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þyrnen; adj. Of thorns :-- Hé hæfde fiþru swylce þyrnen besma, Shrn. 120, 28. Hí mid þyrnenum helme his heáfod beféngon, Homl. Th. ii. 252, 26. Þyrnenne helm (ðyrnenne bég, Lind., Rush.) spineam coronam, Mk. Skt. 5, 17: Jn. Skt. 19, 5. Þyrnenne cynehelm (sigbég of ðornum, Lind., Rush.) coronant de spinis, 2. Ðyrnenne beág, Past. 36; Swt. 261, 14. Þyrnenne, Exon. Th. 69, 27; Cri. 1127. Ðone ðyrnenan helm, Homl. Th. ii. 254, 10. Þyrnenan, Wulfst. 124, 5. [O. Frs. thornen: O. H. Ger. durnín spineus.]

þyrnet[t], es; n. A place full of thorns, a thicket of thorn-bushes :-- Þirnetum spinetis, of ácynnendlícum &l-bar; fexedum þyrnetum de spinetis nascentibus (gignentibus), Hpt. Gl. 463, 32-36. Of þiccum þyrnetum senticosis, spinosis, 436, 47.

þyrniht; adj. Thorny, prickly :-- Ðeós wyrt hafaþ leáf ... þyrnyhte, and heó hafaþ sumne sinewealtne crop and þyrnyhtne, Lchdm. i. 282, 14-17. Þynne leáf and ða hwónlíce þyrnihte, 288, 17. [O. H. Ger. dornoht spinosus: Ger. dornicht.]

þyrran. v. þyrrian.

þyrre; adj. I. dry, lacking water :-- On þyrran mæræ, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. v. 117, 5. II. lacking sap or moisture :-- Þornas þyre (þyrre? but cf. O. L. Ger. thiori holt), Ps. Th. 117, 12. III. as a medical term, dry :-- Hine dreceþ þyrre hwósta, Lchdm. ii. 264, 13. Eallum þyrrum líchomum hæ-acute;medþing ne dugon ac swíþost þyrrum and cealdum; ne dereþ hit hátum and wæ-acute;tum, 222, 28-30. [Goth. þaursus dry, withered: O. H. Ger. durri aridus, siccus, torridus: Icel. þurr: O. L. Ger. thurritha dryness.]

þyrrian(-an?) to make or to become dry :-- Corfen, sworfen, cyrred, þyrred, Exon. Th. 410, 25; Rä. 29, 4. [Cf. Goth. thaurseith mik I thirst: O. Sax. thorrón to be withered up, consumed: O. H. Ger. dorrén arescere: dorren arefacere.] v. for-þyrrian.

þyrs, es; m. A giant, an enchanter, a demon :-- Ðyrs, heldióbul Orcus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 64. Ðyrs sceal on fenne gewunian ána innan lande, Menol. Fox 545; Gn. C. 42. Þyrses Caci, Wrt. Voc. ii. 20, 62. Þyr[ses] colossi, Hpt. Gl. 445, 2. Gehégan ðing wiþ þyrse (Grendel), Beo. Th. 856; B. 426. Ealdum þyrse (þyrre, MS.), Exon. Th. 425, 29; Rä. 41, 63. Þyrsa oððe wyrmgalera Marsorum, þyrsas &l-bar; wyrmgaleras Marsi, Hpt. Gl. 483, 13-15. Cf. Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 9. Áníge þyrsas Cyclopes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 37. Ðyrsa Cyclopum, 21, 72. [Com þe þurs Maxence, Kath. 1858. Ichabbe isehen þene þurs of helle, Marh. 11, 7. Thykke theefe as a thursse, Halliwell's Dict. Ther shal lyn lamya (satyr, A. V.), that is a thirs (thrisse), or a beste hauende the bodi lic a womman and horse feet, Wick. Isaiah 34, 15. O. H. Ger. durs Dis, daemonium: Icel. þurs a giant.] v. orc-þyrs.

þyrscel, þyrscwold. v. þerscel, þerscold.

þyrstan; p. te To thirst. I. used impersonally, (1) with acc. of person :-- Mé þyrst (ic ðyrsto, Lind., Rush.) sitio, Jn. Skt. 19, 28. Ne þyrst ðone næ-acute;fre ðe on mé gelýfð (se ðe giléfeð(-es, Lind.) on mec ne ðyrsteð(-es, Lind.) æ-acute;fre, Rush.) qui credit in me non sitiet umquam, 6, 35. Míne sáwle þyrst sitivit anima mea, Ps. Th. 41, 2. Ða men ne þyrst, Lchdm. ii. 194, 12. Mé þyrste (mec þyrste, Rush.) sitivi, Mt. Kmbl. 25, 35. Mínne þegn þyrste and mínne here, Nar. 8, 11. Hine ðyrstte, Past. 36; Swt. 261, 16. Ðæt mé ne þyrste (þ-bar; ic ne ðyrste(-o, Lind.), Rush.) ut non sitiam, Jn. Skt. 4, 15. Cume tó mé se ðe hine þyrste (se ðe ðyrsteð, Lind.: gif hwelc ðyrste, Rush.) qui sitit veniat ad me, 7, 37. Ongan ðone oferhýdygan þyrstan on deáþ, Shrn. 130, 1. Drihten ealle ða gefylde, ða ðe hié orl eorþan léton hingrian and þyrstan for his noman, Blickl. Homl. 159, 17. (1 a) with acc. of person and gen. of object of thirst :-- Ðeáh ðæt folc ðyrste ðære láre, Past. 2; Swt. 31, 7. (2) with dat. of person :-- Ðyrste sáwle mínre sitivit anima mea, Ps. Spl. 41, 2: 62, 2. Swá hwam swá ðyrste, cume tó mé, Homl. Th. ii. 274, 3. II. with nom. of person suffering thirst; see also extracts from Northern Gospels in I. (1) absolute :-- Mín sáwl on ðé þyrsteþ sitivit in te anima mea, Ps. Th. 62, 1. Ðyrsteþ sáwul mín, Ps. Surt. 42, 3: 62, 2. Hwænne gesáwe wé ðé þyrstendne, Mt. Kmbl. 25, 37, 44. Heó þyrstendon ðone þurst gelíþigaþ, Lchdm. i. 268, 11. (2) with gen. (or acc.?) of object of thirst :-- Flæ-acute;sc ðonne hit God þyrst caro tunc Deum sitit, Scint. 54, 6. Eádige ða ðe þyrstaþ rihtwísnysse (institiam), 49, 17. Ða ðe rihtwísnesse þyrstaþ (læ-acute;t hig þyrstan, MS. A.), Mt. Kmbl. 5, 6. Ðú ðe þyrstende wæ-acute;re monnes blódes, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 76, 33. Hió ðyrstende wæs on symbel mannes blódes, 1, 2; Swt. 30, 27. [O. Sax. thurstian (impers.): O. H. Ger. dursten (pers. and impers.): Icel. þyrsta (impers.), cf. Goth. þaursjan (impers.) to thirst.] v. ge-þyrst, of-þyrsted, sin-þyrstende; þyrre.

þyrstig; adj. Thirsty :-- Ic wæs ðyrstig sitivi, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 25, 35. Ðyrstende &l-bar; ðrystig (þyrstigne, Rush.) sitientem, 37. v. þurstig.

þys, es; m. A storm :-- Seó orsorhnes gæ-acute;þ scýrmæ-acute;lum swá þæs windes þys prosperam fortunam videas ventosam, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 5 note. [Icel. þyss uproar, tumult; þysja to rush.]

þys-líc, þyl-líc; pron. Such. I. used adjectivally, (1) qualifying a noun :-- Gif him þyslícu þearf gelumpe, Beo. Th. 5267; B. 2637. Wénst ðú ðæt ðé ánum þyllíc (þellecu, Cott. MS.) hwearfung and þillíc (þillícu, Cott. MS.) unrótnes on becumen, and nánum óþrum móde swelc ne on becóme, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 35. Ic mé þyslícre þráge ne gewénde, Exon. Th. 269, 20; Jul. 453. Þyslícne þegn, 316, 7; Mód. 45: Elen. Kmbl. 1087; El. 546. Ða ðe ðyllícne gylt þurhteóð, Homl. Ass. 148, 122. Ðá ongan hé forð sendan þyllíce stemne and þus cwæð..., Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 190. Ðyllíce, 204. Þislíc æ-acute;rende se pápa eft onsende and ðás word cwæð..., Blickl. Honnl. 205, 22. Ne geceás ic nó ðis fæsten, ac ðyllíc fæsten ic geceás: brec ðæm hyngriendum ðínne hláf, Past. 43; Swt. 315, 13. Ðæt mód þillíc sár cweþende wæs, Bt. 5, 1; Fox 8, 24. Mid þyslíce þreáte hláford fergan, Exon. Th. 32, 23; Cri. 517. Þyllícu þing syndon gereht, Homl. Ass. 199, 142. Ðyllecum unrihtum, Bt. 16, 4; Fox 58, 10. Ðyllíce gife and swá mycle tanta taliaque dona, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 13. Ðyllíca giefa, Past. 5; Swt. 41, 13. Ðyllíce gyltas, Homl. Ass. 149, 132. Ðyllíce weorc, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 28. Manega óþre þyllíce ðing alia similia his multa, Mk. Skt. A. 7, 8. (2) predicative :-- Ðæt seó onwrihgnes ðyslíc wæ-acute;re revelationem hujusmodi esse, Bd. 3, 8; S. 531, 37. Ðyslíc mé is gesewen ðis líf talis mihi videtur vita, 2, 13; S. 556, 13. Ðonne ðis tácen ðyllíc ðé tó cume, 2, 12; S. 514, 22. Sió onsýn biþ þyslícu, Lchdm. ii. 348, 21. Þyllíc bið se ende ðæs líchoman fægernesse, Blickl. Homl. 59, 21: Homl. Th. i. 88, 50. Þyllíc byð ðæt cyn haec est generatio, Ps. Th. 23, 6. Ic næ-acute;fre ðé þyslícne gemétte, þus méðne, Exon. Th. 163, 2; Gú. 987. Þás tácno þyslíco syndon, Blickl. Homl. 109, 6. Ða ðe ðyllíce beóð, Past. 5; Swt. 41, 20: Homl. Ass. 146, 63. II. used substantively :-- Þes þyllíca sý gemyngod hic ammoneatur, R. Ben. 48, 6. Gif ówiht þislíces gelimpe si hujus simile quid acciderit, L. Ecg. C. 15; Th. ii. 144, 2. Ðises hí wundriaþ and manies þyllíces, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 32: Ps. Th. 9, 31: Homl. Th. ii. 158, 2: Homl. Skt. i. 12, 275: ii. 28, 106. Ymb ðyllíc is tó geðencenne, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 21. Þyllíc, Homl. Skt. ii. 28, 119. Sege hwænne ic æ-acute;fre æ-acute;r þillíc ðé gedyde dic, quid simile unquam fecerim tibi, Num. 22, 30. Næ-acute;fre wé æ-acute;r þyllíc ne gesáwon numquam sic vidimus, Mk. Skt. 2, 12: Ors. 4, 4; Swt. 164, 3. Hwam beóð ðás ðyllecan gelícran quibus isti sunt similes? Past. 33; Swt. 226, 23. Ðás ðyllíce bringaþ gestreón, Homl. Th. ii. 550, 35: Homl. Skt. i. 4, 290. For ðyllecum næs hé geunrótsod, Bt. 16, 4; Fox 58, 8. Mid þyllícum and mid manegum þyllícum, Ps. Th. 10, 7. Ða ðe heora lustum folgiaþ and ðyllíce ádreógaþ, Homl. Ass. 196, 45. Wé gehýrdon þyllíce gereccan. Homl. Skt. i. 6, 184, 189. [O. E. Homl. Kath. A. R. H. M. þullich: Ayenb. þellich.] Cf. þus-líc.

þýster-, þýstre, þýstrian, þýstru, þýstrung. v. þeóster-, þeóstre, þeóstrian, þeóstru, þeóstrung.

þýþel, Ps. L. 79, 11, -þýtiþ, þýwan, þýwen. v. þýfel, á-þýtiþ, þeówan, þeówen.


U For the Runic U, see úr.

u the letter u :-- Mortuus on twám uum, Ælfc. Gr. 31; Zup. 197, 16.

úder an udder, a breast :-- Of údrum uberibus, Kent. Gl. 203. [Iddyr or uddyr of a beeste, pappe uber, Prompt. Parv. 258. O. Du. uder, uyder: Du. uijer: O. H. Ger. útar, útiro uber: M. H. Ger. iuter, úter: Ger. euter: Icel. júgr: Dan. yver: Grk. o&upsilon-tonos;θαρ.]

úf, es; m. An owl; the word also glosses vultur :-- Uuf bubo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 28. Úf, i. 29, 45. Ðes úf hic uultur, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 22; Zup. 48, 17 note. [O. H. Ger. úvo bubo: Icel. úfr some kind of bird.] v. húf; þrípel-úf?

úf, es; m. The uvula :-- Múðes hr-of palatum, úf sublingua, Wrt. Voc. i. 64, 59. Cf. Undertungan sublinguae, 282, 79. [From Latin uva?] v. húf.

ufan; adv. I. from above, down, (1) where motion is expressed or implied :-- God him sende ufan greáte hagolstánas Dominus misit super eos lapides magnos de coelo, Jos. 10, 11: Blickl. Homl. 51, 12. Him feóll ufan flæ-acute;sc pluit super eos carnes, Ps. Th. 77, 27. Seó lyft týhð ðone wæ-acute;tan tó hyre neoðan and ða hæ-acute;tan ufon, Lchdm. iii. 280, 3. Ic eom engel Godes ufan síþende, Exon. Th. 258, 7; Jul. 261. Hine ufan neósade Meotud, 159, 24; Gú. 931: Beo. Th. 3005; B. 1500. Se ðe ufa cuom qui desursum uenit, Jn. Skt. 3, 31. Se Hálga Gást cumeþ ufan on ðé, Blickl. Homl. 7, 35. Ic on andwlitan sígan læ-acute;te wællregn ufan wídre eorðan, Cd. Th. 81, 24; Gen. 1350. Hé ða eágan þurheteþ ufon on ðæt heáfod it eats its way through the eyes down into the head, Exon. Th. 374, 7; Seel. 122. Ic férde tó foldan ufan from éðle, Cd. Th. 296, 2; Sat. 496. Hí feóllon ufon of heofonum, 20, 11; Gen. 308. Ufan cumende of heánisse oriens ex alto, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 199, 40: Cd. Th. 248, 7; Dan. 509. Of roderum ufan onsended, 237, 14; Dan. 337: Exon. Th. 368, 20; Seel. 27. (2) where an action is directed from a higher to a lower point :-- Seó sunne lócaþ ufan on helle, Salm. Kmbl. p. 200, 2. Ufan engla sum cýgde ... ufan of roderum wuldergást mæ-acute;lde, Cd. Th. 176, 7-16; Gen. 2908-2911. Ðæt eów ne bið ufan álýfed, Exon. Th. 138, 31; Gú. 584. Ámet ufan tó grunde measure front top to bottom, Cd. Th. 309, 2; Sat. 703. Godwebba cyst ufan eall forbærst, Exon. Th. 70, 13; Cri. 1138. II. marking position, above, at the top :-- Synd ðæ-acute;r þrý porticas ... fægere ufan oferworhte and oferhrýfde. Seó cyrice is ufan open ... and þeáh ðe ðæt hús ufan open sý, hweþre hit biþ á þurh Godes gife ufan wiþ æ-acute;ghwilc ungewidro gescylded,... and næ-acute;fre næ-acute;nig man ða læ-acute;stas ufan oferwyrcean ne mihte, Blickl. Homl. 125, 24-35: 19, 27: Exon. Th. 219, 17; Ph. 308: 446, 14; Dóm. 22. Æscholt utan gæ-acute;g, Beo. Th. 665; B. 330. Hæfdon hí Dryhtnes leóht ufan (above, in heaven) forléten, Cd. Th. 269, 7; Sat. 69. Hér is fýr micel ufan and neoðone, 24, 9; Gen. 375. On æ-acute;lcere stówe hé is hire emnneáh ge ufan ge neoþon, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 23. ¶ Associated with prepositions :-- Saturnus yfemest wandraþ ofer eallum ufan óþrum steorrum, Met. 24, 24. On ðám ufan stódon scyttan, Nar. 4, 15. On ðam seáðe ufan hé hús getimbrode, Guthl. 4; Gdwin. 26, 9. Ðá gefeóll hé on his earm ufan, Bd. 3, 2; S. 525, 2. [Icel. ofan from above; ofan á upon: O. Sax. bi-o&b-bar;an.] v. be-, on-ufan; ufane, ufenan.