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un-hoga; adj. Unwise, foolish :-- Unhogo (-hogu, Rush.) inprudentes, Mk. Skt. Lind. 7, 18. Cf. wan-hoga.
un-hold; adj. I. unfriendly, hostile :-- Ðæt dyde uphold mann inimicus homo hoc fecit, Mt. Kntbl. 13, 28. Hé ástealde swíðe strang gyld ... and him wæs ðá unhold eall ðæt his æ-acute;r gyrnde, Chr. 1040; Erl. 166, 22. Wearð ríces ðeóden unhold þeóden ðám ðe æ-acute;hte geaf, Cd. Th. 218, 4; Dan. 34. Hé him ða sæ-acute;tnunge gewearnode ðæs unholdan cyninges regis sibi infesti insidias vitavit, Bd. 2, 12; S. 515, 12. Ealle his æ-acute;hta unholde fýnd, ríce réðe mann gedæ-acute;le, Ps. Th. 108, 11. Hé mé álýsde of huntum unholdum, 90, 3. II. unfaithful, disloyal :-- Se unholda ðeówa, Homl. Th. ii. 556, 18. [Monies monnes sare iswinc habbeð oft unholde, O. E. Homl. i. 161, 36. Unholde uorureten þe strencðe of his soule alieni comederunt robur ejus, A. R. 222, 10. O. Sax. un-hold unfriendly, hostile: O. H. Ger. un-hold inimicus, unholde; pl. eumenides.] v. next word.
un-holda, an; m. A fiend :-- Hé his áras hider onsendeþ, ðí læs unholdan wunde gewyrcen, Exon. Th. 47, 29; Cri. 762. [Goth. un-hulþa; m.; un-hulþó; f. an evil spirit: O. L. Ger. un-holdo a devil: O. H. Ger. un-holda diabolus: Ger. un-hold a fiend, devil.]
un-hrædspræ-acute;ce; adj. Not ready of speech :-- Ic eom unhrædspræ-acute;ce incircumcisus sum labiis, Ex. 6, 30.
un-hreóflig; adj. Not leprous :-- Ne gedyde se sacerd ðone man hreófligne oððe unhreófligne, Homl. Th. i. 124, 24.
un-hrór; adj. Not stirring :-- Unhrórum neátum immobilibus animantibus, Bt. 41, 5; Fox 254, 14. [Cf. O. H. Ger. un-gi[h]ruorig immobilis.]
un-húfed; adj. (ptcpl.) With the head made bare, with the head shaved :-- Unhúfed decalvata (the passage is: Quamvis flava caesaries raderetur et per publicum decalvata traheretur, Ald. 62), Hpt. Gl. 510, 13. v. húfian.
un-hwearfiende; adj. (ptcpl.) Unchanging, immutable :-- Nánwuht woruldlíces fæstes and unhwearfiendes beón ne mæg, Bt. 8; Fox 26, 11.
un-hwílen; adj. Not temporary, eternal :-- Him is symbel and dreám éce, unhwýlen, Exon. Th. 352, 13; Sch. 97. Unhwílen, Elen. Kmbl. 2461; El. 1232. Ðæ-acute;r bið symle gearu freónd unhwílen, Andr. Kmbl. 2309; An. 1156. Ic mé sylfum wát æfter líces hryre leán unhwílen, Exon. Th. 167, 27; Gú. 1066. Hé him éce geceás langsumre líf, leóht unhwílen, Apstls. Kmbl. 40; Ap. 20.
un-hygdig; adj. Foolish :-- On his heortan cwæð unhýdig sum ungleáwlíce dixit insipiens in corde suo, Ps. Th. 52, 1. Hwí næ-acute;re ðú genóg earm and genóg unhýdig (-hýðig?), þeáh ðé þúhte ðæt ðú welig wæ-acute;re, ðonne ðú óþer twéga oððe hæfdest ðæt ðú noldest, oððe næfdest ðæt ðú woldest? Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 30 note. Cf. wan-hygdig.
un-hyldu(-o); f. Disfavour, unfriendliness :-- Ða habbaþ his unhyldo ðe hit him bryttian sceoldon iram merentur, qui dispensatores sunt, Past. 44; Swt. 321, 4. Him is unhyldo Waldendes witod, Cd. Th. 45, 20; Gen. 729. Þurh hine wurdon manege geypte ðe mid heora ræ-acute;de on ðes cynges unheldan ( = hyldum?) wæ-acute;ron (who were hostile to the king), Chr. 1095; Erl. 232, 20. [O. Sax. un-huldi: O. H. Ger. un-huldí.]
un-hýre, un-hýrsum. v. un-híre, un-hírsum.
un-hýðig; adj. Without that which is advantageous or beneficial, unhappy :-- Hwí næ-acute;re ðú ðonne genóg earm and genóg unhýþi (printed -hiþy; -hydig, Cott. MS.), þeáh ðe þúhte ðæt ðú welig wæ-acute;re, ðonne ðú óþer twéga oððe hæfdest ðæt ðú noldest, oððe næfdest ðæt ðú woldest? Bt. 26, 1; Fox 90, 30. Gewát beorn unhýðig (Guthlac's disciple when he had just lost his master), Exon. Th. 185, 32; Gú. 1302. Hié unhýðige gecyrdon luste belorene láðspell beran, Andr. Kmbl. 2157; An. 1080.
un-inseglian; p. ode To unseal :-- Hí (a casket) nán man ne uninsæglode æ-acute;r hí ealle þyder cómon ... Se portgeréfa hí uninsæglode, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 762. Hig uninseglodon ðæt loc and cæ-acute;gan, Nicod. 14; Thw. 7, 11.
un-íðe, un-kere. v. un-eáðe, un-híre.
un-íþian; p. ode To disquiet, molest :-- Ðonne mé unýþgiende wæ-acute;ron cum me molesti essent, Ps. Spl. T. 34, 15.
un-lácnigendlíc; adj. Incurable :-- Unlácnigendlíce ádlu, Lchdm. i. 262, 1.
un-lácnod; adj. Uncured :-- Hé hæfð on his nebbe opene wunde unlácnode, Past. 9; Swt. 61, 4. v. un-gelácnod.
un-læ-acute;ce, es; m. An unskilful physician :-- Hú unlæ-acute;cas (cf. unwíse læ-acute;cas, 232, 8) wénaþ ðæt ðæt sié lendenáldl, Lchdm. ii. 164, 8.
un-læ-acute;d, -læ-acute;de; adj. I. poor, miserable, unhappy, unfortunate :-- Unlæ-acute;de bið and ormód se ðe á wile geómrian, Salm. Kmbl. 699; Sal. 349. Óðer bið unlæ-acute;de on eorðan, óðer bið eádig, 731; Sal. 365. Him mæg eádig eorl eáðe geceósan mildne hláford; ne mæg dón unlæ-acute;de swá, 784; Sal. 391. Lócaþ fram ðam unlæ-acute;dan hláford his lord turns his looks from the unhappy man, 765; Sal. 382. II. in a moral sense, poor, miserable, wretched :-- Mé þincð swíðe dysig man and swíðe unlæ-acute;de ðe nele hys andgyt æ-acute;can ða hwíle ðe hé on ðisse weontlde byð, Shrn. 204, 24. Unlæ-acute;de bið on eorðan, unnyt lífes se þurh ðone cantic ne can Crist geherian, Salm. Kmbl. 41; Sal. 21. Ræ-acute;d biþ nyttost, yfel unnyttost, ðæt unlæ-acute;ð nimeþ, Exon. Th. 341, 3; Gn. Ex. 120. Helle gæ-acute;st, earm and unlæ-acute;d, 279, 19; Jul. 616. Se unlæ-acute;da (-e, MS.) Iudas, se ðe hine tó deáþe belæ-acute;wed hæfde, Wanl. Catal. 134, col. 1. Swá heó ðæs unlæ-acute;dan (Holofernes) eáþost mihte wel gewealdan, Judth. Thw. 23, 3; Jud. 102. Ða þrowunga ðe hé ádreág æt ðæm unlæ-acute;dan folce Iudéa, Blickl. Homl. 97, 16. Ðæt wíte, ðæt ðon unlæ-acute;don geteohhod biþ; him wæ-acute;re betere ðæt hé næ-acute;fre geboren næ-acute;re, 25, 24. Ða unlæ-acute;dan (the chief priests who wished to kill Lazarus, Jn. 12, 10), 77, 9. Gesæ-acute;lige beóð ða ðe ðam fyliaþ, and unlæ-acute;de beóð ða ðe ðam wiðsacaþ, Wulfst. 264, 21. Gé sind unlæ-acute;de, earm[r]a geþóhta, Andr. Kmbl. 1487; An. 745. Unlæ-acute;dra (the cannibals) eafoð, 59; An. 30: (evil spirits), 283; An. 142. Hé æt ðæ-acute;m unlæ-acute;dum Iudéum manig bysmor geþrowade, Blickl. Homl. 23, 30: 85, 1. [Þo unlede (þese wikkede, MS. V.) fode, Al. (T.) 333. Hu he is unlede (miserable) þat foleweþ queue rede, Misc. 122, 337: O. and N. 1644. Goth. un-léds poor.] v. un-læ-acute;dlíce.
un-læ-acute;de; adj. Stray(?) :-- Ðá forstæl hé ða unlæ-acute;dan oxan, Chart. Th. 172, 21.
un-læ-acute;dlíce; adv. Miserably, wretchedly :-- Hé (Judas) hine sylfne swíðe earme and unlæ-acute;dlíce of ðære gemánan ealra Godes gecorenra ádilgode, Homl. Ass. 153, 48. Hé hine sylfne swíðe unlæ-acute;dlíce áhéng and swá ungesæ-acute;liglíce tó écan deáðe wæs geniðerad, 158, 163.
un-læ-acute;gne. v. un-lígne.
un-læ-acute;ne; adj. Not transitory, permanent :-- For ðissum læ-acute;nan lífe ic sylle ðæt unlæ-acute;ne, Wulfst. 264, 18.
un-læ-acute;red; adj. Untaught, unlearned, ignorant :-- Gelaered oððe unlaered doctus vel indoctus, Mt. Kmbl. p. 1, 6. Hú mæg unlæ-acute;red déma óðerne læ-acute;ran? L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 326, 32. Ðætte unlæ-acute;rede (-læ-acute;rde, Hatt. MS.) ne dyrren underfón láreówdóm ne venire imperiti ad magisterium audeant, Past. 1; Swt. 24, 14. Tó ðon ðæt unlæ-acute;rede sýn gelæ-acute;rede ut indocti doceantur, Bd. 1, 27; S. 492, 24. Ðú ongytest ðæt hié syndon unlæ-acute;rede men, Blickl. Homl. 183, 7. Hwá unlæ-acute;redra ne wundraþ...? Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 15: Met. 28, 1. v. un-gelæ-acute;red.
un-læt; adj. Not slow, quick, ready, active :-- Unlæt non pigra, Wrt. Voc. ii. 61, 61. Wíga, unlæt láces (death), Exon. Th. 164, 5; Gú. 1007. Hræd and unlæt, 436, 9; Rä. 54, 11.
un-láf, e; f. A child not left by a father at his death, a child born after the father's death, a posthumous child :-- Unláb posthumus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 117, 67. Unláf, 69, 2: 93, 70.
un-lagu, e; f. I. violation of law, illegality, injustice :-- Mid unlage contra justitiam, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 198, 15: 224, 11. Ðeáh ðe Harold ðæt land mid unlage út nam, 274, 29. Ic nelle geðafian ðat man hym æ-acute;nige unlage beóde nec impune feram quod aliquis ei injuriam inferat aut molestiam, 296, 27: vi. 187, 22. Se ðe unlage ræ-acute;re oþþe undóm gedéme, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 9: Chr. 1052; Erl. 186, 2. Ðæt man rihte lage up áræ-acute;re and æ-acute;lce unlage áfylle, L. Eth. v. 1; Th. i. 304, 11. Fela unrihta and yfelra unlaga árysan, Chr. 975; Erl. 127, 30. Æt unlagum unlawfully (cf. Icel. at úlögum in a lawless manner), L. C. S. 61; Th. i. 408, 18. Swicollíce dæ-acute;da and láðlíce unlaga áscunige man, ðæt is, false gewihta ... and leáse gewitnessa, L. Eth. v. 24; Th. i. 310, 12: vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 13. Ðæt man rihte laga up áræ-acute;re, and æ-acute;ghwylce unlaga georne áfylle, vi. 8; Th. i. 316, 26: L. C. S. 1; Th. i. 376, 8: 11; Th. i. 382, 7: Wulfst. 156, 13. Hé ne róhte ná hú manige unlaga hí dydon, Chr. 1086; Erl. 220, 13. II. a bad law :-- Man beháteþ, ðonne man fulluhtes gyrneþ, ðæt. man aa wile deófol áscunian, and his unlára forbúgan and ealle his unlaga áweorpan, Wulfst. 144, 10. Cradolcild wæ-acute;ron geþeówode þurh wælhreówe unlaga for lytelre þýfðe, 158, 14. [Icel. ú-lög; pl. lawlessness, injustice.]
un-land, es; n. What is not land :-- On ðam fíftan dæ-acute;le healfum londes and unlondes (sea, marsh, etc.), Bt. 18, 1; Fox 62, 23. Tó ðam unlonde (the whale, by whose side seamen,'deeming him some island,' moor their bark), Exon. Th. 361, 3; Wal. 14.
un-landágende; adj. Not owning land :-- Gesíðcund mon unlandágende, L. In. 51; Th. i. 134, 9.
un-lár, e; f. Evil teaching, incitement to evil :-- Ða ðe nú deófle fyligaþ and his unlárum, Wulfst. 19, 17: 37, 12. Se ðe gehealt Godes beboda, and forbúhð deófles unlárum, L. I. P. 21; Th. ii. 330, 28. Ðæt hé forsace and forbúge deófles unlára, Wulfst. 32, 15: 144. 9.
un-leahtorwirþe; adj. Unblameable :-- Godes æ-acute; is swíðe unleahtorwyrðe lex Domini inreprehensibilis, Ps. Th. 18, 7.
un-leánod; adj. Not repaid :-- Ic wille, gif ic æ-acute;nigum menu æ-acute;nig feoh unleánod hæbbe, ðæt míne mágas ðæt geleánian, Chart. Th. 491, 5.
un-leás; adj. Not false, true :-- Uhleás non frivola, non falsa, Hpt. Gl. 432, 21. Se bið unleás forscrencend ðe his leahtras forscrencð, Homl. Th. i. 586, 23. Wé willaþ eów gereccan óðres mannes gesihðe ðe unleás is, ii. 332, 26. Gelýf hys hálgum, for ðam hí wéron swíðe unleáse gewitan, Shrn. 199, 24. Unleásra manna sægena, 195, 29. Hweðer ðé ðince Honorius wísra oððe unleásera ðonne Crist, 196, 27. Wísran and unleáseran ðegnas, 197, 8.
un-leáslíce; adv. Not falsely, truly :-- Heó geseah ðæt his bodung unleáslíce gefylled wæs, Homl. Th. i. 42, 29. Gif wé ðæt geðyld on úrum móde unleáslíce healdaþ, ii. 546, 1. Hé cwæð ðis unleáslíce, 386, 10. Mid ánfealdnysse sprece hé æ-acute;fre unleáslíce, L. Ælfc. C. 30; Th. ii. 354, 5.