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un-gebét[t]; adj. I. of things, unamended, uncorrected; in reference to sin, not amended through the penance prescribed by the church :-- Scylde ðe an hiera ealra gewitnesse gedón wæs and ðágiett ungebétt (-bét, Hatt. MS.) culpam quae apud eos et perpetrata fuerat, et incorrecta remanebat, Past. 32; Swt. 210, 7. Gyf hé æ-acute;nigne gylt ungebét hæfð, L. Ælfc. C. 32; Th. ii. 354, 29. Ealle scylda, ðe wið God beóð ungebétta, beóð unforgifne on dómes dæge, Past. 33; Swt. 220, 17. II. of persons, unatoned because 'bót' has not been made :-- Ðá wæs hé ðisse spæ-acute;ce, æ-acute;gðer ge on lífe and æfter, ungeládod ge ungebétt he was, both when alive and afterwards, uncleared from this charge and unatoned (i.e. neither was his innocence proved nor was the case settled by the payment of 'bót'), Chart. Th. 540, 4. [Icel. ú-bættr unatoned.]
un-gebierde. v. un-gebearde.
un-gebíged; adj. Unbent :-- Unibígedre inflexi, Hpt. Gl. 476, 23.
un-gebígendlíc; adj. Inflexible; in grammar, indeclinable :-- Ungebígendlíc inflexibile, Hpt. Gl. 425, 34. Ðás naman synd indeclinabilia, ðæt synd ungebígendlíce .... nugas is ungebígendlíc on declínunge, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Zup. 51, 2-6.
un-gebleoh; adj. Of different colours, unlike :-- Ungebleoh discolor, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 21; Zup. 47, 16: discolor, i. dissimilis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 79.
un-gebletsod; adj. Unblessed :-- Sume is funde bútan Godes tácne, gýmeleáse, ungebletsade, Exon. Th. 271, 34; Jul. 492.
un-geblýged; adj. Undismayed :-- Him fæ-acute;ringa ádl in gewód; hé on elne swá þeáh ungeblýged bád beorhtra geháta blíþe in burgum, Exon. Th. 158, 23; Gú. 913. [Cf. Þa iwarð þat folc swíðe abluied (stupebant omnes, Acts 2, 7), O. E. Homl. i. 89, 31. O. H. Ger. plúcheit diffidentia: M. H. Ger. er-bliugen to frighten: Icel. bljúgr shy: Dan. bly: Swed. blyg. See also Diefenbach's Gothic Dict. i. 307, § c.] Cf. á-blicgan.
un-geboden; adj. Unsummoned, unbidden :-- Þreó mótlæ-acute;þu ungebuden on .xii. mónþum the tenant attended three courts without summons in the year, Chart. Th. 433, 22. Perhaps the word is to be found in the phrase de placito ungebendro (ungebendeo, MS. R. = ungebodene?), L. Eth. iv. 4; Th. i. 301, 21. Cf. Tribus principalibus mallis, qui vulgo ungeboden ding vocantur ... tria plebiscita, quae dicuntur ungeboten ... tria judicia per annum, quae dicuntur judicia non indicta, Grmm. R. A. 823.
un-geboht; adj. Unbought :-- Ic hér on sóðre gewitnesse stande, unábeden and ungeboht, L. O. 8; Th. i. 180, 28.
un-geboren; adj. Unborn :-- Ge for geborene ge for ungeborene, L. A. G. proem.; Th. i. 152, 6.
un-gebrocen; adj. Unbroken :-- Ungebrocenre extricabili, Wrt. Voc. ii. 33, 7. v. un-forfeorod.
un-gebrocod; adj. Unafflicted, uninjured :-- Ðonne wé manna líchaman derigaþ, búton wé ðære sáwle derian magon, ða líchaman þurhwuniaþ on heora áwyrdnysse ... Ðonne hí gelýfaþ ðæt wé godas sind ... wé forlæ-acute;taþ ðone líchaman ungebrocodne, and cépaþ ðære sáwle, Homl. Th. i. 464, 6.
un-gebrosnendlíc; adj. Incorruptible :-- Ða ungebrosnendlícan limo incorrupta membra, Bd. 4, 30; S. 609, 29.
un-gebrosnod; adj. Uncorrupted, undecayed :-- Ungebrosnad incorruptus, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 29. Ðá wæs heó swá ungebrosnad geméted swá heó ðý ilcan dæge wæ-acute;re forðféred, Shrn. 94, 36. His handa siondan ungebrosnode in ðære cynelícan ceastre, 114, 1: Chr. 641; Erl. 27, 11: Homl. Th. ii. 568, 24.
un-gebrosnung, e; f. Incorruption :-- Ungebrosnunge onféhð incorruptionem recipit, Scint, 71, 2.
un-gebunden; adj. Unbound :-- Sume syndon absolutiuae, ðæt synd ungebundene, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Zup. 14, 13.
un-gebyde, un-gebyrd. v. un-gebyrde, un-gebearde.
un-gebyrde; adj. Not natural, uncongenial :-- Æ-acute;lc gesceaft flíhþ ðætte him wiþerweard biþ and ungebyrde (? -byde, Fox) and ungelíc, Bt. 34, 11; Fox 150, 23.
un-gebyredlíc; adj. Unsuitable, incongruous :-- Ungebyredlíc incongruum, Rtl. 179, 34.
un-gecirred; adj. Unconverted :-- Ðý læs ðe æ-acute;nig ungecyrred woroldman mid ungewitte regules geboda ábræ-acute;ce, Lchdm. iii. 442, 1.
un-geclæ-acute;nsod; adj. Uncleansed, unpurifed :-- Swá hwá swá ungeclæ-acute;nsod byð, hé gefrét ðæs fýres æ-acute;ðm, Homl. Th. i. 616, 23: L. E. I. 44; Th. ii. 440, 21. v. un-clæ-acute;nsod.
un-gecnáwen; adj. Unknown :-- Hé fela þinga forðteáh ðe ðam folce ungecnáwe[n] wæs and ungewunelíc, Ap. Th. 17, 13.
un-gecnirdness, e; f. Negligence, want of diligence :-- Menige sind ðe ðurh ungecnyrdnysse ðisum ðeówan (the slothful servant in the parable) geefenlæ-acute;caþ, Homl. Th. ii 552, 35.
un-gecoplíc; adj. Unfit, inconvenient, troublesome; importunus :-- Saca mid usgecoplícum quarrels with rude fellows, Lchdm. iii. 200, 18. v. un-gedafenlíc.
un-gecoplíce; adv. Unsuitably, unseasonably :-- Ongecoplíce importune, Scint. 80, 14.
un-gecoren; adj. I. unchosen, unselected; used in reference to those who swore along with another, when they were not selected by the party making oath from a number of persons named to him, as was the case in the cyre-áð, q. v. :-- Ðæt hé ðone áð funde, gif hé mæhte, ungecorenne, ðe se onspeca on gehealden wæ-acute;re. Gif hé ðone ne mehte, ðonne namede him man six men and begéte ðara syxa æ-acute;nne æt ánum hrýðere, i.e. if he could bring those to swear with him, that the claimant was satisfied with, there was no need to nominate persons from whom he was to choose; if he could not, then six men were to be nominated and from them he was to get one for every ox (or its equivalent) that was in dispute, L. Ed, 1; Th. i. 158, 20. Ðonne mót hé syxa sum ungecorenra, ðe getrýwe sýn, ðone áð syllan, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 12. II. reprobate, evil :-- For ðissum læ-acute;nan lífe ic sylle ðæt unlæ-acute;ne, for ðyssum ungecorenum ðæt gecorene, Wulfst. 264, 19. Ða burhware (of Jerusalem) him (Christ) wæ-acute;ron for heora ungeleáfan and mándæ-acute;dum swíþe forhogde and ungecorene, Blickl. Homl. 77, 28. [Goth. un-gakusans &alpha-tonos;δ&omicron-tonos;κιμos, reprobus. Cf. Icel. ú-kjörligr wretched.] v. next word.
un-gecost; adj. Bad, evil, vicious :-- On ungecostum ðeáwum moribus improbis, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 1. v. un-cyst, and preceding word.
un-gecwéme; adj. Unpleasant, disagreeable; ingratus, Scint. 38, 15.
un-gecýd[d], -gecýðed; adj. Undeclared :-- Gif ceáp ofer .v. niht ungecýd on gemæ-acute;nre læ-acute;se wunaþ, L. Edg. S. 9; Th. i. 276, 1.
un-gecynde; adj. Unnatural :-- Nim swá wuda swá wyrt of ðære stówe ðe his eard and æþelo biþ on tó weaxanne, and sette on ungecynde stówe him, ðonne ne gegréwþ hit ðæ-acute;r náuht, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 148, 27 note. Hié hæfdun hiera cyning áworpenne Ósbryht and ungecyndne (not of the royal race; cf. 'non de regali prosapia progenitum,' Asser.) cyning underféngon, Chr. 867; Erl. 72, 10. [We scullen of londe driuen unicunde (foreigners), Laym. 18429.] v. next word.
un-gecyndelíc; adj. I. unnatural, not in accordance with the nature of a thing :-- Ungecyndelíc is æ-acute;lcre wuhte, ðæt hit wilnige deáþes, Bt. 34, 11; Fox 152, 7. II. not natural, supernatural :-- Ungecyndelíc fýr cymð fæ-acute;runga on eówre burga, Wulfst. 297, 13. III. unnatural, contrary to nature, monstrous :-- Hit is ungecyndelícu ofermódgung ðæt se monn wilnige ðæt hine his gelíca ondræ-acute;de contra naturam superbire est, ab aequali velle timeri, Past. 17; Swt. 109, 11. Swíþe ungecyndelíc yfel, ðæt ða bearn sieredon ymbe ðone fæder, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 12. Gecyndelícra synna oþþe ungecyndelícra, L. de Cf. 6; Th. ii. 262, 24: Anglia xi. 98, 19. On ungecyndelícum þingum in rebus naturae contrariis, L. M. I. P. 40; Th. ii. 276, 7: Anglia xi. 3, 78. Wé fram dæge tó óþrum geáxiaþ ungecyndelíco witu and ungecyndelíce (-cynelíce, MS.) deáþas tó mannum cumene, Blickl. Home. 107, 26. Hwæt wæ-acute;re ungecyndlícre, gif God næfde on eallum his ríce náne frige sceaft under his anwealde, Bt. 41, 2; Fox 244, 28.
un-gecyndelíce; adv. Unnaturally :-- And sæ-acute; hé déð beón ungemetlíce and ungecyndelíce swíþe ástyrode, Wulfst. 196, 3.
un-gedæftlíce, -gedæftelíce; adv. Unseasonably, unsuitably :-- 'Ðæt ðú læ-acute;re æ-acute;gðer ge gedæftlíce ge ungedæftlíce (-dæfte-, Cott. MSS.).'Ðeáh hé cuæ-acute;de un[ge]dæftelíce, hé cuæð ðeáh æ-acute;r gedæftelíce 'insta opportune, importune.' Dicturus importune praemisit opportune, Past. 15; Swt. 97, 16.
un-gedæftness, e; f. Importunity, unseasonableness :-- Ðonne sió ungedæftnes hit ne cann eft gedæftan si habere impartunitas opportunitatem nescit, Past. 15; Swt. 97, 19.
un-gedafenlíc; adj. Unbecoming, unseemly, unmannerly :-- Ungedafenlíc indecens, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Zup. 87, 12. Ðæt hit ungedafenlíc sig quod indecorum sit, L. Ecg. P. i. 7; Th. ii. 174, 22. Ðæt man intó circan æ-acute;nig þingc ne lógige, ðæs ðe ðártó ungedafenlíc sí, L. Edg: C. 27; Th. ii. 250, 11. Mid ungedafenlícre and unwærlícre oferspræ-acute;ce loquacitatis incauta importunitate, Past. 15; Swt. 95, 19. Saca mid ungedafenlícum quarrels with unmannerly fellows (v. un-gecoplíc), Lchdm. iii. 204, 20. Wé oft ymb ungedafenlíce wísan smeágeaþ, Past. 18; Swt. 139, 22. Gif preóst on circan ungedafenlíce þingc gelógige, gebéte ðæt, L. N. P. L. 26; Th. ii. 294, 12.
un-gedafenlíce; adv. Unbecomingly, unseasonably, inordinately, in an unseemly manner, indecently :-- Óðer ðara irsunga bið tó ungemetlíce and tó ungedafenlíce átyht on ðæt ðe hió mid ryhte irsian sceall illa ira in hoc, quod debet, inordinate extenditur, Past. 40; Swt. 293, 13. Ðeáh hwelc man ungemetlíce and ungedafenlíce wilnige ðæt hé scile his hlísan tóbræ-acute;dan, Bt. 18, 2; Fox 64, 20. Boda Godes word æ-acute;gðer ge gedafenlíce ge ungedafenlíce preach God's word both in season and out of season, Homl. Ass. 12, 306. Be ðam men ðe ungedafenlíce hæ-acute;mð de homine qui turpiter, fornicator, L. Ecg. P. ii. 6 tit.; Th. ii. 180, 9.
un-gedafenlícness, e; f. Inconvenience :-- Ungedafenlícnyssum inopportunitatibus, Ps. Spl. C. second 9, 1. v. gedafenlícness.
un-gedafniendlíc; adj. Unseemly, indecent :-- Unidafniendlíc fúlnes indecens obscenitas, Hpt. Gl. 492, 60.
un-gedéfe; adj. Troublesome, disagreeable :-- Cild ácenned ungedéfe, ofermód, felasprecol, Lchdm. iii. 192, 22. Hér ys seó bót hú ðú meaht ðíne æceras bétan, gif hí nellaþ wel wexan oþþe ðæ-acute;r hwilc ungedéfe þing on gedón bið, i. 398, 2. Mannum ungedéfum hominibus importunis, Scint. 38, 15. Ungeþeáwfæstan and ða ungedéfan þreán indisciplinatos et inquietos arguere, R. Ben. Interl. 15, 1.