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cyninges (cf. him God sealde gumena ríce, world tó gewealde. Cd. Th. 254, 7; Dan. 608), Exon. Th. 197, 4; Az. 185. [Weoreldking (worlich king, 2nd MS.), Laym. 6328. O. Sax. werold-kuning an earthly king, a powerful king: O. H. Ger. weralt-kuning an earthly king.]

weorold-dæ-acute;d, e; f. A worldly deed, a deed which is concerned only with affairs of this world:-- Hé hyne sylfne æ-acute;gðer ge wið woroldspræ-acute;ce ge wið worolddæ-acute;da warnige, L. E. I. 21 ; Th. ii. 414, 38. [O. H. Ger. weralt-tát seculi actus.]

weorold-deád; adj. Dead as far as this life is concerned, dead as regards the body:-- Hí mé on deorce stówe settan, samed aulíce swá ðú worulddeáde wrige mid foldan collocavit me in obscuris sicut mortuos seculi, Ps. Th. 142, 4.

weorold-déma, an; m. A secular judge:-- Be eorlum. Eorlas and heretogan and ðás worulddéman ágan nýdþéarfe ðæt hí riht lufian, L. I. P. 11; Th. ii. 318, 20. Bisceop sceall saca sehtan mid ðám worulddéman ðe riht lufian, 7 ; Th. ii. 312, 15, 36.

weorold-dóm, es; m. A secular judgment, judgment by a secular court:-- Sum wer wæs betogen ðæt hé wæ-acute;re on stale, and hine man gelæhte and æfter worulddóme dydon him út ða eágan, Homl. Skt. i. 21, 267.

weorold-dreám, es; m. Joy of this life:-- Hé worulddreáma breác, Cd. Th. 74, 10; Gen. 1220: 180, 9; Exod. 42. þenden ic wunige on worulddreámum quamdiu ero, Ps. Th. 103, 31: Exon. Th. 184, 1; Gú. 1337.

weorold-dryhten, es; m. The Lord of the world, the Deity:-- Gif ðú wilnige weorulddrihtnes heáne anwald ongitan si vis celsi jura tonantis cernere, Met. 29, 1.

weorold-duguþ, e; f. Worldly good:-- Wilna brytta and woruld-dugeða bróðrum sínum, Cd. Th. 97, 30 ; Gen. 1620. Wilna wæstmum and worulddugeðum, lufum and lissum, 117, 4 ; Gen. 1948.

weorold-earfeþe, es; n. Labour or trouble of this life:-- Strong wind woruldearfoþa. Met. 7, 26, 35, 49.

weorold-ege, es; m. Worldly fear, fear of the world:-- Hý sculan Godes ege habban on gemynde and ne eargian for woruldege ealles tó swýðe, L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 20.

weorold-ende, es; m. The end of the world:-- Ðæt hé léte hyne licgean ðæ-acute;r hé longe wæs, wícum wunian óð woruldende, Beo. Th. 6159; B. 3083. [O. H. Ger. weralt-enti.]

weorold-fægerness, e; f. Earthly fairness:-- Seó hine læ-acute;rde ðæt hé næ-acute;fre Godes geleáfan forléte, and ðæt næ-acute;nig woruldfægernes æ-acute;fre his geðóht oncerde, Shrn. 59, 31.

weorold-feoh; gen. -feós; n. Worldly wealth, this world's goods:-- Nis woruldfeoh ðe ic mé ágan wille sceat ne scilling (I will not take from a thread even to a shoe-latchet, Gen. 14, 23), Cd. Th. 129, 12 ; Gen. 2142.

weorold-folgoþ, es; m, A worldly service, service with an earthly lord:-- Sceolde Sanctus Martinus néde beón on ðære geféræ-acute;denne cininges ðegna . . . Næs ná ðæt hé his willan on ðæm woruldfolgaðe wæ-acute;re . . . Ðá hé wæs týn wintre, and hine hys yldran tó woruldfolgaðe tyhton, ðá fleáh hé tó Godes ciricean. Blickl. Homl. 211, 22-29. Ðá forlét hé ðone woroldfolgað, and ðá gewát tó Sancte Hilarie ðæm bisceope, 217, 1.

weorold-fræt[e]wung, e; f. Worldly ornament, earthly decoration:-- Ne mid golde, ne mid seolfre, ne mid næ-acute;nigre worldfrætwunga, Blickl. Homl. 125, 36.

weorold-freond, es; m. An earthly friend:-- Weoruldfrýnd míne, Met. 2, 16. Wé witan ðæt ús forlæ-acute;taþ and níde sculon ealle úre world-frýnd, Wulfst. 127, 31. Ealle úre weoruldfreónd, 122, 7.

weorold-friþ, es; n. Peace that is maintained by the temporal power. Cf. cyric-friþ :-- Ðæt woroldfrið stande betweox Æðelréde cynge and eallum his leódscipe, and eallum ðam here ðe se cyng ðæt feoh sealde, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 9.

weorold-fruma, an ; m. One of the world's great men:-- Ðá gemunde hé ða strangan dæ-acute;da ðara unmanna (iumanna ?) and ðæra woruldfrumena valida priscorum heroum facta reminiscens, Guthl. 2 ; Gdwin. 12, 28.

weorold-gálness, e; f. Desire for worldly pleasures:-- Ðara bócera ðe nellaþ godspel sæcgan Godes folce for hiora gémeleáste and for weoruld-gálnesse, Wulfst. 219, 14.

weorold-gebyrd[u]; f. Birth (natural not spiritual) :-- Hé wæs on his móde æþelra ðonne on woruldgebyrdum erat animo quam carne nobilior, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 26. Wæs heó æþele in weoruldgebyrdum, ðæt heó wæs ðæs cyninges nefan dohtor nobilis natu erat, hoc est, filia nepotis regis, 4, 23; S. 593, 2. v. ge-byrd.

weorold-gedál, es; n. Parting from the world, death :-- Tó woruld-gedále. Elen. Kmbl. 1159; El. 581.

weorold-gefeoht, es; n. An earthly fight:-- Sigefæste on worold-gefeohtum, Shrn. 61, 29.

weorold-geflit, es; n. A secular dispute:-- Gif him þince ðæt hé æt woruldgeflitum sí, ðæt tácnaþ him ádl tówerd. Lchdm. iii. 174, 19.

weorold-geræ-acute;dness, e; f. A secular ordinance:-- Weoruldgeræ-acute;dnes (Eádgáres cyninges geræ-acute;dnes, MS. D.), L. Edg. ii. 1; Th. i. 266, 1.

weorold-geriht, es; n. A secular or civil right:-- Woruldgerihta ic wille ðæt standan on æ-acute;lcum leódscipe swá góde swá hý mon on betste áredian mæge . . . And ic wille ðæt woruldgerihta mid Denum standan be swá gódum lagum swá hý betst geceósan mægen, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 23-31.

weorold-gerisene, es; n. Worldly propriety:-- Æfter Godes rihte and æfter woroldgerysnum as religion and the world require, L. O. 1; Th. i. 178, 5 : L. Edm. B. 1; Th. i. 254, 4. Woruldgerysenum, L. I. P. 24; Th. ii. 336, 38.

weorold-gesæ-acute;lig; adj. Blessed with this world's goods, prosperous:-- Wís ealdorman, woruldgesæ-acute;lig, Byrht. Th. 138, 13; By. 219. [Cf. O. H. Ger. weralt-sálig abundans in seculo.]

weorold-gesæ-acute;lþa; pl. f. This world's goods, earthly blessings:-- Eálá! hwæþer gé men ongiton hwelc se wela sié, and se anweald, and ða woruld-gesæ-acute;lþa, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 50, 36: 16, 3; Fox 54, 16. Ða getreówan treónd, ic secge seó ðæt deórweorðeste ðyng eallra ðissa woruldgesæ-acute;lþa, 24, 3 ; Fox 82, 29. Tó upáhafen for woruldgesæ-acute;lþum, Met. 5, 34. Ðeáh hý sýn on þyson woroldgesæ-acute;lþon ða unspédgestan, Ors. 1, 2; Swt. 30, 4. Æ-acute;lc ðara ðe ðás woruldgesæ-acute;lþa hæfþ, Bt. 11. 2; Fox 34, 23. v. weorold-sæ-acute;lþa.

weorold-gesceaft, e; f. I. the created world:-- Óð ðæt ðeós woruldgesceaft þurh word gewearð wuldorcyninges, Cd. Th. 7, 23 ; Gen. 110. II. created things, creatures:-- God wolde ðæt him eorðe and uproder and síd wæter geseted wurde woruldgesceafte on wráðra gield, Cd. Th. 7, 4; Gen. 101. III. a creature of this world, an earthly creature:-- Ða unstillan woruldgesceafta, Met. 11. 19, 101. Hé waldeþ weoruldgesceafta, 29, 78. Woruldgesceafta, 11, 84. Fægerust woruldgesceafta (the sun), Menol. Fox 227; Men. 115. Weroda Waldend, woruldgesceafta, Cd. Th. 237, 4; Dan. 332 : 53, 19 ; Gen. 863. Ðæt fýr is yfemest ofer eallum ðissum woruldgesccaftum, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 128, 39, Wið ealle weoruldgesceafta, Met. 20, 129.

weorold-gestreón, es ; n. Worldly gain, this world's wealth:-- Wéndest ðú, gif ðú mé sealdest ówiht ðínes, ðæt ðé ðonne wæ-acute;re ðín woruldgestreón eall gelytlad? Wulfst. 260, 19. Ðás woruldgestreón, Exon. Th. 106, 15 ; Gú. 41. Sum hér ofer eorþan æ-acute;hta onlíhð, woruld-gestreóna, 295, 10; Crä. 31. Ofergræ-acute;dige woruldgestreóna (cupidi, 2 Tim. 3, 2), Wulfst. 81, 14. Hé breác mondreáma hér, woruld-gestreóna. Cd. Th. 71, 27; Gen. 1177. Swíðan woruldgestreónum, 164, 19 ; Gen. 2717. Eádge eorðwelan . . . and heora woruldgestreón, 112, 32; Gen. 1879: Exon. Th. 215, 18; Ph. 255. Feor lá sí ðæt Godes cyrice . . . weoruldgestreón séce (lucra quaerere), Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 26.

weorold-geswinc, es; n. Worldly labour or toil:-- Sió friðstów æfter ðissum weoruldgeswincum, Met. 31, 18. Ðyncð him gesuinc ðæt hé bið bútan woroldgesuincium (worldgeswincum, Hatt. MS.) laborem deputant, si in terrenis negotiis non laborant, Past. 18 ; Swt. 129, 1.

weorold-geþóht, es; m. A worldly thought:-- Cristes þegnas ðeossa worda nán ongeotan ne mehton, ac hié wæ-acute;ron him bedíglede, for ðon ðe hié wæ-acute;ron ðágyt mid worldgeþóhtum bewrigene, Blickl. Homl. 15, 14.

weorold-geþyngþ[u]; f. Worldly dignity:-- Æ-acute;lc heáh ár hér on worulde bið mid frécnessum embeseald; efne swá ða woruldgeþincþa (-geþingþa, v. l.) beóð máran, swá ða frécnessa beóð swíðran, Wulfst. 362, 3.

weorold-gewinn, es; n. Earthly war:-- Hit bið swýðe derigendlíc, ðæt Godes þeówan Drihtnes þeówdóm, forlæ-acute;tan, and tó woruldgewinne (weoruld-, worold-, v. ll.) búgan, ðe him náht tó ne gebyraþ. Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 832.

weorold-gewritu; pl, n. Profane literature:-- On weoruldgewritum gelæ-acute;red saeculari literatura instructus. Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 11. Ðá læ-acute;rde se hyne godcunde gewritu ; ðá forlét hé ða woruldgewrytu, Shrn. 152, 20.

weorold-gewuna, an; m. The custom of the world:-- Hé ásmeáde ðæt godcunde be woruldgewunan he considered the religious question from a secular standpoint, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 270, 15.

weorold-gifu, e; f. A gift of temporal things:-- Sende se eádiga pápa Gregorius Æðelbyrhte cyninge woroldgife monige, Bd. 1, 32; S. 498, 20. Woruldgiua, Chr. 995 ; Th. i. 244, 17.

weorold-gilp, es; m. Worldly glory:-- Ðæ-acute;m upáhæfenum is tó cýðanne hwelc náwuht ðes woruldgielp (worldgilp, Cott. MSS.) is elatis intimandum est, quam sit nulla temporalis gloria, Past. 41 ; Swt. 299, 6. For ðære gewilnunga woroldgielpes and giétsunga appetendis lucris temporalibus honoribusque, 21 ; Swt. 157, 2. Wé ðurh ða ne wilniaþ woruldgielpes per eam humanas laudes assequi minime ambimus, 48; Swt. 375, 11. Largitas . . . ðæt is ðæt man wíslíce his æ-acute;hta áspende, ná for woruld-gylpe, Homl. Skt. i. 16, 327, 330. [For weorld&yogh;elpe, worldjelpe, O. E. Homl. i. 105, 14, 13.]

weorold-gímenn (?). v. weorold-sorh (last passage).

weorold-gítsere, es; m. One who is covetous of this world's goods:-- Hwæt bið ðæm welegan woruldgítsere (cf. gítsere, Bt. 26, 3; Fox 94, 13) on his móde ðe bet, þeáh hé micel áge goldes and gimma and gooda gehwæs, Met. 14, 1.

weorold-gítsung, e ; f. Greed for this world's goods, covetousness:-- Ne mæg fira nán wísdóm timbran, ðæ-acute;r ðæ-acute;r woruldgítsung (cf. gítsung, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 12) beorg oferbræ-acute;deþ. Met. 7, 12. Hí cumaþ of woruldgítsunga. Bt. 7, 1 ; Fox 16, 15.