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wícan; p. wác, pl. wicon; pp. wicen To yield, give way :-- Wicon weallfæsten, wæ-acute;gas burston, multon meretorras, Cod. Th. 208, 14; Exod. 483, [O. Sax. wíkan- : O. Frs. wíka : O. H. Ger. wíchan cedere : Icel. víkja.] v. ge-, on-wícan.
wíc-bora. v. wíg-bora.
wicca, an; m. A wizard, soothsayer, sorcerer, magician :-- Wicca ariolus, Wrt. Voc. i. 57, 40 : 60, 30. Dréas and wiccan arioli et conjectoris (in similitudinem arioli et conjectoris, Prov. 23, 7), Kent. Gl. 869. Drýmen and feóndlíce wiccan and óðre wígeleras, Homl. Th. ii. 330, 28 : Wulfst. 27, 1. Be wiccum, wíglerum, etc. Gif wiccan oþþe wigleras . . . , L. E. G. 11; Th, i. 172, 20 : L. Eth. vi. 7; Th. i. 316, 20 : L. C. S. 4; Th. i. 378, 7. Wiccum a pythonibus, Hpt. Gl. 504, 66. Hi áxoden æt wyccum and æt wísum drýum, Homl. Skt. i. 2, 108. Ða fæ-acute;nman ðe
gewuniaþ onfón wiccan, L. Alf. 30; Th. i. 52, 10. Ne áxa náne wicca[n] ræ-acute;des nec sit qui pythones consulat nec divinos, Deut. 18, 11. [Symon þe wicche Simon Magus, Jul. 40, 9. Ðe wicches the magicians, Gen. and Ex. 3028. Uor ane wychche þet hette Symoun, Ayenb, 41, 28. Somme saide he was a wicche, Piers P. 18, 69. Wytche, wyche magus, sortilegus, Prompt. Parv. 526. Wyche hic sortilegus, Wülck. Gl. 652, 12 (15th cent.).] v. next word, to which perhaps some of the passages given above might belong.
wicce, an; f. A witch, sorceress :-- Wycce phytonyssa, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 42. Nú cwyð sum wíglere, ðæt wiccan oft secgaþ swá swá hit ágæ-acute;ð . . . Nú secge wé . . . ðæt se deófol . . . geswutelaþ ðære wiccan hwæt heó secge mannum . . . Ne sceal se cristena befrínan ða fúlan wiccan be his gesundfulnysse, þeáh ðe heó secgan cunne sum ðincg þurh deófol, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 108-126. Ánimaþ ða réðan wiccan, seó ðe ðus áwent þurh wiccecræft manna mód, 7, 209. Wiccan pythonissam, Hpt. Gl. 451, 70. Wiccean and wælcyrian, Chart. Erl. 231, 10. Wiccan, Wulfst. 165, 34. Wiccena parcarum, Anglia xiii, 31, 104. v. Grmm. D. M. p. 985.
wicce-cræeft, es; m. Witchcraft, sorcery, magic art :-- Wiccecræft necromantia, Hpt. Gl. 501, 66. Ða heáfodleahtras sind . . . hæ-acute;ðengyld, drýcræft, wiccecræft, Homl. Th. ii. 592, 7. Se cristena man ðe his hæ-acute;lðe sécan wyle æt unálýfedum tilungum, oððe æt wyrigedum galdrum, oþþe æt æ-acute;nigum wiccecræfte, ðonne bið hé ðám hæ-acute;ðenum mannum gelíc, i. 474, 22 : Homl. Ass. 28, 99. Be wiccecræfte (veneficio) ðæ-acute;r man corn bærnð, L. Ecg. C. 32, tit.; Th. ii. 130, 20, Be wífes wiccecræfte de veneficio mulieris, 33, tit.; Th. ii. 130, 22. Se man ðe begá wiccecræft vir in quo pythonicus vel divinationis fuerit spiritus, Lev. 20, 27 : Wulfst. 71, 2. Hæ-acute;ðenscipe bið ðæt man . . . wiccecræft (wiccan cræft, v. l.) lufige, L. C. S. 5; Th. i. 378, 21 : L. N. P. L. 48; Th. ii. 298, 1. Wiccecræft álecgan, O. E. Howl. i. 302, 36. Seó wicce ðe áwent þurh wiccecræft manna mód, Homl. Skt. i. 7, 210. Eówer nán ne áxie þurh æ-acute;nigne wiccecræft be æ-acute;nigum ðinge, 17, 26. Ne gýman gé galdra ne ídelra hwata ne wígelunga ne wiccecræfta, Wulfst. 40, 14. Be wiccecræftum. Wé cwæ-acute;don be ðæ-acute;m wiccecræftum and be liblácum . . . gif man ðæ-acute;r ácweald wæ-acute;re, and hé his ætsacan ne mihte, ðæ-acute;t hé beó his feores scyldig, L. Ath. i. 6; Th. i. 202, 9-12. Wiccecræftas prestigias, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 25.
wicce-dóm, es; m. Witchcraft, sorcery, magic :-- Næ-acute;fre nán man ne geþrístlæ-acute;ce æ-acute;nigne deófles bigencg tó dónne, ne on wíglunge, ne on wiccedóme, ne on æ-acute;negum ídelum anginne, Homl. Ass. 143, 123.
wiccian; p. ode To practise witchcraft :-- Gif hwá wiccige ymbe æ-acute;niges mannes lufe, and him on æ-acute;te sylle, oððe on drince, oððe on æ-acute;niges cynnes gealdorcræftum, ðæt hyra lufu for ðon ðe máre beón scyle . . . Gif hit bið cleric . . . si quis veneficiis utatur, alicujus amoris gratia, et ei in cibo dederit, vel in potu, vel per alicujus generis incantationes, ut eorum amor inde augeatur . . . Si clericus sit (cf. Com a modi clarc, to mi douter his love beed, . . . he ne mi&yogh;tte his wille have . . . Thenne bigon the clerc to wiche, An. Lit. 11, 3-8), L. Ecg. P, iv. 18; Th. ii. 208, 31 : L. M. I. P. 39; Th. ii. 274, 31. [Þe steven wicchand (wiccand, v. l.) vocem incantantium, Ps. 57, 6. Wytchon (wychyn, wycchyn) wythe sorcerye ariolor, fascino; wytchyn or charmyn incanto, Prompt. Parv. 527.] v. Grmm. D. M. p. 985.
wic-cræft. v. wicg-cræft.
wiccung, e; f. Witching, witchcraft :-- Gif hwylc wíf wiccunga begá si mulier aliqua veneficia exerceat, L. Ecg. C. 29; Th. ii. 154, 26. [Oðer unriht inoh, wicching and swikedom, O. E. Homl. ii. 213, 15.]
wiccung-dóm, es; m. Witchcraft, sorcery, magic :-- Hé hét tósomne sínra leóda ða wiccungdóm wídost bæ-acute;ron (praecepit rex, ut convocarentur arioli, et magi, et malefici, et Chaldaei, Dan. 2, 2), Cd. Th. 223, 17; Dan. 121.
wic-dæg (wicu-, wuce-), es; m. I. a day of the week :-- Ðam æftran dæge (the day after Sunday), on óþrum witodlíce wucedæge die sequenti, secunda uidelicet feria, Anglia xiii. 387, 319. Ðæt hí ðý feórþan wicdæge and ðý syxtan (quarta et sexta Sabbati) fæston, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 9. Ðý drihtenlícan dæge and ðý fíftan wicdæge die dominica et quinta sabbati, 4, 25; S. 599, 30 : 600, 17. II. a week-day, a day on which business may be done :-- Wicdaga nundinarum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 63. [O. H. Ger. wehha-tag : Icel. viku-dagr.]
wice (and wic?), es; m. A wich-elm :-- Cuicbeám, uuice cariscus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 65. Wice, 13, 21 : 1. 285, 45 (at 42 virecta is glossed by wice, but perhaps cwice should be read, cf. virecta quicae, ii. 123, 62). Wic vel cwicbeám cariscus, ii. 129, 7. Tó ðam wic . . . of ðam wice tó ðære hapuldre . . . of ðam alre tó ðám twám wycan standaþ on geréwe eal swá ðæt gemére gæ-acute;ð; swá up tó ðam wice stynt beneoðan bælles wæge; of ðam wice . . . á be hege tó ealdan wycan tó ðam wealle, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 424, 5-30. Genim . . . wice, ác, bircean . . . and æ-acute;lces treówes dæ-acute;l, ðe man begitan mæg, Lchdm. ii. 86, 7. ¶ perhaps the word is found in the place name occurring in the following :-- Uno in eo loco cui uocabulum est æt Griman laeg . . . Tertio æt Wican, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ii, 407, 22 (cf. Ðis syndon ðara halfe híde londgemæ-acute;ru æt Wican, iii. 464, 2). Ad villam quae uocatur Uuican, i. 153, 27 (cf, Ðis synd ða langemæ-acute;ra intó Wican, iii. 382, 4.)\ [Wyche ulmus, Prompt. Parv. 526.]