédende (-ne, MS.), Lchdm. iii. 184, 6. (e) to separate things from one another, to order, dispose, appoint:--Ic tósceádo (-sceódo, Rush.) iuh suæ-acute; tósceádde (-sceódo, Rush.) mé fæder mín ðæt ríc ego dispono uobis sicut disposuit mihi pater meus regnum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 22, 29. Tósceáda disponere, Mk. Skt. p. 2, 3. (f) to separate the parts of a confused whole, to expound, interpret, render intelligible:--Ðegnum his tósceádade (disserebat) alle, Mk. Skt. Lind. 4, 34. Tósceádade interpraetabatur, Lk. Skt. Lind. 24, 27. Tósceád (dissere) ús bisen, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 13, 36: edissere, 15, 15. (g) to discuss:--Tósceádeþ disputat, Mt. Kmbl. p. 9, 18. II. to send in different directions, to scatter, disperse. v. sceádan, I. 3:--Manna bán Drihten tósceádeþ Dens dissipat ossa hominum, Ps. Th. 52, 6. Tóscádeþ, 67, 14. Meolc wið wíne gemencged ðæt áttor tósceádeþ, Lchdm. i. 352, 14. Stefn Drihtnes tósceádendis (intercidentis) lég fýres, Ps. Spl. 28, 7. Ðá tósceáden wearð líg, tólýsed, Exon. Th. 277, 22; Jul. 584. III. intrans. To be separated, to differ:--Tósceádaþ discrepent, distant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 15. His líf tóscéd (e has been made out of æ, and g erased before d: MS. B. has tosced: v. tó-scecgan) fram ússa tída áswundenesse vita illius a nostri temporis segnitia distabat, Bd. 3, 5; M. 160, 25. [His lockes he toscædde, Laym. 30262. He wollde hire & te king todælenn and toshædenn, Orm. 19862. Englysche men usede þat tyme þe here of here ouerlyppes tosched & no&yogh;t yschore, Trev. 3, 241. O. H. Ger. zi-sceidan dividere, separare, segregare, discernere, distinguere. Cf. Goth. dis-skaidan differe, discernere.] v. next two words.

tó-sceáden; adj. (ptcpl.) Separate, distinct:--Æ-acute;lc þing ðe tósceáden biþ from óþrum biþ óþer, óþer ðæt þing, ðeáh hí ætgædere sién. Gif ðonne hwelc þing tósceáden biþ from ðam héhstan góde, ðonne ne biþ ðæt nó ðæt héhste gód quod a qualibet re diversum est, id non est illud, a quo intelligitur esse diversum. Quare quod a summo bono diversum est sui natura, id summum bonum non est, Bt. 34, 3; Fox 138, 2-5. v. tó-sceadenness.

tó-sceádend, es; m. One who divides or separates:--Tósceádend discretor, divisor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 14.

tó-sceádenness, e; f. Separation, distinction:--Gé syndon clæ-acute;ne, cwæð hé tó his þegnum, næs ná hwæðere ealle. Hér on ðysum cwide wæs ðæra apostola tóscádennys here we have in these words a distinction made among the apostles, Homl. Ass. 158, 162.

tó-scecgan (?); p. -scægde To stand out distinctly, be separated from surrounding objects:--His líf tóscægde fram ússa tída áswundennysse vita illius a nostri temporis segnitia distabat, Bd. 3, 5; S. 526, 35. v. scecgan; tó-sceádan, III.

tó-sceótan; p. -sceát, pl. -scuton To rush in different directions, to disperse (intrans.) hurriedly, scatter:--Tóscutan dissiliunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 9. Ðá tóscuton ða deóflu (cf. ðá wæ-acute;ron tóstencte ða wiðerweardan gástas dispersi sunt spiritus infesti, Bd. 5, 12; S. 629, 7; it is this passage in Bede which Ælfric is quoting), Homl. Th. ii. 352, 4. Ðá wæ-acute;ron ða munecas swíðe áférede, nyston hwet heom tó dónne wæ-acute;re, ac tóscuton; sume urnon intó cyrcean, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 12. [Þe snell toshett (burst asunder) on þe schire ground. Whan it cofli tooclef þer crep oute an addre, Alis. (Skt.) 1008.]

tó-sceótan, Met. 27, 19, is rather to be taken under sceótan. The passage is:--Ungesæ-acute;lge men deáþ æ-acute;r willaþ foran tó sciótan = tóforan sceótan anticipate, rush in front of; cf. ða ungesæ-acute;ligan menn forsceótaþ deáþ foran, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 3; and see passages under foran, foran-tó.

tó-sciftan; p. te To divide for the purpose of distribution, to divide and distribuce:--Se cyng intó Wealan férde and his fyrde tóscyfte (divided the force that the parts of it might take different routes), and ðæt land eall þurhfór, swá ðæt seó fyrd eall tógædere com tó Snáwdúne, Chr. 1095; Erl. 232, 8. Se cyng lét tóscyfton ðone here geond eall ðis land tó his mannon the king had the troops divided and quartered all over the country on his men, 1085; Erl. 218, 8.

tó-scirian; p. ede To separate, part:--Tóscereþ separat, Kent. Gl. 575: 603: 727. Bióþ tóscerede separantur, 669. Tóscirid &l-bar; tódæ-acute;led summotum, Hpt. Gl. 528, 12. Tóscyrede abjunctas, Germ. 397, 441.

tó-scríðan; p. -scráð To flow in different directions, be disperse:--Ðæt wæter unstille æ-acute;ghwider wolde wíde tóscríþan, wác and hnesce, ne meahte hit on him selfum æ-acute;fre gestandan, Met. 20, 93. [O. Sax. ti&dash-uncertain;skrídan:--Thie ne&b-bar;al tiskréd, Hél. 5633.]

tó-scúfan; p. -sceáf To thrust in different directions, thrust aside, scatter, disperse, (1) literal:--Se ðone líg tósceáf hátan fýres, Cd. Th.