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þeów, e; þeówe, an; f. A female servant or slave :-- Seó foresprecene Cristes þeówe praefata Christi famula, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 13: 4, 10; S. 578, 5: 4, 23; S. 592, 36. Seó Cristes þeówe, Guthl. 20; Gdwin. 92, 2. Án menen &l-bar; þeówæ (ðíua, Lind.) ancilla, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 26, 69. Ðínre þeówan sunu filium ancillae tuae, Ps. Th. 85, 15: 115, 6. On Marian ðínre þeówan, Blickl. Homl. 157, 3. Ðió famulam, Rtl. 103, 40. Ðióe, 104, 18. Ðá wæ-acute;ron ða Cristes ðeówe út gangende of cyricean egressae de oratorio famulae Christi, Bd. 4, 7; S. 575, 3. Ða hús ðara untrumra Cristes ðeówna casulas infirmarum Christi famularum, 3, 8; S. 531, 33. Ne gæ-acute;ð heó út swá þeówena gewuna ys non egredietur, sicut ancillae exire consueverunt, Ex. 21, 7. Án from ðæ-acute;m ðiówum una ex ancillis, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 14, 66. [Goth. þiwi: O. Sax. thiu; thiwa: O. H. Ger. diu; diwa: Icel. þýr.] v. þeówen.

þeów; adj. Servile, not free, bond :-- Ðes ðeówa mann hic manceps, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 55; Zup. 67, 2. Gif þeów noun wyrce on Sunnandæg be his hláfordes hæ-acute;se, sié hé frioh, L. In. 3; Th. i. 104, 2. Ðeów swán and ðeów beócere, L. R. S. 6; Th. i. 436, 19. Ðeáh hwá bebycgge his dohtor on þeówenne, ne sió hió ealles swá þeówu swá óðru mennenu, L. Alf. 12; Th. i. 46, 13. Þeów mennen, Agar, Cd. Th. 135, 22; Gen. 2246. On þeówum dóme &l-bar; tó ðeówan wæs geseald in seruum venundatus est, Ps. Lamb. 104, 17. Se ðe sleá his ágenne þeówne esne, L. Alf. 17; Th. i. 48, 12. Feówertýnewintre man hine sylfne mæg þeówne gedón (se servum facere), L. Ecg. C. 27; Th. ii. 152, 27. Hit þurh æ-acute;nne þeówne mon geypped wearð quadam ancilla indice, Ors. 3, 6; Swt. 108, 31. Gif hé þeów oþþe þeów mennen ofstinge, L. Alf. 21; Th. i. 50, 3: Cd. Th. 134, 32; Gen. 2233. Gif hwylc swíþe ríce cyning næfde næ-acute;nne frýne molt on eallon his ríce, ac wæ-acute;ron ealle þeówe ... Gif him sceoldan þeówe men þénigan, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 244, 24-27. Ealla gesceafta hé hæfde getiohhod ðeówe (þeówu, Cott. MS.) búton englum and monnum, ða óðra gesceafta þeówe sint, 41, 3; Fox 248, 16-18. Gé giet tó dæge wæ-acute;ron Somnitum þeówe hodie Romani Samnio servirent, Ors. 3, 8; Swt. 122, 12. Þeówe men ða ðrig dagas beón weorces gefreóde, Wulfst. 181, 18. Seofæn þeówæ mæn, Chart. Th. 163, 10. Ne freó ne þeówe, Cd. Th. 166, 12; Gen. 2746. Freóra and þeówra, 166, 26; Gen. 2753. Míne wealas eriaþ mea mancipia arant, mínra þeówra manna æceras meorum mancipiorum segetes, mínum ðeówum mannum (mancipiis) ic dæ-acute;le penegas, míne þeówan men (mancipia) ic ðreáge, fram mínum þeówum mannum ic eom gefultumod, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Zup. 101, 19-102, 5. Þeówe men manode se apostol ... Ða hláfordas hé manode ðæt hí milde wæ-acute;ron heora ðeówum mannum, Homl. Th. ii. 326, 21-27. Nelt ðú nán ðing yfeles habban ... ne yfele cild, ne yfele ðeówe men, 410, 16. [Cuð me &yogh;ef þu art foster of freo monne oðer þeow wummon, Marh. 4, 2. Heo weren þeowe, Laym. 334. &yogh;onge and olde, thewe and freo, Al. 3. O. H. Ger. frie getuon nals teuue.] v. wíte-þeów, and preceding words.

þeówa. v. þeów; m.

þeówan, þéwan, þíwan, þýwan, þýgan, þeón, þían, þýn, and þeówian, þíwian, þýwian; pres. ic þý, hé þýþ; p. þeówde, þéwde, þíwde, þýwde, þýgde, þeóde, þýde; ppr. þýwende, þíende; pp. þéd, þýd. I. to press :-- Hwílum mec (an animal's skin) wonfeax wale wegeþ and þýð, Exon. Th. 393, 31; Rä. 13, 8. [Hé mec (a cup) fin]grum þýð, 480, 24; Rä. 64, 6. Þýde conpressit (the line in Aldhelm is: Dulcia sed Christi compressit labra labellis), Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 33. Ðýde, 19, 67. Hé ðá hit eft sette on ðæt ylce þyrh and þýde mid his fét, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 72. He sum fæc ðone swyle mid ðýgde (or midðýgde? mid þýde, Bd. M. 382, 29) aliquandiu tumorem horum adpositione comprimere curabat. Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 41. Sceal mon ðam men mid dríum handum ða handa and ða fét gnídan swíðe and þýn with dry hands must the hands and feet be rubbed hard and squeezed for the man. Lchdm. ii. 182, 9. Ðæs mannes fét and handa man sceal swíþe þýn, 182, 25. II. to press on, urge on, drive :-- Weard æt steorte wegeþ mec (a plough) and þýð, Exon. Th. 403, 10; Rä. 22, 5. Se mec on þýð æftanweardne, 480, 2; Rä. 63, 5. Hwílum ic (a storm) sceal tó staþe þýwan (þyran, MS.) flintgræ-acute;gne flód, 383, 30; Rä. 4, 18. Þéwende (? þerende, MS.) inruens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 12. III. to press with a weapon, to stab, pierce :-- Ðá hét hé him his seax áræ-acute;can, and hine sylfn hetelíce ðýde, Homl. Th. i. 88, 10. Ðá ðýde se cwellere hine bæftan mid átogenum swurde, ii. 478, 59. Se fear arn him tógeánes and hine ðýde, ðæt hé his feorh forlét, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 73. Hí hine ufan mid ísenum geaflum ðýdon ... Hí mid heora forcum hine ðýdon, Homl. Th. i. 430, 5-11. IV. to press, threaten, rebuke :-- Seó módinys on horse ðýwð ðæt folc superbia in equo minatur turbis, Gl. Prud. 31 b. Hé þýwþ (arguet) ðysne middaneard be synne, Jn. Skt. 16, 8. Hé ondræ-acute;de ða þeówwrace ðe Drihten þurh his wítigan ðýwð ðus cweþende metuat prophete comminationem per quem dicit Deus, R. Ben. 51, 14. Se ðe brinu bindeþ, brúne ýða þýð and þreátaþ, Andr. Kmbl. 1039; An. 520. Hé ne þíwaþ non comminabitur, Ps. Lamb. 102, 9. Hé ðýwaþ mé increpabit me, 140, 5. Gif ic ðæt gefricge, ðæt ðec ymbsittend egesan þýwaþ, Beo. Th. 3659; B. 1827. Hé hine þeówde tó ofsleánne, Homl. Ass. 112, 342. Ðíwde, Homl. Th. ii. 174, 32. Ðýwde, 308, 16. Seó ofermódnes þýwde (minatur) ðæt folc, Gl. Prud. 31 a. Ðú hine þíwe commineris, Scint. 114, 10. Næs se folccyning ymbsittendra ðe mec dorste, egesan ðeón, Beo. Th. 5465; B. 2736. Þeówigende, þéwende minax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Zup. 69, 7. Ic gá út þýwende (minando) oxan ... Ic hæbbe sumne cnapan þýwende (minantem) oxan mid gádísene, Coll. Monast. Th. 19, 15, 27. V. to oppress, subjugate :-- Þéde mancipium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 70. Cf. geðédum subjugatis, 121, 69. Þédum teste (? the passage is :-- Teste tyranni (Holofernes) capite), Hpt. Gl. 525, 53. [Þat he mi&yogh;te þat liþere folc so þewe, P. L. S. 24, 57. Goth. ga-þiwan to pierce; to subject; ana-þiwan to subject: O. H. Ger. theuwe humiliat; gi-diota, -dieti confracti: M. H. Ger. diuwen to oppress: Icel. þjá to constrain; chastise, afflict.] v. á-, for-, ge-, þurh-þeówan (-þéwan, -þíwan, -þeón, -þían, -þýan, -þýn); and see þyddan.