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nequaquam in sacris eloquiis invenitur quod huic capitulo contradicere videatur, Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 32. Hé oft wolde ðæt eorþlíce ríce forlæ-acute;tan, gif him ne wiþstóde ðæt wiþerwarde mód (obstinatus animus) his wífes, 4, 11; S. 579, 10. Wiðerwurdra contrariarum(omnes rerum contrariarum machinas exterminans, Ald. 57), Hpt. Gl. 502, 26. IV. opposed to what is right, arrogant, perverse, depraved, reprobate, false; in special senses, heretic, apocryphal:--Wiðerweard heorte cor pravum, Ps. Th. 100, 3. Manega mid mannum synd getealde gecorene and mid Gode wiþerwyrde (reprobi), and fela mid mannum wiþerwyrde synd and mid Gode gecorene; nán hine getelle gecorenne, ðe læs ðe hé mid Gode sý wiþerwyrd, Scint. 74, 13-16. Wiðerwurde importunus, improbus, Hpt. Gl. 425, 59. Ðæt wiðerwurde importuna, improba, 444, 22. Mid wiðerwurde protervo, contrario, 434, 12. Betera geþyldig wiþerwyrdum melior patiens arrogante, Scint. 8, 18. Fela ðúsenda folgeaþ Criste, þeáh ðe hí sume (the Jews) wunian wiðerwerde, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 526. Wiðerwearde crist pseudo-cristi, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 24. Wiðerworde criste and wiðerworde wítgu, Mk. Skt. Rush. 13, 22. Alle wiðerweardra gedwola omnes apocryphorum naenias, Mt. Kmbl. p. 10, 9. Wiðerwordra lárwa[s] séda haereticorum semina, 8, 19. Wiðerwurdra perfidorum, impiorum, Hpt. Gl. 415, 45. From wiðirwordum lárwum ab ereticis, Rtl. 198, 19. V. opposed to the good or pleasure of anything, unfavourable, adverse, hurtful, pernicious, disagreeable:--Nánwuht ne byð yfel, æ-acute;r mon wéne ðæt hit yfel seó; and þeáh hit nú hefig seó and wiþerweard, þeáh hit biþ gesæ-acute;lþ gif hit mon geþyldlíce áræfnþ nihil est miserum, nisi cum putes; contraque beata sors omnis est aequinamitate tolerantis, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 31. Seó wiþerwearde wyrd adversa fortuna, 20; Fox 70, 29. [Nán þing] swá wiðerweard þén is [cristenum monnum] swá swá oferfylle nihil sic contrarium est omni christiano quomodo crapula, R. Ben. Interl. 71, 7. Hé álýseþ mé fram worde wiðerweardum (a verbo aspero), Ps. Spl. 90, 3: Blickl. Gl. Alle wiðirwærda hæ-acute;les mennisces wyrttruman omnes adversas salutis humani radices, Rtl. 125, 33. Gif huoelc sindon wiðirworda in húse esnes ðínes si qua sunt adversa in domo famuli tui, 123, 13. Ðonne ðé for worulde wiþerwearda mæ-acute;st þinga þreáge, Met. 5, 36. Þolemód on heardum and on wiþerweardum (contrariis) þingum, R. Ben. 26, 18. Lufian wé hine næs nó on gesundum þingum ánum, ac eác swylce on wiðerweardum þingum, Blickl. Homl. 13, 8. Wið wiþerweard hæ-acute;r; gif ðú nimest wulfes mearh and smyrest mid hraðe ða stówe ðe ða hæ-acute;r beóð of ápullud, ne geþafaþ seó smyrung ðæt hý eft wexen, Lchdm. i. 362, 8. Wala middangeardes getéla, and næ-acute;ngo his wiðirweardo (adversa) onscynia, Rtl. 50, 6. Geþyld gódu gehealt, áweg nýt wyþerwerde, Scint. 13, 10: 62, 5. Wyþerwyrde, 62, 2. VI. of diversity, contrary, opposite in nature, action, etc.:--Ðæt gecynd nyle næ-acute;fre nánwuht wiþerweardes læ-acute;tan gemengan . . . Nú ðonne nú æ-acute;lc gesceaft onscunaþ ðæt, ðæt hire wiþerweard biþ . . . hwelce twá synd wiþerweardran betwux him ðonne gód and yfel? Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 35-56, 7. Ða wiþerweardan gesceafta æ-acute;gþer ge betwux him winnaþ, ge eác fæste sibbe betwux him healdaþ, swá nú fýr déþ and wæter . . . Ac á sceal ðæt wiðerwearde ðæt óðer wiþerwearde gemetgian, 21; Fox 74, 13-20: Met. 11, 49, 52. Ðæt mé þincþ wiþerweard þing in contrarium relapsa res est, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 24. Hé náwyht wiðerweardes (contrarium) ðære sóðfæstnysse ðæs geleáfan Créca ðeáwe on Angelcynnes cyricean on gelæ-acute;dde, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 20. Hí monig óþer ðing ðære cyriclícan ánnesse wiþerword hæfden, 2, 2; S. 502, 12. On monegum ðingum gé wiþerwearde wæ-acute;ron úrum gewunan in multis nostrae consuetudini contraria geritis, S. 503, 18. From wiðerwordum lárwum a diversis auctoribus, Mt. Kmbl. p. 7, 4. [Wið al folc he wes wiðerword, Laym. 6875. Wiþerrwarrd onn&yogh;ænes Godd, Orm. 9667. Ðis king him his wel wiðerward agen ðis folc, Gen. and Ex. 2935. Goth. wiþra&dash-uncertain;wairþs that is over against; contrary: O. Sax. wiðar-ward, -word hostile; displeasing: O. H. Ger. widar-wart, -wert contrarius, adversus, adversarius.] v. un-wiþerweard.

wiþerweardian; p. ode To oppose, be adverse to:--Ða ðe wiþerweardiaþ mé qui adversantur mihi, Ps. Spl. 34, 22. [O. H. Ger. widar-wartón, -wertón obviare, adversari, contraire, fraudare.] v. ge-wiðerworded; wiþerwirdan.

wiþerweard-líc; adj. Unfavourable, adverse, hurtful. v. wiþer-weard, V:--Nis cristenum monnum nán ðing swá wiðerweardlíc and hefigtýme swá swá oferfyl nihil sic contrarium est omni christiano quomodo crapula, R. Ben. 63, 20. Warna ðé ðæt ðú nán þing wiðerwerdlíces ne sprece ongén Jacob cave ne quidquam aspere loquaris contra Jacob, Gen. 31, 24. [O. H. Ger. widarwart-líh tyrannicus.]

wiþerweardlíce; adv. Detrimentally, against the interests of any one:--Þurh ðæt ðe ðú ðysne wuldres cyning áhénge, ðú dydest wyþerwerdlíce ongeán ðé and eác ongeán mé (thou hast acted against thine own interests and against mine. v. Gospel of Nicodemus c. 18, v. 11), Nicod. 29; Thw. 17, 10.

wtyerweard-ness, e; f. I. hostility, contention, opposition. v. wiþer-weard, I:--Nis ðæ-acute;r ege, ne geflit, ne yrre, ne næ-acute;nig wiþerweardnes, Blickl. Homl. 25, 32. Hé wearð græ-acute;dig ðæs gódan deáþes bútan æ-acute;lcre scylde and æ-acute;lcre wiðerweardnesse wið hine he (David) was greedy for the death of the good man (Uriah), who was without any crime against him and had shewn no hostility to him, Past. 3; Swt. 37, 2. Mid wiðerwurdnessa cum aemulo, Hpt. Gl. 405, 32. Sume sace wyðerwyrdnesse hit getácnaþ, Lchdm. iii. 198, 13. II. perversity, frowardness, depravity, arrogance. v. wiþer-weard, IV:--Wiðirweardnis &l-bar; wyrs perversius, Mt. Kmbl. p. 2, 1. Wiþerwerdnysse arrogantie, Anglia xiii. 371, 83. Wyþerwyrdnysse, 369, 56. Wiðirwordnisum pravis, Rtl. 91, 24. III. unfavourable condition, adverse circumstance, adversity. v. wiþer-weard, V:--Seó wiþerweardnes adversa fortuna, adversitas, Bt. 20; Fox 72, 5, 9, 12. Nán yfel ne mæg ðé geneálæ-acute;can, ac æ-acute;lc wiðerweardnys gewíteþ fram ðínre sáwle, Basil admn. 1; Norm. 34, 10. Ðú ðé ne anhebbe on ofermétto on ðínre gesundfulnesse, ne eft ðé ne geortrýwe nánes gódes on nánre wiþerweardnesse, Bt. 6; Fox 16, 1. On wiberwerdnesse in aduersitate, Wülck. Gl. 252, 4. Wiðirwordnise, Rtl. 14, 20. Hé ðisses middangeardes orsorgnesse ne gímð, ne him náne wiðerweardnesse ne andræ-acute;t ðisse worolde qui prospera mundi postposuit, qui nulla adversa pertimescit, Past. 10; Swt. 61, 8: 33; Swt. 219, 2. Hé sæ-acute;de ge hwylce wiþerwardnesse (-wordnesse, Bd. M. 330, 10), ge eft hwylce frófre on ðám wiþerweardnessum (-wordnissum, Bd. M.) him becom, Bd. 4, 22; S. 592, 17. Geþyld on wiðerwerdnyssum, Scint. 12, 12. On wiþerwerdnyssum in adversitatibus, 62, 2. Ða getreówfullan for Godes ege ealle lífes wiðerweardnesse (universa contraria) forþyldigian scylun, R. Ben. 27, 7. IV. contrariety, diversity. v. wiþer-weard, VI:--Seó wiþerweardnes ðe wé æ-acute;r ymbe spræ-acute;con, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 32: Met. 11, 78.

wiþer-wierde, v. wiþer-weard.

wiþer-winn, es; n. Contest, conflict:--Wiþerwinnes exercitationis (qui laboriosi certaminis coronam difficillimis propriae exercitationis viribus nanciscuntur, Ald. 2), Hpt. Gl. 405, 20.

wiper-winna, an; m. An adversary, opponent, enemy:--Emulus, i. contrarius, gewinna, wiþerwinna, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 45. Beó ðú onbúgende ðínum wiþerwinnan (adversario tuo) . . . ðe læs ðe ðín wiðerwinna ðé sylle ðam déman, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 25: Homl. Ass. 4, 95. Ðý læs hé sié ongieten ðæt hé sié wiðerwinna on ðære diégelnesse his geðóhtes ðæs ðe hé bið gesewen ðeów on his ðénunge ne inveniatur ei, cui servire per officium cernitur, occulta cogitationis tyrannide resultare, Past. 19; Swt. 147, 16. Ðæ-acute;r (in heaven) ne wunaþ nán wiþerwinna, Homl. Ass. 78, 145. Úre wiðerwinna is se deófol. . . . Is óðer wiðerwinna, ðæt is Godes word, ðæt word winð on ús, 5, 120-128: 52, 53. Ðæt hálige Godes word is ðín freónd, and ðú wyrcst ðé sylfne ðé tó wiðerwinnan, 6, 138. Ðonne ðú gæ-acute;st on wege mid ðínum wiðerwinnan (cum adversario tuo) tó hwylcum ealdre, Lk. Skt. 12, 58. Wrec mé wið mínne wiðerwinnan, 18, 3. Wiþerwinnan conluctatorem, i. oppugnatorem, Scint. 151, 4. Ðam ne magon ealle eówer wiðerwinnan (aduersarii uestri) wiðstandan and wiðcweðan, Lk. Skt. 21, 15. Ða Godes wiðerwinnan, Homl. Ass. 178, 306. Ða þeóda ða hiora wiðerwinnan wæ-acute;ron, Ors. 6, 35; Swt. 292, 7. Wiðerwinnena aemulorum, contrariorum, inimicorum, Hpt. Gl. 424, 22: 471, 72: 475, 70. Gescylde mé wiþ mínum wiberwinnum, gesewenlícum and ungesewenlícum, Bt. 42; Fox 260, 10. Nigon x hund þúsenda of Persa ánra anwealde búton hiera wiþerwinnum, æ-acute;gþer ge of Sciþþium ge of Crécum, Ors. 2, 5; Swt. 84, 30. [Þe wyþerwynne (thu devil), Misc. 74, 77. Forgive us ure sinne als we don ure wiðerwinnes, Rel. Ant. i. 235, 18. O. H. Ger. widar-winno.]

wiper-winnan to oppose, resist:--Wiþerwinnende rebelles, Germ. 389, 88. [O. H. Ger. uuidar-uuinanten conluctantem.] v. wiþ&dash-uncertain;winnan.

wiþer-winning, e; f. Contest, controversy:--Bútan wiþerwennincge (-winninge?) sine controversia, Scint. 146, 15.

wiþerwirdan; p. de To oppose, be adverse to:--Ealle ða ðé wiþerwyrdaþ omnes qui tibi aduersantur, Scint. 165, 4. v. wiþerweardian.

wiþer-word, -wurd; wiþe-winde. v. wiþer-weard; wiþo-winde.

wiþ-faran; p. -fór To escape. v. wiþ, II. 3:--Siððan hié ðam [herge] wiðfóron, Cd. Th. 214, 23; Exod. 573. v. wiþ-ferian, wiþ-gangan, II.

wiþ-feohtan to fight against, contend with:--Hé gefeaht mid ða æ-acute; ðæs módes, ðære wiþfeaht (wiðflát, v. l.) seó æ-acute; ðe on his limum wæs pugnabat legi mentis, cui lex, quae in membris est, repugnabat, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 39. Wiðfeohtan certare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 17. v. wiþ, II. 10.

wiþ-feohtend, es; m. An adversary, opponent, enemy, a rebel:--Hió self fieht wið hié selfe tó fultome ðæm wiðfeohtende (adversario), Past. 38; Swt. 279, 1. Ðone mángengan and ðone wiþfeohtend rebellem et sacrilegum, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 18. Betweoh ða elreordan and ða wiþfeohtend Cristes geleáfan inter rebelles fidei barbaros, 2, 5; S. 507, 33. v. wiþer-feohtend.

wiþ-feolan; p. -fealh To apply one's self to:--Ðá hé ðá ongeat ðæt hé ðære godspellícan láre georne wiþfealh, and ða ðeóde tó Cristes geleáfan gecyrred hæfde qui ubi prosperatum ei opus evangelii comperit, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 43.

wiþ-ferian; p. ede To carry off; to rescue. v. wiþ, II. 3:--Ðú wiðferedes (fæderas, MS.) Israhéla bearn of Ægyptum redemisti filios Israel et Joseph, Ps. Th. 76, 12. Hé of heofenum hider onsende, ðe mé